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Planting the Garden of Your Soul

Spring Equinox

A Message for Spring Equinox from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

Planting the Garden of your Soul invites the Grace of the Angels to work in your daily life. This focused activity demonstrates your desire to co-create what you need to harvest a more bountiful future.

The northern hemisphere will experience the Spring Equinox on March 19 at 9:30 pm PDT (4:30 am Sunday GMT), kicking off a season of new birth and renewal. If you are in the southern hemisphere, planting your inner garden now will allow you to create a winter focus that will bloom in its proper time. Equinox is the optimum time to plant your personal garden of powerful intentions within your being. This timely action will bring great rewards as you till the rich and fertile soil of your soul, elevate your thoughts and activate new life within and around you.

The Equinox is always a moment of Profound Balance — a time to reassess your life and choose anew. When you plant clear intentions for your most empowered future, the manifestation of your dreams will become your new reality.

What does it mean to plant the Garden of your Soul?

It is really very simple to plant your personal garden. What are the qualities you most want to see manifest in your life? What are your goals and dreams for a joyous future? What needs have to be met so you can be happy? These are the seeds to plant within the garden of your being so you can create a new structure for your life.

When you plant the seeds of growth and renewal, it can be a fun, creative and positive way to promote a joyous, abundant life. Consider those things you most want to have thriving in your interior garden. Maybe you would like to plant the fertile seeds that lead to Abundant Prosperity? Perhaps you want to empower the seeds of Harmony in all your relationships? What about planting the seeds for Health and Well-being deeply in your base chakra so they can grow with zest and vibrancy?

The soil of joyous potential exists within you and awaits your attention.

Are you too busy to plant your Soul’s garden?

These vast exalted ideas surprisingly require very little time during your busy life, full of commitments and deadlines. In fact, the small amounts of time you give to planting and nurturing your interior garden will enhance every area of your life with a bountiful return. It is said that when a person takes one step towards the Divine, this Higher Power will take ten steps towards you.

Let your imagination soar as you bring forth those magical qualities in which you wish to live. Nothing is too large for you to dream to manifest a happier life. As you play with this process, you are co-creating a field of unlimited potential within and around you. When you dream big and feel the joy of it, your vibrational frequency will be uplifted and your energy field expands. This allows doors to open that you have not imagined possible. It is your open mind, and a heart unencumbered by doubt and self-criticism, that attracts new growth and evolution into your life.

Planting the Garden of your Soul inspires great support from the seen and unseen world so you can live life in a more inspired way. When you allow yourself to be a part of this co-creation, all your needs can be met with Grace and Ease.

How to plant the Garden of your Soul

Since every new project requires some thought and planning, when you begin your inner garden, make it creative and fun. The visual images that you choose will greatly enhance your ability to manifest them. It could be a beautiful work of art with many colors, magazine pictures or a painting. The shape your interior garden takes might be a pattern, like a spiral, that inspires you. You could decide just to make a list of those qualities of consciousness you want to experience in your life. The action of writing will assist the energy of your garden by taking your dreams from the inner to the outer level.

The Angels of Creativity are available to work with you in this project, and can inspire you so it will be fun. When your inner spirit is stimulated in this way, new life flows into your mind and heart, and you feel uplifted. This increased energy flow attracts more joy and you feel happier, which in turn, brings more creative ideas and a sense of Well-being. Your life will begin to change in surprising ways.

When you see old patterns of thought and action manifesting, and you begin to feel stuck in problematic energies, consider them to be compost for your new inner garden. Ask the Angels working in your life to help you pull these weeds and transmute old ways of behavior with Divine Light. This will help feed the garden of your soul with loving energy. Soon you will see the new sprouts of different ways of being.

Rejoice in this vibrant growth knowing that as you respond differently to old situations, you will receive fresh, positive results in every area of your life. By focusing a little bit every day on what you want to see manifest in your life, you provide a new structure so your interior garden will thrive. Remember that as you plant the seeds of new consciousness into your garden of Pure Potential, you are grounding the Creative Essence into the Earth. Through this action of bringing beautiful qualities of consciousness into your world, you become a bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Bask in the Sunlight of Divine Illumination

The Garden of your Soul has amazing potential to bring you the life you want to experience. Even the willingness to open yourself to new thoughts and behaviors attracts assistance in ways you never knew existed. This beautiful garden thriving within you will become a magnet for your new soul community, as many people are attracted your inner balance and joy. In this way your new growth and the thriving space within you reach out to bless the world. As your garden comes into fruition, you will find your life nourished in bountiful ways.

