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The Teachers You are Seeking Are Within You By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel is encouraging you to go within yourself for answers that you are seeking, even if that feels frustrating.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


The Teachers You Seek are Love and Wisdom. They are Within You.



There have been times when I received this card and wanted to shout, That's easy for you to say, I'm asking for help here!

Most days, I can take a breath and remember that this card is really expressing my highest Truth and I need to make the effort to take time to connect more deeply with my heart. After I feel more balanced, I can usually find that still place within that enables me to ask the right questions, which is often one of the reasons I don't have the answers I am seeking.

Over the years I have appreciated working with many different teachers on the physical level. I needed them to show me a new way of perceiving at important times in my life. All the great teachers I have known have made themselves obsolete by giving me the tools of consciousness that I needed to become more resourceful. However, much of the time I just wanted them to tell me what I needed to know and help me live my life. Giving away my power was common.

Just to be clear, I need inspiration on a daily basis. And sometimes I receive this spiritual food from teachers who are in a physical body. I find taking classes very nourishing and stimulating at times, and they can jump-start my spirit just when I most need it. I only seem to get into trouble when I lose my sovereignty by believing everything another person says, or thinking they have THE answers for my life.

I have been fortunate to be with a number of teachers who have acted as guides and way-showers for me. Most of them demonstrated what it looked like to live consciously and shared the tools and techniques that helped them reach that state. Some of these tools were helpful and some were not. It was important for me to learn to feel my inner resonance when the teachings applied to me.

When I met my guru in 1977, I was sure that I had met someone who would finally take over the responsibility for my life. It was true that life was very structured in the ashram and I did not have time to think about the world. But even my guru, a very enlightened being, told us not to be attached to his body because he was only there to give us practices and to raise our consciousness.

He said that even though he was providing spiritual food, it was more important that he teach us how to connect directly to God. That way we would be able to take our spiritual practice into the world and help others. He was very clear that service was one of the most powerful things that we could do in life and would lead to our own Self-realization. I do my best to carry on this tradition.

When I started working with Archangel Gabriel in 1990, it was a new experience to receive my own guidance. It took a long time for me to learn to trust myself. Archangel Gabriel was very clear that my Higher Self was the most important connection I could create. He taught me that this more enlightened part of myself was aware of my Soul's purpose; that it acted as a gatekeeper to my consciousness, filtering information and guidance so that I was receiving from those sources that were in my highest good.

This new link to my Higher Self was the transformative tool I had been looking for. It took time, however, to create a connection I could trust.  Asking for what I needed was part of the key to receiving, as it turned out, and learning to listen.

We all need outside teachers along the way, and I know that my inner guidance has brought me into contact with just the right people at the right time. And there are other ways that we are awakened. After I ask for assistance, I often have blessed moments when something bubbles up inside me and I feel inspired to inner Wisdom, especially when I am in Nature. There are times when a book will fall open to the answer I was looking for. Sometimes a conversation with a friend will point me in the right direction, or I will listen to a teleconference that really inspires me. Synchronicity is one of my best teachers right now, and it lets me know I am not alone and my guidance system is working very well.

We are blessed to have so many beautiful way-showers, teachers and healers on the Earth to point the way for us. We are also learning to be very discerning and aware of the inner guidance resonating in our own hearts to let us know what is appropriate for our Soul's experience at this time.

Within us is a voice that knows what is Truth for us, and the more we trust ourselves, the more powerful this inner voice becomes. It is like a muscle that becomes stronger the more we use it. With the empowered Light frequencies available on the Earth now, we have an even greater connection to our Soul and the guidance it is offering. There is Truth and Wisdom within us and we are becoming the teachers, leaders and way-showers for the empowered life newly awakening in our world.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for your ever-present guidance within my life, and for opening the channels to my Highest Self so I can receive wisdom more gracefully. I am so grateful that I am not alone, and your inspiration is there for me, when I take time to listen to my heart. Thank you for the discernment to know what is appropriate for me at all times, and the resonance I feel within when the guidance is right for me to follow. May I be a clear channel for Love and Wisdom within my being, and radiate that to the world, now and always. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
January 7, 2017

The Gabriel Messages Book #49

The teachers you seek are Love and Wisdom.
They are within you.

Dear One,
You have within you all the love and wisdom you need to be whole and live in a holy way in the world. Each time you seek outside yourself for these qualities, you find a little more of your confidence and self-esteem slipping away.  
This is not to say that you should not seek advice from others. But when this advice is received, there must be a time of reflection before you act on it. When advice is appropriate for you to act on, there will be a sense of resonance within you, a little feeling of rightness, if not a wholehearted “Yes!”  

