Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
The Path of the Divine Mother Begins with our Connection to Mother Earth and the Heart of Compassion. The Divine Mother is the Love within our own Hearts, and the Love we Feel for All. As the Expression of the Divine Mother, we deepen into Gratitude and Appreciation by Being in the Present Moment with the Presence of our Divinity. The Witnessing Presence of our Beloved I Am, with no Judgment and no Blame.
In Soul Embodiment, we Feel, Sense and Know All is Love and Love is All There Is. We embrace each Experience, each Now moment, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Bringing into our Loving Hearts all that is experienced, Loving All That Arises. As we Embody and become the Presence of the Divine Mother, we feel her Presence and Energy Flowing from Within, with each sub-atomic particle dancing in the essence of Crystalline Consciousness, as we expand our Light and tap into the purest Love from deep, deep within – our Soul Light.
As we accelerate our frequency, we birth into Creation new Golden Opportunities, particularly envisaged over the last nine-months to two-year period. We connect ever deeper into the Heart of Gaia, as the Divine Mother, through and as, the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love. This Flame of Compassion and Love amplifies in this Now moment and as these sacred, Holy Flames of Divinity, the Stargate of our Loving Hearts expands into the deepening Presence of the Divine Mother within. As we deepen into Compassion through our Golden Hearts, we dissolve the wounded masculine, and victim/persecutor consciousness. We fine tune our frequency and shift dimensionally into ever higher octaves of the One Heart of All That Is.
We are further invited into Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart. In the month of May in particular, Mother Mary amplifies the Light of the Divine Mother and the Heart of Compassion, also called the Heart of Humanity. As Mother Mary’s beautiful Pink Flame connects into our Loving Hearts, we experience an activation from within the heart and thymus chakras as well as the physical heart and lungs.
We receive an attunement to Divine Mother Mary as we step ever deeper into the Divine Mother energy of compassion and Love, gratitude and appreciation, loving kindness and respect for all. Further to this, we are offered an opportunity to focus on all our relationships, as well as our relationship with our earthly mother. From here we merge with our Divine Feminine Spirit and with the Overlighting of Divine Mother Mary and the Sisterhood of the Rose, we take this beautiful Pink Flame of Compassion and Love out to all. Additionally, we hold the focus of Reverence for all Mother’s, in honor of the Celebration of Mother’s Day.
Video - May Energy Update - The Presence Of The Divine Mother Within"
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Dear Steve,
After a long time I could hear about Anrita Melchizedek...
She has given this message on Linked in...
Thanks for posting it here !