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Soul Awakening and Creations By the Celestial White Beings

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-

It is with immense love that we, the Celestial White Beings, step forth to greet you today. We surround you in the love that is shared with us from the Creator enabling you to boost your own alignment and connection with the Creator.

It is a time of tremendous wonder and magic upon the Earth, there are many meaningful and powerful opportunities manifesting which will not only allow you to boost your inner power but your belief in the Creator within your being and reality. As we collectively enter into the new cycle of 2014 much energy emerges from the Creator to be noticed and recognised. This time is a time of manifestation, fruition and understanding the powerful vehicle that you are in this current reality. You are being asked to continue to experience the energy of the Creator but to realise that you are aligned with a cosmic vibration which can only be described as magical. Throughout 2013 you were preparing, synchronising, settling your energies into the new cycle and era of love, this will continue as you allow yourself to continue&n bsp; to release old energies and habits but there is a greater awareness of that which you can manifest and that which you truly manifest as.  You will begin to notice with greater intensity the link and bridge between your own body, the way that it functions and the reality you experience upon the Earth. This can become so magnified that you will be able to trace manifestations in your reality back to single thoughts, recognising how you felt and even how you created the thought, acknowledging the thought form, its birth to its manifestation or fulfilment in your reality. This powerful recognition which will enhance over the coming years will build a new found faith and acceptance or confidence in your inner truth, thus encouraging you to awaken and unlock the most sacred treasure within your being.

It is a powerful time upon the Earth now as this is your true new awakening after the preparation of 2013, it is a time to search within your being to understand that which your soul wishes to manifest, to recognise yourself as your truth and to plan your journey forward through the planting of powerful focused and energised intentions which flow from the purest source of your soul. It is time to give permission and space to your soul to step forth and create, weave and set in place structures of light which will be embedded into your auric field and energy bodies in order to prepare you for the next stages of your ascension. These energy structures may resemble sacred geometry but they will be the soul anchoring energetically into the physical level of your being and reality.

It is important to realise that it is now time for the soul to have fun and create from higher dimensions of light within your current vibration of light and reality. The soul must first anchor more fully as a stage of embodying the soul, becoming an energetic structure, engraving or form within the physical body and auric field. With the combination of practising the art of intention and manifestation you are able to awaken a great freedom within your being as you realise that wonderful and miraculous opportunities can manifest and be experienced within your reality. This belief and experience allows you to break away from  limitations and attachments especially to the past, creating a wonderful state of being that allows and encourages your soul to  man ifest and create more fully the energies of the higher dimensions through your being and within your reality. The soul stores within it endless possibilities which can only be accessed and experienced through your ability of manifestation and your belief in your experience of your own creation. As you exist upon the bridge of understanding, acknowledging and experiencing your abilities of manifestation you are opening the door to greater limitless and profound possibilities as seeds of light from your soul enter your mind and are created within your reality for your wondrous experience.

Each focus, each step and alignment to the Creator is a process of freedom on so many levels of your being but also accesses freedom for your soul, thus allowing you to truly exist in the divine flow of the Creator. With freedom comes limitless opportunities and experiences which allow you to acknowledge the Creator more fully.  Your soul is preparing for its awakening and its unification with your entire being. It understands the new stage of your reality you are entering into and simply asks you to surrender to its light, love and truth. Know that you are not giving your power away through surrendering to your soul but you are accepting and collecting your power indefinitely to pump it through your entire reality.  Your soul more than ever is connecting into the great network of light and universe of the Creator, its energies are travelling far and wide in order to achieve unification and oneness upon the inner planes, with a special focus upon collecting new consciousness. As you surrender to your soul you are allowing the magical vibrations of your soul and its expanding understanding and connection with the Creator’s universe to magnify and pour deep into your being, channelling and surging throughout your being and reality.

With our explanation and your own experiences of this divine time you can identify that powerful shifts of awakening are taking place not only within your being and reality but for all within the Creator’s universe.

With intentions and the process of manifestation at the top of the list in regards to required focus we encourage you to ask constantly two questions to yourself, these questions can be phased in a way that is preferable to you but let their core be the same. It is important to ask yourself constantly,

‘What do I want or what do I wish to manifest now?’

This is to address what you might describe as your physical self, your body, mind, emotions, etc. Then ask yourself the second question,

‘What does my soul want or what does my soul wish to manifest now?’

This addresses your soul, spirit, higher self, the Creator, in truth all that is your divine self.

You may say to us that you are both your physical form and spiritual form therefore separation is not needed. We wish for you to begin with this process, notice whether the answers you gain are the same or different, is your soul and physical body in sync; are your wishes and guidance in harmony and attunement?  If there is a difference between the wishes of your physical being and soul, allow yourself to contemplate how you will and can bring harmony. Maybe focusing on encouraging your soul to merge more fully with your physical body would be of service, or imagining the light of your soul integrating. Your goal is for the answers to be similar therefore you can be certain that when you are addressing yourself and asking for guidance for yourself you will know and recognise yourself as a united bei ng, integrated and integrating with your soul. There will be no need to ask questions and guidance of your physical self and spiritual self because you will know with faith, trust and experience that they are the same. This acknowledgement will grow through your own experience of connecting with your physical self and your soul self, observing as they merge and become one. Know that you cannot force your soul to merge but can observe where the guidance, energies, thoughts and emotions are drawn from through this process which will encourage you to realise and recognise that bridge of freedom where your soul is able to create divine and sacred endless and magnificent possibilities.

Many of you may share that it is challenging to accept, hear, sense or acknowledge your own guidance, this is a belief from the past era which simply needs to be disposed of and released, it doesn’t require your focus or your attention but simply a detachment to the belief. With trust and belief in yourself as a being that is able to receive guidance you are able to break free of limitations entering further into freedom and expression of the soul.  Through sensing or acknowledging the guidance within you even if at first it is two different pathways of guidance from your physical being and soul self, you can focus upon creating intentions that describe that you already experience what you wish and it is magnificent.  Allow yourself first to create two intentions and watch as over a period of time you begin to create one intention from your united divine self. Maybe instantly or gradually your soul will step forth forming structures of divine intentions within your being thus raising your energy vibration, your intuition will also flow in and as the divine flow of the Creator.

With love at this powerful time of awakening,

Celestial White Beings

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