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Day 13- June 4, 2013

Beloved Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara has held the position of Planetary Logos and Lord of the World since the darkest hours of Earth’s history when human evolution lost all contact with the God Flame within. For millions of years, Sanat Kumara has sustained and guarded the flame in the hearts of humanity. It is through his love that makes human evolution and our own spiritual initiation possible. He came to Earth, a voluntary exile from planet Venus to keep the Sacred Fire active until sufficient numbers of light servers would awaken to their true nature. Most who came with this great being are serving under his rod of initiation and are leading the way into humanity’s ascension and the new I AM Race. Sanat Kumara’s vibration and essence of life is in each of us and is the reason why we are now remembering who we are. We owe a great depth of gratitude to this selfless being of cosmic magnificence and fortitude for all that is happening in our blessed lives today.

Sanat Kumara also formed what is referred to as the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy to assist his mission of Earth's evolution. There is an etheric City of Light dedicated to Sanat Kumara, "Shamballa" over the Gobi Desert which holds many ashrams of higher learning and the templates for our new Divine-Human Blueprint. You can ask to go there while your physical body is at rest. Call to Sanat Kumara’s radiation of the Ruby Flames (and our entire Venusian family) to fill our minds and hearts with guidance for our personal mission on Earth.

Most people who resonate to Children of the Sun are Starseeds sourced from the Great Central Sun. Many, if not the majority of us, volunteered from many star systems to assist Sanat Kumara during his exiled mission to save the human race and to hold Earth's position in the . We were the brave and courageous souls that rode that brilliant merkaba through the Venus portal to Shamballa and then to Earth to endure lifetime after lifetime in order to assist the mission of God's regaled Prince, that being known as the Venusian Lord of Love.

Sanat Kumara established the Path of Initiation as the most accelerated and guaranteed method for spiritual evolution. Most of the volunteers who came with this great Being are still choosing to be upon the Earth serving under his Rod of Initiation. Many of these volunteers are us and who now lead the way into humanity's ascension and the new I AM Race.


We offer this day as Tribute to the one called the Ancient of Days. May we open our hearts wide and receive his Love!

PDF of a discourse from Sunat Kumara; RRA

Sanat Kumara’s Gifts

Miracle Mantle of Sanat Kumara’s Heart's Flame of Sacred Fire Mastery

Full PDF here:

This is a call from the book The Greatest Power In The Universe published through the Radiant Rose Academy.

Call To Sanat Kumara~Preparing for 2012 and Beyond

This day I wish to offer you a Miracle Mantle of My own Heart's Flame Sacred Fire Mastery to each of you, that is, my Dear Hearts, the Sacred Fire Life's Control of all human energy; energy that has come under the human law of human creation. Because I can offer that into your life, I can offer it into the environment that you live in, and I can release the command and the projection of My own Heart Flame that can take control of all final human creation and all the energy of your forms that has yet come under the influence of human qualities, and free that energy up so that each of you can take your final command of your attention.

Long ago, my Dear Hearts, did I project My call, My Love, My Light, into that Mighty Spark of Love that has been in every physical heart you have used in physical embodiments. Not one embodiment has not received this call and this Command to Life that I have offered. But very few of the numbers of those embodied on the Earth, and those out of embodiment at this time, have responded or been sensitive enough to become aware of a voice that was calling to them out of the darkness and chaos of this world. Except for you and those precious Children of the Light throughout the world who are just like you. Those who have felt a calling their heart; those who have heard the message, "Come Home. Come Home. Rise and come Home into the true God Divinity that is your birthright". And you have heard this call and you have heard it lifetime after lifetime. And as such you have arranged your lifetimes, healing, reclaiming and allowing yourself that mission of lifetimes until there was only one extension, one great projection of thy Mighty Flame of Life, thy Mighty 'I Am' Presence on Earth.

Command Me -- do not ask Me, command Me -- to release My own Heart's Flame of My own Miracle Mantle of Sacred Fire Love Control and Mastery into all the energy in your mind, your body, your feelings and your world, for the absolute assimilation of all human creation into the Divine, so that your own Great 'I Am' God Beings may take its toll and that ye may awaken from the last sleepiness and be those who walk upon the Earth, such a blazing Sun's Presence of Light, Love and Wisdom, such a power of Perfection, that the hordes of human creation and the hordes of darkness dare not even look in your direction.

Sunat Kumara encourages us to make daily calls to purify the earth and for all of humanity and to eliminate all of it’s human miscreations. In return he pours us a River of Love from his Divine Heart Flame to ours in appreciation for this sacred service.

