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Every day is a new beginning....each day giving us the opportunity to celebrate Love in every moment in our lives, & continually expand & deepen our experience of our God Self on all levels of our Being.

This transmission today will help us access & align with our Divine Human Blueprint....helping us embody  our Divine Essence & hold more Light....helping each of us be of service to every person.... helping each of us experience more inner peace & joy.

So take a deep breath & let it go of everything & bring your awareness into your heart...and breathe in this Divine White Light that's being transmitted from Source....continue deep breathing with your awareness in your heart, letting each full breath out naturally with a sigh, "Ahhhh"..

So you continue to breathe in White Light from Source, with the Light expanding throughout your 4-body system with each out-breath, letting your breath take you deeper & deeper into the Love & Peace in your Divine Heart.

I call forth from Source in the Great Central Sun all of the Divine Energy & Rays of the Sacred Fire Love that I need in every moment for the continued unfoldment of my ascension & spiritual growth. I surrender to the divinely Intelligent activity of the Sacred Fire Love....for I know that in every moment God's Love & Light continues to heal my physical body as well as heal & transfigure & transmute everything not of God's Light in my spiritual, emotional, & mental body as well... so that in every moment my vibrations & light quotient of my entire 4-body system are being raised & every cell in my body continues to be transformed into immortal crystalline based cells that purely reflect the diamond -heart Presence of God's Perfection within each cell.

I invite my Soul & Soul family to merge & remain merged in my Divine heart... and I know that my God Self is in control & is the only authority in my life in every moment, and leads & guides me as well in every moment - so that all thoughts that I speak out or act on result in Pure Divine Right Action that is for the highest good of all.....and I know that my spiritual, emotional, mental, & physical bodies remain Divinely grounded in every moment thru my Golden Grounding Cord that extends thru my crown chakra to Mother/Father/God & down thru my root chakra to the crystalline heart of Gaia - so that in every moment I am simultaneously grounded in Mother/Father/God, and in my God Self within my Divine heart, & in Gaia....and in every moment my 4-body system is also totally protected  thru my Golden, Platinum, & Magenta Nets of protection that continually surround my entire being & repel from my aura all discordant thoughts & influences, and all lower astral vibrations, & all lower astral entities, and all dark ones.

With my every breath I surrender to the Light & Creation of my God Self as well as the Light & creation of Mother/Father/God continually manifesting within me & thru me....and remaining centered in my Divine Heart, I allow myself to experience God's Peace & Love & Joy & Creativity & Abundance...and I allow all of God's Love & Light to be continually extended thru that every moment becomes a Divine moment for the highest good of all.

Thank You God ! And So It Is !...


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