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Creating With Light By Orin & DaBen

Creating With Light


Light is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. You might think of light as a living presence that can be anywhere or everywhere at once. It responds to your thoughts of it. Light is present in all known universes, although not in exactly the same form as in yours.

Light is a potent force of transformation; that is why the new wave of light that is moving through your universe is creating so many changes. You can use light to strengthen your connection to your Higher Self and soul. You can call upon it to transmute energy and to empower and heal yourself and your loved ones. Light can increase your vibration, amplify the strength of your positive thoughts, and open your heart. You can link with it, harness its power, and create good all around you.

The amount of light on your planet is reaching critical mass; the forces of light are growing stronger every day. That means everything you do that is positive and loving is more influential than anything you do that is not. It was not always this way. In the distant past, the power of light on your planet wasn’t as great. It took a great deal of intent and focus to create something good. It took a lot of work to shift energy to a higher order. As the forces of light continue to grow stronger, even a small step toward your higher good and spiritual growth will take you further faster than at any time in the past.

Your intuitive understanding of what light is and how to connect with it is more important than any definitions I could give you. If I were to say to you, “Connect with light,” you would instinctively know how to do that, for your Higher Self and soul are always connected with light. As you think of light you begin to vibrate with your Higher Self and soul.

Call light to yourself and fill yourself with light.

You can bring more light into your life by thinking of it. Light responds to your thought of it; as you think of it, it is immediately drawn to you. At first it is easier to draw light to you than it is to radiate light. As you think of light more often, you will become charged with light, building a radiant body of light all around you. The more light your body can hold, the higher your vibration and the greater your ability to transform the energy around you into a higher order.

Imagine you are standing under a waterfall of sparkling light, and that your body and aura are becoming more and more radiant. Feel light flowing through your body. Just thinking of light will rejuvenate your body at a cellular level and increase your available energy. Light can lift you to your next level of growth and dramatically change what you experience.

Connect with light for a few moments during the day–at work, in your car, at home, or in a store. Every time you connect with light you are building a bridge between yourself and the higher realms. As you build this bridge of light you will become more radiant and effective on the earth plane in whatever you are doing.

A very powerful use of light is to imagine that you are putting up a sphere or cocoon of light around you, which extends above your head and below your feet. Do not think of light as protection, but as an energy that is so strong it raises the vibration of everything around you. Use this image to create within you a feeling of strength, harmony, and love. When you surround yourself with light you do not have to build a wall around you to keep things out; your light will transform every thing around you into a higher vibration.

~ Orin & Daben, Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer,,,,,

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