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The Crystalline Ascension Template - Mother Mary's Divine Invocation - By Patricia Cota-Robles

In this powerful and transformative video, we explore the sacred invocation of Mother Mary, who has activated the Crystalline Ascension Template for humanity.


Through this divine process, we align our DNA with the fifth-dimensional crystalline frequencies, embracing the 12 solar aspects of deity. Each aspect, represented by radiant colors like sapphire blue, emerald green, and violet, imbues our 12 crystalline solar chakras with divine qualities such as love, purity, wisdom, and healing.


Join us as we journey through this invocation, guided by the soothing energy of Mother Mary, and allow the divine light to transfigure every cell in your body, raising you into your true God reality.


This video is a profound tool for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual path and accelerate their ascension process


Video Link: The Crystalline Ascension Template Has Been Activated





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