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Year Two of the New Earth

2014: An Opportune Year of Change


Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn




Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! 

As 2013 enters its final weeks, we ask each of you to take pause and consider the powerful progression of events you have experienced individually and cumulatively over the past  year. Whether or not you fully recognize  that the Planetary Ascension has occurred is truly a moot point, for time moves faster now than ever before. 

Masters 2014 is a year of extreme change, and these changes logically occur in primary nodes you term as astrological events. Yet these are far more than you currently comprehend.Within each node are codes that affect your auric field through induction. These codes serve myriad purpose. 

A coded astrological event is like an animated energy fountain, an organic cascade that affects you on a very deep level. It is an infused conscious and purposeful coordination of sacred frequency. Within its own arrangement of particalized light, it is just as alive as you are, the difference being that it has no individual agenda and its evolution depends upon its environment as well as the environments of all other star gates. If astrological powernodes, specifically solstices, equinoxes and eclipses were to be truly understood as the devices of induction they truly are, you would then define them more aptly as an aperture in the space time contingency, an insert succinctly purposed & governed by the organic geometric nature and framework of resonance of their entry into your plane and their expansive essence. Nothing stands still, and regardless of how time and dimensionality are measured, change continues to reveal and express itself astrologically....and logically so.  

And so as we begin this discussion of 2014, we encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of individual Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' message. 


Dear Ones, in these radically transitional times, always remember that Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true and what is not, based on heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty, to one grouping.


The current time offers each of you an opportunity to  choose to live free, to choose to release worry and fear, and create your own well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE. It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way that the Nation of Humanity will UNITE, it is the way humanity will Ascend, and 2014 is a key phase for allowing you to coherently  create the Earth you desire. Year Two of the New Earth, 2014, energetically  initiates the true phase into what is termed the 'Age of Aquarius', the true beginning of the Aquarian Shift.  


A Key Time


Accordingly Masters, you are in the folds of a key sojourn. Indeed there are specific lifetimes that are more highlighted within your vast sojourns, certain vectors in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps. Within these are crucial crossroads of decision that define you. This is one of those lifetimes. Energy and time are moving fast, much is happening on your Earth as you continue to adjust and calibrate to  the Crystalline transitions  of the New Earth in 2014. It will not be easy, nothing truly worthwhile occurs without focal effort ... but it will be a joyous accomplishment and credential. For you are among the souls that are collating to create the planet of harmony.  Accordingly  2014  is an incredibly important year, in many ways more so than 2013. For in 2013 you were in the early phases of adjustment to the New Earth. You were exercising the utility of new chakras that extend into higher dimensions. In 2014 you will begin stretching new wings and trying out flight into new spectra. You will be working in theta coherency to visually create a world of harmony ! It will take time but potent  tools are now in place. What happened in 2013 was a new beginning. That new beginning is the New Template of the New Earth. The Ascension of the Earth has allowed for the dimensional revision and expansion of the planet. The Earth is expanded to a Crystalline Field, expanded from the 5th to the 12th dimensions. In 2013 you began learning the ropes, and in 2014 you will progress further in this exploration. It will take concerted effort.


2014 will be a year in which you continue to experience  many subtle shifts on your levels of awareness. Your expanded chakric system is still adjusting to operating in new manners and indeed in new dimensions. The layers of your CEF (Crystalline Auric Field) are still somewhat in flux, still stabilizing for most of you. The expansions can and do  effect to varying degrees your sensory systems &  emotional field.   


Mental Focus


In Year Two of the New Earth, you are required to make a greater effort in your mental focus. It may at times feel to you that you are struggling to maintain balance, to keep focus. This is a combination of the new energy influxes and the requirement to not only adjust & calibrate but to crystallize your purpose and intent. The Aquarian shift with its change in ionic ratios (from the past 2 decades of  Solar Radiation)  now surrounds the planet and is compelling each of you to put your spiritual life in order. The ionic ratio change is up-shifting the 'code-wiring' between the mental fields of the conscious and subconscious, between physical actuality and divine pattern. Because of the coronal mass ejections jet streams of anionic plasma circulate the earth and pocket around specific 'sacred sites' . These allow for easier access into theta coherent consciousness, and it is within theta coherency that you are able to more effectively create the New Earth.


