Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Immersion into Light Cirlce
An introductory message from Shanta:

Most of you are aware that I have been working with Archangel Gabriel for more than 25 years. What has surprised me more recently are the beautiful gifts from the Angelic Dimensions that come forward for me to share when I teach Light Field Technology classes, where I bring forth the Communion with Angels available to all at this time.

The Archangels that are assisting the hearts of all humanity on Earth each hold a distinct Light Field that inspires a quality of consciousness within us. Archangel Uriel has been called the Angel of Light. He is available to work with us to illuminate our minds and inspire our lives with Beauty, Truth and new expansive insights. The following guided inspiration from Archangel Uriel, which came through a recent class, teaches us to recognize Divine Light as the gift our Soul's have been longing to receive.

The Substance of Divine Light

Immersing Yourself in Liquid Love from the Source of all Life

Dear Ones,

Revel in the substance that is Divine Light. It is the Liquid Love from the Creative Force in whom you live, move and have your being. When you allow yourself to awaken to this truth in your heart, the power of Divine Love transmutes all that you have judged as unworthy within you. You are reawakening to the truth and majesty of who you truly are.

That is why the Archangels are working in the Earthly realms in such a profound way at this time. We are here to not only encourage but to empower, to not only inspire but to transform, to not only lift the veils of ignorance but to so illuminate your mental capacities that you are forever transformed by the Light. You are meant to be a blended being — one who is anchored in the Earth and attuned to the Divine Presence — aligned from Heaven to Earth within your physical body.

The Archangels have come to bring Light from the Source of all Life to the world.We are here to inspire and guide those who will listen and learn to free and be freed. There is no place we are not creating new life and offering it to those who are open to receive. Divine Guidance lives in the Intelligence of this Light. It is only withholding love from yourself that cuts you off from what you most want to receive. When you give love to yourself, you are healed at such a deep level that your heart is illuminated and your receptor channels are activated. This allows you to create new life from Divine Light in this new time awakening on the planet. You can begin now to create the structure you want to live in and the future aspects of yourself you want to become.

When you immerse yourself in Divine Light, new frequencies entrain the field around your body and you have access to the love and intelligence that lives within your heart. There is no power on Earth that can match the Divinity inherent in the Light of God. Reverence for your path is key to conscious immersion in this loving Presence. It is what your heart longs for. It is what your mind is drawn to experience. Your awakening into the Light of Divine Presence allows you to find the freedom to soar above the mundane and yet create in clear practical ways. Without working in multi-dimensional levels you cannot bring Heaven to Earth and receive the gifts your Soul has been longing to bring to life.

This longing of the Soul is under the pain and suffering of so many people. Divine Union is at the basis of all desire. When you commune deeply within your Soul’s longing, the essence of this truth becomes a reality. When people seek partnership, the union of the sacred masculine and feminine is at the heart. When people choose to buy the material things that they believe will make them happy, it is the desire for union within the self they are seeking. You are wanting to fill the empty places within you. Very often the acquiring of a physical object does not satisfy your longing for a substantial length of time.

Coming back to the depth of yourself again and again opens the doorways to your Soul, where the true gifts you long for live within you. There is an awakening to the love that is being provided for you, and your connection to this overflowing fountain of true love is available as a gift. This need to connect to Source of Divine Union within the depth of your being is paramount to creativity and will feed you when you honor it.

All Creation awaits you in this activity as you become pure Divinity walking the Earth and living the fullest radiance of your Soul within a human body. That is how the Light Body is created. From the acceptance of the brilliance of Divine Love awakening in your heart to the breadth of Divine Intelligence expanding through the channels of wisdom available to you, the radiance of this connection becomes full Divine Union.

Whether or not you suspect it, you are being groomed on the physical/emotional level for the Divine Union your Soul longs to experience. Your receptive channels are expanding and opening to the higher frequencies. We are asking you to be a receiver for the Divine Wisdom now available. The true beauty within your alignment with Source energy is transforming your structural integrity to be in harmony with the gifts of your Soul. As you hold more of this divine connection, a melding takes place that allows your cellular structure to radiate new life in crystalline form. This is your true inheritance as a child of God, because your original form was within the crystalline frequencies.

