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Supporting Souls In The Era Of Love By By Natalie Glasson & Lord Maitreya

Supporting Souls in the Era of Love by Lord Maitreya

I, Lord Maitreya, bestow upon you and activate from within your being Blessings of the Christ. Let the Christ active energy of Love weave its way through your being and reality penetrating every aspect of yourself with the pure love of the Creator.

I wish to bless your heart chakra with the Christ consciousness light to boost its purpose. Your heart chakra is working tremendously hard in this present time shifting and releasing so many unneeded energies. It is currently not only a centre of activity but most importantly a centre of change, truth, acknowledgement and divine shifts.

Allow me to work with your heart chakra to strengthen the love present as the heart is bringing to the surface all that is no longer needed. It is throwing out all negative patterning of the past to bring freedom to your being and assisting you in aligning with a new dimensional vibration of light.

Such a tremendous clearing led by the heart chakra can cause some pain and suffering, and it is important to acknowledge what comes up with compassion & love, while avoiding attachment and identification with the energies for it will only cause more suffering. Beloved ones let me work with your heart chakra supporting their great process of upheaval as I pour the Christ consciousness light deep into your heart chakra, I am here to be of service to you, eternally.

You may wish to say;

"Lord Maitreya, I call forth your luminous golden energy to be present with me now. Please anchor the Christ consciousness light deep into my heart chakra, letting your light carry throughout my entire being. Please continue to increase the volume of Christ consciousness penetrating my being and heart chakra in order to strengthen the love and healing vibration of my heart chakra.

As my heart chakra brings all unneeded energies, habits and patterns to the forefront to aid my necessary ascension shifts I ask for the loving support of Lord Maitreya and the Christ consciousness to clear the energies with ease and perfection.

Let the love of my heart magnify with such intensity that all unneeded energies instantly dissolve in the presence of my heart chakra. It is my understanding and belief that I move through necessary shifts of my ascension with a beautiful and joyous ease. Thank you."

Simply allow yourself to feel a golden glow building within your heart chakra. You can remind yourself of this and my support in times of shifts or if any pain arises to be healed and acknowledged.

While your heart chakra is experiencing and is guiding a deep cleansing, it is true that your entire being is evolving and moving through tremendous shifts, activation and healing processes. You may recognise this more vividly within your reality and also within your emotional body.

The love that is growing upon the Earth and more importantly within your beings is causing a tremendously strong and intense purification, where everything you have not yet noticed within yourself will come to the surface as if a light is shone upon your entire being. Gradually you must sort through all your energies to understand what you wish to release and what you wish to retain within your being.

Video -  "A Recalibration To Prepare Us For 2020" By Patricia Cota-Robles"


It may also be that energies in the past you believed you had healed may re-emerge for further healing. As more and more love manifests and activates within your being it is as if the light shone upon you widens or penetrates deeper, demonstrating to you more of yourself.

Sometimes energies can be so embedded within your being they require many levels of healing before they are uprooted completely from your being. While energies are rising to be healed so are your emotions and mental states. These are so familiar to you, akin to old friends that sometimes you can link back into them without realising.

The purpose of the old emotions and mental states emerging is to strengthen your state of love and inner peace. The old emotions and mental states ask you if you can recognise them and not be tempted by their presence, but instead enter into a deeper state of peace and love where you lovingly disregard the old emotional and mental states.

I am aware that many of you already understand this deep purification which is a-rising and may continue become less in the years ahead, but I ask you to think with compassion and awareness of those who may not have a similar understanding.

There are many people upon the Earth who have not yet awoken fully to be conscious of the shifts and healing processes occurring in this year and the next coming years. They have no idea why they are being bombarded with negative situations in their reality or negative states of mind and emotions which seem to arise with no reason.

Many people naturally find their way through, releasing and healing often without realising, especially because they have not realised how much they have evolved over the years. But there are some people who cannot help but dive into the old negative emotional and mental states, projecting these into their reality, causing them pain and suffering as they become entangled and unable to break free.

For those of you who move through the clearing of old energies you understand how difficult it can be, so to move through without spiritual tools, guides and a conscious awareness can be a challenging and seemingly endless process.

The era of love will penetrate into your being with such depth that there will be nothing remaining within your being and energies, only love. In the beginning the love purification process may seem difficult but as more love activates within your being you will place more and more trust in love until you are so immersed and focused in love that the purification process will become tremendously tranquil because you will be eternally dancing in love.

Knowing we are all one, we can recognise each and every person as a part of our own being. You can recognise those of similar mind states as a part of your being, but there is also a need to recognise those not yet conscious of their ascension as an aspect of your being.

You may realise that within your being there are areas not yet activated or submerged in love. The more you focus upon activating love and truth within your being - the more souls will awaken on the Earth.

