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Hello Bright Sparks!

Here is the latest channelling to uplift you.

May the coming months fill us with renewed Energy ... and turbo charge our batteries ... allowing us to ...



Many thanks

Blossom G.

Once again, I greet you my friends. At last back home in Australia. Purposely, I haven’t read much of others work regarding the changes that are to come, so as not to be influenced in anyway. Yet, I am aware that much excitement is occurring due to a New, Higher Wave of Energy that is to come through … I leave this transmission in your very capable hands.

(The Federation of Light spoke through me. Here is the audio link with the transcript below. It is recommended that you listen to the audio, rather than just read the transcript ... as the Energy that comes through, penetrates deeply into the soul.)

Channeling from Sept 8, 2015

The Federation of Light:

Dearest Souls of Earth … We offer this day, through the Energy of our words … Love … Peace … Joy … Happiness. We offer to you ALL things that fill your heart with LOVE.

We come this day also, to bring you words of wisdom. To offer you Knowledge … that perhaps, needs to be remembered from deep with inside your Being. Yet, most of all … we come to let you Know how much WE LOVE YOU … How much we care for you. We have been walking this journey with you since it began … yet, there are many of you that know not of our existence.

There are many of you that are in full awareness now of who we are … And as we move together … deeper into the Brighter Light … that you are … that we are … our Energy of Love … intertwines … blends together … merges as One … in the finest array of colours … to show you … to allow you to FEEL THE TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE. THE TRUTH OF WHO WE ARE. For even though there are many, as indeed, this lady who allows us to use her voice box … who sometimes fully Know of our existence … of our Truth … of the reason why we come … and yet, even within that full Knowing … now and then, there are doubts regarding that which we say.

For instance … we have spoken of the Pillars of Light. There was a little discrepancy with our Lady, Blossom … regarding this … in your time … a while ago. Yet now, is that not which we have spoken of … there … before your very eyes?

We come not to prove of anything. We come only to assist you along your journey. To offer you Hope. For we understand that residing upon and within your Earth plane can sometimes be more than a little confusing. It can bring downheartedness … and we desire that your hearts be only uplifted. This is why we come. And we ask that now … in this very moment in which we bring forth this message to you ... you FEEL your heart … you FEEL your heart smile … you FEEL it beat a little faster.

For Dearest Friends … Dearest Ones … Dearest Family … there is much to be excited about.

The Energy that is to pour through into your Planet Earth … is to be like no other that has been before. We are … in the mind’s eye of the lady, Blossom … showing to her once again … these vast Pillars of Light. They, as they progress … as they become more in numbers … are to differ greatly from those which are sent currently.

For when activated … when connected within the deepest place of your heart … your Being … they shall emit a pulse. A pulse that resonates with yourself. A beat ... like your heart. A beat that shall become One with your heart beat. Emanating LOVE … and you shall see also … the deepest colours of the Rainbow.

These Pillars of Light shall eventually present themselves to you as PILLARS OF RAINBOW LIGHT … and how your hearts shall be filled with the HIGHER PURER LOVE.

Your Knowing of who you are in that instant … shall give you the FEELING of completeness.

The understanding of why you are here shall be given to you in an instant.

Hold your spirits High.

HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS … as we have said.  

Be Joyous … Dearest Ones. Be Joyous and excited. For it is to be so … that  a HIGHER POWER OF LOVE is to enter into your Earth’s atmosphere … to shine down upon you … to enter into your Being and to allow you to be in the presence of the Divine.

This Divine Light is within you. It has always been within you … for you are of it … and yet, as this Greater Power pours forth … it ignites on a deeper scale … the Divine Source that lies within.

Prepare your Beings as your see fit. We do not say to you ‘Do this. Do that’. We say to you only … In / As / Through /Of LOVE … think on these words that we offer and act accordingly … in a manner that FEELS correct for you … and you alone.

Remember Dearest One’s, to breathe. That is all you need do … now and always.

Breathe in LOVE … Breath out LOVE … As you connect with one another.  As you connect with ALL THAT IS.


We are ever closer. Find Peace within your souls. For by doing so … as you breathe out … you offer Peace to places upon your Planet that are in so much need of this Energy … To souls upon your Planet that are in much need of this Energy.


Breathe it in … Send it out. Be gentle with yourselves … Be kind … Be Loving … to yourselves.

The time that is upon you is one of Greatness.

The lady, Blossom, can FEEL as we speak to you … of the immense LOVE that we have for you. We ask that you FEEL it also. As we say often … words are inadequate. Yet, as you Know US as Truth … as you breathe in our LOVE … the FEELING it gives you … allows you to Know … WHO YOU ARE … WHO WE ARE …Your family of Light.

We are One family … We travel together … moving forward … into a Higher space … into a Purer Vibration … and SO IT IS.


Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep our Vibrational Energy as HIGH as we can.




