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49.Queen of Light:

From the Great Central Sun, the Queen of Light wields great powers of Source light and utilizes her action by radiating high frequency crystal light substance. She can be especially helpful in our efforts of transmission and energy transference across the planetary Crystalline Grid. Call upon her legions of light for the action of the Crystal Sword to cut through the densest human creation, to clear all that is not reflective of the crystal-clear radiance of the Christ mind and Christ heart. She helps with miracle manifestations, drawing around us the great mantle of the Great Central Sun Magnet’s Presence.The Queen of Light serves as a great Divine Mother and is most concerned for the Golden Age children of the Earth.

Queen of Light


ascended masters    Queen of Light    ascended masters
by Charles Sindelar

" . . . Therefore, beloved ones, remember from this night henceforth; that you have anchored within your hearts, the Light of Infinite Power and Intelligence which is your "Mighty I AM." You are a part of that Great Intelligence and Presence acting here! You have Its Power beating your hearts, acting within your human forms which you can intensify until it floods your being, world and government with Its harmonious Presence and Power. It is Light in which there is nothing of human creation that dare attempt to resist It. Do you see how you are dealing with a Power of Light which is All Authority? It brooks no interference of any kind! All you have to do is keep your feelings harmonized and call It forth into action; and there is no limit to which it will act for you, under that condition.

"Will you accept your Freedom now and with a determination you have never before experienced, face your human self and compel it into obedience to this Law of Life? What is obedience? Compelling it to be harmonious! That is all it has to do! Then, the Currents of Energy form the Presence will flow forth; produce health in the body; harmony in your achieve- ment and Perfection in your attainment; and any condition to which the attention is directed.

"Beloved ones, you do not but in a fragmentary manner yet comprehend the Power which is in the attention of every human being. It is limitless. When your attention is fixed upon an objective, the full Power of the energy from your Presence is flowing forth to your objective; and nothing in the world can stop its accomplishment but yourself. When you take your attention off, the energy stops. There is not one thing on the face of this earth which you could not achieve quickly. There is not one of you in the room who could not do it. Realize once and forever! every human being is compelled to make his own application to his own final Victory.

"Therefore, in the Glory of your Great Presence of all Life, I say to you tonight: stand glorified in the Mighty Activity of your own Mighty I AM Presence, and accept - first your Presence; then all the Ascended Masters and Great Beings of Light wish to give you; and you cannot imagine what They will do, if you are earnest and sincere. Accept the fulness of the Power of your Presence and the Assistance of the Great Ones! go forth! feeling the full Victory of the Light acting within you and your world! and you will find that you can lay your hand upon a discordant spot in your body; the pain will cease at once and the condition will dissolve and disapear. The Current which flows through your hand will produce Perfection for you. It is Light, which dissolves everything unlike itself.

"If mankind but understood that, every human being would become a Mighty Power and focus of healing wherever he went; and even the Radiance poured forth from him would heal where it passed. Such is the Joy and Perfection which is before you. . . . "


Beloved Queen of Light
through the Messenger, Guy Ballard,   February 16, 1938,   Kansas City, Missouri U.S.A.   1



Queen of Light

The Queen of Light focuses the crystal fire mist and the crystal sword from her retreat over the Island of Sicily. Wherever she goes, she directs light rays through a crystal prism. Her legions of light wield the crystal sword through the densest of human creation, clearing our auric fields from all that does not reflect the purity of the mind of Christ. Her consciousness is at the point of interchange where matter becomes spirit and where spirit becomes matter. This is the razor's edge of Christ realization.

The Queen of Light urges us to take under our wing, so to speak, the children and youth of the world who are under such heavy attack by the forces of darkness. She asks us keep a vigil for the Christ child in every heart and to claim these children for the light before they are even born. We can call to her and to her legions to clear a pathway of light over which the golden age children might come into being and help raise the earth into higher levels of consciousness.

   The Queen of Light has a retreat over the town of Messina on the island of Sicily. Here she anchors Divine Light with Amerissis, Goddess of Light through the crystal flame, the crystal prism and the crystal fire mist. Her legions wield the crystal sword to cut through mankind’s densities and to free the children of the world.

Call to attend the Retreat of the Queen of Light

    In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of the Queen of Light over the city of Messina, Sicily, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be taught how to minister to families and children through the flame of purity and the crystal fire mist.

     (personal prayer)

     Beloved Queen of Light, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

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  • Dear Friends,

    To day is the Last Day of our Event for 49 days with 49 Masters....

    I am grateful to all who have taken part in this Meditatiuon and Knowledge for all these Masters...

    Love & Blessings to all....


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