As you hold more Light within your being, all that cannot align with these frequencies drops away and you are free. The freedom that you seek in life is dependent on the power of the connection you feel to All That Is. Immersion in Divine Light allows connection to the Source of all life and brings to you the ultimate satisfaction of remaining free and in alignment with the truth of you moment to moment.

As you look within your deepest Truth, you find yourself on the Path of the Heart.Great strides are possible on this path if you can allow your heart to melt into Love. The Source of All Life requires nothing of you but your total allegiance to being in Unity within yourself. This essence of Divine Union is expanded into multidimensional realms to allow you to partake of the new structures being created in Light.

From that place, all will unfold as you allow yourself to sit in the purity of a field of Divine Love. Accessing this power comes from meeting it with the full force of your agreement to love — no matter what. Within every photon of Light is the creative aspects of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love. Coming back to the depth of love within yourself again and again opens the doorways to your Soul and your awareness that love is being provided for you now and always.

Your connection to this overflowing Fountain of True Love is a gift. All you need to do is to align your being with the Substance of Divine Light, then open your heart and mind to receive. And so it is.

Archangel Uriel
from Shanta Gabriel
August 19, 2015

Daniel B. Holman ~


Announcing the Immersion into Light Circle

Are you feeling the delicious pull to join with other like-minded Souls who are dedicated to the Evolution of Consciousness on Earth?

Do you feel alone in the wilderness of mundane life, wishing for a place to share your vision for a world of Peace and Harmony, where your prayers and good intentions can be expanded and radiated into awakening Light for the highest good of all beings?

Me too! I have long wanted to bring together a group of dedicated beings who desire to work from their hearts to offer Divine Light to the world and all humanity — and now that dream has manifested.

I am thrilled to announce my Immersion into Light Circle, an empowering monthly program designed by the Archangels, that enables us as a group to hold a vision for true Freedom, Peace and Harmony within all beings and for the Earth. This ongoing program will allow us to bring our focused, prayerful intentions into the world together so we can be the change we want to see happen in a proactive way.

Every month at the New Moon, I will bring a potent, timely and beautiful theme from the Angelic Dimensions in the form of a deeply inspired prayer and affirmative intention for us to share. These will not only embody our group intention and provide a supportive platform for our lives, all members of the group will be enfolded in a radiant field of dedicated Divine Light.

By the Full Moon, you will receive a guided meditation channeled and inspired by the Archangel holding frequencies for our lives during the month. This meditation will guide you through the process of empowered intention on an energetic level, providing the activations necessary for alignment with the qualities of consciousness we are focused on.

And that is not all! Join by September 4 to become a Founding Member. See details here.


About Shanta

Shanta GabrielShanta Gabriel is an author, way-shower and mystic, whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth by alignment, immersion, and connection with the Archangels with whom she has trained for over 25 years. She shares this work by facilitating and inviting people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Love.

For more information about her classes, private sessions and products, visit her site

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The Meaning of Divine Timing

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages Book and The Gabriel Message Cards in these articles to provide insight and inspiration each week that we can bring into our daily lives.

For this week's issue, The Gabriel Message is encouraging us to slow down and look at life from an expanded perspective.

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

Without Patience you will never understand the meaning of Divine Timing.

Shanta GabrielPatience is so tricky sometimes. It is often difficult to allow the situation to be as it is and surrender to the process that is afoot. Sometimes I need to allow myself the experience and let myself just expand into spacious Beingness, especially in Nature. This spaciousness allows me to move into an expanded perspective and provides a lovely experience of being supported and inspired by the beauty in the world. Being in Nature raises my vibrational frequency and allows me to feel happy and uplifted. The process of creation is simplified if I allow myself this space.

It seems having patience is difficult for most people. I wonder if it is just inertia, and we get on a roll and find it hard to stop. I have had times when I wondered if it was even possible for me to slow down because it felt like there was so much to do. Life gets very stressful in those moments.

But how much time does it actually take to slow down enough to breathe a little deeper, to stop for one minute to put my hands on my heart to feel that inner sense of coherence? If I can remember my alignment to Source energy, my whole being changes and I feel so much more connected and grounded. This one-minute process can change our consciousness and bring us back into the wisdom of the heart.