...I invite you, to call upon My own Ascended Heart's Flame of My Sacred Fire Love's Miracle Mantle of Life and Mastery, to enter into your thoughts and feelings, so that you can have the finer activity of the Sacred Fire Love to Life as a raising condition inside the mind, the feeling, the physical brain and the physical body; so that you can more quickly identify patterns of thought and feeling that of their very nature must create future limitation. By identifying those thoughts and feelings can you have and call forth My Sacred Fire Love to change those thoughts and feelings into much happier ones and ones that truly allow you to give yourself Life Direction, the evolution of your soul, and your rightful place to take your stand in the sovereignty of Light, and be that Creator Unascended God Being who has released into your outer life, through command, all the Sacred Fire Love of our Miracle Mantle of Love's Mastery -- that we can hold inside you, that we can hold around you, that loves to command all human creation dissolved and consumed so that the beautiful Light inside you can take your thoughts, your choices, your decisions, your feelings and your desires, and the images that you hold in your mind, into outer tangible manifestation much more quickly....


How will you do this? Well, My Dear Hearts, by going back to your Presence, walking through your Field of Dreams, your goals, your desires, your vision for your life on Earth, and saying to your Presence,

"Now I Am just certain that you, my Beloved Presence, you are Perfection. And I Am just certain that You have Your own ideas for my life down here on this Earth; You have some of Your own things that you would just love to bring into manifestation that I may not have taken into consideration or am aware of. So let it be known, God of my Life, I authorize You and I give the command that all that You want in my life come forth as a direct manifestation of Your own Heart's Flame and Sanat Kumara's Heart Flame to Life, that what You want in my life come into tangible manifestation by the Sacred Fire Love's Command to Life, and that it be protected at all times."


We hold you in a Miracle Mantle. We enfold you in a Miracle Mantle of Our Sacred Fire Love's

Mastery to Life. God bless you, God bless you, God bless you, for ye have chosen the Light, you have chosen Life, you have chosen a return to worship God in the highest way of your own free will. Thus you have fulfilled what Life obligates you to, and thus, my Dear Heart, your freedom is upon you.

Sunat Kumara's Symbol~ The White Rose



Sacred Oath of Sanat Kumara


A precious gift from Sunat Kumara that must be read fully from the PDF provided:


One Version of SANAT KUMARA’S CALL for Our Planet and Humanity: (TOLC Class Dec 21, 2012)


My Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’, in the name of my own God Divinity– the I AM that I am, in the name of our own Earth’s Ascended Masters, and in the name of the entire I AM Starseed of Planet Earth, do I call to you ‘Beloved I AM’, to Mother Akasha, to the Goddess of Venus and Her Son– the Mighty Sanat Kumara, to the great Lords of the Flames of Venus, Mighty Saint Germain, Beloved Emanuel–Jesus the Christ, to the Mighty Goddesses and the Goddess of the White Fire, to all great Cosmic Beings out the Great Central Sun, and to the Earth’s Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host and all great Legions of Light!

I call forth and COMMAND such World Engulfing Sacred Fire Flames of Purification into the lower atmosphere of the Earth, into the structure of the Earth, into the Powers of Nature, the Forces of the Elements, over the cities/areas of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , over children and people who are starving, over dictatorships and those who choose wickedness and over the people locked in such suffering, and into the mental and feeling side of all humankind that just STOPS and SILENCES and CONSUMES all destruction and destructive behaviour that has been upon this Planet Earth.

Take up this call, expand it 10 billion times 10 billion and I COMMAND the instantaneous action and fulfillment of this mighty decree.

I thank you. (3)

Almighty I AM (3)

Placing your attention upon the Greater is always your answer. Yet remember, if you turn to the Greater and ask us to intervene, you must take the attitude, ‘It’s out of my hands; I have called to the Greater.’   Sanat Kumara


Sanat Kumara Message "The Light of God within your hearts NEVER FAILS!!!

Sunat Kumara’s Luminous Presence Anchored Permanently Above Your Form ~ The  Golden Sunshine of Sunat Kumara’s Love


Full PDF here:


…I have opened a Dispensation to all the Children of Light, that I bring to your attention again, that if you will ask me to place upon Thy crowns, above you, the Luminous Presence of my Love, this shall be a Golden Sun's Presence, a Luminous Presence of my Love that has been qualified to go forth out into your life ahead of you in future time, to be that Great Central Sun's Magnet's Presence, that magnetizes to you all that is required for the fulfillment of your higher purpose and the Divine Plan fulfilled. It will go forth out from you, days and weeks ahead, to provide for you the protection, and provide the purification of streams of Electronic Energy upon which your higher purpose can unfold. This is a gift I offer you, Beloved Children of the Light, but you must use your authority and call upon my Luminous Presence to be anchored above your forms -- the Golden Sunshine of my Love, as many students of the past have loved to refer to it. And having anchored it there, to be a permanent sustained action of my Love that just loves to go before you, opening the way for you to live and to realize the higher purpose and the Divine Plan of your life.

