Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

A place to come to learn, and share with all, about the wonderful plants herbs and spices, we have on this beautiful planet. Also some posts on medical matters.



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  • EXCLUSIVE!! How to whiten your teeth naturally, quick, and inexpensive!!

  • How To Improve Flexibility

    How To Improve Flexibility

    1 month 20 days ago, VideoJug

    This teaching material is a lesson time saver that will enable you to get good at exercise and fitness advice. Learn How To Improve Flexibility with VideoJug’s best of the web informative video

  • Thank you so much for your knowledge. I would be so happy for you to share it here with us. Namaste, Melodie

  • Namaste
    I joint here, this group is very nice n good. Anyway I have to talk some matter here, not only chinees. Old indian rishi also discoverd lot of herbal medicine. Collled as AYURVEDA over 5000 yers. They wrote scinskrit ,, old indian laguage. And first ayuveda doctor name as s
    SSusrutha,,, he did first anastesia and operatin he wrote susruthasamhitha a text, allso. Another doctor named charaka. He wrote charaka samhitha, also did operation .
    By the way ayurveda. Going on very populer in india
    Very miracle herbal medicine too.
    Eg,,,,, anti rabis medicine... snake bite,,,some ayurveda dr,,, called. A snake if bite,,,, then re_ bite and remve poison...
    Now very establish hospital here,,, kottakkal arya vydyasala kerala
    India.,, we knows lot of rare herbal remady. What I know I will share here
  • Thank you for adding onto the post Gladys, Good to know what you can do about it natuarally. Blessings, Melodie

  • "Psychopaths have poor sense of smell: scientists"

    The sense of smell is very important for the proper functioning of the brain and our central nervous system. Normally when we lose the sense of smell we have low levels of zinc in our diet and in our system.

    We need to add zinc rich foods to our daily diet as lentils, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, peanuts and sesame among others.

    Avoid very hot drinks or very spicy foods also helps maintain the sense of taste and smell in good health.

  • Hi Ruth and Gladys, thank you for adding about Nettles. Herbs are so interesting and very important in our lives. It's a shame that we have lost a lot of our teachers in families that used to pass on there knowledge. Thank you so much dear Friends. Melodie


  • Psychopaths have poor sense of smell: scientists

    Psychopaths have poor sense of smell: scientists



    Psychopaths have a remarkably poor sense of smell, according to a study published on Thursday.
    Researchers in Australia tested a theory that psychopathy -- a severe personality disorder characterised by lack of empathy, antisocial behaviour and callousness -- may be linked to impaired smell ability.

    Both phenomena have been independently traced to dysfunction in part of the brain called the orbito-frontal complex (OFC).
    Mehmet Mahmut and Richard Stevenson of the Department of Psychology at Sydney's Macquarie University trialled the olfactory skills of 79 individuals, aged 19 to 21, who had been diagnosed as non-criminal psychopaths and lived in the community.
    Using "Sniffin' Sticks" -- 16 pens that contain different scents, such as orange, coffee and leather -- they found the participants had problems in correctly identifying the smell, and then discriminating it against a different odour.
    Those who scored highest on a standard scorecard of psychopathic traits did worst on both counts, even though they knew that they were smelling something.
    The finding could be useful for identifying psychopaths, who are famously manipulative in the face of questioning, says the paper, published in the journal Chemosensory Perception.
    "Olfactory measures represent a potentially interesting marker for psychopathic traits, because performance expectancies are unclear in odour tests and may therefore be less susceptible to attempts to fake 'good' or 'bad' responses."
    The OFC is a front part of the brain responsible for controlling impulses, planning and behaving in line with social norms.
    It also appears to be important in processing olfactory signals, although the precise function is unclear, according to previous research.
    Odour molecules bind to specific nerve cells in the base of the nose, which then send signals via the lateral olfactory tract to the primary olfactory cortex.
    From there, the signals go to OFC via a brain organ called the mediodorsal nucleus, located in the thalamus.
    The study makes clear that a poor sense of smell does not by itself mean that someone is a psychopath. Olfactory dysfunction can also occur in schizophrenia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, it notes.



  • Nettle Tincture

    In a glass jar made ​​¾ of chopped leaves and filled with vodka or white rum then sealed and stored in a place without direct light for six weeks. It is strained and bottled in brown glass bottles. To use just put seven drops in a cup of water three times a day. The dye lasts more than two years.

    Recall that before cutting any plant must ask permission to it and the Universe is a living being, and give positive energy and Reiki to the preparation is excellent.

  • Nettles

    The nettle, also known as the "stinging nettle," is useful as both a medicinal plant and a food. However, because the leaves are covered in stinging hairs, the plantnis often misidentified as a weed. Its special properties include the ability to protect against disease and bad luck, as well as to repel pests.

    Plant facts: The perennial nettle plant has a green, pungent aroma, and a slightly bitter taste. It can grow to a height of 5 feet. The fresh leaves and stems of the plant are covered with hairs that contain formic acid, which causes a burning senstion to the skin when touched.

    Occurence The nettle is found in moderate climate zones throughout the world. It grows along paths, on roadsides, in pastures, in clear-cut areas, and on the banks of rivers and streams.

    Plant parts used The leaves and shoots of the nettle plant are used medicinally, while in folk medicine, the seeds and roots are also used.

    Components The leaves contain diuretic flavonoids, silicate and histaminelike substances.The formic acid in the plant hairs promotes good circulations. The roots contain tannins, while the seeds are rich in the mineral iron, vitamins C and B and caarotenoids, which may help fight cancer by neutralizing free radicals.

    Indications The medicinal effects of nettle are as diverse as the places it grows. It strengthens the immune syste and is helpful for rhuematism, gout and gallbladder and liver pain. Nettle tea treatments increase urination and help relieve prostate complaints. A spring treatment with nettle juice or nettle tea is revitalizing; it will nourish the blood and chase away the fatigue and restlessness typical of the season.     Nettle preparations are also recommended for alleviating enlarged prostate pain. However, don't ignore medical checkups; nettles relieves pain, but does not treat the actual disorder.

    Methods of Administration

    Tea from leaves

    For a diuretic and whole body tonic and to build the blood, infuse 2 tsp of chopped leaves in about 1 cup of boiling water for about 15 - 20 minutes; strain. Drink 1 cup of the tea several times a day for 3 - 5 weeks.

    Tea from roots

    To treat mild prostate symptoms, stir 1 tsp of pulverized root into cold water. Heat and simmer for approximately 10 minutes. Steep for 10 minutes more and strain.

    Nettle-seed wine

    For a strengthener, crush about 2 oz. of ripe nettle seeds in a mortar and pestle and cover with 3 cups of white wine. Shake the mixture occasionally. Strain after about 3 weeks and add about 4 oz. of honey. Seal and store in a cool place. Drink 3 tbsp. 1 - 3 times daily.


    As a treatment for dandruff, boil together approximately 2 cups of wine vinegar with 4 cups of water and about 1/2 lb. of chopped nettle root for 30 min. Massage the decoction into the scalp, then rinse.

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Rose Hip Powder Stops Arthritis Pain: Researcher

Rose Hip Powder Stops Arthritis Pain: Researcher Friday, 14 Feb 2014 12:44 PM By Chris Pritchard A secret weapon to obtain relief from the dreadful pain of osteoarthritis (and other forms of arthritis) is as close as your kitchen’s counter-top blender. A top university doctor says that his research shows that a tasty smoothie made with rose hip powder is often just as effective as powerful pain-killing drugs. Dr. Marc Cohen, health sciences professor at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia,…

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The Mineral That Protects Your Bones: And It Isn’t Calcium

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Curcumin/Boswellia shows promise in chronic kidney disease

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Boswellia improves lipids, liver enzymes and long term glucose control in diabetics

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