There is no way to encourage Divine Timing to move faster. Allowing yourself to have the patience to breathe more deeply and feel at home in yourself helps you to be more at peace with the situations in front of you and allow benevolent outcomes to unfold.

I love Hatha Yoga. It teaches me about slowing down and allowing as well as strengthening my body. One of the things that amazes me is what a metaphor yoga is for life. The continuous deeply-connecting breaths that I do during a yoga class permeates my being, so when I finish the class I am more grounded and patient. Sometimes I have gone to class in a resistant mood believing I don't have time to slow down. But within the first 10 minutes or so, my concentration is focused on my breath and allowing my body to stretch quietly and gently. My mind calms down and I feel fully in my body for the first time that day. My whole yoga class becomes a lesson for allowing things to happen without strain. For these reasons, doing an energetic practice like Hatha Yoga, Chi Kung or Tai Chi can be incredibly helpful in these challenging times.

Not surprisingly, I leave class and everything that needs to be done gets done, more easily and with more focus. Or not, but at least I am more allowing of the timing and my mind is not so invested in making things happen. Slowing down my breath and moving more consciously is in harmony with the flow of creative energy. From this place I can allow Divine Timing into every area of my life. Everything becomes more graceful and I am more at ease. Then all is truly well.

Divine Presence, with every breath I take, may I and all beings move more deeply into Alignment with Source energy.

May I trust the dynamic activity of Divine Timing in my life right now and love myself through the process of allowing it to work in every area of my life.

Thank you for gracefully guiding and directing all that I am and all that I do, And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
August 23, 2015
The Gabriel Messages Book #19
Without patience you can never understand
the meaning of Divine Timing.

Dear One,

Your presence in the world in a conscious manner leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Your Soul's task is to carry the light of love and truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Through this intention you will bring more peace and light into the world.

Being a visionary, you see in your mind that which you wish to accomplish. It becomes your intention, as if you are taking aim, pulling back the bow and shooting your arrow toward your target. With this clarity, you will surely reach your mark. There is, however, the question of when.

At work in the world is the principle of Divine Timing. It is one of the immutable laws in the universe, such as Divine Order and Divine Justice. It is not something that you can push to make it go faster. There are times when you must wait upon the will of God in order to have your dream manifest in the most appropriate way for your highest good. This requires patience. It is sometimes difficult to have patience when you can see your vision so clearly. Often there is the desire to make it happen now. This is not God’s will but the ego’s will at work. You might be able to force the manifestation of certain parts of your vision, but it will not feel right once this occurs. It will feel as though you are pushing the river. When all is flowing according to God's will, miracles occur. You can ride the wave of this energy and it feels effortless.


Imagine that you are at one of those points in your life when you want very badly to have a certain vision manifest. Let's say you really want it now but you are struggling against a wall of obstacles. If you are mentally or emotionally tense, anxious and impatient, anything which you do physically at this time will be pushing at the energy which is already at work. It is at these times that you must step aside, even though it may be most difficult. Release your striving, and turn the whole situation over to God and the Angels.

You can assist the manifestation of your dream by simply sitting quietly and breathing in Divine Light and Love. As you continue to breathe these balanced breaths, see yourself in a pillar of golden light. This is the light of peace, love and wisdom that connects you with Divine Inspiration and the nurturing presence of the earth. While sitting in this light, in your mind’s eye remember your vision, the dream that you want for your life at this time. Allow your dream to be energized by this pillar of golden light. Know in your heart that you always receive that which is in your highest good.

Know that the Angels are blessing you with love and wisdom. They are blessing all that you need to do in order to have your dream. Feel this loving presence with you, enfolding you in love and light. Feel peace permeating every fiber of your being. Know in your heart that all will come to you in perfect Divine Timing. Give thanks for all the blessings in your life. Give thanks that this dream is manifesting in its own perfect and right time for your highest good. And as you exhale, release this vision to God and the Angels and allow this energy to work for you.
This practice will help give you patience and trust in Divine Timing. With a small amount of conscious focus you can begin to apply these principles to your day-to-day living and create a life filled with more peace, joy and love. This is God’s will for all. Call on the Angels for assistance and remember to take time to breathe and receive the knowing in your heart that all is in the flow of Divine creative energy.