There are certain timings in 2014 in which you will feel and focus on those areas of your life stream that need to be addressed. You will be required to confront the self and  prioritize what actions are needed. Redefine your inner contracts and determine how you wish to utilize your remaining time on the planet. You will be compelled to seize the moment , and make a bucket list !


 You can no longer sit complacently on the fence. 2014 is a time to determine the missing pieces of your puzzle. It is time to make your mark, to contribute your part, to consider the legacy your life will be. And yes it involved putting the pieces together ... assembly is required!  The Crystal Frequency is becoming even more powerful in 2014. This is a resonance that increasingly will influence each of you into more ' impeccability '. This is simply an aspect of understanding who you are and becoming true to the highest standards. It requires you each to take your power and walk in integrity, to truly become impeccable.


Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you more fully encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey. Likewise the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you achieve the compassionate aspect of  integrity. This truth then applies to individuals and nations as well, it applies in macro and micro.


In 2014, the aspects of inner conflict will move into the crucible phase for purification. Any dishonesties, any flaws that were hidden, any shadows will come into light in order to be faced. Align your  actions to highest goals. Prioritize ! Examine your path..and plan your journey consciously.


Understand then that it is the energy of the Earth in the Ascension in parity with the 144-Crystalline Grid that enabled and continues to drive  the crystalline energy expansion of the Earth into greater and more lucid dimensional reach. And take note Masters, the energy from 5d to 12d that is accessible to you now  is only the beginning. For the aspect you term zero field is the aspect of crystalline dimension. It expands into energy dimensions that indeed exist within you, but have been dormant, inaccessible to the masses of humanity, yet these crystalline dimensions are your true impeccable origin, and you exist in higher form within them. 

An Essential Understanding  

We will first tell you once again that the Ascension of the Planet did  indeed occur. It is essential you understand this and not lose faith. There are ever the naysayers and will continue to be those that question, even among those on the path, that any real changes took place after December 21, 2012. The Ascension did occur, those of you of light made it so. But we want to clarify it is the graduation of the Planet Earth, an expansion into 12 Dimensions that has taken place. And it is the ascension of the planet that has made the coming ascension of humanity possible.

So we will tell you that the Ascension is a new beginning. And in 2013, the Earth entered into the new format that will allow for humanities ability to rise lucidly, further ascend consciously into higher dimensions. The New Earth now carriers a matrix through the Crystalline Grid that is absolutely enabling humanity to be more aware of their true nature within multi-dimensionality.

We assure you that in 2013 a new sun dawned, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent. In this new era, it is incumbent upon the seekers to project joy, to project light, for in the expansion to Crystalline Harmonics, every photon of mental light you project is exponentially amplified. And this occurs more rapidly in the New Energy of 2014. So your roles take on a new importance, a greater benevolence, as your creation powers increase in that termed the Aquarian Shift.  So we speak in specifics of 2014 !


2014 Power Dates & Activation Phases


The energies of 2014 will be less intense than the obstacle course of increasing frequencies experienced by humanity in 2011 and 2012, but perhaps  more intense than 2013 in specific periods. But the intensity phases of 2014 can be managed with awareness of the influences occurring. for these are taking place purposely. However that does not mean that the periods of high intensity do not have specific purpose, for indeed the frequencial 'bar' is still being raised and specific energetic codes will be aligned to download during astrological openings 


The 2014 quadric of equinoxes, solstices, and quadrangle of eclipses are extremely powerful, each presenting unique coded octahedronal portal openings of the New Earth. During the equinoxes, solstices, and especially the 4 eclipses of 2014, a surge of 'new' coded energies will flood the planet.


Key Focal Dates: 

  • April 15 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
  • October 8 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
  • April 29 - Annual Solar Eclipse
  • October 23 - Solar Eclipse (Partial) 
  • March 20, 2014 - Equinox
  • June 21, 2014- Solstice
  • September 22, 2014- Equinox
  • December 21, 2014 - Solstice 

It is absolutely a natural synergy that these astronomical dates provide downloads of coded influx. For these events (solstices, equinoxes and eclipses) truly open gateways, apertures that have always been unique events for such transfers. That is why they have been revered as days of introspection, prayer and meditation in ancient cultures and in many current spiritual sects.


