Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

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Vlog 21 - The True Purpose of Jesus Crucifixion & Resurrection - By Patricia Cota-Robles
In this video, Patricia Cota-Robles gives us an uplifting message about how the true purpose of our life is to return to Christ Consciousness within us, and it is the responsibility of each of us to do so while we are on this earth.
Jesus life & teachings to his disciples modeled this, showing that it is up to each of us to go within, meditating & doing our spiritual practices every day to achieve the elevated state of Christ Consciousness for ourselves....for the more each of us experience the Presence of Mother/Father/God within us each day, the more we help all others on earth come to experience this as well and live in peace, love, & understanding of each other.
The Light of God within you reflects the Light of God within me !
Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all,
Steven Hutchinson
Video: "Vlog 21 - The True Purpose of Jesus Crucifixion & Resurrection" - By Patricia Cota-Robles -

Boundless Love is Within this Moment

Wait patiently within the silence

Of eternity

For answers

And Intensions

Jewels of the past are remembered

That which was hidden

Obscure or avoided

Is remembered

That which is to be revealed

For the future

Is within this


Release outworn thoughts and feelings

Of the old paradigm

Walk through the gate

To the future

All exists

In this eternal now

Nothing need be done

except to love


energyforecastbanner 2015
The Difference Between Taking Forced Action & Inspired Actions - By Emmanuel

 heat is on

It’s a blessing for me to be able to connect with you this way my friend. We have so much energy talk to catch up on, so let’s get right to it!

We are currently moving through a highly active energy cycle that began at the end of July, and will continue until early September.

During highly active energy cycles, there’s often a great deal of electricity in the air, which is felt most powerfully by those who are sensitive to energy.

When this much electricity is in the air, it offers us an excellent opportunity to take action towards creating the reality of our choice.

This is not the time to sit on the sidelines, watching as life passes us by!

Just like the seasons, energy goes through different cycles. Sometimes the energy is in a dormant cycle, and at other times, the energy is in a highly active cycle.

Right now, we are in a highly active cycle.

Turning Up the Heat

When the energetic heat is turned up as it is right now, it often manifests itself in the following ways in our personal lives:

• Beginning a new project, job, or creative venture
• Cleaning up and resolving past debts (personal, financial, etc.)
• Deciding to move to a new home or location
• Changes in appetite and eating habits
• Being more social and making new friends
• Giving ourselves a healthy outlet to express our creativity
• Starting a new relationship or rekindling a past or current one
• Feelings of being motivated and action-oriented
• Taking a trip
• Exercising and being more physically active
• Taking a new class or course
• Cleaning our house or living space

If any of these examples sound good to you, now is the time to explore them!

Two Kinds of Action

There are two kinds of action: inspired action and forced action.

When we try to take forced action, we usually come up against a great deal of resistance.

Making or forcing something to happen often requires that we spend lots of time and energy on something that may not be natural to us. It often feels hard, and requires a great deal of outer control.

Many of us grew up being taught that making or forcing something to happen is what brings it to us. We were taught that if we were assertive about making our dreams a reality, we would be rewarded with positive results.

We were taught that the harder we worked, the more things we could acquire to make us happy. Even though this method may work temporarily, most of the time it comes with a hefty price, like the disruption of our wellbeing.

When we operate from a space of always trying to make or force something to happen, that usually puts a great deal of pressure and stress on our emotional and mental bodies.

Over time, this shows up as an imbalance in our emotional, mental, or physical body.

But there is a kind of action that doesn’t require us to push so hard, and that is inspired action.

When we take inspired action, we do so from a place of awareness, ease, and grace.

We become so present to the opportunities and blessings the Universe is offering us, that we easily step into them from a place of gratitude. There’s no force, control, or pressure needed.

With inspired action comes a trust that the Universe/Our Spirit is taking care of us fully.

With that trust, we no longer need to oversee or control every specific detail in our lives. We move out of any survival or victim patterns.

Taking inspired action is not to be confused with sitting around and waiting for life to make things happen for us.

It does, however, mean that we are intentionally choosing to be present and open to the opportunities that come our way.

The Universe/Our Spirit is constantly gifting us with new opportunities and blessings that will help us create the kind of life we truly desire.

However, when we are focused on the future or dwelling in the past, which most people have been taught to do, we tend to miss what’s being presented to us in the present moment.

It’s in this present moment that we are the most effective deliberate creator of our lives.

Special note: Because of the highly active energies right now, it has become very challenging and almost uncomfortable for us to procrastinate—to resist being active.

Even if it’s as simple as going for a walk outside or moving our body through dance or any kind of aerobic exercise, these inspired actions will serve us greatly during this time.

Physical Shifts

When we are in a highly active energy cycle, our body can experience any of the following:

Our vision sharpens.

Our sense of hearing, taste, touch, and smell become more refined.

We might feel a bit dizzy at times, or spaced out.

Our skin may feel a bit more itchy than usual—a confirmation that we are energetically “shedding our old skin,” and letting healthy new skin to emerge.

Our weight fluctuates.

Our sleeping patterns change.

We tend to lose track of time.

However these energy shifts show up for you, just know that it’s normal, and part of the process.

The Power of the August 21 Total Solar Eclipse

The pinnacle of these highly active energies will be reached on August 21 at 2:30 pm Eastern Time, when we will experience a total solar eclipse.

Eclipses are some of the most powerful astrological occurrences, because they often usher in major changes.

During an eclipse, humanity is upgraded energetically, so the energies will feel very high as they move through us.

It might be a good idea to write down whatever inspirations, ideas, and insights we receive at this time, so we have them available for easy access later on, to integrate into our lives.

An eclipse is also a great time for healing, because it brings to the surface deeply buried patterns that are no longer aligned with our highest potential.

If you find yourself and others feeling a bit more emotional or sensitive than usual during this time ... be gentle with yourself and them, as this will allow the healing to be a much smoother experience.

As we use this time for healing, it’s also a great opportunity to let go of the illusions of separation, and to remember that we have always been One with all of Life, including each other.

This particular total solar eclipse is asking us to be fully transparent, open, and honest when it comes to how we live our lives.

Anything or anyone operating covertly or without integrity during a time of this total solar eclipse, and for several months afterward, will struggle Big Time.

Keep an eye out for how this shows up, both in our immediate reality and also on the global stage.

One of the greatest ways to work with this solar eclipse is to be clear about what our intentions are, and to be willing to follow through on them when the opportunity to do so presents itself.

During a total solar eclipse, meditating on the Sun energy strengthens our internal Sun (located in the solar plexus/stomach region), which is another way of saying our Divine power.

This helps us to express ourselves and our gifts more openly and freely, without holding back. It also helps us build confidence in ourselves, including our gifts, talents, and overall presence in this world.

This total solar eclipse is going to shake up a lot of things, which will open the door for many new blessings to enter our reality.

As always, it has been such an honor to connect with you in this way.

Have a wonderful August, and I will look forward to catching up with you again soon!

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


Again, a profound thank you for your sacred love offering that allows this page to remain 100% free for everyone to read!
Video: "You Are The Divine Architect Of Your Life - By Emmanuel Dagher"
I Am The Breath Of The Creator's Love & Light - By Steven Hutchinson
What I was divinely guided to share with you very much focuses on using your breathing, together with the prayer affirmation, to experience more fully God's Presence within you and 'All that you are' !
So you can use this as a guided meditation, calling upon your Divine Self & the Heavenly Host to lead you in the meditation, and consciously breathing in the Divine Energy in each affirmation.
So when you are divinely led to do so - you may also want to pause for a few moments with some of the affirmations and just be fully conscious in the moment & breathe in the divine energy & receive any Divine Guidance that comes to you.
And remember - what you consciously think & affirm every day is what you become and experience in your life....and the Divine Light & Love in you reflects the Divine Light & Love in every human being - helping uplift us all !
Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all,

1.With my every breath, my mind & my Whole Being are united in Oneness & Unity with the Creator & my 'I Am Presence'. And with my every breath, the Energies of the Universe of the Creator & the original 144 extensions of the Creator & the Golden Christ Consciousness continually flow in my whole Being & all of Gaia.

As I breathe these Divine Energies into my Whole Being - they are all aligned with every cell in my body, & with all of my DNA, & with my Whole Being; and are also being embodied in all of my chakras, and in my spiritual, emotional, mental, & etheric bodies.

I Am the Christ Consciousness ! I Am the 144 original extensions of the Creator !

I Am the Mahatma synthesizing the Divine Energies of the Universe of the Creator & all the original 144 extensions of the Creator to manifest the Creator's Perfection & Christ Consciousness in me & every human being with my every breath ! And So It Manifests !

My Whole Being, and every beautiful cell in my body, are continually being bathed in these Divine Energies in Love, Joy, and Happiness with my every breath...and these Divine Energies are continually radiated throughout my Whole Being and into all aspects of my life. And So It Manifests !

I Am the Supreme Love Body of the Creator anchored now in my Higher Heart Chakra ! Feel or imagine A sphere of Golden White Light. I Am the Power of the Creator merged now with my Supreme Love Body in my Higher heart Chakra...and now my merged Supreme Love & Power Body of the Creator expands throughout my Whole Being and anchors in my Earth Star Chakra..... and now expands to encompass all of Gaia & every human Being !

I Am my Supreme Love & Power Body of the Creator expanded throughout Gaia & helping awaken & manifest Divine Healing, Peace, & Love in me & every human being with my every breath. And So It Manifests ! Take a moment & let yourself feel this.

The Supreme Intelligence of God & the Christ Consciousness of my Divine Self, with the 144 extensions of the Creator - governs, guides, & guards the functioning of every cell in my body, & also guides the manifestation of "All That I Am' and the Creator's Perfection in me & every human being with my every breath.

My mind & the Divine Intelligence in every cell of my body are united in Oneness with this Supreme Intelligence. The Creator's Divine Energies and Creative Intelligence continually flows in me & thru me as i breathe them in with my every breath, creating my healthy body & 5th Dimensional Self & my reality, always unfolding with Divine Grace in the Creator's Perfection.

With my every breath, my remembrance unfolds of the totality of my Soul...and of my Soul Group...and of everything I Am to embody in this incarnation. Thank You God ! And So Manifests with my every breath !

2. My mind & my Whole Being are united in Oneness & Unity With Gaia (Mother Earth). I Am continually sending the Highest Divine Love & Light to Gaia & Mother/Father/God with my every breath, and I continually receive & lovingly accept the Highest Divine Love & Light from Gaia & Mother/Father/God.

My Whole Being is always grounded & anchored on Gaia & in the heart chakra of Gaia & God thru my Golden Grounding Cord.

My Golden, Platinum, & Magenta Nets of Protection always keep my Whole Being protected from all vibrations & activity not of God's Light & Love, & also protects my Whole Being from all parasites.

I Am experiencing Divine Peace & Harmony on all levels of my Being with my every breath. My Mind & my Whole Being are centered & anchored in the Divine Stillness & Love & Peace of the Creator in my Higher Heart Chakra with my every breath. Anchored in this Divine Stillness, I Am continually & smoothly flowing with my every breath in an Ocean of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness & Infinite Transfiguring Divine Love.

My Whole Being is perfectly aligned in every moment with these Divine Energies, and I embody these Divine Energies with my every breath.

I Am always manifesting the Creator's Love, Will, Creativity, & Power in me & through me for the highest good of all. I Am the perfection of the Creator embodied & manifesting as an Angelic Divine Human in a healthy 5th dimensional body.

I Am the Miracle Energy of the Creator embodied & manifesting fully in my Whole Being & thru me in all of Gaia with my every breath !

I Am a Divine Portal for the Creator's Light & Christ Consciousness. I Am the Creator's Divine Architect for all aspects of my life, & with my every breath, I Am bringing the Creator's Supreme Light into physical form in the Creator's Perfection in my Whole Being & in all of Gaia ! Thank You God! And So It Manifests with my every breath !

3. I lovingly call upon the Creator & my Divine Self & all the Divine Beings helping me to continue to help me manifest in every moment God's Divine Will & all of my prayer affirmations, including a total healing, rejuvenation, & restoration of the perfect Divine functioning of my entire body ... and So It Manifests with my Every Breath !

The Creator, & the 144 original extensions of the Creator, continually breathe through me & as me in service to mankind & Gaia. I surrender to the Light & Love & Power of the Creator & my Divine Self & all these Divine Beings that are helping me.

I now lovingly call forth from Gaia & from Prime Source all of the Sacred Geometry & Codes & Templates & Rays & Flames of the Creator that have:

Healed & rejuvenated my body & restored all of its perfect Divine functioning; & have healed & released all other blocks to my spiritual growth & ascension; and have created in me a 5th dimensional crystalline body of Light; and have helped expand the spiritual upliftment & awakening to God's Presence & God's Love, Peace, & Abundance in me & every human being; and have helped heal Gaia.

I continually breathe in & extend all these waves of Divine Light Energies throughout Gaia & to every human being with my every Creator's Breath. And my Whole Being exists in a state of loving acceptance & surrender to the activity of each Light wave performing its intelligent functions throughout my Whole Being.

I Am the Breath of Life & Light of the Creator for my Whole Being . I Am the Creator's Pure Healing & Rejuvenating & Creative Light & Power In action in every human being with my every breath !

I Am manifesting God's Perfection in every cell in my body & in my Whole Being with my every breath; & I easily learn & assimilate & embody everything needed for my perfect health & spiritual growth & ascension; and everything I need always flows to me with perfect divine timing.

United in oneness with all aspects of the Creator - the Creator's Divine Sound and Creative Intelligence continually flows in me & thru me, harmoniously creating with my every breath my healthy body & self & reality in the Creator's Perfection. My Whole Being is a pure & perfect manifestation of the Creator. The Creator in me is now manifesting a divinely perfect crystalline body existing in my perfectly healthy physical body. Thank You God ! And So It Manifests !

4. I ask my Divine Self & the Divine Beings helping me to help me to activate, experience, & embody with my every breath the Divine Light & Energies that are divinely perfect for me from:

The Universe of the Creator & the 144 original extensions of the Creator ; and the Light & Divine Energies of the Totality of my Soul & Soul Group; and the Light & Divine Energies of Divine Joy & Happiness & Christ Consciousness from my Soul..... and from Mother/Father/God; and the Divine Light & Energies of the Creator's Love & Power Body in me & every human being.

Breathe in the loving energies of the Universe of the Creator & the 144 original extensions of the Creator, & let yourself feel them in your heart chakra. And call upon the 144 extensions of the Creator, for they are ready to help you manifest healing, spiritual upliftment, & the Creator's Perfection throughout your Whole Being...and through you, the healing, spiritual upliftment, & the Creator's Perfection in all of Gaia & mankind.

And affirm, "I Am the Light & Divine Energies of the original 144 Extensions of the Creator, united with the Divine Energies from the Universe of the Creator - manifesting healing, spiritual upliftment, & the Creator's Perfection in my Whole Being & in every human being & throughout Gaia, with my every breath!"

And "I Am the Light & Divine Energies of the Totality of my Soul & Soul Group manifesting & anchoring in me with my every breath!"

And affirm, "I Am the Divine Light & Energies of Joy, Happiness, & Christ Consciousness manifesting from my Soul in my Whole Being with my every breath ...& from God !

I Am embodying in every cell of my body & in my Whole Being all of these Divine Energies with my every breath...and I feel & experience these Divine Energies in all of the cells of my body & my Whole Being as they are continually radiated into all aspects of my life. And So It Manifests !

5. The Prism Of Light Healing Chamber:

I ask my Divine Self & AA Metatron to create, activate, & maintain the Prism of Light Healing Chamber around me (a hexagonal prism chamber is created around you as soon as you ask).

I ask the Creator & My Divine Self & AA Metatron to help me create & continually experience the highest vibrational relationships with:

The Creator; & with the Energies of the Universe of the Creator; & with AA Metatron; & with the Angelic Kingdom; & with all the Divine Beings helping me...and I instantly feel my Divine Vibrations rising & a wonderful Divine & Loving Connection with the Creator & the Creator's Universe & all these Beings.