And most of all remember:
Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing.

Archangel Gabriel
from Shanta Gabriel
August 23, 2015

Expanding More as Love

A woman I know was given a vision earlier this year. She was guided to begin a healing center based on “paying it forward,” where no money is exchanged; just a promise to pay the healing forward in some way. She trusted she would be shown the way. Her Soul told her that a new opportunity may very well present itself, which at first may seem beyond her financial means or expertise. She had no idea how her vision would be manifest, yet she trusted. She asked where this center would be and she was guided to a piece of land. She also was told by some that it was a silly idea; after all, there was no house on the property and she needed a place to live. Months later a friend sent her a listing for a 7-acre piece of land…the same land she was guided to! She bought it. She does not currently know how it will unfold, yet is trusting in her guidance, as she is led step by step. She does not have the details of the vision and she has no idea how this all will transpire. She just knows that she is meant to do this, even though she has periods of fear and doubt.

In the 9th Century B.C. there was a powerful prophet named Elijah. He went through many trials and suffering, yet always followed his guidance, regardless of not knowing where it would lead. He also had much doubt and did not believe himself to be a prophet; so unworthy he felt. He was often visited by an Angel. The Angel told him that if a person doubted and questioned, that person was indeed blessed, for those who never doubt or question are led to false pride of separate ego. When Elijah was in great doubt about what he was guided/told to do, the Angel said, “Use your Power!” Elijah told the Angel that he had no such Power; only God does. The Angel replied that all have the Power of Source and do not use it.

I share these stories because we have walked through the Magdalen Gateway and the Lion’s Gate, which awakened our Power further to create and manifest to a much higher degree than before. Yet, most do not trust this and act as if they are still in the old, limited way of living. Take off your old clothes and dress in your New garments of Light and take just one step toward your vision; toward New Life. Let go of the end result, for it may not be what you envision. All is in Divine Order and all you are asked to do is to take a step. You can use this exercise, if you resonate with it:

The Golden Rose
Visualize a Golden Rose before you, with the stem going 1” into Earth. The blossom is golden and fully blossomed. Place your vision from beginning to end and in detail into the blossom. Watch the blossom as your vision transforms into White Light. Then release the Rose into the Universe, watching it float from sight.

When you release the Rose to the Universe, Source helps you manifest your vision according to Divine Order. Divine Order may not be what you envision, yet it will be perfectly aligned with your Soul’s Love. If you stumble and have doubts, know that that is all part of it and it keeps you humble and true to your Path. Just don’t forget your vision. You can set it aside for a while, yet you will always return to it, renewed.

I have had definite lapses in Trust. During these times I doubted all spirituality and let it go. It was during these times in which I actually became stronger and more committed too. The vision and my Path always returned stronger than before. One very powerful time was many years ago. I had just lost my job and since I was the mother of two teen-age girls, I went into a deep depression as to how I was going to provide for them. I went from the bed to the couch day after day, spiraling downward in despair. I consciously was aware of allowing myself to let go and not try to pull myself together. One day I even thought I would kill myself and went into the bathroom and tried to take apart a disposable razor. I couldn’t do it and returned to the couch. A friend told me, “As deep as your despair is now is as great as your Joy will be on the other side.” I didn’t believe him and tossed away all that I believed spiritually. There was no way out. Then a voice came to me and said, “Stand up and turn to your right; there will be a door.” I stood up and physically made a turn to the right and saw the door. I opened it and walked through. I saw that I was to open a spiritual center. My entire body lifted from the depths. Just then the phone rang. I had to tell someone of the vision or it would dissipate. The person who called me was a graphic designer. Upon telling her of my intention, she told me of an office space with cheap rent and that she would make a business card for free. She said, “What will you call it?” Without thinking I replied, “Heart Center.” And all details manifested one step at a time. It was not without challenge and work, yet I was in a completely new space. This was not an isolated event; I have had similar situations and have always risen higher. When we do not say Yes! in order to remain in our comfort zone, that is the greater sin. As the Angel said to Elijah, “You have the Power” and it is true for you. We are as powerful as Elijah the Prophet was and more.

We are vibrating higher and our consciousness has expanded. If you are experiencing vibrations throughout your body and your ear noise has increased along with other physical sensations, know that you are more Light and more Love and more powerful than you have ever been before. Even if you are continuing to go through changes, you are doing it more effortlessly now. The Gateways brought to us huge waves of Light that engulfed us and continue to affect every area of our lives with powerful Transformation. Our old foundations crumble so that new ones can be built and as we build our new foundations based on the vision of our New Lives, we create and manifest according to the consciousness we now are. As each one follows their Guidance 100%, as Elijah did, we are led to and create Heaven on Earth. Our multidimensional selves are empowered. Every aspect of life is bathed in Light and Divine Love. The higher goal is to awaken and evolve not only ourselves, but all of Earth and Her lifeforms, which happens automatically as we rise to all we are and through our Awareness and choices.

Our Intuition and connectedness is enhanced. We see through illusion into Truth. There is a deeper Awareness and Understanding of Divine Wisdom and a greater opening of our High hearts, blending our Heart and Mind as One, so that what we think, feel and do is congruent with our Souls/higher Selves. This will be enhanced with the eclipse in a few weeks. You may question your purpose and how you live your life and who is in your life and where you are going. You want Clarity and guidance about your next steps. This is true for not only those of you who have just begun your Ascension, but also for those who have been on their Path for many years. Everyone has shifted higher.

Stay in the Moment, meditate in your High Heart and follow your Guidance, even if it takes you so far away from what you know that you don’t recognize it or yourself. Get out of your head, looking for results and proof. Trust your Heart’s Knowing as you allow your Intuition to guide you. Allow Divine Wisdom to write your story.

Yes, these Gateways have been extraordinarily powerful! The Light of them has shifted things permanently and will continue to shift upward. Your physical body may very well feel like every ache and pain is present, making them known to you. It is adjusting to this Expansion and releasing old toxins as it integrates more Light. Love it all, so that it can fully adjust and release what doesn’t serve you. Continue to honor your Integrity, regardless of what others are saying or doing. We no longer can ignore our Guidance. In each moment be aware of what you are creating; is it of Love or are you continuing to create old patterns? We can choose how we want to be and at some point, you will realize you are no longer choosing, for you are being your Authentic Self in every moment without consciously thinking about it.

We are learning how to work with the incoming Light in an easier and more joyful way. We are learning that we can view our challenges differently, so that we perceive them as opportunities for evolution. Intentions become actions as we each let go of our attachment to “how it’s supposed to look.” Be aligned with Divine Order and Divine Time; not just in thought, but as a way to Be. See so-called miracles as the way New Life is, so miracles become commonplace. Of course, being Gratitude continues to expand you into this Knowing. If you want to manifest something, surrender it to your Soul. Allow the details to evolve out of your Stillness. Remember, there is no more controlling, wishing or managing anything; just as there is no more saving or rescuing. You can try and you will find that it simply won’t work anymore. In your Stillness, your consciousness expands; the Truth of who you know yourself to be. You needn’t strive or figure anything out. Focus on your Heart and follow your Guidance.

The energies that are flowing now require you to stay focused without being distracted by worldly stories. The energies are shifting many areas of your life. Allow the changes, even when it feels so alien to do so. Resistance causes pain. Anything that does not align with your higher purpose will shift. Let it be. Be the observer, for in this way you can clearly see what and who belongs in your life and what and who doesn’t.

As you focus on the Love within your Heart, all aligns and your consciousness expands. Your expanded consciousness is what creates your New Life. Even if you do not feel loved and supported by those currently in your life, you are loved and supported by so many others. Let go. If this brings up fear and anxiety, release these in the Sacred Rose and know the Truth…you are loved and supported more than you realize. Ask how you want to feel. If you like feeling small and miserable, you can. If you want to feel loved and in Joy, see what is in your way and let it go. The Truth is…you are Love.




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