Now the 2014 eclipses take on an even more unique quality, in terms of offering catalystic energy triggers of change both individually and for the planet. In 2014 the 2 lunar eclipses are 'Total' the eclipses occur on the full moon apex both in April and October.  . It will be the perfect time to change course in your life by meditating toward self direction and calibration. In 2013 many of you discovered a renewed purpose, experienced a renaissance, and are on newly creative  paths that will continue and gain momentum in 2014. Others have chosen to remain on the same path but with a renewed vigor, new perspective or new group association. Many of you will yet discover a new purpose in 2014 and bring to the surface a prolific talent that was previously dormant or unrealized.


In Year One,2013,  the Green Flame reactivated bringing you greater ability to commune with the elements and kingdoms of the Earth. Year one also brought in the Portal of the Renaissance that aligned your current time hologram to the three prior Golden Ages. This was coded in the navals of Delphi and Rapa Nui.


2014 provides the energy to complete the 'rebirthing, and alignments by recharging your willfully to the uncompleted points of your 'soul contract' that had not yet been achieved or acted upon.


In 2014 they are even more multifaceted than the potent ones that have taken place since 2009. Each of the above listed  dates in 2014 offer the following:


  • Time for deep introspection toward self discovery in the New Earth and alignment of goals
  • Time for self purification and establishment of impeccability - 'walking ones talk'
  • Opportunity for healing relationships, individually & globally ' planting the seeds of Peace & Harmony"
  • Enhanced energies within power nodes, enhanced visioning and lucid dreaming.
  • A window for recharging & balancing energies, renewal of determination & courage.
  • Reception of codes that allow for greater utilization of the full 33 chakras in Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na. 


The Grand Trines of 2013 are also still in energy influence through the mid-term of 2014. Three coded 'Portal-Influx' phases will occur and  reach an apex in March-April, May-June  and again in September & October of 2014..


2014 Key Portals of Coded Influx :


The three Coded  Portal Phases  of 2014 are as follows: 

  • Portal of Harmony : March 20 - May 8
  • Star-Gate Portal / Violet Ray of Truth :May 14- June 21 - ( Peaking May 22-26)
  • The Platinum Ray Portal : September 21  - October 23  :


The first coded phase occurs from the March Equinox to the Total Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse,  Grand Cross and into the Eta Auarids Meteors of May. April has a solar eclipse, lunar eclipse and a Grand Cross sandwiched between the eclipses involving Mars, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter.  It is a hallowed & opportune time to seek harmony, to project harmony collectively. There are codes that allow for a spiritual rebirth on a Global scale and a redesigning, redefining of relationships. It offers an opportunity for the seeds of World Peace to be planted in areas of conflict, especially in what is termed the Middle East. On an individual level, it is a time to bring greater troubled relationships. To reconcile what has been severed. It is an influx of compassion. In a very true sense it is a download of what may be termed 'Unconditional love' the Kristos Energy'.

The second  is between May- June with its initial  trigger flowing forward from the Harmony Portal of April. This phase also includes the energies of the Grand Water Trine which began in 2013 and remains in force through June of 2014. It is a time of completions. In a very true sense the Star-Gate Portal of May 2014 is the beginning to the Age of Aquarius. It is a time in which the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance will move into a greater influence, and greater presence. This is absolutely an embellished phase for Global prayer a time to gather to meditate in unison for it marks another phase of the 'Return to the Dharma, the Great Nobler Truths.  


The third phase occurs between September 20 and October 23, 2014. It is perhaps the most inward reaching. It is a phase containing the codes of the embellished Platinum Ray, the Energy of the Earth Goddess. It harmonizes all 12 physio chakras. In this phase an opportunity of self calibration, and the release of all obstacles that do not serve you as an individual, and as a collective of Humanity on the New Planet Earth. It is a time to shed old remnants, release hidden obstacles.  The Platinum Ray represents a time for individuals to manifest the new self, the new purpose, the new partnership, association or direction. It is a time of intense re-energizing, re-vitalizing of life force. It is a time to install the new codes and take action toward a better self and a better collective force. The Platinum Ray is a nurturing energy; it may be termed Feminine in nature, for it allows for a sense of support, as each soul seeks greater light. 

