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The Truth About Challenges
Beloved ones, let Me fill you with Love until you are so full, so bright, so alive, so dynamic that Love bursts through every idea of barriers, every concept of inside and outside, every thought you have ever had of being separate, of being in a body. The heart knows it isn't true. You are only and forever Love. You are already merged with everything and the whole of life truly is love making - intimate, holy and profound. This is how you are meant to live every moment.
So if there are things presenting themselves in front of you as challenges, as things to overcome, recognize that they are simply energies that need to be loved. And therefore, extend the Love of your very being. Open your heart to embrace these things. Take them in and Love them well. Have an intimate relationship with the symbols of your world. Do this until you have danced this intimacy so deeply and so well that every part of your being has shared the energy and transforms into a wholeness of life and of being in which nothing is ever separate again.
Beloved ones, those things in your life that are appearing to you as challenges at this time are simply those parts of yourself that are coming home to you to be loved. They are ideas of separation, places where you feel alone, areas where you don't trust My support and My Love, appearing to you, perhaps, as circumstances in your life. But in truth, they are only a reflection of the beliefs in your heart that you have taken on in being human.
Become the embrace of Real Love. In your heart separation is healed. Every place where you have believed in less than Love can be taken in and brought home to the truth. And when you have become truly intimate, when you have dived deeply into oneness, when you have lifted up to Me, tenderly loving these parts of yourself, then you will find that your whole life will change for it becomes an integrated wholeness and the reality of the Love I Am appears before your eyes coming straight from your heart.
So let your vision rest only on the truth of this one life, this continuous wholeness, this expression of the movement of Love. Be aware that those things within you that have believed themselves to be separate are only asking for the shelter of your heart, for the return to your Love. Just as you return to Me.
Come and find this shelter in My Love. Remember how perfectly you are cared for. Let go of every old belief in something separate from the Love I Am. And as you feel the wholeness build as you rest in the truth of My Love, as you become a part of your own life communion, as you take back in what has been rejected, you will find a deep and powerful release. A merging that allows you to fully know yourself.
For so many of you have orphans that you've left behind, parts of your Love that you have pushed away. Whatever the reasons of the mind, beloved ones, your heart has the endless capacity to embrace them all to help you return to the wholeness of God where you are one-hundred percent dedicated to the life of the heart and nothing else.
So come into My Love, into this place of limitless trust and use the heart to see the whole of your life now. Allow yourself to feel those places that you've shut out. And most of all, the places where the trust is gone.
Come back into the circle of this Love until you feel totally supported, completely and endlessly seen. Until you recognize the essence of your deepest self. Until the Love that is so integrated with you that every part of your energy field, every atom of your great and limitless being is deeply engaged in the communion of Love you are. The making of Love into a greater celebration of God. The wonder of every step that you take in the heart. And most of all, a life lived in trust that you are ever-provided for by the whole of life.
So everywhere you turn, you are supported by Me. And the abundance of the Love I Am is here for you, pouring forth the riches of God I Am that you might see in your world the truth of your being. That you are My spiritual gold. That you are that which shines and multiplies. That you are the living word, the creative element that speaks upon the ethers of the universe, and every electron responds and says, "Yes, I am, I will, I Love and I extend".
Come to Me and see right through every illusion of less than perfection. And if that illusion is before you now, turn to Me and Love it. Love whatever it is that is appearing in your life that might seem to be a challenge, an expression of lack. Enter deeply into relationship with it and let your heart speak to your mind, to your ego, until you reach the very center of your heart's beliefs and can turn to Me in surrender, at last accepting this gift of life and being willing to be My Love extended.
For that is what your heart calls you to now. This is the time for great creativity in Love. It is the dissolving of the barriers of the ego, the dissolving of its every defense with which it believes it protects you. But with which also it serves its own agenda of keeping the ego identity alive.
How does it feel to walk every step in trust, to greet every moment in a surrender to Love? How is it to be completely awake to the miracle, the wonder of being the heart of God - My heart in action, loving well everything that the world puts before it? In the presence of the Love you are, all illusions clear and you stand seeing the light, being the power of Love. And in your presence every illusion fades, every fear is gone and you are positioned to fulfill your purpose on earth now.