Dear Readers,

I found this message from El Morya that must have been written years ago. The information makes much more sense in today’s world than it did then. The “truth” is that which does not change. However, truth is more easily understood by a reality on the cusp of return to a higher dimensional expression.



Message From Ascended Master El Morya

Many of our earth masters are feeling the pull of New Earth for you are, indeed, moving into a frequency of reality that is not adhesive to such low frequency patterns as the third dimension. The higher levels of the fifth dimension create continuous, circular, and infinite energy patterns that expand and transmute.

On the other hand, the lower frequencies of the third and fourth dimensions create energy patterns with progressive interruptions as the energy field travels down the frequency range into the third dimension.

These interruptions occur because humanity’s thought-forms of “time” create the illusion of  “space” between the manifestations of light. In reality, time and space are ONE and are only perceived as two different dimensions through your third/fourth dimensional consciousness.

It is only via the perceptions of your Multidimensional SELF that you can perceive these “interruptions” as portals. The reason for this discrepancy is that your third dimensional consciousness searches outside of your SELF and into the 3D Matrix to find “reality.”

On the other hand, your awakened, multidimensional consciousness seeks to find “reality” within your SELF who iswithin the ONE. These inner portals are inter-dimensional pathways through which your expanded consciousness can travel free of all the energetic barriers of the third dimensional Matrix.

You can, and often do, explore these portals with your consciousness while your physical earth vessel is sleeping, meditating, or involved in a calming, creative act. In this manner, your higher consciousness can experience lifetimes of inter-dimensional travel, in what appears to your third dimensional earth vessel as an eye-blink.

Once you are aware that you are having the experience of inter-dimensional realities, you reach a threshold in your ascension process. This thresholdrepresents your dedication to the process of ascension, for you will need to continue the process of opening these inner portals while in the midst of your daily life.

In other words, you must learn (which is actually remember) how to live in two, or more, realities at once. The experience of multiple realities starts with the “main reality,” being on third dimensional Earth.

Then, gradually, you become confused as to which reality is your “main reality” and which reality you are “just visiting.” Of course, if you don’t know which life you are in, you are functioning within your third dimensional consciousness. When you are flowing within your multidimensional consciousness, your answer to that question is always: ALL OF THEM.

Once you can imagine that you are actually IN all of the inter-dimensional realities that you are visiting, the concept of your “main life” begins to fade from your awareness. It is then that you fully remember that YOU are a multidimensional consciousness exploring many realities within the NOW of the ONE.

The lower worlds of the third and fourth dimensions are especially difficult to visit. For one thing, these realities may or may not be enjoyable. Furthermore, while in the lower worlds of the third and fourth dimension, you can forget that you are pure consciousness.

If you forget that YOU are pure consciousness, you can become trapped within the 3D Matrix. Fortunately, the higher frequencies of multidimensional light and unconditional love through which Earth is now traveling are entering your Third Eye and High Heart.

Hence, every day, more and more of you are awakening to your true, Multidimensional SELF. As this higher energy opens your Third Eye and High Heart, your multidimensional consciousness and unconditional love greatly expand your powers of perception and manifestation.

The multidimensional light assists you in holding a form in your thoughts, which you will fill with unconditional love to bind the molecules of life to the structure of that form/matrix. You needn’t worry about your negative, low frequency thoughts moving into the higher worlds for they only resonate to the third and fourth dimensions.

However, the higher dimensional energies will highlight thoughts, emotions and behaviors that will need to be released in order for you to flash your old carbon vessel into your true Lightbody.

Fortunately, you are working in tandem with Gaia who is also transmuting Her energies to that of the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, when you ground your consciousness in Her planetary body, it calibrates your vibration to that of the ascending planet.

Furthermore, when you merge with Gaia, you tune into the growing mass of multidimensional thoughts and emotions of all the other Ascended Masters within a clay form. Therefore, through your physical being, you are remembering to perceive daily life through the higher perspective of your Multidimensional SELF. 

The more you allow your “imagination” to see that which is beyond the perception of your clay form, the more you will activate your multidimensional abilities. Trust what you are experiencing and release the old programing of a frightened and controlled 3D world that told you it was crazy, wrong, unscientific or blasphemy to perceive the higher realities.

You are moving into the fifth dimension now, and all the rules under which you lived while in your 3D life are extinct. If you focus now on exploring and practicing your expanded abilities, as well as staying in constant contact with your higher dimensional guides and expressions of SELF, your ascension process will become a normal part of your daily life.

In closing, I ask you to listen to the voice within above all others and run everything through your High Heart. If the energy does not feel right, do not proceed. If it feels like unconditional love, move into and embrace that energy.

Remember that YOU can talk to any of us in the higher frequencies of reality. Just call on our assistance, and we will joyfully assist and/or instruct you. After all, you are our family members who are visiting a lower frequency of reality.

We await your return with open hearts. Of course, we know you are returning here for, in our reality, you have never left.

Blessings on your return Home, El Morya

Theta Wave Consciousness–The Doorway to New Earth

Theta Wave Meditation


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