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Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! 

As the most powerful phase of 2014 begins , we ask each of you to take pause and consider the powerful progression of events you have experienced individually and cumulatively over the past few years.. Whether or not you fully recognize  that the Planetary Ascension has occurred is truly a moot point, for time moves faster now than ever before.


 And so as we begin this discussion, we encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of individual Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message. 


The Harmonic Trigger


2014 offers great opportunity for achieving crystalline integrity. This is a frequency termed impeccability. it is simply stated, walking your talk -  Standing in your Truth.


Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you more fully encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey. Likewise the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you achieve the compassionate aspect of  integrity. This truth then applies to individuals and nations as well, it applies in macro and micro. Understand then that it is the energy of the Earth in the Ascension in parity with the 144-Crystalline Grid that enabled and continues to drive  the crystalline energy expansion of the Earth into greater and more lucid dimensional reach. And take note Masters, the energy from 5d to 12d that is accessible to you now  is only the beginning. For the aspect you term zero field is the aspect of crystalline dimension. It expands into energy dimensions that indeed exist within you, but have been dormant, inaccessible to the masses of humanity, yet these crystalline dimensions are your true impeccable origin, and you exist in higher form within them. 


2014 - The Seeds of  Change


Masters 2014 is a year of that will seed change...extreme change. And the 'codes' of the requisite  changes occur in openings, primary nodes that  you term as astrological events. These are far more than you currently comprehend. Within each astro-node are codes that affect both your auric field through induction, and shift the planetary resonance. These codes serve myriad purpose. 

A coded astrological event is like an animated energy fountain, an organic cascade that affects all of you on a very deep level. It is an infused conscious and purposeful coordination of sacred frequency. Within its own arrangement of particalized light, it is just as alive as you are, the difference being that it has no 'individual' agenda and its evolution depends somewhat upon its astrological 'blend' & resonance  as well as the environments of the earth-plane. But to be clear the geo-codes & ionic infusions brought by the astro openings bring a subtle upshift that not only allows for change, they underpin up-shift by bringing a higher frequency matrix.

 If astrological powernodes, specifically solstices, equinoxes and eclipses were to be truly understood as the devices of induction they truly are, you would then define them more aptly as an aperture in the space time contingency, a hologramic  insert succinctly purposed & governed by the organic geometric nature and framework of resonance of their entry into your plane and their expansive essence. Nothing stands still, and regardless of how time and dimensionality are measured, change continues to reveal and express itself through the mechanism and driver of that termed astrological gravity-waves. And there is a divine logic in this process, for you in higher selves have created it. 


 In Year Two of the New Earth, you are required to make a greater effort in your mental focus. It may at times feel to you that you are struggling to maintain balance, to keep focus. This is a combination of the new energy influxes and the requirement to not only adjust & calibrate but to crystallize your purpose and intent. The Aquarian shift with its change in ionic ratios (from the past 2 decades of Solar Radiation) now surrounds the planet and is compelling each of you to put your spiritual life in order. The ionic ratio change is up-shifting the 'code-wiring' between the mental fields of the conscious and subconscious, between physical actuality and divine pattern. Because of the coronal mass ejections jet streams of anionic plasma circulate the earth and pocket around specific 'sacred sites'. These allow for easier access into theta coherent consciousness, and it is within theta coherency that you are able to more effectively create the New Earth.


The Cardinal Grand Cross

April 2014 presents the most extraordinary heralding of shift in all of your current lifetimes. It is an astonishing & exquisite frequency...albeit intense. Our goal here is not to give you a horoscope, rather to tell you of the grand purpose in what is taking place. Yes, the energy will challenge you, but it can be optimally managed, and in doing so will you  increase your light quotient. The Solar Maximum and reversal of the suns magnetic poles began in the 2nd half of 2013, and it created a state of subtle disorientation & unrecognized confusion for many of you. A lethargy pervaded. But we tell you that effect will absolutely  evaporate in May, and you will lunge forward on many of your projections. You will have a renewed sense of direction and clarity.So although this timing of transition in the Grand Cross and Harmonic Trigger will have its challenges,  It is essential that you not only maintain stability during this phase, but also utilize this energy for highest good. One of the key points is that your creative abilities are being liberated in this new matrix. This carries a responsibility, for what you dwell on you will bring to yourself much more quickly than ever before. You must be the responsible  steward of your thoughts.

Cardinal Second Phase

 In candid truth, this magnificent Cardinal Grand Cross is the second phase forerunner of a series of harmonically blended events that will have a monumental effect on the Earthplane and Humanity. The events in the 'short-term' will occur in an intense expression over a 4 month period from that began in March and extend to June 2014. But in the 'long-term' but these will crystallize in a manner that will change the paradigm forever.