Sensitivity to this resonance can be developed. Pray to know what is in your highest good beyond a shadow of a doubt, and be willing to act when this knowing is clear. This is taking responsibility for your life, and will pay off in large future dividends as you begin to know the truth within yourself, and act accordingly.  
Looking to others for your truth throws your whole body out of balance. Energy moves into the head as you strain to listen only with the mind and not the heart or your gut. The old sayings about gut-level knowing is extremely valuable. This way of knowing goes beyond common sense, to an uncommon sense of what is right for you. No one else can tell you what is right for you. Pray to know your own Truth.

This is a time of change on the planet. Many are finding that the old ways no longer work. Businesses are struggling; so are families, relationships, and governments. It seems the challenges are so large that the answers are unclear. We can know that if we were enlightened enough in any situation, we would see that there is always an inspired and creative solution. We can affirm and pray for this in the world, as well as within our own lives.
All that goes on in our outer world is only a reflection of our inner world. So when we begin trusting our own answers within, these small steps will lead to leaping bounds in our lives. We have spoken of the resonance available within when others speak to you of what they believe is correct action for you to take. This same inner knowing is the mechanism to be used when you look to your own inner guidance.
Take the time to stop and breathe, before acting. The breath holds the connection to Divine Guidance. Experience this feeling now, as your energy field expands along with your body when you breathe deeply. Feel your feet connecting to the earth and notice the Pillar of Golden Light bringing energy from above your head to below your feet. As you do this, you become a Bridge from Heaven to Earth.
Now you are ready to listen to the loving Truth and Wisdom within you, and remember your message from Archangel Gabriel for today:

The teachers you seek are Love and Wisdom. They are within you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
January 7, 2018

Video: "2018 Ascension Angel Card Reading" By Melanie Beckler

A Message to Lightworkers – January 8, 2017 By Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, dear ones, and welcome to this astounding and co-Creative year of 2018!

Our writer has a question to ask, which is utterly relevant to all Lightworkers’ situation at present . . .

COR: My friends, over the past year I have received numerous emails from people who are at their wit’s end.

They are feeling so ill and exhausted from a disorder or illness that is often not properly diagnosed, that they say they are are ready to just let go of their physical body.

Or they are so tied up in financial debt and lack, so unable to manifest what they need to live their lives on a basic level, that they are feeling increasingly desperate, and feel to be sinking lower by the day.

Or their self-esteem and feelings of self-worth, and disconnection from their life purpose, is such that they feel have no voice, no vision, no reason to be here.

I feel strongly that all of this is related somehow, even though these seem to be separate maladies.

The worst part is when they say they keep trying to hear their Spirit team, but can’t, and muscle testing doesn’t seem to be working for them either.

Please give us your viewpoint on what is happening!

The Collective: What is fascinating to us, and quite positive and exciting, is that all that you describe here, dear one, are exactly the experiences lived by a race of people passing from one era of evolvement and consciousness into another.

We are aware that you have often heard people refer to “Ascension symptoms,” and we would say, that one could call these that, if needed.

But what we see goes well beyond symptoms in the sense of “something’s wrong, and I need to fix it,” and even beyond the need to blame everything on the Ascension process.

None, and we mean None of the situations you describe have very much to do with what they are apparently about.

You read many years ago a declaration written by a wonderful Light Warrior known to you as Louise Hay, who stated, “The problem is never the problem,” and we could not agree more.

We will give you an example: When you see two children out at play, and one is clearly bullying the other, you can if you wish step in and stop the bullying.

Yet in your heart, you will know that there is a much greater issue at hand than the outer manifestation of any one moment of bullying.

You know inwardly that that child has internalized destructive behavior from someone in their home, or from images in the media, or a friend.

Or that they have carried past life tendencies into this life, and that these are part of the lessons they came to face in this current life. Or several of these.

And so you have the satisfaction of knowing that you rescued one child from one unhappy situation, but you do not kid yourself that your role as a peacemaker, as one who instills higher self-esteem, compassion, and empathy in young people is completed and done.

There is far more to your role than you expressed in that one moment, just as there is far more to both children’s life paths.

In the same way, the issues you name are not “one-offs”—they are not simply about money or health or love or life purpose, however large these issues may be.

These are all outer indications of a greater energy pattern that is being revised from the inside out—sometimes, on behalf of thousands or even millions of Earth beings, and not only for that one person.