The company of Heaven awaits you as you begin planting these seeds for your new life. Bask in the sunlight of Divine Illumination. Breathe it in deeply and let it nurture the new growth within you. Know the Angels will joyously assist you in weeding out the old ways that no longer work so your garden will thrive with new life.

You are never alone. You are being guided as you open to a new way of being. Let all the frantic activity in your life drop away as new Balance and divinely inspired action takes root within the garden of your life. This simple process will enrich your life’s purpose, so your next steps become very clear.

There is a flowering of new life beginning within your heart, and new balance flourishing in your life. Allow yourself to be inspired and nourished as you plant the Garden of your Soul. Remember that as you empower these exalted spiritual qualities and plant them into your consciousness, they become living fields of energy that will enhance every area of your life.

As you look at the flowering of Nature around you, it can remind you that the same beautiful new growth is taking place within your very being. You are a precious being, worthy of all you aspire to receive and so manifest. Know deep within your heart that all is well. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
March 14, 2016

Permission is given for this post to be shared as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s) with the website posted.

Equinox Teleconference
March 17, 2016 - 5:30 pm PDT, 8:30 EDT

Celebrate the Equinox with Shanta Gabriel and Shamanic Astrologer Kelly Beard. We will join many dedicated souls from around the world to plant new seeds in the gardens of awakening consciousness on the planet.

In this teleconference, you will receive important information about the importance of focusing on the cycles of Nature. You will also be guided into an inner experience of the Archangels working to assist to integrate your Soul's imperatives into your daily lives. This empowerment will provide a catalytic spark for the manifestation and fruition of your greatest dreams

Together we will empower our Soul's dreams for the most abundant, loving and successful future for ourselves as well as for the Earth.

Please join us! Register here.

About Shanta

Shanta GabrielShanta Gabriel is an author, way-shower and mystic, whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth by alignment, immersion, and connection with the Archangels with whom she has trained for over 25 years. She shares this work by facilitating and inviting people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Love.

For more information about her classes, private sessions and products, visit her site

