Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

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  • Messengers of Infinity! Messengers of Infinity!

    3 Supra-consciousness Beings!

    Latest Activity: yesterday

    Recognising infinity as all around us inside us and interconnected to everything else being seperate from it is a illusion! Join this group if you want to know more and if you don't want to know more that is alright too!

  • Raelian Inner Earth! Raelian Inner Earth!

    3 Members

    Latest Activity: Jul 17, 2023

    Hi! This group is dedicated to bringing the Raelian message from the Elohim to the people of the hollow Earth wherever they maybe because its the people that are important not the political leaders may the prophet Rael be tasked with this…

  • CFCKFABoston CFCKFABoston

    3 Members

    Latest Activity: Mar 21, 2023

    Better yourself through training Internal Chi-Kung.

    Channeling energy to balance your chakra and kundalini.

    Suited to anyone regardless of gender and/or physical build, and for those that wish to improve performance in their daily…

  • Paradise Regained Paradise Regained

    3 Members

    Latest Activity: Jul 14, 2023

    The Good Force be with you!


    Welcome to Paradise Regained!


    This excellent group is for us, the righteous people of God, who have an everlasting life. This is our reward for worshiping the Lord God…

  • Lion's Gate EMPOWER Lion's Gate EMPOWER

    2 Members

    Latest Activity: Aug 6, 2023

    The Lion’s Gate is the annual alignment with our spiritual star Sirius, creating an auspicious and amplified time to receive the divine  energies.


    2 Members

    Latest Activity: Aug 6, 2023

    The Gift of Love and Healing

    Cho-Ku-Rei Through the attunement process, unique to Reiki, the Gift of Love and Healing is easily received.…
  • Free Distance Healing Free Distance Healing

    2 Members

    Latest Activity: Mar 19, 2023

    This group is for my once a month F*R*E*E distance healing session. This is for all members of this community. Each month on on the 11th day I will be sending all participants healing energy for your highest good and joy! No strings…

  • Reiki Group of Korat Altınok Reiki Group of Korat Altınok

    1 Member

    Latest Activity: Sep 10, 2021

    Bu grubun Reiki şifa sistemleri ve diğer Reiki uygulamaları deneyimlerine, Reiki uyumlamaları sırasındaki duygulara katıldığı bulunmuştur.