The 13-14  Couplet


2014 is in one aspect, coupled with 2013. In the neoteric sequencing of the newborn expansive earth, annual pairing will become the norm. Astro-codes that initiated in 2013, complete in 2014, the true contemporary span then is a 24 month phase. This base 12 doubling will be  evident in your experiences in many arenas, especially your calibrations and reformations of relationships. We have told you that 2013 & 2014 are times of change.  Consider this advice  as a gentle tap on the hand - a 'wake up call'  from we who love you deeply. Look first in the mirror, and trace the reflection of your life's interactions. Reflect upon the footsteps of every year of your life that have led you to this moment of 'Now'. Explore deeply the compassion expressed within & without  your heart and see what has been gained, and what has been forfeited. Have you traveled so so far only to find yourself in the same place? 



Dear Hearts, if your present situation does not suit you, then make the concerted effort, take the action of change .As we have stated, the energies of 2014, offer you enhanced opportunities for such action. Relationships will need to be defined and re-determined. An effective exploration of such employs a requisite of total honesty in all forms of companionship from ' A to Z' allies, acquaintances, lovers, brothers, sisters and even what you may consider 'enemies', antagonists, and adversaries. The 3 core code phases of 2014 afford energies that peculate trapped feelings, hidden emotions to the surface. These are actual frequencies that can create crucible effects for those choosing impeccability. And it is always a choice, whether to achieve clarity or remain in conflicted projection.  Greater cleaning, greater consciousness of "Integrity" is absolutely achievable for the serious seeker in the harmonic phases of 2014.


Uranus-Pluto Triggers


Dears Ones when you are not fully in integrity, you are in conflict with self. In truth this crucible purging began last year and will indeed will surface again in 2014. Particularly during the span of the two Uranus-Pluto squares:


 ** > Uranus Squares Pluto April 21, 2014 at 13° 34' Aries/Capricorn (Uranus direct, Pluto retrograde) 

** > Uranus Squares Pluto December 15, 2014 at 12° 35' Aries/Capricorn (Uranus retrograde, Pluto direct)


 You may use these energies wisely by completing uncompleted feelings, exploring unexplored emotions and expressing unexpressed opinions. In doing so  you can indeed lift a burden that has dimmed your inner sense of self rectitude. Complete honesty can lead you toward not only fidelity, but a greater light-quotient of consciousness. And this year is triggered for such  virtue.


And we tell you that those of you in what may be termed 'senior' phases of your physical sojourn, may indeed feel very driven, compelled within the energies of 2014 to 'make things right', and Dearhearts, there is no better time for this, no better energy for this, than the 'Harmonic' phases of 2014. Take advantage of this opportunity, and keep in mind that you are in a temporal setting. Change is the nature of physical reality, and  things can change in an instant. People come and go, and often when you least expect it, someone is here and then gone. Find forgiveness ! Look deeply within and without as these words find a foothold in your heart, and lead to action. 



We tell you that 2014 is a time to flow, a time to flower. It will be for many of you a year of great change. There is a new energy on the planet. You have created it. There is much yet to do. Use this time to find your roles.

Those of you who have been sitting on the fence, considering taking more committed roles of leadership, writing your book, expressing your inner artistry.. now is your time of actions, finalizing the seeds planted in 2013. 2014 is your year of fruition. The energy will support your highest good.

In 2014 you take your second wind and polish your ability to operate in the New Earth.  You take on new missions. It is time to gather together and meditate in coherent union for creating the Earth that you want, a Planet of Peace and Spiritual well being. It is time to utilize the enhanced creative abilities offered in the Aquarian Shift.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.

...And so it is...and it is so.  