Suzille & The Arcturians
Love is an energy field, a resonance, a frequency, which functions as a carrier wave to deliver all our messages to our self, others and to the planet.
Unconditional Love is a silent language.
We are all familiar with fear as a carrier wave, as well as anger, for when we come into the energy, frequency and emotion of fear, our hair stands up on the back of our necks, adrenalin rushes through our system, and we become hyper-vigilant to find the source.
We feel fear as a shout because it activates our fight/flight response and puts us on alert. On the other hand, unconditional love is a whisper, a soft cool breeze, a feeling of peace, and a sense of wellbeing. 
Everything in our body alerts us to fear in order to prepare our biological systems for battle, but what prepares us for love? It is understandable why we are afraid of fear, but why are so many of us afraid of love?
In fact, why is our reality so filled with fear, whereas love, especially unconditional love, is far too rare? The answer is “survival.” In our long sojourn through our third dimensional realities, we have learned that if we do not attend to fear, our lives can be endangered.
But who wants to live a life without love? Unfortunately, for many, love is fleeting at best. That is because it is often human, conditional love. Conditional love is filled with fear, anger, sorrow, and judgment.
These “conditions” for love arise from those that feel like they are trapped in the separation and limitation of the third dimension. On the other hand, Unconditional Love resonates to the frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, Unconditional Love is beyond the third dimensional limitations.
Unconditional Love is a gentle wind on a clear day and a warm breeze.
Unconditional love is a resonance of multidimensional frequencies that can adhere to any person, place, situation, or thing in any dimension in all the Cosmos.
Unconditional Love is the glue that holds all form together.
Unconditional Love is the healing force of Multiverse.
Most important, Unconditional Love is the silent language that can be shared with our self, others, and our planet to create calm, peace, unity, and knowing.
Unconditional Love can heal any communication and solve any problem.
When we love ourselves unconditionally we are so filled with joy and peace that we can easily love others unconditionally. Furthermore, we can love our planet unconditionally.
Remembering that love is a verb, ask your self,
“What can I DO with unconditional love?”
“Simple!” You share it. You share your Unconditional Love by attaching it to your every thought and emotion.
“You share your Unconditional Love by attaching it to our every “problem” and concern.
Then, you can just relax in the glow of Unconditional Love and observe how unconditional love heals you, repairs you, and expands your ability to BE and CREATE all that you love UNCONDITIONALLY. 
The Rose is a symbol for love.
The transition of our love from conditional to unconditional is much like the opening of a Rose. For many eons we have placed our love on the outside of the Rose. The Core of the Rose was a mystery to us. Therefore, it became sacred.
From the outside of the Rose, we prayed to the Sacred Center. Some of us even thought that this Sacred Center was deep inside the earth or far above us in the sky. We had not yet remembered that the Center was not above or below. The Center was within.
The Center of the Rose, the Center of our SELF, was distant and apart from us, as the world was cruel and distrustful. Therefore, we had to be sure that we protected ourselves from outside forces that we believed were “separate.” 
After all, if we were separate from our SELF, then everything else must also be separate. But then…
                                    We were lonely. 
                                                We were isolated.
                                                            We felt unloved and unloving. 
Fortunately, this loneliness and need for love drove us to go “inside” to see what lay within the “Center of the Rose.” And so we began the long journey to the center of the Rose - the center of our SELF. At first, this journey was frightening because we were accustomed to thinking of ourselves as being outside of the Rose, outside of our SELF.
The trek inside seemed long and lonely. 
If we were separate on the outside of the Rose, wouldn’t we be more separate on the inside the Rose?
But, gradually, we discovered that we were not alone inside the Rose. We came to realize that an entire world existed there, in fact, many worlds. It was our own special reality. But was it really just ours? 
Eventually, we became aware that, from the Center of the Rose, the center of our SELF, we could contact the essence of every other Rose that ever was, or ever would be. 
               We found that, in the Center of the Rose, there was no time. 
                        In the center of the Rose, there was no space. 
                                    We were not alone! 
                                                We were not separate!
We knew that we were also on the outside of the Rose, but we kept our SELF on the inside, where life was safe and love was unconditional.
And then it began to happen. 
There was a great change on the outside of the Rose. It occurred slowly at first, and then the change became faster and faster. The petals that had been so soft, yet firm, were beginning to change. They were not as solid anymore, nor were they as separate. The outside petals of the Rose were moving away from the Core and pulling the other petals with them.
Now, we could not hide as easily within the Core of the Rose. The outside petals were becoming very unsteady. They were threatening to all fall from the Rose and land far, far away from the Core, away from the Rose, and away  from the Core of Ourselves.
We could not stop the petals from falling. And, if we became attached to them, we, too, would fall away from our Core.  Now everyone had to journey to the Center of the Rose because the changes outside were happening faster and faster.
But we were safe deep within ourselves. We were no longer alone. We were with everyone else who had found their way to the Center of their Core, the Core of their Rose. 
But were we protected from the outside? 
Could we really hide from what was happening outside of us?
All the petals were falling away now, and we were no longer protected from the “outside” because there was no ”outside.” 
As each petal fell from our Rose, our Essence, our SELF, we began preparing ourselves for the “new world” that awaited us.
       In this NEW world
               There were NO petals,
                        There was NO outside,
                                    There was NO separation.
And then, all the petals were gone. 
We were no longer IN the Center. 
We WERE the Center. 
There was no longer a place to hide, nor was there a reason because there was NO separation. There was no OUTSIDE or ABOVE or BELOW or WITHIN because there was NO measure of distance or space. There was no fearful future or sorrowful past because there was NO time. 
There was NO core because there was NO exterior.
               There was only NOW.
                        There was only HERE.
As we looked around us, we could see that there were still Roses that appeared to be independent from us. However, when we placed our attention upon them, they lovingly and willingly opened their Core to us, as we did to them. 
There were no secrets, 
                        There was no fear, 
                                    There was only Unity and Unconditional Love.
We were HOME within
The core of our true, Inter-dimensional SELF!

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