Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

notice how you feel.
Big changes are coming fast in our world. Are you ready for them? As a
way of preparing, maybe it is time for Us to look at ascension in a new light.
For Christians, the time of Easter is their commemoration of the ascension of Jesus
into heaven.
Consider the possibilility that we are fast approaching the ....

The idea that a communal ascension may be coming soon could be a little scary for
some folks: They may figure that if they ascend as they believe Jesus did, that they
won't be living on this planet anymore, and even though this world has been a quite
nutty kind of place, the idea of leaving may be frightening for some.
We have tended to be afraid of the unknown, even when the status quo has
been painful.
Consider the possibility that one need not leave the Earth to
ascend, that one can simply choose to to live the ascended way
of living right here on this Earth.

What do I mean by the term "Communal Ascension?" My truth: it is the time
when enough of us in this world awaken fully to our loving nature that many of
those who have been clinging to all the old and tired ways of living---the ways that
have never worked--- surrender to the power of their love, our love, and that we
birth a world in harmony.
Living the ascended way of living is living in loving trust and
harmony no what is happening in the world that appears to be
outside of you.
Will you envision this? An awakened/ascended world may look like this:
* We trust and love each other. No more perceived need for locks, lawyers, guns,
police, or wars of any kind.
*People are all about giving, not worrying about what they are going to get.

* We accept each other, letting everyone else be and think as they wish.
* We are free of guilt, repression, and the need to control or be controlled by
anyone or any old craving.
* We are free to practice our creative and relaxation passions as we intend.
*We share the great wealth of this world fairly, so that all are adequately fed and
* We enjoy the fruits of medical, power utilities, water and ecological
technologies that have been hidden from us by the greedy.
* We thrive in the freedom to make use of natural resources that help heal and
relax us, products that now result in prison time for those who make use of them.
* We are freed from the veil of guilt, fear and division that society has used to
cloak the beauty and power of loving sex.
We can create this kind of world. In order to create it, it is important
that we know that such a world is possible and that this is our

Why "Getting It" Now is Important
The sooner we get it, the less suffering there will be in this world. The sooner we get
it, the sooner our earthly vehicle will be healed. The sooner we get it, the sooner that
war, hunger,poverty, disease, corruption, false religion and homelessness will no longer
be the scourges that they have in our world.
We have been indoctrinated to praise and defend corrupt capitalism and to condemn
natural socialism.

It is time to awaken. In a world in which 40,000 people starve to death every day,
true humanity means shared wealth.
The world that is coming is to be a world of loving harmony. It will become a basic
knowing that none of us owns anything, that the bounty of our Earth is so great as
we respect her that there is enough for all of us to live in basic comfort as we
share the responsibility of of stewarding this Earth and distributing her bounty to all.
I see big corporations abusing this vehicle we are riding through space: destroying
life-giving forests, polluting our skies, and placing their greed above our health and
that of generations to come.
We have sat idly back and watched our institutions foment the lowering of our
expectations and the stirring of fear that it all will get much worse, or that we will
stay stuck in the same rut for the foreseeable future.
I see our corporations hiding ecological and medical technologies that would be a
great service to all while they poison our skies, food and water to sicken and weaken
us, compounding our challenges of fear, frustration, overwhelm and hopelessness.
I have seen our religious institutions, supposedly feeding us spiritually, treating their
followers like stupid sheep, as financial resources to be tapped, as pawns on their
chessboard. All big religion* is polluted and drains followers of their true strength.

The purpose of all big religion is the oppostite of what constructive religion might be.
While we would like it to be something that unites and uplifts, the very purpose of the
big religions of today is to confuse, divide, impoverish and weaken us....

While they throw guilt and fear upon their followers.

And, given the behavior of so many of the world's religious leaders, the
somewhat intelligent person might move back and forth between Pascal
and Homer Simpson:

Folks, consider the possibility that subscription to such foolishness is simply silly.
Our world citizenry are in such a state of overwhelm, shock, hopelessness or fear that
the masses have been clinging to the mess that is going on in their lives now, clinging
to the old and destructive,learned ways of dealing with life. It hasn't worked, except to
push us to get fed up. Pushing us to get fed up is the gift of the "bad guys." We get
fed up enough to become open to new possibilities, even our ascended destiny.
We appear to be on a course of self-destruction. Fulfilling our destiny happens as we
collectively choose to make all of our response to life fully loving in nature.
To rise above all this is not at all a matter of fighting anything.
Fighting has only bred more fighting.