The above channel is copyrighted ©  to Earth-Keeper : All Rights Reserved   


The 3d copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. It may be shared online with expressed permission from EK Admin, as long as you do not charge for it, do not alter , abridge or edit it any way, credit the website & 3d author receiver and include this entire copyright notice . It may not be posted on U-Tube or printed in books or magazines without expressed written permission from Earth-Keeper Admin. For authorization please kindly contact Anne (Earth-Keeper Admin Director) at

Major Astrological Powerdates for 2014

January 1 - New Moon.  A perfect beginning for Year Two of the 'New Earth'. The New Moon of January 1st, 2014 will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth, yet the energy will pervade the entire planet.  This phase occurs at 11:14 UTC. New moons are the optimal time to begin new projects, a rising (waxing) moon gains energy, adds energy to endeavors. An auspicious beginning to a powerful year !


January 2, 3 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower. The Quadrantids is an above average shower, with up to 40 meteors per hour at its peak. It is thought to be produced by dust grains left behind by an extinct comet known as 2003 EH1, which was discovered in 2003. The shower runs annually from January 1-5. It peaks this year on the night of the 2nd and morning of the 3rd. The thin crescent moon will set early in the evening leaving dark skies for what could be an excellent show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Bootes, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


January 5 - Jupiter at Opposition. The giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view and photograph Jupiter and its moons. Jupiter is a very power giving planet, offering the energy of will and strength.


January 16 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 04:52 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Wolf Moon because this was the time of year when hungry wolf packs howled outside their camps. This moon has also been know as the Old Moon and the Moon After Yule.


January 30 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 21:38 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere. Venus completes the retrograde began on Dec 13, 2013, and moves forward Jan 31, 2014.


February 6 : Mercury: Mercury goes into retrograde. A time for introspection. It will effect all astrology within the next 3 weeks phase.


February 14 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 23:53 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Snow Moon because the heaviest snows usually fell during this time of the year. Since hunting is difficult, this moon has also been known by some tribes as the Full Hunger Moon.


February 28 : Mercury goes direct


March 1 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 08:00 UTC. Mars begins retrograde motion. Saturn begins retrograde motion the following day on March 2nd.


March 16 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 17:08 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Worm Moon because this was the time of year when the ground would begin to soften and the earthworms would reappear. This moon has also been known as the Full Crow Moon, the Full Crust Moon, and the Full Sap Moon.


March 20 - March Equinox. This Equinox opens the first power phase of 2014. The March equinox occurs at 16:57 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.


March 30 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 18:45 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


April 4-5: : The Atlantean Portal of the Law of One.


April 8 - Mars at Opposition. The red planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view and photograph Mars. A medium-sized telescope will allow you to see some of the dark details on the planet's orange surface. You may even be able to see one or both of the bright white polar ice caps.


April 15 - Full Moon. Very potent full moon, opening the gateway to harmony. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 07:42 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Pink Moon because it marked the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the first spring flowers. This moon has also been known as the Sprouting Grass Moon and the Growing Moon. Pluto goes into retrograde.


April 15 - Total Lunar Eclipse. Extremely potent total lunar eclipse on the full moon. It is an energy of spiritual renaissance, a time for rebirth and calibration within the energy of the New Earth. A time to discover purpose and create harmony, to seed peace on earth.  This eclipee opens the doorway to  The eclipse will be visible throughout most of North America, South America, and Australia. 


April 21 : Uranus-Pluto Square : A powerful indicator & opportunity resonance of change


April 22, 23 - Lyrids Meteor Shower. The Lyrids is an extraordinarily powerful event in 2014. All meteors are vibrational amplifiers. The shower runs annually from April 16-25. It peaks this year on the night of the night of the 22nd and morning of the 23rd. These meteors can sometimes produce bright dust trails that last for several seconds. 


April 29 - New Moon: The New Moon of Peace & Discovery. This is a powerful time to visit power sites and seek renewal and create peace on earth. A time of exploration and deeper understanding.  The moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 06:14 UTC. 


April 29 - Annular Solar Eclipse.  This is an extraordinarily potent eclipse occurring on the New Moon, an auspicious timing. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is too far away from the Earth to completely cover the Sun. This results in a ring of light around the darkened Moon. The Sun's corona is not visible during an annular eclipse. The path of the eclipse will begin off the coast of South Africa and move across Antarctica and into the east coast of Australia. 