And I ask The Creator & my Divine Self and the Divine Beings helping me to align my Whole Being to all of these Divine Energies, as well as the Prism of Light Healing Energies at the purest vibrations of the Angelic Kingdom, and this divinely perfect alignment is now created & maintained with my every breath. And So It Manifests !

Through my heart chakra & higher heart chakra, I now enter into the Prism of Light Healing Chamber, & I see or acknowledge its hexagonal shape surrounding me. And I now see, feel, or acknowledge the Rainbow Creator Light frequencies encompassing my being.

I acknowledge the Angelic Beings present surrounding the Healing Prism Chamber, as well as the Creator's Presence connecting deeply with my Whole Being. Take a moment & let yourself feel in your heart chakra the loving Presence of the Creator & the Divine Beings present to help you... for all are ready to help you manifest your intentions in being in the Healing Prism Chamber.

I surrender my entire being to the Light, Love, & Power of my Divine Self & the Creator and the Divine Beings helping me.

I now allow the Creator to raise my vibrations; heal & rejuvenate my body; & reactivate or reencode my Whole Being, allowing the necessary codes and templates to be embodied in me for the appropriate healing & rejuvenation & spiritual upliftment to be active within me.

With my every breath, I breathe in and receive in my Healing Prism Chamber all of the Light & Love & full healing & rejuvenating & uplifting Energy & Divine Creator Assistance I need...and I Am Healed & Uplifted!

I Am also open & willing to receive & act on any Divine Inner Guidance I receive to help manifest my healing & spiritual upliftment. I Am always consciously present & aware of the Light of the Creator radiating throughout my Being & illuminating any areas within me in need of healing.

I Am the Divine Love & Power of the Creator that has healed My Whole Being... and I can now feel or sense every cell in my body radiating the Creator's Perfection in Divine Love, Joy, & Happiness. I Am Healthy. I Am Joyful. I Am Happy.Thank You God ! And So It Manifests !

6. I Am experiencing 'All That I Am' and the Creator's Perfection in my healthy body, & in my Whole Being, & in all aspects of my life with my every breath!

I Am an embodied Angelic Ascended Master, & my Whole Being has transformed into a beautiful angelic 5th dimensional Being. All of my bodies, including every cell, are now beautiful Crystalline Cells & Bodies of Light...& my physical body has transformed into a beautiful, healthy, & youthful body. Thank You God ! And So It Manifests!

7.Walking or driving mantra: Jay Sita Ram, Jay Jay Sita Ram

8. I Am Abundant Infinite Divine Love. I Am Divine Forgiveness. I Am Divine Compassion. I Am Divine Harmony. I Am Divine Peace. I Am Divine Surrender. I Am Divine Joy.

I Am the Light & Energies of all of the Divine Qualities of God's Perfection continually manifesting, anchoring, & being embodied in me & in every human being with my every breath.

I Am the Totality of my Soul & Soul-Group continually in action in my Whole Being & through me in all of Gaia with my every breath !

I AM God's Infinite Light and BEAUTY in Action in me & every human being with my every breath !

I AM God's Wondrous Transfiguring LOVE and COMPASSION & FORGIVENESS IN ACTION in me & in every human being with my every breath !

I AM God's WISDOM & INSIGHTS & VISION IN ACTION in me & in every human being with my every breath !

I Am the original 144 extensions of the Creator in Action in me & in every human being & in all of Gaia with my every breath !

I Am Sourced By Love! I Am the Love & Power Body of the Creator In Action in me & in every human being with my every breath !

I Am my Infinite Self & Wondrous Infinite Transfiguring Love in Action in me & in every human being & In all of Gaia with my every breath !

I Am 'All That I Am' manifesting in me & in every human being with my every breath !

I Am a Beacon of Abundant Infinite Divine Love & Light, and I express this ever-flowing Divine Love & Light eternally.

I accept, honor, & surrender to this Divine Love that is my natural state of existence.

I Am an embodiment of & a True & Divine expression of God's Love & Light & Power for the Highest good of all ! Thank You God! And So It Manifests!

Video: "I AM Expanding My Consciousness And Manifesting My Heart's Desires - By Steven Hutchinson" -


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