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Solstice Message - Be You ! By Ailia Mira

20JUNE2017-Ailia Mira Expect Wonderful_edited-10The Council of Radiant Light, through Ailia Mira


The Solstice Energy is always furthering you being you.

You might think of solar energy in general as always being about your identity in individuated consciousness. The Solstice, then, amplifies that energy and with that you can tune into a clearer and more whole sense of self. The real you. The core energy signature of all that you are.

It matters not if it is the winter or the summer solstice, when the solstice alignment occurs, you have clear, easy, direct access to knowing yourself more fully.

We would suggest over the next few days and as a celebration of your divine light and sovereignty, you might focus deeply on appreciating you! You might decide to notice you and pay more attention to your sense of self. Pay special attention to what gives you the feeling of you, “being in your element.”

Being in your element is you being in alignment, and in situations and circumstances which you may have created and/or which you have allowed to unfold, which give you expansive, joyful, free opportunities to fully express yourself. This kind of self-expression is profoundly satisfying and feels natural, elegant and in those moments your spirit soars. All is well and you know it!

These are the moments to live for and living skillfully is bringing them about more often.

Learn what brings forth your joy! Discover what gives you the most blissful expansive feelings of happiness! Notice what relationship to yourself liberates you - find how to free yourself to know bliss. Then choose the things that light you up with love and expansive clarity.

Choose to live an authentic life and express yourself freely. This is living in higher consciousness.

In higher consciousness all paths lead to divine expression, which is simply a poetic, spiritual way of say - you being you! Truly, purely, fully - without hesitation, filtering, diminishing. You moment to moment following your spirit and expressing the beauty and uniqueness that is you, as inspired and flowing, here.

The shift in consciousness happening in the world now is opening up insight and knowing that you are eternal consciousness in an embodied form, capable of creating through consciousness. A remembering of your capacities - you are powerful, eternal, infinite and free.

Knowing this, feeling this and learning to live oriented to this identity is the first step in living in higher consciousness. Begin here, now. Use this week, today, this moment, to feel more of who you truly are, and allow yourself, with love and generosity, to tune to that, to flow that, to be that. Be you!

Happy Solstice!

We are complete.
We are the Council of Radiant Light.

Video: "Vlog 15 - What Is Your Purpose On Earth? By Patricia Cota Robles

I Am...And Your Are... What You Affirm & Practice ! By Steven Hutchinson

I say &  practice the affirmations below daily - but let your Divine Self guide you in how often to practice any, or all of them.

All of the prayer affirmations below have the Creator's Loving Presence & Power & Creative Intelligence embedded in them to help you feel, manifest, and embody to the highest & most divinely perfect degree possible for each of you what is being affirmed, (either healing or spiritual upliftment). I recommend affirming them out loud, (or silently if that feels more right for you), when you are ready to meditate. And when you are divinely led to do so - you may also want to pause for a few moments with some of the affirmations and just be fully conscious in the moment & breathe in the divine energy & receive any Divine Guidance that comes to you.


Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all,

1. My mind & my Whole Being are united in Oneness & Unity in every moment with the Creator...and with the 144 original extensions of the Creator. The Creator & the original 144 extensions of the Creator & the Golden Christ Consciousness are all embodied in every cell in my body & in all of my DNA & in my Whole Being. I Am the Christ Consciousness ! My Whole Being, and every beautiful cell in my body, is radiating the Creator's Perfection & Christ Consciousness in Love, Joy, and Happiness in every moment. The Supreme Intelligence of God & Christ Consciousness governs, guides, & guards every cell in my body as well my Whole Being while continually guiding the manifestation of the Creator's Perfection in me & through me. My mind & the Divine Intelligence in every cell of my body are united in Oneness with this Supreme Intelligence & Christ Consciousness, & this Divine Energy is anchored in my Solar Plexus Chakra. The Creator's Divine Energy and Creative Intelligence continually flows in me & thru me, creating in every moment my healthy body & 5th Dimensional Self & my reality that's always unfolding harmoniously, with Divine Grace, & in the Creator's Perfection.Thank You God ! And So It Is !
 2. I Am united in Oneness & Unity With Gaia (Mother Earth). I Am continually sending the Highest Divine Love & Light to Gaia & to Mother/Father/God with my every breath, and I continually receive & lovingly accept the Highest Divine Love & Light from Gaia & Mother/Father/God. My Whole Being is grounded in every moment on Gaia & in the heart chakra of Gaia & God thru my Golden grounding cord. My Golden, Platinum, & Magenta Nets of Protection always keep my Whole Being protected from all vibrations & activity not of God's Light & Love, & also protects my Whole Being from all parasites.....I Am experiencing Divine Peace & Harmony on all levels of my Being in every moment. My Mind & my Whole Being are centered & anchored in the Divine Stillness & Love & Peace of the Creator in my Higher Heart Chakra in every moment. Anchored in this Divine Stillness in my Higher Heart Chakra, I Am continually & smoothly flowing with my every breath in a River of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness & Abundant Infinite Divine Love. I Am perfectly aligned in every moment with the Energies of the Divine Flow of the Creator's Christ Consciousness & Abundant Infinite Divine Love, and I embody these Divine Energies with my every breath. I Am always manifesting the Creator's Love, Will, Creativity, & Power in me & through me for the highest good of all. I Am the perfection of the Creator embodied as an Angelic Divine Human in a healthy 5th dimensional body. I Am the Miracle Energy of the Creator embodied & manifesting fully in me & thru me in this eternal moment of Now ! I Am the Creator's Divine Architect for all aspects of my life & bring the Creator's Supreme Light into physical form in me & through me in every moment ! I Am a Divine Portal for the Creator's Light & Christ Consciousness. Thank You God! And So It Is!
3.The Prism Of Light Healing Chamber: I ask my Divine Self & AA Metatron to create, activate, & maintain the Prism of Light Healing Chamber around me (a hexagonal prism chamber is created around you as soon as you ask). Assisted & guided by My Divine Self & AA Metatron, I continually experience the highest vibrational relationships with AA Metatron & the Angelic Kingdom & all the Divine Beings helping me. And assisted again by my Divine Self and the Divine Beings helping me - my Whole Being is now aligned to the Divine Energies of the Angelic Kingdom as well as the Prism of Light Healing Energies at the purest vibrations of the Angelic Kingdom, and this divinely perfect alignment is maintained in every moment. Through my heart chakra & higher heart chakra, I enter into the Prism of Light Healing Chamber, & I see or acknowledge its hexagonal shape surrounding me. And I now feel the myriad colorful Creator Light frequencies encompassing my being. I acknowledge the Angelic Beings present surrounding the Healing Prism as well as the Creator's Presence connecting deeply with my Whole Being... and all are ready to help me manifest my intentions in being in the Healing Prism Chamber (you can intend healing on any level, or spiritual upliftment). I feel the loving Presence of the Creator & the Divine Beings surrounding me. I surrender my entire being to the Light, Love, & Power of the Creator and the Divine Beings helping me, and I allow the Creator to raise my vibrations, & heal & rejuvenate my body, & reactivate or reencode my Whole Being, which allows the necessary codes and templates to be embodied in me for the appropriate healing & rejuvenation & spiritual upliftment to be active within my being. With my every breath I breathe in and receive in my Healing Prism Chamber all of the Light & Love & full healing & rejuvenating & uplifting Energy & Divine Creator Assistance I need. I Am always consciously present & aware of the Light of the Creator radiating throughout my Being & illuminating any areas within me that is in need of healing. I can now feel or sense every cell in my body being healed & rejuvenated... & now radiating the Creator's Perfection in Divine Love, Joy, & Happiness.I Am Healthy. I Am Joyful. I Am Happy.Thank You God ! And So It Is !  
