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Numerocity : the 3 types of Numerology : The Pythagorean, Kabbalah & Chaldean system
Numerology, or the study of numbers, is an ancient method of divination in which all things have a numerical value. It is believed that this numerical value can help us gain insight into the world around us and grasp a better understanding of the universe. Although numerology originated ages ago, at the hands of the ancient mystics, there are three main types of numerology recognized and used today which include the Pythagorean system, the Chaldean system, and the Kabbalah system.
The three formal systems of numerology are all intended to help you discover the world around you through numbers, though the calculations they each use vary slightly. Depending on which numerology system you choose to use, you will get a different interpretation of your life through the numbers. The accuracy of your numerological reading will depend solely on which system you have used.
All three systems are used to determine who you are and what your destiny may be, but the way the numbers are calculated and interpreted do differ. The Pythagorean system assigns numbers based on the Western alphabet and uses a formula based on finding one through nine. The Kabbalah system is similar, though there is a different amount of letters and does not include the birth date. The Chaldean system uses the vibrations derived from both the birthday and birth name.
Pythagorean Numerology
Although there are three main systems of numerology (Chaldean, Kabbalah, and Pythagorean) Pythagorean numerology is by far the best known and the most widely used by modern numerologists. Many numerologists today contend that while Chaldean numerology is much more accurate, they will agree that the Pythagorean system is much easier to learn, understand, and practice. The Pythagorean system of numerology takes its name from Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher.
Pythagoras lived in the sixth century BC and is known as the Father of Numerology. When most people think of the science of numerology, they are usually thinking of the Pythagorean system. Pythagoras was an ancient mystic that specialized in mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. In fact, many modern students have learned his theories in high school Geometry. Although the origins of numerology go back further than Pythagoras’ time, he is credited with introducing his own version to the masses.
The basis behind Pythagoras’ numerology is that there is a relationship between everything and numbers. He believed that the universe could be explained through numbers going as far as to claim that through the use of numbers, order can be created out of chaos. Pythagoras studied under the ancient Jewish mystics as well as the Gurus in India – both cultures are also known to have used forms of numerology. Pythagoras’ numerology system incorporates these ancient number systems with Western mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, and physics.
Pythagorean numerology is often referred to as Western numerology as well as Modern numerology.
As mentioned, it is the most widely used system of numerology, most likely because it is easy to master. The system lends a psychological and metaphysical meaning to the person you are, who you may become, and what motivates you through life. Through this system, we are able to
define natural talents, tools, and abilities that we each receive at birth. The Pythagorean system, unlike Chaldean numerology, uses your full birth name to calculate your numerological chart.
Within Pythagorean numerology, there are five primary numbers that you should become familiar with. These are derived from your birthday and your full birth name. These five numbers are known as the soul number, the personality number, the power name number, the birth day number, and the life path number. These will offer insight into who you are and how you can improve your life. There is a sixth number, known as the attitude number, which is a secondary number that is also very important in your numerological reading. The life path number is actually the most important number within the Pythagorean system.
As with any system of numerology, everything has a numerical meaning. This means that your name, your date of birth, today’s date, your actions, and everything around you can be explained in numbers. The key to understanding the world around you is to be able to interpret everything’s secret numerical meaning and apply it to your life.
The Pythagorean system of numerology is an adapted system that uses the modern Western alphabet.
In this system, each letter of the alphabet has a numerical value which ranges between one and nine. When calculating your numerological chart, or any one of your significant numbers, you should sum each down into a single digit to get the most accurate meaning. Unlike the Kabbalah system and the Chaldean system, the Pythagorean system uses only single digit numbers. Once you know and understand the meaning of each of the nine numbers, you will be well on your way to becoming a master of the Pythagorean system.
Most modern people, much like their ancient counterparts, use the science of numerology to gain insight into their lives, their pasts, and their futures. Numerology is also an excellent way to gain insight into other people. Pythagorean numerology can help you achieve these goals in addition to helping you understand what types of people are most compatible with you and why. Numerology is a great way to learn about relationships, friendships, family, lovers, and even coworkers.
In order to successfully interpret your personal numbers and those around you, you must understand that the Pythagorean system employs numbers that have both positive and negative connotations. Even if a life path number harmonizes with someone, you may still clash emotionally because one of you elicits the negative aspects of one of your numbers, simply because you expect to. The Pythagorean system of numerology helps us break down expectations and become more tolerant of one another.
Chaldean Numerology
Chaldean numerology is one of the three main systems of numerology used today, along with Pythagorean numerology and Kabbalah numerology. The Chaldean numerology system is perhaps the oldest form of numerology known, with its origin in ancient Babylon. At that time, Babylon was inhabited by the Chaldeans. Very few people today realize that the Chaldeans were a group of people, not just a numerology term.
It is likely that Chaldean numerology is the basis for all other forms of numerology, although that cannot be confirmed. It is important to understand that Chaldean numerology differs from Pythagorean, or Western, numerology and Kabbalah numerology in many ways.
The Chaldean system is arguably a much more spiritual method of numerology as well. In fact, many numerologists refer to it as the Mystical Numerology system rather than Chaldean. Although it is the least popular system, many modern day numerologists are convinced that Chaldean numerology is the most accurate system there is. They base this opinion on the belief that Chaldean numerology has been proven to be consistent, accurate, and efficient for thousands of years, for people all over the world.
Whereas the Pythagorean and Kabbalah systems base their formulas on the numbers one through nine, Chaldean numerology focuses on one through eight. In this system, the number nine is a holy number and is separated from other numerical vibrations, except for when it is the sum of all vibrations in question. Furthermore, this particular numerology system bases numerical values on vibrations rather than where a letter falls within the alphabet.
Chaldean numerology is not as easy to master as the Pythagorean and Kabbalah systems, which may contribute to its unpopularity. Because the numerical values are calculated so differently, the Chaldean method is less systematic in numerical values and orders. For example, when analyzed through the Chaldean system, your name will likely have a much more metaphysical or occult essence to it with a lot more interpretation needed to identify hidden forces that influence your life. This may be a little hard to take for many modern people.
Another interesting difference between the Chaldean system and the Pythagorean and Kabbalah systems is that while it does take into account the numerical value of your name, it bases its interpretations on the name you are most known by. So, for example, if your name is Jennifer Smith, but you usually go by Jen Smith, your numerology chart would be calculated based on “Jen Smith”.
The second most important factor, after your name, in Chaldean numerology, is your birthday.
Another major difference that sets Chaldean numerology apart is that it always uses compound, or double-digit numbers. Single digits represent outer influences and double digits represent inner aspects to a person. Furthermore, the Chaldean system places emphasis on both the date of birth as well as your birth name, unlike the Kabbalah and Pythagorean systems.
The meanings of the numbers in the Chaldean system are similar to the meanings in the Kabbalah and Pythagorean systems as well. All numbers, regardless of which system you use, will have very similar meanings, characters, symbols, and general nature. As mentioned earlier, Chaldean numerology takes it a step further and uses compound numbers, unlike its numerological counterparts. In this system, the single digit number tends to represent the physical outward appearance of a name whereas the double digit will represent the deeper meaning. In Chaldean numerology, the single number (physical) and compound number (metaphysical) are both determined before your date of birth is analyzed.
In the most basic terms possible, your single digit number is what you appear as in the eyes of the world while your double, or compound, number represents any hidden influences that play a role in your life and possibly even your future. In Chaldean numerology, while the base, single digit numbers all have very similar meanings, the compound numbers have a life of their own. While it is not fully known where or when the compound number interpretations came from, it is known that they have made their mark in numerology. We can see their symbols on Tarot cards today.
Chaldean numerology bases your date of birth number on the day of the month you were born. So, for example, if you were born on July 27th, your number would be 27. Your birth number is extremely important in Chaldean numerology because, unlike your name, it is constant. It is important to remember that your name can change – women get married, people take on nicknames, and so on.
But the day that you were born will never change. It is a constant in your numerological chart.
Kabbalah Numerology
The ancient science of numbers, known as numerology, influences every aspect of your life. Based on the day you were born and your name at birth, numerology lays out the blueprint of what lies ahead for you. Numerology is an excellent way for people to learn more about the true nature of their self, why they behave a certain way, and can even help them unlock the mysteries of those around them.
Each person has a unique set of numbers associated with their name and birthday, which can be then translated into a personalized numerology chart. There are three main systems to numerology including the Pythagorean system, the Chaldean system, and the Kabbalah system.
While the Pythagorean system of numerology may be the most popular system used by modern numerologists, it is not the oldest. Ancient Hebrews incorporated a numerology system in writing the Kabbalah, and numbers play a very important role. First and foremost, it is important to understand what the word “Kabbalah” means. The word itself means “knowledge that comes through the mind and soul rather than through a flesh and blood teacher”. In Kabbalah numerology, this definition is a key grasping the concept overall.
The Kabbalah teaches that everything has a hidden sense, or meaning. This includes every word, every Hebrew letter, every number, and even the accent on the words within the Hebrew Bible, or the Torah.
The Kabbalah works to teach the methods of interpreting these secret meanings. One such method is through Kabbalah numerology. It is important to remember that unlike any other language, Hebrew is one in which every letter also has a corresponding number associated with it. There is no separate numerical alphabet in the Hebrew language, which lends to the Kabbalah numerology system.
As you may have observed, the Hebrew language is a theological one. The letters are all interrelated and are divided into three groups of nine letters each. Each group is ten times more powerful than the one that comes before it. The groups are divided in such a way that they each hold a message which can be interpreted.
Generally speaking, the Kabbalah is meant to help students understand the creation of the world, the creator, and the universe itself. Through the study of the Kabbalah, students are taught to have a deeper understanding of God as well as ethics, the soul, and everything else. It is through the meaning of each number, or letter, that Kabbalah students are able to achieve this goal. These meanings are used to interpret the world, people, and our actions. Students can interpret such things as they learn to decode the letters and numbers.
An example of one decoding method in Kabbalah numerology is known as Gematria and it is used extensively. We know that each letter in the Hebrew alphabet represents a corresponding number.
When we convert these letters to numbers, we can unlock the hidden meanings of what is written. This is used by various schools throughout the world. While this is a well-known method, there is no set way to do gematria. Some students apply the numerical values to entire words while others do the same for sentences.
The Kabbalah’s origins lie in ancient Hebrew mysticism. The Kabbalah numerology system does not take into account the numerical value of the birthday but only the person’s name. The Kabbalah system is incredibly old and was used by Hebrew mystics across the board. This particular system was developed using the Hebrew alphabet, which means it has only twenty-two numerical vibrations.
These vibrations range from 1 to 400. It is important to note that the ancient Kabbalah numerology system was adapted for both the Greek and Roman alphabets. The adaptation is known as “New Kabbalah” numerology and places more focus on events rather than character.
Obviously, in numerology, regardless of the system, the role of numbers is a key one. Each type of numerology has its roots in ancient times and has changed very little since then. Kabbalah numerology is very similar to Pythagorean numerology in that it assigns a numerical value to each letter in the alphabet. However, the main differentiation is that in the Kabbalah system, there is no focus on the date of birth or any other date for that matter. In the Pythagorean system, dates are interpreted as well. It has been argued that the Kabbalah numerology system is the basis for the Pythagorean, or Western, system.
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