You are in the midst of a great turn. You are dropping the old personas of the ego dream and claiming the truth of your heart now. It is this call that is spurring you to action. And in this turn, in these between moments, be the open heart loving every seeming obstruction, every old perception, every limited idea, until you can literally feel all barriers within you dissolving and you are pure life feeling the ecstasy of being God. Even a few of these moments every day will keep the course of your life perfectly unfolding as the out-picturing of your Real heart.
It is time to do your spiritual work, to speak as My Love, to Love as My heart, to give everything that is inside of you that comes from that Real place that is the pure light, the movement of the Love you are, until all identities are gone and you are pure existence itself. The mating, the merging, the bursting forth as more, the birth of more Love into the world. And from this place of joyous wholeness, of deep abiding trust, will come the symbols of abundant life as the symbols of your world.
This shift is happening quickly, so let your heart bring comfort to your little mind. Come into the place where it all begins, where you are life awakening, taking in the light of creation and giving it forth as the heart of Love I Am. Feeling this powerful connection where everything is the hologram speaking deeply as you and loving the whole.
Give, always, that which you are wishing for. Let the power of your giving be your steps in faith. Embrace, beloved ones, our communion, for I Am all you need. And from this place of deep awareness your life emerges as the symbols of our conversation dancing forth into the world.
You are feeling creativity overflowing, directing you toward fulfilling the purpose of your heart. Listen, take in what you are hearing and let this Love be that which moves you forth.
Beloved ones, let this creativity emerge. Let it out into the world where other hearts can join it, can recognize this birth. Not only of more Love, but of the creative power you are, giving the truth of Love.
With this very breath, let yourself remember that you are being moved by Love. And that in this place of wholeness, this circle of inclusiveness, your heart returns your life to the oneness of this Love we share, restores your awareness of your being and your connection to the living whole of God I Am. That in this moment, Love is making more of itself and your deepest joy is saying yes.
Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including to any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information. © 2013 Circle of Light
What Is That To Thee?
Beloved one, I have noticed that you abide in love quite often, because that is where it feels good. But I have noticed also that sometimes you get into a place of separation where there can be a bit of judgment. Judgment does not have to mean that you are finding fault with someone, although it habitually is where the generational teaching has brought you: to say that someone “should” be doing something differently. That comes very quickly out of habit.
I have seen you have a thought about someone or something they were doing or something they said perhaps, and there has been the instantaneous judgment of it based on generational teaching or past experience, and then I have seen you step back from it and say, “Well, that is just how they are. That is just part of who they think themselves to be.”
That is very good, because truly everyone is living their life the best that they know how. However, there are many times when there is a feeling that is overwhelming as to, “Am I good enough?” And the judgment gets in there and says, “Well, so and so is really better than I am, and I don’t feel good knowing that they are better at doing things than I am.”
That is a human reaction, and it is okay that you recognize it. There are times when you will look upon another one and say, “I wish I could be more like they are. They don’t seem to get so ruffled about something, and they just take it all in their stride.” Well, maybe they do, or maybe they just keep it to themselves more, and you do not know how they are really feeling on the inside.
Human reaction comes to you as a learning tool, because when you see traits and behavior in another one that you admire, know that is what you are working towards exhibiting, demonstrating for yourself, and it is good that you have so many teachers as friends. You look upon them and you see qualities that they have, that they are exhibiting, and you say, “That is something I would like.” You see, you have now moved out of judgment where somebody was right and somebody was wrong. Then you come to the place where you see everyone as your teacher, one who is exampling for you something that you can be or do or feel.
You see then that you are not failing, because you are not. You have been at a place where the past experience has talked to you, or the place where the generational teaching has talked to you and said, “This is how you should be.” That is very deeply engrained into all human beings. When you start out as the small one, you are dependent upon someone else to feed you, take care of you at first, and you look to them for your very existence. Now, in truth, the spirit of you is what is activating the body, but in the physicality of human life, it works better if you have someone who is nurturing. But you do not always have that. You have chosen lifetimes when you have known the hard knocks from the parents, from the ones you looked to for the nurturing, and they did not know how, because they had not known it themselves.
It is usually the case that they have not experienced love and nurturing; otherwise, they would be able to pass it on. So they are passing on what they have experienced or how they have seen the world and how they have taught themselves that they have to be in order to survive, as they understand it.