It is also important to realise that you can assist many people who may be experiencing what seems like to them a hell upon the Earth as so many negative energies emerge and they are unsure how to heal them. So it is asked for you to hold these souls in your heart with tremendous compassion and love. Not because you are following your ascension pathway and are therefore more evolved, but because you have the awareness to do so, the awareness to make a difference.

The Christ consciousness has a purpose in this present moment of holding all beings who are struggling with the love purification process in the deep healing, nourishing and supportive energies of the Christ consciousness. I wish to ask you to assist in this process of healing and freeing many from their negative emotional and mental states of the past. It is a simple process that will assist you in supporting a world healing and shift process as well as activating the greater presence of love within your being.


"I ask you when you feel guided to enter into a state of meditation and to breathe deeply,

Imagine a golden glow of light in your heart space and let it expand to create a powerful ball and cocoon of love and Christ consciousness within your heart space.

Call upon myself, Lord Maitreya, to create a golden cocoon of support around your entire being offering to you love and protection you can draw upon.

If there are any people who are suffering in your reality you can call them to be healed, cleansed and released from the torment of their old energies, if they so wish.

Imagine them existing within your cocoon of Christ consciousness in your heart space and let them be healed.

Then release them from your heart space and ask me, Lord Maitreya, to cleanse and heal your heart space.

This practice can be achieved asking for all of humanity who is suffering to enter into your heart space in the same way, know your love is never-ending and eternally expansive. This is such a beautiful practice which will support many, including yourself."

I finally wish to share with you a short invocation to assist you in being of service at this time:

"Beloved Lord Maitreya, Christed Beings and the Christ Consciousness, I call upon your loving and active vibration of love to penetrate the Earth and each love adding all of us to move through the love purification process with tremendous ease, happiness and perfection.

Let us all remain in states of love as we release all that is no longer needed and no longer serves us. Please especially surround in love those who are finding it difficult to free themselves from pain and suffering, help all to embrace love on a deeper level. Thank you.

With Christed blessings,

Lord Maitreya

More Lord Maitreya -

For a free audio download or to watch the video of Natalie's message -

Video - "Infinite I Am Love Meditation" By Steve Nobel -

Look Back With Love By Ann Albers & The Angels

Hi Dear Friends!

As the year comes to an end, let us look back with gratitude and love rather than regret or remorse. The angels and I share a perspective on this year which was truly challenging and yet ripe for love emerging.

Love you all! Happy New Year!

Message From The Angels .....

As your year draws to a close, rather than breathing a collective sigh of relief and saying, "Whew, thank goodness that's over," take time to focus on your lives with gratitude and love. The soul knows that no matter how challenging, or how easy, every precious moment of life upon your planet earth is a gift. As the decade turns dear ones, use this as an opportunity to give thanks for your life, your blessings, and most of all for yourself.

You had great courage to incarnate upon the planet earth in these tumultuous and incredible times! You have courage every morning when you choose to reawaken from the heavens and dive back into your earthly dream. You have courage to be the bearers of Truth – that love is a greater force than hatred, that kindness is noble, and that to seek understanding is a higher form of power than trying "be right."

It was not an easy year for many of you. Your dear Mother Earth went deep within to nurture herself, which left many of you processing emotions you were previous unaware existed within you. Your political and social climates were extremely divisive. There seemed to be a mass exodus as many souls left the planet abruptly and without warning.

Many of you have asked us here in the heavens, "What is the world coming to?" There is only one answer dear ones... Love.

Your world is attempting to grow into love.

You are the lightworkers. You are the torch-bearers of this love! You are the ones crying for unity amidst the diversity. You are the ones praying for and attempting to love the light within even those whose personalities you can't stand. You are the ones strengthening our mother earth.

No matter how much or how little you feel you have accomplished this year; no matter how many resolutions you've kept, or not... you are the ones with the courage to bring love to the surface here upon your earth.

You are the ones with the courage to live more consciously each and every day,
and when you fall into old fears, old angers, old upsets of doubts, you have the inner fortitude to seek your connection to the angels and the Divine once again for your strength.

Each of you, in your essence is nothing less than the Love that lives within all things and all beings. Each of you is here to find that, feel it, share it, and above all... be it.

The resolutions you make are beautiful. Your goals are acts of self-love. However, if you make only one resolution, and have only one goal this coming year – indeed for the rest of your lifetime – make it a simple one:

"In everything I think; in everything I do; in every word I speak, I will attempt to bring more love to the surface. "

"Most of all, this year and always, I will attempt to love myself. I will attempt to speak to myself kindly. I will attempt to honor my feelings. I will attempt to be authentic. I will move towards that which gives me joy and "turn the other cheek" away from that which gives me pain. I will dignify the light within myself and others and refuse to dignify the darkness no matter how it presents itself. I will choose love."

This dear ones is the resolution of your soul, not only as a new year and the new decade begin, but with every single breath you take upon your planet earth.

