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Total Solar Eclipse & Avalon Returns, August 20, 2017
This is a really different channel!! The energies were very powerful because of the eclipse that took place the following day. In addition, I was in the mountains with very poor cell coverage. Therefore, I was sitting out on the deck with heat, humidity, bugs and a locust!! You’ll hear and see the difference.
The Goddess tapped into this energy as a means of clearing each of us through all our lives, all our conscious and unconscious experiences. We tapped into that with the sense and the feeling of the eclipse really overriding everything else.
Therefore as we found ourselves in the alignment with the eclipse it was like this powerful ball of energy that went through us on all levels! Whew, the clearing was deep and profound.
Once we were cleared we all assisted with clearing the energies of the collective consciousness. As that happened the energies went through the matrix surrounding the earth cutting old energies, old patterns, old ties. As that happened the actual energy of the earth shifted. As we watched a great deal more light and balance entered into the matrix transforming it.
The second part of this is the return of Avalon. I channeled Sunkara as she spoke of Avalon and its truly amazing return. Avalon is the foundation for much of who we are, where we came from and all the transformation. Most people think of Avalon in conjunction with Camelot. It was actually more ancient than that time and they lived in different dimensions.
Avalon was about the feminine energy and a Druid based life of alignment with Gaia. There were of course men, women children who lived on the land; but it was a Goddess foundation.
During Atlantis, they tried to take over Avalon erasing the magic, the link to the land, the divine feminine so in a HUGE undertaking the central portion of Avalon was removed from the earth — literally. This was enclosed in a bubble of energy and it’s been 30,000 or more years in that place. I’ll write a blog with more detail, however, during the eclipse the physical Avalon returned!! This channel taps into it and all of us assisted.
Goodbye August... Now What's In Store? By Melanie Beckler
Hey there, Can you believe we've made it all the way through August... My oh my what a power packed month that was.... With the Eclipse "reset energies", the "Mercury Retrograde reflect and review", and of course the incredible new levels of light and activation downloads pouring in and bringing up the old for release... You honestly might still be feeling a bit shaken up depending on how and where in your life these changes are manifesting... Be sure you take some time to reconnect with nature, meditate, and find your center in the moment, that is right here and now. One thing is certain, and that is the fact that we've all been transformed at the core level in some way. And now the energies of September are aligned to help us realize where that transformation really happened... What it really means... And how we can now access and use our new levels of light and authenticity to step into the new beginnings and opportunities available. Some key dates for this month include: September 5- Mercury Direct (Increased clarity) September 6 - Full Moon (Revealing the downloads we received with the New Moon) September 21 -25 Gateway of Light Opening (new influx of crystalline light and codes of awakening) September 22 – Equinox (1:02pm PT) (Balanced energy and new levels of light) September 23 – Cosmic Trigger, Timeline Shift (Alignment with the Galactic Center and Timeline Shift into sync with the "New Earth"... September 29 - New Moon As you can see... September is a big month for us too, and I have some great new resources coming up to support and assist you in making the most of it... For now, check out this simple process to illuminate your heart with light: An open heart remains one of the main keys to making the most of this powerful time... And for aligning the path before you with the infinite light and love available right now. With love and blessings, Melanie
Video: "Heart Light Illumination ~ Heart Awakening on the Ascension Path"
Melanie Beckler's Message For Those Having A Hard Time In Life
Are you struggling now? You're not alone… These past few days I've gotten more emails, facebook messages, and blog comments from people who are struggling, sick, and in pain. People who are close to giving up faith, or way past that point already. And I just want to share with you that… It's okay... Yes, life is hard! Pain is a part of being alive, and really, it's something that can only be experienced by the living. Right now, the strong energies of light flowing in surrounding the Eclipse are bringing up pain, fear, and challenging emotions for so many. But you know what? These things are coming up for release! And it's going to be okay… In this moment right now, I'm inviting you to take a step back. To shift out of “being in it”, and to step back into “observing it”… Because what if the pain showing up in your life is actually a sign that deep healing is occurring? What if the struggle you're feeling is exactly what is needed for your healing and spiritual growth to unfold? What if what you're perceiving as a struggle, is actually the biggest opportunity you've ever been given? To release the past and let more light into your life. It's not easy… Life isn't easy, and these times of accelerated change, raise the stakes. But it's not meant to be easy. And it's okay if you feel lost, scared, and overwhelmed now. Let it be okay that you don't know exactly where you are going. What if instead of a bad thing you shifted your perspective to see the blessing in the present? Just a little, tiny glimpse of a silver lining. Where you can shift your perspective to feel and experience a sensation of freedom. To look at this moment of being suspended in air… Having no clue where to go, just that you can't go back to where you've been… What if you saw this, not as being lost, but as being free. You're not alone. This is exactly where we are collectively now… In the place between what has been and what is possible. And it feels scary. It's confusing. It's downright painful and challenging for some as old memories, beliefs, past experiences, and present challenges energetically cling to you… Like a heavy ball and chain dangling from your feet and threatening to pull you down out of the sky. But you know what? These are the exact energies, and circumstances where you can learn to fly. Where your wings are forced to open… Where your brilliant inner light in the midst of the darkness around is finally revealed. And it's okay that there's no clear destination in sight. It's okay that you can't see where this all leads… It's okay that you want to feel good, joyful, and in love… But you don't. That's not what is important now. The winds of change are carrying you forward. And if you feel like you're drowning in strong emotions, distress, and chaos… This is healing in action. And it's okay! You're okay. And you're going to be okay. You'll get through this. As my grandmother always used to say: “This too shall pass”. And you'll come out on the other side stronger, brighter, and clearer. So for right now… Step back and observe, and know that you are loved. My heart goes out to you. Prayers, and love, and angels are all around. And for some additional things to try, check out my article on "Getting Through Ascension Symptoms" here: