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Salamander Meaning and its Totemic/Animal Symbolism
Perhaps the most profound symbolic meanings of the salamander are evident when we observe it in nature. To illustrate, the symbolism of water deals with transformation, intuition and motion. Therefore, water dwelling creatures such as the salamander hold symbolism of psyche, spirituality, emotion, and ease of motion. These attributes are intensified by the salamander's nocturnal nature because night time is symbolic of shadows, secrets, dreams, intuition and psychic abilities too.
The animal symbolism of the salamander is deals with:
• Vision
• Energy
• Secrets
• Growth
• Balance
• Emotion
• Renewal
• Transition
• Awareness
• Spirituality
• Adaptability
• Opportunistic
• Enlightenment
• Resourcefulness
Quite a diverse list of attributes, isn't it? That's because the salamander itself is a diverse creature. In fact, its symbolic meanings are a bit slippery (pardon the pun) because the salamander is an unorthodox creature with a many outstanding qualities.
One such duality is that it is considered a solar power animal, yet it is primarily nocturnal, preferring to hunt for food in the evening hours. This is a lesson for us to demonstrate balance in our lives. In this case, the salamander also asks us to make the best use of our time (both day and night) and wisely balance the opportunities we have at our fingertips.
Salamanders regrow their tail and limbs if lost in near-missed bites from their predators or other calamities. This is symbolic of renewal, regeneration, rebirth and growth. Here the salamander beckons us to call upon our deepest internal resources to produce the development we require in our lives. It is also a message that there is never loss, and to seek out renewal whenever possible.
Animal symbolism of the salamander continues when we learn it is cold blooded. This is analogous of adaptability and adjusting to our environment. The salamander asks us to perceive the changes going on around us and adapt to our best ability rather than fight against the changes.
The salamander comes to those who are in need of change in their lives. The salamander evolutionary feat to observe, and as such, it asks us to evolve in our own lives.
As you can see, the symbolism of the salamander is far-reaching and practically inexhaustible. I would encourage you to invest the time with this fascinating creature. Get to know the salamander, sincerely ask for the wisdom it has to offer. In time this noble creature may even allow you to adopt it as an animal totem.
Either way the knowledge of the salamander is to be honored like a fiery gem glistening within your psyche.
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