You have evolved from what your parents knew. And as your parents, they evolved from what they had known as small ones and what the generational teaching was for them. So if anyone has questions as to whether there is any evolution in consciousness happening, all they have to do is to look to the parents, look to the grandparents, look farther back in their history and understand how they saw life and how you now understand life.
There is evolution of consciousness. So when you have messages from entities who seem to be not with body, outside of body perhaps, and they say to you these wonderful messages that there is awakening that is happening upon this plane, you say, “Oh, but my news media says that there is warring going on in…” and you can name all different places…“and even with my coworkers and the ones that I associate with every day, sometimes they are not the most loving. So I am not sure that these ‘entities’ know what they’re talking about.”
The entities have a broader view of what is going on than what you have day by day, and evolution is happening. You can look at the parents and see where they were coming from, and you can see how you learned from them what not to be. All of the parents, all of the ancestors, all of the ones that you have grown up with are your teachers. They are teaching you either something positive or teaching you what not to be. You learn sometimes most readily from what not to be.
You experience, especially with the parents, a lot of the lessons that you grow through. At first when you seem to be dependent upon the parents, you accept their view of the world—for a while. But then you begin to ask—and you have done this—“Is there not a better way? Can there not be a way where I feel at ease and other ones feel at ease in my presence? Can I not”—and you can—“exhibit the loving behavior and have it accepted?”
You have tried this, and yes, you have found that sometimes ones will not accept it, because their teaching has been different than yours. Sometimes you are in a great place of love, and they do not want it. And you feel, “What’s wrong with me?” That is usually the habitual first thing that comes to mind. “What’s wrong with me?”
Nothing is ever wrong with you, but you have bought and paid dearly sometimes for the gift which has taught you what not to be and what not to assume for yourself. You are much more than any of the human tendencies, the greatest of which is love. You seek it, and you seek to give it. And sometimes, as I have said, ones do not know how to receive it. They have not opened themselves to it. They have perhaps not even experienced it.
And so when you try to give them the hug and they step back and you almost fall over because you have lost your balance, you feel most embarrassed, because you did something that they were not expecting. Truly you are showing them a new way to be, and that is good.
You have a story in your holy writings where my disciples were having a big discussion among themselves about how wrong the Pharisees and Sadducees were and how some were not observing the true meaning of the law.
After I heard this quibbling for a while, I said to you, “What is that to thee? Follow thou me.” In other words, you do not have to be looking and criticizing what they are doing. You do not have to be finding fault that they are not perhaps doing exactly what you think they should be doing. Follow the higher teaching.
You have a very good saying that was most popular a few years ago. You even had the little bracelets and necklaces: “What Would Jesus Do?” WWJD? “What would Jesus do?” “What is that to thee? Follow thou me.” And I did not mean me as one Yeshua. I meant me as the Christ. Follow the Christ of yourself. Come up higher. Do not be in the petty place of criticism of other ones. You cannot truly criticize one until you have walked a mile in their sandals; in other words, until you have known their generational teaching and what they have had exampled to them from the parents and maybe even the peers that they have grown up with.
Follow thou the Christ of yourself. Come up higher. Do not be down in the gravel with the other ones finding fault, as perhaps they have done. Allow yourself to see the Christ of them and to know the Christ of yourself and to come from the place of love and acceptance of the Christ of them.
Often I said to you as my disciples to look to the Christ of each one of the brothers and sisters, because that is their true being and their true heritage, even though they may be imbibing of the fruit of the vine a bit much to the place where the body is having to rest, to sleep it off, as it is said, or to the place where some get quite uninhibited and want to prove their power to everyone, showing that they can fight better, they can say more strong words, and they get into behavior that perhaps is not the most loving or peaceful.
You look past that to the place where you see the Christ of them and you love them. Because you know that truly they are living from a place that has been exampled to them by ones who were the way-showers or the ones who were showing them the way not to go. They will wake up at some point. It may be this lifetime—and one will hope that it is, because it makes life a little easier—but it may not be. It may be another lifetime when they come to the place of saying deep within themselves, “I want to live a different way. I want to be loved, and I want to extend love.”