We love you. We honor you. We bear witness to your light as it continues to emerge and strengthen in a world in need. Be kind to yourselves this coming year. Honor the light within. Act as if you knew God itself were having the experience of your life, for indeed the Divine does live within, and experience, each and every one of you.

Happy New Year, dear friends. May the light of love continue to expand within your experience of life on earth, and may you learn to see beyond illusions and witness only this Love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Video - "Releasing The Past Meditation: Transforming


Message From Ann .....

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year! As the decade draws to a close I am pulling within for the break, going into the silence, taking time to unplug from the world, and plug back into my essential self.

Every holiday I take inventory. I look back at the year and congratulate myself for all I've accomplished. The angels taught me never to look back with regret, reproach, or remorse but only with gratitude, love, and celebration.

It was an intense and packed year for so many of us. I ignored the world's arguments and focused on trying to be a greater light for others and for myself.

I took a year off from conferences and dove deeper within.
I got to experience new technologies for measuring brain waves in meditation. I faced old fears and learned greater "mind over matter" as I learned to relax in the ice water. I began to learn a few chords on guitar. I learned powerful breathing techniques. I hiked hip deep in emerald pools and climbed mountains. I broke a toe and used energy to avoid the pain of the experience and, in the process of healing learned about exciting modalities that assist.

I gazed into the eyes of so many dear souls, corresponded with thousands in need, reached new levels of love and joy with my dear family. I bruised and healed a rib, learned how to make new gluten free treats, hosted friends, and surrendered into deeper and more expanded states of consciousness than ever before.

I learned to love even more deeply – even those who were unloving towards me – and I learned stronger boundaries in dimensions where I previously wasn't even aware they were needed. I listened to hundreds complain about politics and remained steadfast in the truth that God is still God and light is still trying to emerge within us all.

In spite of a gazillion challenges –  healthwise, personal, and financial –  it was a very good year.

So, this year, as we move into 2020 let us all look back upon the year, not with regret, reproach, or remorse, but instead with gratitude, love, and celebration!

What better way can we ring in the new year, than by setting the tone for it, with love!

Here are some pointers to take inventory of the year, kindly, and with love.

1. Congratulate yourself for your accomplishments

Make a stream-of-consciousness list of every loving thing you can recall that you said, did, or thought. Include all things great and small... "I learned to cook fish to perfection! I smiled at people who looked sad. I was kind to my dog. I had patience with my kids. I prayed for the earth. I painted my living room. I got a new pillow. I got a new job. I left a painful relationship. I started a good one. I prayed for someone I didn't like..."

These are only examples. Anything and everything counts. Celebrate all acts of love and accomplishment. You will be surprised at how long the list can be if you are honest with yourself. Resist the urge to negate any of it. Celebrate yourself!

Remember... the scale of an act matters less than the love with which we accomplish it.

2. Congratulate yourself for your perceived "failures"

There are many things we'd do better if we knew better!

Look back at the things you don't think you did so well and celebrate the fact that you now know better! Take time to think how you'd handle a few of these circumstances differently should they arise in a different form.

Congratulate yourself for learning and growing.

3. Create your "Inventory for 2020"

What do you desire this coming year? Can you imagine having all those dreams come true? What would it feel like? What would life look like? How would you have to change. Who would you BE right now if your dreams were already here? How would you act? How would you treat yourself? How would you treat others? How can you become that even before the dreams arrive?

At year's end, I wish you all the joy of acknowledging your efforts to bring more love into your life and into this world, the peace of knowing you are growing, and above all a greater sense of the Magnificent Presence of Love that lives within us all!

Happy New Year,
I love you all,

Video - "Receive Blessings of Love By Melanie Beckler" -


Golden Elixir Of Life By Natalie Glasson & Archangel Metatron

Greetings and welcome to the energies of 2020, I am Archangel Metatron. Into this year we bring forth the presence of the Creator’s light in abundance to anchor into your being, reality and the Earth. The Blaze of Light as it is known is the answers to your prayers and requests of help for the Earth as well as all beings.

The wave of light travelling through the inner planes from the Creator with the purpose of touching every soul wishes to amplify the light already present. As a magnification of light takes place so the vibration of the planet will rise. People will create more light as they are able to see, sense and acknowledge the presence of light within themselves and others.