Filter this one thourh your heart---a central aspect of what I feel guided to share with
those who are receptive:
Ego and corrupt institution are vaporized in exactly the same way:
We love them as we remove all other attention and support from them.

At some point we figure out that, until we awaken, not every day is going to
look rosy, that God doesn't spill tomorrow's lottery numbers, and that neither
deities or aliens are going to descend from the heavens to save us from our
stupid behavior and false beliefs. We get to approach life differently if we'd
like it all to be better than it has been. I would guess that there is no God
tallying all our prayers to keep track of us, either:

Seems to me that the collective treadmill we are on together is not the preferred and
deserved reality of which we are capable.
The sooner we awaken, the less suffering we will experience. 

As long as we stay stuck in ongoing distraction, denial, pretense and overwhelm about
who we are and about what is going on in our world, we are simply expanding our
collective suffering.
I submit for your consideration here that it is time for us to awaken, time for us to claim
our loving destiny of harmony. The journey is simply about loving ourselves and each
other, all as equals. Loving everyone and everything else. Seeing Us all as connected.

Yes, a capitalized "Us." A big tip-off that organized religion is not working for Us is that
they hide from us our our divine equality and connection with each other. This is may
be observed by noticing how they treat women and children.
A step in towards your realization of our divine nature may be to experience this
10-minute video meditation. When the screen goes black, consider hushing up your
head, closing your eyes, and focusing on your heart as you notice your feelings.
Please use your pause button 

and go into the silence as many times as you like during this video.
I will note as I have before that I do not consider Buddhism a religion but
a way of life. While I do not put the Buddhist label on myself, I see the
Buddhist way as a high calling and wonderful example for the world. It
would be a great diservice to Buddhism to lump it in with the corrupt big
religions of this time.

I do not suggest that you should just idly accept any of the
Chosen Knowings ideas. I ask that you use them as starting
points to discover your own Chosen Knowings.
Seven of the19 Chosen Knowings ideas are shown here.
I am doing this for a reason that is both serving and selfish for I see Us as one
connected Being that is both based in and deserving of the highest Love. And it is time
for Us to claim our destiny. This cannot be done without diverting from the present
collective path of conditioned fear and suffering.
We have avoided the realization of our true and loving nature in
favor of extremely false and anemic substitutes for it. Now is the
time to embrace our loving nature.

There are many awakening teachers, some of noble intent. It is my observation that
the vast majority of them offer a route to enlightenment that is either needlessly
circuitous or completely misguided. Most are more concerned with selling you their
next book or seminar than they are with helping you discover yourself. If you wake up,
they are out of business.
While techniques and disciplines, chants and toning, seminars,
webinars and books can help you, the bottom line is that
awakening is an inside job. You get to do it by facing and
trusting yourself.
The awakening tools I have created are designed to provide a simple structure to help
you do that more effectvely.
I have seen what I have been creating to assist in the awakening of humanity has not
been heard by many until now. Spirit has a way of being and working for all of us, I
perceive: One cannot effectively teach what one does not know and congruently live.
I had some things to move beyond before I could offer these simple wake up tools with
integrity. Now is the time, walking the talk.
And sometimes I still slip. Please don't be throwing a halo over my head.
And some might say that I am not doing all this for entirely unselfish reasons: I am an
empath. I feel the challenges of the world more than most. I am ready for Us to move
beyond suffering.
As you may resonate with what you have experienced here, I ask that you share it with
those who may be receptive.
All Love,
You need to be a member of The City of Shamballa Social Network to add comments!
A Vision for Healing Ourselves and Our Planet
The following Vision comes to us from Vicki Brunton of Palestine, Texas. Vicki says, "I would like to share a vision with you...this is a bit rough, but the essence is that as we consciously heal ourselves, everything around us will be healed as well."
Thank you, Vicki. Your Vision is beautiful, and here it is!
We see a vision of our children as they arrive on planet earth never losing their connection to their higher self, knowing who they are and why they are here. They are continuously and lovingly supported by parents, angels, guides and others in ways that nourish, inspire and uplift them. They are a source of pure light and love, here to assist the planet in healing.
We see a vision of ourselves as whole and fully integrated, having forgiven ourselves and others and loving all aspects of who we are. We see ourselves living freely, compassionately, and in gratitude for all that has past which has brought us to where we are now. We see ourselves carrying out our higher purpose work in service to our fellow man and our planet. We see ourselves as healed, filled with light and love which, in turn, heals others by our very presence. As we raise our vibration, we assist in raising the vibration of those around us.
We see a vision of ourselves, our children, all people and our planet as healed and vibrating pure love and light