The astrology over the next 7 weeks will represent some of the most powerful & transitional shifts of the New Earth thus far. As we have now passed the initial phase of the Harmonic Trigger , the March Equinox,  April 2014 precursors a very rare and extremely potent astrological event, where four planets (Pluto at 90 degrees  opposing Jupiter   and Mars  opposing Uranus at  exact 90angles  to one another, hence forming a Cardinal Grand Cross.

Each are also at 130  angles of the 4 Cardinal signs: Pluto at  130  Capricorn, Jupiter  130   Cancer, Mars at 130  Libra & Uranus  at 130  Aries - signifying major  up-shift & transition.  The rare Cardinal Grand Cross  will be exact April 23-4, with all four listed planets at thirteen degrees . Thirteen is the frequency of the New Earth  transformation, as well as the Auric -Crystalline Lite Body Codes of the 12+1 =13.

There are other very  significant coded astrological factors amplifying this Grand Cross that must be recognized:

  • Two eclipses bracket the Grand Cross - a full moon lunar and a solar, both in the effect.
  • Mars, Pluto & Saturn are also retrograde during the Cardinal Grand Cross Alignment.
  • The Sun is still completing its pole reversal and Solar Maximum
  • There is a potent meteor-comet shower
  • Less than 2 weeks ago the strongest X-Class Solar Flare (Coronal Mass Ejection) bombarded ions onto the planet, these are still in effect as amplifiers...

The frequencial bar is again being raised.  The planets forming this Cardinal Grand Cross on the 23rd and 24th of  April are located succinctly and exclusively in Cardinal (Primary Force ) signs, representing the Four Sacred  Elements  of the Earth Kingdoms.


The 4 planets of the Cardinal Grand Cross further accelerate  an opening that began with the March Equinox.  This will be an extremely challenging configuration , and the energy will combine with all of the factors of this frequencial blend. It is a quickening of all in the etheric and physical realm of the Omni Earth  and is in  effect now.


Lunar Eclipse - April 15


 With the   full moon Total Lunar-Eclipse of April 15 , each of the Earths Kingdoms and Humanity will quicken into major change.  All of the living kingdoms and multi-dimensional aspects of the Omni-Earth are becoming more lucid, more capable of communication and life vitality expression. This is part of the expansion.


 *Already your scientists are noticing curious new forms of light, which are termed light-sprites and 'interestingly 'photonic jellyfish'.(*Reference - past channel 'The Aquarian Shift')

The solar eclipse is followed by a coded comet-esque meteor shower for the first week of May with Mars in retrograde. May is embellished with a  Star-Gate occurring between the 23rd & 28th leading into the June Solstice. This is the Portal of Harmony.

Solar Eclipse - Star-Gate & Quantum Emanation

 In veracity, the coming Cardinal Grand Cross is the aperture mechanism of a spectacular triggering , a Quantum Emanation seeding the path and potential to a heralded a sacred potential ; a cosmic truth built upon the foundations of Unconditional Love and fulfillment of hallowed prophesy. It is occurring on many fronts.

  • Pluto - Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
  • Mars - Libra (Cardinal Air)
  • Jupiter - Cancer (Cardinal Water)
  • Uranus - Aries (Cardinal Fire)

None of this is by chance, these energies encompass a magnificent 'astrological cocktail' of energies that will bring incredible change in the following ways:

  • Equinox & Solstice Aperture amplifiers
  • Eclipse apertures and coded downloading  shift
  • Thinning the veil in the resulting Star-Gates
  • Bringing in the Codes of the 'Return of Dharma' &  'Seeds of the Cristos Return'
  •  Leading to the 2038 New Crystalline Firmament  Completion
  • The DNA Shift to Crystalline Body thru the Ionization - CME Process

Humanity must awaken  en-masse to  higher consciousness, to sacred wisdom and transcend the social, political and religious frameworks built on greed, power-lust and  fear to co-create the dawning New Earth  on foundations of harmony, peace, highest good in  sovereign compassion  and integrity.

The Harmonic Trigger is a time of action. Gather in mass, plant the seeds of change, and fear not ! The revolutionary astro-dynamic that dominates the Portal of Harmony requires group understanding and indeed participation of the savant among you.

Most of your astrologers will look at the events  occurring in the traditional studied manners . But we tell you that much more is occurring here than many may understand or accepted . Everything occurring is coded in a manner that could not have occurred before the New Earth of 2014 everything leads to 2038.


And we tell you that those of you in what may be termed 'senior' phases of your physical sojourn, may indeed feel very driven, compelled within the energies of 2014 to 'make things right', to improve relationships. Dear Hearts, there is no better time for this, no better energy for this, than the 'Harmonic' phases of 2014. The two Uranus-Pluto Squares of 2014 (April & December) offer superb timings to make major changes, needed changes for those who wish to clarify into greater honestly in their relationships, to make necessary 'repairs' Keep in mind that your time on the duality plane is measured in heartbeats, and changes can happen anytime. Take advantage of 'Now' time. 


The Aquarian Shift


The current time offers each of you an opportunity to  choose to live free, to choose to release worry and fear, and create your own well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE. It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way that the Nation of Humanity will UNITE, it is the way humanity will Ascend, and 2014 is a key phase for allowing you to coherently  create the Earth you desire. Year Two of the New Earth, 2014, energetically  initiates the true phase into what is termed the 'Age of Aquarius', the true beginning of the Aquarian Shift.  


   Accordingly Masters, you are in the folds of a key sojourn. Indeed there are specific lifetimes that are more highlighted within your vast sojourns, certain vectors in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps. Within these are crucial crossroads of decision that define you. This is one of those lifetimes. Energy and time are moving fast, much is happening on your Earth as you continue to adjust and calibrate to  the Crystalline transitions  of the New Earth in 2014. It will not be easy, nothing truly worthwhile occurs without focal effort ... but it will be a joyous accomplishment and credential. For you are among the souls that are collating to create the planet of harmony.  Accordingly  2014  is an incredibly important year, in many ways more so than 2013. For in 2013 you were in the early phases of adjustment to the New Earth. You were exercising the utility of new chakras that extend into higher dimensions. In 2014 you will begin stretching new wings and trying out flight into new spectra. You will be working in theta coherency to visually create a world of harmony ! It will take time but potent  tools are now in place.


What happened in 2012 was a beginning, not an end. 2013 was Year One of the New Earth paradigm,  a new beginning. That new beginning is the New Template of the New Earth. The Ascension of the Earth has allowed for the dimensional revision and expansion of the planet. The Earth is expanded to a Crystalline Field, expanded from the 5th to the 12th dimensions. In 2013 you began learning the ropes, and in 2014 you will progress further in this exploration. It will take concerted effort.


2014 will be a year in which you continue to experience  many subtle shifts on your levels of awareness. Your expanded 33-chakric system is still adjusting to operating in new manners and indeed in new dimensions. The layers of your CEF (Crystalline Auric Field) are still somewhat in flux, still stabilizing for most of you. The expansions can and do  effect to varying degrees your sensory systems &  emotional field.


Bearing the Cross - the Grand Cross   


In 2014, the aspects of inner conflict will move into the crucible phase for purification. Any dishonesty, any flaws that were hidden, any shadows will come into light in order to be faced. Align your  actions to highest goals. Prioritize ! Examine your path..and plan your journey consciously.


Life can be difficult, and that is a great truth . But it is in only through facing  your challenges that you transcend them. You are not only graduate students in the 'University of Earth', you are the professors who wrote the curriculum in higher realms. Mental focus is required, but you have the tools to walk the path of Mastery.




You can not sit complacently on the fence in the Grand Cross energies. You will be effected. We urge you to embrace it, for although it will have its challenges,  it is an exquisite benevolent resonance .


 Dearhearts, the Harmonic Trigger & Star-Gate of 2014 is the perfect opportunity to determine the missing pieces of your puzzle. It is time to make your mark, to contribute your part, to consider the legacy your life will be. And yes it involves putting all the final the pieces together ... assembly is required!  


The Crystalline Frequency is becoming even more powerful in 2014. This is a resonance that increasingly will influence each of you into  your impeccability. Impeccability is simply understanding who you are and becoming true to SELF in the highest standards. It requires you each to take your power and walk in integrity...and that is the earmark of True Mastery. 


It is time for the Masters among you to take part and move into wisdom , heart & courageous action. 


We told you that there would be timings in 2014 in which you will be compelled to  focus on those remaining areas of your life stream that need to be addressed. That time is now.  You will be required to confront the self and  prioritize what actions are needed. Redefine your inner contracts and determine how you wish to utilize your remaining time on the planet. You will be compelled to seize the moment , and make a bucket list ...linear life is a quantum of heartbeats ...seize the day !


It is time to write the book within you, time for the dreamer to awaken. It is the time of the Grand Cross and Portal of Harmony !


I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.


And so it is...And it is so....




The above channel is copyrighted ©  to Earth-Keeper : All Rights Reserved 


The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receiver and include this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization please kindly contact Anne (Earth-Keeper Admin Director) at

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  • Thank you SohiniBen & Pat for extending your Light with your uplifting replies.

    Blessings of Love & Light to all,


  • This is fascinating isn't it Steven.


  • THANKS...

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