May 5, 6, 7 - Eta Aquarids Meteor ShowerThe Eta Aquarids is an above average shower, capable of producing up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak. Most of the activity is seen in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere, the rate can reach about 30 meteors per hour. It is produced by dust particles left behind by comet Halley, which has known and observed since ancient times. The shower runs annually from April 19 to May 28. It peaks this year on the night of May 5 and the morning of the May 6. The first quarter moon will set just after midnight leaving fairly dark skies for what should be a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


May 10 - Saturn at Opposition. The ringed planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view and photograph Saturn and its moons. A medium-sized or larger telescope will allow you to see Saturn's rings and a few of its brightest moons.



May 14 - WESAK Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 19:16 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Flower Moon because this was the time of year when spring flowers appeared in abundance. This moon has also been known as the Full Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon.


May 19: Mars : MARS completes retrograde and moves forward, offering an upshift in frequency.


May 23 - 27 - Star-Gate Portal: The StarGate Portal is a time of Renaissance, and activation of the expansive chakras into the patterns of 12 physio dimensions and the intra dimensions of higher realm. It is a continuance of the 'return of Dharma-truth, revealing of all that is in shadow.


May 28 WESAK New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 18:40 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


June 7-9 - Conjunction of the Moon and Mars-The Moon will pass within two degrees of the  planet Mars in the evening sky. The gibbous moon will be at magnitude -12.2 and Mars will be at magnitude -0.8. Look for both objects in the western sky just after sunset. The pair will be visible in the evening sky for about 6 hours after sunset. Mercury goes retrograde on June 7. Neptune goes retrograde on June 9.


June 13 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 04:11 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Strawberry Moon because it signaled the time of year to gather ripening fruit. It also coincides with the peak of the strawberry harvesting season. This moon has also been known as the Full Rose Moon and the Full Honey Moon.


June 21 - June Solstice. The June solstice occurs at 10:51 UTC. The North Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its northernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north latitude. This is the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the Southern Hemisphere.


June 27 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 08:08 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


July 1: Mercury moves forward


July 12 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:25 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Buck Moon because the male buck deer would begin to grow their new antlers at this time of year. This moon has also been known as the Full Thunder Moon and the Full Hay Moon.


July 20: Saturn: The ringed planet of transition completes retrograde and moves forward. Following day July 21, Uranus goes retrograde.


July 26 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 22:42 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


July 28, 29 - Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Delta Aquarids is an ' Aquarian'  shower that can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by the  comets Marsden and Kracht. The shower runs annually from July 12 to August 23. It peaks this year on the night of July 28 and morning of July 29. This should be a great year for this shower because the thin crescent moon will set early in the evening leaving dark skies for what should a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


August 10 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 18:09 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Sturgeon Moon because the large sturgeon fish of the Great Lakes and other major lakes were more easily caught at this time of year. This moon has also been known as the Green Corn Moon and the Grain Moon. This is also the closest and largest full Moon of the year, an annual event that has come to be known as a "supermoon" .


August 12, 13 - Perseids Meteor Shower. The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by comet Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862. The Perseids are famous for producing a large number of bright meteors. The shower runs annually from July 17 to August 24. It peaks this year on the night of August 12 and the morning of August 13. The waning gibbous moon will block out some of the meteors this year, but the Perseids are so bright and numerous that it should still be a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Perseus, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


August 18 - Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. Conjunctions are rare events where two or more objects will appear extremely close together in the night sky. The two bright planets will come unusually close to each other, only a quarter of a degree, in the early morning sky. Also, the beehive cluster in the constellation Cancer will be only 1 degree away. Look to the east just before sunrise.


August 25 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 14:13 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


August 29 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view and photograph Neptune. Due to its extreme distance from Earth, it will only appear as a tiny blue dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.


September 9 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 01:38 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Corn Moon because the corn is harvested around this time of year. This moon is also known as the Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the September equinox each year.


September 22:Pluto begins forward movement , completes retro flow.


September 23 - September Equinox. The September equinox occurs at 02:29 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.


September 24 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 06:14 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


October 4:Mercury goes into retrograde.


