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Message from Archangel Jophiel via Julie Miller ~ Find Yourself through your Intelligent Heart
Message from Archangel Jophiel via Julie Miller ~ Find Yourself through your Intelligent Heart Posted: 03 Jun 2013 07:55 PM PDT The deepest wisdom that moves through you Precious Hearts is the intelligence of your heart, and it is always available to each of you. This sacredness of you flows with information that you share with love to all others in ways that can be very subtle from a shy smile to an exuberant hello. Discovering the intelligence of your heart is profound Precious Hearts and…
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Thank you Carolanne,
There are many tips I can offer and they are all effective, and work.
Do you connect with angels daily? as it would be good for you to work with the violet flame too, the dove is also The Holy spirit, when he comes it is God working through you, the volcanoe could also symbolise a massive opening within you, as the heart centre and communication can be representive in picture form so you are able to connect and work on a different level.
Emotional body/mental body are two of the biggest areas to heal and work through and on going, as we are healing on many levels, not only this life time, but all life times, all dimension, past, present and future, so all areas in your life of fear, hidden stuff too, that we block off, as we are not to keen to bring to the surface, when I write on this subject for healing the bodies, as we are healing our many selves, it can become very deep rooted, but as you mention Reiki, reiki is fabulous and will go straight into the roots, if people go in deeper, and the Workings of the Ascended masters, Archangels will assist you deeply in clearing, when I first heard my I am presence speak, I felt very joyus that my daily routine had been effective in clearing me quite alot as this was confirmed.
The working of the Sacred Royal purple, Violet and emmerald ray and flAMES WILL assist deeper levels being removed, so you can reach higher.
Archangel Raphael is twinned flamed with Divine Mother Mary so you can work with Sacred emmerald light, ray and flames and these correlate to the heart centre too, which will bring great peace, healing and lifting you into higher peace.
I tend to call the Mighty Elohim/Eloha and the Angelic realms and when you connect if you wish too, invite them in daily spend at least an hour if you can as it takes a good hour for real work to create the power of healing in you within your physical and outer bodies, all holding a need to be bathed in the Sacred fire. You will notice great change and move rapidly, as you breath, in and exhale focus the Archangel Raphaels' emmerald light surround you, breath in peace, exhale love think of your heart now, as your universe, and send love from there out project all that light, as you fill, your body, heal and ground into the heart of mother Earth as this will assist you to maintain grounding, connection to all that is. and think as you connect to source, through your heart, and you are mother earth and mother earth is you, all is one heart consciousness, one love oneness in unity.
Many Blessing from Raphael and the many Legions here as you think they are, with you, as you think so it becomes. Jan marie
Thank you for this post. Three nights ago I was self treating myself with reiki when I got the name Jophiel in my mind and it was extremely strong, I also received an image of a magenta/ very dark pink and crystalline colour followed by the whitest dove I could ever even imagine. This was flowed by the image of an erupting volcano, lava everywhere then the colour gold everywhere. I have found your post on Jophiel very enlightening .
I am disappointed not to hear from any one here, I would like to share some words with you on this Archangel.
I did a fourty day cleanse, where each day working on various parts of self that needed to be worked upon to release, now that was my goal and on the day of working with elements of fear to be released, so fear of many aspects so as I work with the Violet ray and flame, my aime was as I sent the Violet ray out to clear all elements on all levels within my thoughts, feelings and words, patterns of lower energies that have been been held from childhood, old family thought patterns which I had carried within me all needing to go, now so on this day of working with enlightenment so on my return journey from the Sun, The Great Central Sun, and The Third Central Sun I saw a fantastic light, and my aura lit-up it was as if I felt a response to the clearing work, now being replenished,
Well that evening I was Facilitating a group that had been attending a course which I covered on various Spiritual elements, well this night I was talking on Enlightenment, well you know when you are teaching and talking you do not get to truely partipate as I spend most of the time observing how my students are and to sense who may be communicating with us. Then towards the end of the evening the very last reflective moments, I closed my eyes and Archangel Jophiel was wholesome, sitting right within my Etheric layer, he was golden like the sunshine, and I could see him all from head to foot.
Afterwards the human part of me, as I do often questioned what happened, wow, then it dawned on me I had worked on enlightment so in some way I did recieve his blessing. It was beautiful
The only other time I experienced him was another evening within a Angel evening, I held with only three ladies who came every week,
Well I had done some clearing over this particular ladies higher centers especially I had found a block on her Soul Star once I cleared her she felt a whoosh of energy flow down through her body, and the around her core near her solar plexus and heart chakra, Archangel Jopheil Appeared, it was as if his presence had opened an aspect within the ladies soul Center.
She said she felt emotional, response a few tears which were needed showing that healing was happening.
Now AA Jophiel, is a man very beautiful and I feel he does not have the coverage and response from people as he should.
To call him and talk to him they are so approachable, they hear you, always and I have to say just give your time to them like a best firiend, if you have a close bond you would keep a daily acknowledgment with them show your loving thoughts, not a suffericial love only when you are wanting something? A favour,, A Lottery win? A better House? A New car? Do we see we need to also to give unconditional love, all times.
AA Jpohiel is about illumination of the Soul, raising well being.
So may be add him on your prayer over Easter and beyond to assist your healing, or self love to enlighten you on all levels of your being.
Love jan marie
I feel connected to him, yet disconnected. Anyone saying hello from me are welcome. =)
Hi SohiniBen,
Thank you for being a part of it,
:-) george
Dear George,
Thanks for your Group....