The person involved will experience the bumpy ride of that transformation as it evolves, until they turn to fully look at the deeper issue and accept the transfiguration of it.

This is why, when one illness is cured, or one set of debts paid off, another debt or illness will in time come to take its place—because the deeper issue still has not been addressed.

Let us look at these issues—money and health and self-worth are some of the very great “triggers” that alert people to the fact that their entire being, from etheric essence to heart-mind to cellular structure, is undergoing an astounding, miraculous remaking.

Yet if one is suddenly out of money with no new income in sight, or experiences a prolonged, severe money shortage, as if Lack itself had pulled a chair up to the table and made itself permanently at home, that person will not feel to be a walking miracle.

They will only feel to be in a terrible situation that they cannot shake their way out of, no matter how hard they try, using manifestation techniques, meditation, visualization, or just plain hard work, to revise their situation.

All of that inner and outer work is fine, but they are not the journey itself.


The actual journey has to do with uncovering the essence of the challenge that the money shortage represents.

You will not be surprised when we speak of the vital importance of a flow of thoughts, objects, feelings, and energies in life—of releasing the need to hold on, to cling to any one outer condition.

Of the vital need to forgive yourself for the times you took up the aggressor or victim role in life.

Of the vital need to release those who were brave enough (on a higher level) to be willing to play a terrible, dense, unpopular role in your life.

You will not be surprised (because you know it already) when we speak of the need to just Allow some days—to sit with the problem and send it Love and thanks, even before you extract positive meaning and growth from it.

At that moment, you realize what you have called a problem is not a problem.

It is simply an outer condition, an expression of something that feels to you to be an energy imbalance and a blockage between what you prefer to have and what you have now.

And that like all outer conditions, it is constantly revising itself.

So that the moment you stop calling it Bad, or out of alignment with what you want, you free yourself from feeling defeated by it.

The moment you bless and thank it and stop blaming it or yourself, you free that condition to leave you, because it has nothing more to show you.

Though experiencing wealth, health, love, and outer accomplishment are all fine and good, for the most part, you did not come here for these.

You did not come to admire the outer conditions of your life as constantly smooth and satisfactory.

You came to dive head first into outer conditions that would require you to forgive and love them no matter how difficult and taxing they seemed to your logical mind.

No matter how annoying and unthinkable they are to your ego-based need to survive, to your need to distinguish yourself as “separate but safe.” 

And to your need to “accomplish something” in outer terms.

And so, we are willing to bet as they say, that those who are unhappy with their finances have not lately put a hand over their bank statement or their wallet, and proclaimed, “I Love you and thank you for all you do for me! I AM blessed beyond my most beautiful visions. Multiply and be fruitful, my friend!”

We are willing to bet that those who are unhappy with their bodies have not lately blessed and thanked their body for all it does for them, spending entire days concentrating on what IS going well with their health, instead of investing constant energy and focus on what is not going well (thereby extending the condition).

We are feeling that these ideas, practiced daily and often throughout the day, are mainly untried by them.

Likewise, saying to the body part or illness or system that seems to be failing, “What have you come to tell me, friend? I AM listening. What message do you bring?”

Consistently asking such, until the heart-mind hears and reveals the answer.

No, the answer will not always be immediate. That takes a bit of practice, and a quiet mind that is actively expecting and receptive to higher wisdom.

We guarantee you, each and every one of you has a beautiful Spirit team, full of Love and empathy for all you travel through in this life, who are Constantly sending you messages of encouragement, wisdom, and understanding that would not naturally occur to you.

We say constantly to Lightworkers, “If you do not hear your team inwardly, tell them to send you Outer signs, symbols, signals, and messages.

Outer indications of what path to take for greater Healing or increased Abundance or your life purpose—and the patience, self-Love, and thankfulness it takes to Accept those things.”

You will not find the solutions you seek while in the same state of mind that created the challenge to begin with, as one of your great scientists noted some time ago.

You must, within yourself, move to a level of acceptance, of no longer struggling against, of releasing resentment toward money or lack of life direction or your current job or relationship or physical state.

Acceptance and Love, with thanks for all it has brought you.

These challenges are not blocks along the road, dear ones. They ARE the road itself.

“But what if I want a peaceful life, free of these pains and distractions and feelings of loss?” you ask.

We would say, you can have it, the moment you actively choose such.

Are you willing to release the drama, the pain, the complaints, the expectation of trouble?