October 7 - Uranus at Opposition. The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view Uranus. Due to its distance, it will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.


October 8 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 10:51 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Hunters Moon because at this time of year the leaves are falling and the game is fat and ready to hunt. This moon has also been known as the Travel Moon and the Blood Moon.


October 8 - Total Lunar Eclipse. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earth's dark shadow, or umbra. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red color. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of North America, South America, eastern Asia, and Australia. 


October 8, 9 - Draconids Meteor Shower. The Draconids is a minor meteor shower producing only about 10 meteors per hour. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, which was first discovered in 1900. The shower runs annually from October 6-10 and peaks this year on the the night of the 8th and morning of the 9th. Unfortunately the glare from the full moon this year will block out all but the brightest meteors. If you are extremely patient, you may be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Draco, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


October 22, 23 - Orionids Meteor Shower. The Orionids is an average shower producing up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Halley, which has been known and observed since ancient times. The shower runs annually from October 2 to November 7. It peaks this year on the night of October 21 and the morning of October 22. This will be an excellent year for the Orionids because there will be no moon to interfere with the show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Orion, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


October 23 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 21:57 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


October 23 - Partial Solar Eclipse. A partial solar eclipse occurs when the Moon covers only a part of the Moon, sometimes resembling a bite taken out of a cookie. A partial solar eclipse can only be safely observed with a special solar filter or by looking at the Sun's reflection. The partial eclipse will be visible throughout most of North and Central America. 


October 25 : Mercury moves forward


November 5, 6 - Taurids Meteor Shower. The Taurids is a long-running minor meteor shower producing only about 5-10 meteors per hour. It is unusual in that it consists of two separate streams. The first is produced by dust grains from Asteroid 2004 TG10. The second stream is produced by debris left behind by Comet 2P Encke. The shower runs annually from September 7 to December 10. It peaks this year on the the night of November 5. Unfortunately the full moon this year will block out all but the brightest meteors. Those with patience may still be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Taurus, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


November 6 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 22:23 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Beaver Moon because this was the time of year to set the beaver traps before the swamps and rivers froze. It has also been known as the Frosty Moon and the Hunter's Moon.


November 16:Neptune completes retrograde on November 16, and begins forward flow,


November 17, 18 - Leonids Meteor Shower. The Leonids is an average shower, producing an average of up to 15 meteors per hour at its peak. This shower is unique in that it has a cyclonic peak about every 33 years where hundreds of meteors per hour can be seen. That last of these occurred in 2001. The Leonids is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1865. The shower runs annually from November 6-30. It peaks this year on the night of the 17th and morning of the 18th. The waning crescent moon will not be much of a problem this year. Skies should be dark enough for a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Leo, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


November 22 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 12:32 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


December 6 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 12:27 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Cold Moon because this is the time of year when the cold winter air settles in and the nights become long and dark. This moon has also been known as the Moon Before Yule and the Full Long Nights Moon.


December 8: Jupiter flux: Jupiter begins retrograde motion.


December 13, 14 - Geminids Meteor Shower. The Geminids is the king of the meteor showers. It is considered by many to be the best shower in the heavens, producing up to 120 multicolored meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left behind by an asteroid known as 3200 Phaethon, which was discovered in 1982. The shower runs annually from December 7-17. It peaks this year on the night of the 13th and morning of the 14th. The waning gibbous moon will block out some of the meteors this year, but the Geminids are so bright and numerous that it should still be a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Gemini, but can appear anywhere in the sky.


December 21 - December Solstice. The December solstice occurs at 23:03 UTC. The South Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its southernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.44 degrees south latitude. This is the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the Southern Hemisphere. Uranus completes retrograde and moves forward.


December 22 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 01:36 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.


December 22, 23 - Ursids Meteor Shower. The Ursids is a meteor shower producing  about 5-10 meteors per hour. It is produced by comet Tuttle, which was first discovered in 1790. The shower runs annually from December 17-25. It peaks this year on the     night of the 22nd. This will be one of the best years to observe the Ursids because there will be no moonlight to interfere with the show. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Ursa Minor, but can appear anywhere in the sky.

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