…These two things, Dear Heart -- my Luminous Presence anchored permanently above your form; my Sacred Fire Love of my Unfed Flame placed, as a permanent pouring into the Electronic Force Fields around your physical bodies -- will truly open the way for all liberation of your highest purpose and the Divine Plan of your life fulfilled; that will lead you most certainly on that Path of Ascension in this lifetime; that will eventually compel one of us to stand before you and to prepare you and to prepare your vehicle, as we have prepared many Children who've come before you, for the hour of your Ascension.


All that we ask you is to make effort. Make effort to pour forth love. Oftentimes, to come to that place where the pouring forth of love is a natural expression of your harmony, is that which naturally pours forth as the Radiation that comes forth from you -- what is required is forming those small habits that Akasha has spoken to you of, of turning towards that Light for a few minutes, and taking that time to consciously send forth love, Divine Love, to everything; to form the practice, filling yourselves, filling your minds and bodies, filling your personal lives, filling your loved ones, your relationships; filling your workplace, filling the community of souls that are in your lives, with Love. Just pouring forth Divine Love to all who are upon Thy Great Stage of Life. Pouring forth Divine Love to your cities, your countries, to America and the world.


Invocation to Beloved Sanat Kumara



I call upon Sanat Kumara’s Ascended Heart's Flame of His Sacred Fire Love's Miracle Mantle of Life and Mastery, to enter into my thoughts and feelings, so that I can have the finer activity of the Sacred Fire Love to Life as a raising condition inside the mind, the feeling, the physical brain and the physical body; so that I can more quickly identify patterns of thought and feeling that of their very nature must create future limitation.



By identifying those thoughts and feelings I call forth My Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Sanat Kumara’s Sacred Fire Love to change those thoughts and feelings into much happier ones and ones that truly allow me to give myself Life Direction, the evolution of my soul, and my rightful place, to take my stand in the sovereignty of Light, and be that Creator Un-ascended God/Goddess Being who has released into my outer life, through command, all the Sacred Fire Love of Your Miracle Mantle of Love's Mastery -- that I can hold inside me, that I can hold around me, that loves to command all human creation dissolved and consumed so that the beautiful Light inside me can take my thoughts, my choices, my decisions, my feelings and my desires, and the images that I hold in my mind, into outer tangible manifestation much more quickly.



Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, walk with me through my Field of Dreams, my goals, my desires, my vision for my life on Earth, and I say to you, "Now I Am just certain that you, my Beloved Presence, you are Perfection. And I Am just certain that You have Your own ideas for my life down here on this Earth;



You have some of Your own things that you would just love to bring into manifestation that I may not have taken into consideration or am aware of.



So let it be known, God/Goddess of my Life, I authorize You and I give the command that all that You want in my life come forth as a direct manifestation of Your own Heart's Flame and Sanat Kumara's Heart Flame to Life, that what You want in my life come into tangible manifestation by the Sacred Fire Love's Command to Life, and that it be protected at all times.


And so it is and so be it!


Shamballa, the etheric retreat of Gautama Buddha and the ancient home of Sanat Kumara, is where Jesus ascended. The retreat, once physical on an island of the Gobi Sea, is now anchored in the etheric plane over the Gobi Desert. Here are the headquarters of the Great White Brotherhood on earth. In eastern tradition, Shamballa is the name of an earthly paradise somewhere between the Himalayas and the Gobi Desert. This was brought to the west as Shangri-la in the book by James Hilton, Lost Horizon, featured in the 1937 movie by the same name.

The main temple of Shamballa has a gold dome and is surrounded by fountains and seven minor temples, on a wide avenue lined with trees, flower and tropical birds. On the altar blazes the threefold pink, blue and gold flame of divine love, wisdom and power. The star of Sanat Kumara hangs on the ceiling above it. Sanat Kumara invites students to come to his retreat to learn the ruby ray initiations of sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service through the four cosmic offices of the Lion, the Calf, the Man and the Flying Eagle.

Call to attend Shamballa


In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of Shamballa over the Gobi Desert, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be taught the ruby ray path of sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service for the balance and the expansion of the power, wisdom and love of God in my heart.

(personal prayer)

Beloved Sanat Kumara, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

Again Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information, calls, videos, Lightbearers Worldwide for the pictures and information on the Retreats and finally the Rainbow Scribe for the Invocations.

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