You may be present to see that, or you may not, but know that truly the Christ is going to be demonstrated eventually. It does not always happen right away when you would like it to happen. I know that sometimes you try out different relationships, and the one that you fall head over heels in love with comes and examples to you behavior that you did not expect, and you have to love the Christ of them, even though you may walk out of that relationship.
Oftentimes ones have asked me, “Jeshua, what do I do with this one? How can I love this one when there is behavior that is hard to get along with: criticism and even the physical threatening behavior?” I have said that you do not have to stay in physical proximity with that one. You can love that one from afar, and it may be easier to love that one from afar than if you were right there taking the blows, either physical or emotional.
It is okay to move a distance away from a relationship that is not healthy. Sometimes the body and definitely the emotions may be suffering; therefore, take yourself away. Take yourself away from that situation and love them from a distance, and you may find a most miraculous thing happening.
Now, some are more armored in their shell so that you may or may not see the results of your love, but there are many who will respond as they go through life, and you may come to a place where there can be even the interaction with that one, where both of you have grown to a place of love. So it does happen, and you look upon it and you say, “Well, it’s a miracle. I never thought he/she could be that way.”
Sometimes when you have made the “sacrifice” of leaving a relationship, it has been the very thing that they needed to see in order to question their behavior and their outlook on life. So sometimes by what the world has in the past called a failure—and you have never failed—the decision that you make can be the very catalyst that will show the other one, “Hey, there’s another way to live.”
So do not judge self and say, “I should have.” The “shoulds” are very heavy burdens to carry, and you do not need the “shoulds” or the “should nots.” Many of your religions and your philosophical ways of looking at things have a list of “should nots.” I prefer the “shoulds”—if you have to have a “should”—the ones that enable you to see the good in everything. Because there is good in everything.
Now, I know that is not what your world teaches you. Your world will teach you that it is a hard place to be, and you must armor yourself. And yes, you can love people, but sometimes you will not show it to them, because “What would they think?” Well, it might show them a different way of being. It takes a very strong person, one who has confidence in himself, to come from a place of love and to show love. Because yes, you have been taught as the small ones, “What will people think?” And you want people to love you.
After all, if they love you, then they nurture you. They give you what sustains the body and sometimes the soul. So you want to be loved, and you want people to like you. You want that positive affirmation from people. And yet the strongest person is a teacher to other ones by standing in his/her Christ Self and living from the place of saying, “No matter what the behavior is, no matter what you say, no matter how you judge me, I still see the Christ of you, because I know that the Christ is what is activating the body.
“The Christ is what is allowing you to even turn your back on the Christ. And I love that part of you, even though that part is, as I see it, as small as the tiny acorn. I still acknowledge that in you.”
You walk this path of humanness in love and in practicality as well; in other words, you do not go around saying to someone, “You are really a bastard, but I love you anyway.” Well, you have tried that, and you have seen that it does not exactly get to the heart of things. So you have learned to walk the human path with love and a bit of intelligence. And when you use intelligence, it does not mean that you are becoming a wimp and that you have to couch everything in a way that will be accepted by them. You use a bit of common sense wisdom to know what they will accept and how they may hear it.
You do not judge them about it, because you know that this has been what they have experienced, and they are only acting from a place of what they have experienced. And you do not try to goad them into certain behavior by speaking from a holier than- thou place. That is not true love. That is a place that brings up old teachings for them, and you do not need to do that, because they have had enough of that.
You love them, the Christ of them. There is a saying, a greeting that you have known from ancient times —“Namaste”—“The Christ of me greets the Christ of you.” The divinity of me acknowledges the divinity of you. When you can live in that vibration, it is felt by others, and it is like the watering of the plant that is dying of thirst.
All of the brothers and sisters want to be loved. They do not know how to get it sometimes, and they will try to come in the back door and do the most horrible acting, cantankerous type of being, and yet they are the ones who are calling out most loudly for your love and your acceptance and even for your teaching as you example how you can stand in your love with them.
So if ever you find yourself in a place where you might be saying, “Well, they should be doing X, Y, and Z, or how can they be so absorbed in that kind of thinking,” and you find yourself in separation from them in judgment, what is that to thee? Truly it does not matter. Follow thou Me. Come up higher in love.
So be it.
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