Because the third dimensional human is quite complacent and happy to stay in a rut on that front—another reason why these problems are squawking at you so loudly now, now that your vibration is moving so powerfully out of the third dimension.

The interesting, and quite challenging part of being willing to release your problems and no longer call them problems, is that the bully only loses interest when the one they are trying to upset doesn’t mind, and even enjoys their presence.

Where is the fun in that?

“Why should I stick around and be a thorn in this person’s life, when all they do is Love and accept me? That is too high a vibration for me to stand—I’m getting out of here!”

Do your “problems” or challenges love your resistance? Do they love your disdain and hatred of them?

Most assuredly—that is the gift.

They came to reveal that vibration, that resistance to What Is, so that you would become aware of it.

And they shall remain with you, for as long as you refuse to bless and Love them, and release them on their way.

For as long you, a powerful co-Creator, name them “problems.”


And so you will today inwardly ask your health or body part, your debt or your current income, your feelings about your spouse or lover, or other challenge:

“What have you come to tell me, dear one? I AM listening. I AM willing to learn. What I AM no longer doing, is feeling at a loss, as if I have been earmarked for trouble and suffering.

“I release the need to complain and resist my life circumstances. I loosen my grip. I release anger and resistance. I let go. I release, and flow down the stream of Life.

“I Love and accept this new higher vibration, and celebrate the Sat Yuga as a time of my highest visions coming to Life.

“And I remember now, Why I AM here, and What I have come here for, in the most joyful and fulfilling sense.

“I AM here to become my higher self, and I welcome him/her into my consciousness fully now. I give thanks!”

As do all of us, dear ones.

You cannot know how well you are Loved, and as we have said many times, very nearly envied (and greatly admired) for the bravery it took for you to incarnate in these powerfully transformative, often rocky and tenuous-looking times.

Namaste, powerful co-Creators in this Universe of Nebadon!

We love and are with you, always.

You are never alone.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

Video: "New 5D Alpha Earth Transmission" By Steve Nobel



Image may contain: 1 person


To begin with, focus on your spinal column and the space around it, which is also known as the central column or the pranic tube. The central column is wider than the physical spinal column. Imagine that there is a golden light in the form of sacred symbols moving in and around your field, aura, and the space around your body, and that these symbols that are aligning with your system will be integrated and absorbed. It is like a puzzle piece that fits together or putting a square peg in a square hole. There’s something about your particular system that is a perfect fit for these golden sacred symbol and this language of light.
As you connect to your central column, notice the sensations as light language is absorbed into your system, making way for more and more happiness in your life. Your central column is one of the widest areas through which heavenly and earthly Chi flows, the energies from above and below flow through your central column. On a Physiological level this is where much of your life-force is channeled and where important nerve endings and other vital parts of your body are located. See in your mind’s eye more of these golden symbols come into the space around you, informing you of your internal makeup, which is light. Wish you a beautiful evening with lots of love & light. Tercy










Stating Your Intention for the New Year

As you hold within your mind the magnificence of the Creator within you, being constantly supported by the Creator and experiencing a development in your communication abilities, how do you wish these qualities to manifest in your life in 2018?

What do you wish to experience? How will your magnificence influence your reality? In which way do you wish to develop your communication abilities? What would you like the Creator’s support to bring into fruition in your being and reality? How would you wish to be of service to yourself and the world?  

Contemplate these questions and create an intention, write a letter to the Creator or focus upon a vision that states the beautiful opportunities you wish to experience in 2018.

I am present to be of service,

Master Kuthumi -

Video: "Judy Satori - A new Beginning - A Super Moon - Complete Regenesis Transmission" -

Contemplative Consciousness - Divinization - By Richard Rohr

By God’s divine power, God has given us all the things we need for life and for true devotion that allow us to know God, who has called us by God’s own glory and goodness. In this gift, God has given us a guarantee of something very great and wonderful. Through this gift, you are sharers in the divine nature itself. —2 Peter 1:3-4

Spirituality is primarily about human transformation in this life, not just salvation in a future realm.

Contemplation allows us to experience the reality of our participation in God’s nature for ourselves. Once we plug into the Divine consciousness, God can work through us for the good of the world.

Gateway to Presence:
If you want to go deeper with today’s meditation, take note of what word or phrase stands out to you. Come back to that word or phrase throughout the day, being present to its impact and invitation.

Adapted from Richard Rohr, Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self (Jossey-Bass: 2013), 117-119.



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Video: "Vlog 44 - Empowering Our Planetary Grid Of Divine Love" By Patricia Cota-Robles -

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