With the growing presence of light so negativity and fear will both try to battle against the light and dissolve allowing many to see the power of light.
Where to Place Your Focus in 2020

In the presence of the Blaze of Light you will be invited to:

• Contemplate the existence and reality of your own inner light, how you can best radiate and express your light.
• Contemplate what you wish to create as you and your reality is magnified positively by light.
• Recognising the light within you will support your awareness of the light now anchoring from the Creator, supporting a strengthening and synthesis of light within you.
• It is time to recognise the power of the Creator’s light and most importantly its purpose within your being and the world.
• Light can be wielded through your being to create all that is the Creator, this is something that requires to be understood and mastered. With the presence of light so each person can recognise their own abilities of creation in their reality as well as their inner power.
• A sense of responsibility for self and others will dawn which has never been accessed and understood in this way. Thus, a deeper acceptance of the oneness and unity of the Creator will be accessed and put into motion upon the Earth.
• New vibrations, frequency and wisdom is threaded within the Blaze of Light which is available for you to access and download. This holds the purpose of reawakening old sacred information, skills and abilities, while also returning the presence, experience, and awareness of the divine to the Earth.

Simply stating your intention or making a request to your guides and/or soul will enable you to open your being and awareness to any of my shared insights into the shifts possible within you. Taking time to be with the light within you, accepting and acknowledging the presence of the light within you will offer much illumination. I

t is also valuable to hold the intention in meditation to receive and download the Blaze of light, in doing so you will open yourself up to accessing its purpose for you and the enlightenment it wishes to ignite.

Video - "World Peace Transmission: Neutralizing the Dark & Amplifying the Light" By Steve Nobel -


All You Need Within the Blaze of Light 2020

I, Archangel Metatron, wish to make you aware of a purpose held within the 2020 Blaze of Light. It is a gift from the Creator that has been intertwined into the light frequency so all can access and receive it.

The gift I wish to share and alert you to is known as the, ‘Golden Elixir of Life.’ The energy is known as an elixir because when synthesised with the physical reality it has the ability of grounding all you need and require to support you.

This is not necessarily what your mind believes you need; it is what your soul and higher self believe will support you. To receive support is valuable especially when it can bring into manifestation all you need and require.

However, it is good to contemplate and try to bring understanding to how you will be or experience yourself when you are fulfilled, and all that you need is grounded into your being and reality. In doing so you will begin to connect into the powerful gift in existence within the 2020 Light Blaze.

How would you feel within, if you experienced, embodied and grounded all you need? What shifts, activations and transformations would take place for you, those around you and the world? There is no need to understand this mentally, I, Archangel Metatron, am simply inviting you to feel into this aspect of yourself which is already present within you.

Can you imagine there is already an aspect of yourself which is fulfilled and has all you need? Can you imagine that this aspect simply needs grounding into your embodiment? Can you imagine that this aspect of yourself would shift and transform the way you feel, think, act and react? This is what the, ‘Golden Elixir of Life,’ wishes to awaken and ground within you.

When you access and embody all you need it is not necessarily that you will suddenly receive all you desire physically or within your reality. Instead a way of being will emerge from within you, a feeling of being whole, complete, healed and at peace.

This sacred feeling will fill and ground into your entire being, gradually impacting, influencing and creating new pathways and experiences in your life that match the awakening occurring within your being. Gradually old ways of thinking, feeling, being, acting and creating will fall away. You will attract new energies, people and experiences that match the vibration you have become and embodied. This may be a gradual process for some, or it may be swift awakening, the embodiment will take place at a pace which most serves you.

Accessing the Golden Elixir of Life

• Call forth your guides, soul and any other being you feel connected with to download and ground the 2020 Blaze of Light into your being. Allow yourself to experience the light boosting the light already present within you, while anchoring new light frequencies. Bathe in the light for as long as you feel guided.

• ‘Archangel Metatron, I invite you to assist me in accessing the Golden Elixir of Life from the 2020 Blaze of Light. Support me in connecting with this light frequency now so I may feel its presence with me, and please support a flow of the Golden Elixir of Life into my being to encourage its awakening, grounding and embodiment within me. Ensure I am open to fully receive now. Thank you.’

• As you sit or lie down receiving the light of the Golden Elixir of Life, I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to repeat silently;

‘I embody and ground the Golden Elixir of Life for all I need.’

This statement is so sacred and precious, it has the power to create so much transformation and healing within your being, if you fully engage with it, allowing it to fill your entire being. Repeat the statement as many times as you feel guided, as you allow or imagine the flow of light down through your being, as if grounding, filling your entire being. Experience this as often as you can, allowing the statement and experience to grace each day with its presence.

• To complete the process simply focus upon grounding yourself into the Earth in a way that feels most appropriate for you. In doing so you are gifting light, your new awareness and embodiment to the Earth and all beings as a service and blessing.

I, Archangel Metatron, hope you will take advantage of this most previous gift and notice how it empowers you to support the ascension process of the world.

With deepest love,

Archangel Metatron

More Archangel Metatron -

For a free audio download of Natalie's message, or to listen to her video of it - click on this link:

Video - "Solara An-Ra's Triple Heart Portal Ascension Meditation"


Infinite Blessings with The Highest Divine Energies of God's Love, Light, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for All of You,

Steven Hutchinson​

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