4.I ask my Divine Self & the Divine Beings helping me to help me to activate, experience, & embody in every moment in my Whole Being, & in every cell of my body, the Divine Light & Energies of Divine Happiness & Christ Consciousness from my Soul..... and from Mother/Father/God.....and the Light &  Energies of Divine Joy & Christ Consciousness from my Soul.... and from Mother/father/God. I Am embodying in every cell of my body, & in my Whole Being, the Divine Vibrations of the Creator's Abundant Infinite Divine Love, Divine Joy, Happiness, & Christ Consciousness with my every breath... and all of this Divine Energy that I Am breathing in & experiencing & embodying is continually radiated throughout my aura & into all aspects of my life. Thank You God! And So It Is !
5. I lovingly call upon my Divine Self & all the Divine Beings with me to continue to help me manifest all of my prayer affirmations and Father/Mother/God's Pure Divine Will in every moment for the highest good of all, including a total healing, rejuvenation, & restoration of the perfect Divine functioning of my entire body. I surrender to the Light & Love & Power of my Divine Self & all these Divine Beings that are helping me. I now lovingly call forth from Gaia & from Prime Source all of the Codes & Templates & Rays & Flames of the Creator that have healed & rejuvenated my body, restoring all of its perfect Divine functioning; & have healed & released all other blocks to my spiritual growth & ascension; and have created in me a 5th dimensional crystalline body of Light; and have helped expand the spiritual upliftment & awakening in every human beingI continually breathe in & extend this Divine Light Energy throughout Gaia, & to every human being with my every Creator's Breath. And my Whole Being exists in a state of loving acceptance & surrender to the  activity of each Light wave performing its intelligent functions throughout my Whole Being.  I Am the Breath of Life & Light of the Creator for my Whole Being . I Am the Creator's Pure Healing & Rejuvenating & Creative Light & Power In action in me in every moment of this eternal Now ! I Am manifesting God's Divine Will & Perfection in every cell in my body & in my Whole Being; & I easily learn & assimilate & embody everything needed for my spiritual growth & ascension...and everything I need always flows to me with perfect divine timing. United in oneness with all aspects of the Creator - the Creator's Divine Sound and Creative Intelligence continually flows in me & thru me, harmoniously creating in every moment my healthy body & self & reality in the Creator's PerfectionMy Whole Being is a pure & perfect manifestation of the Creator. The Creator in me is now manifesting a divinely perfect crystalline body existing in my perfectly healthy physical body. Thank You God ! And So It Is !
6. I Am experiencing Perfect Divine Health in my body & in my Whole Being. I Am an embodied Angelic Ascended Master, & my Whole Being has transformed into a beautiful angelic 5th dimensional Being. All of my bodies, including every cell, are now beautiful Crystalline Cells & Bodies of Light...& my physical body has transformed into a beautiful, healthy, & youthful body. Thank You God ! And So It Is!
7.Walking or driving mantra: Jay Sita Ram, Jay Jay Sita Ram
8. I Am Abundant Infinite Divine Love. I Am Divine Forgiveness & Compassion.
   I Am Divine Harmony. I Am Divine Peace. I Am Divine Surrender.
    I Am All of the Qualities of the Creator's Perfection continually In Action in me and through me in every moment !
    I Am the Light & Energies of all of the Divine Qualities of God's Perfection continually manifesting, anchoring, & being embodied in me with my every breath.... and in every human being in God's own wise and perfect way.
   I AM God's Infinite Light and BEAUTY in Action – NOW!
    I AM God's Wondrous Transfiguring LOVE and COMPASSION & FORGIVENESS IN ACTION – NOW!
    I Am God's Abundant Infinite Divine Love !
    I Am my Infinite Self & Abundant Infinite Divine Love in Action Now !
    I AM All That I AM. 
    I Am a Beacon of Abundant Infinite Divine Love & Light, and I express this ever-flowing Divine Love & Light eternally. 
    I accept, honor, & surrender to this Divine Love that is my natural state of existence.
    I Am an embodiment of & True & Divine expression of God's Love & Light! Thank You God! And So It Is!
Video: : "Arcturian Recalibration Chamber of Light ~ Solstice 2017" By Solara An-Ra -

Psychic Senses
Tap Into This Weekend's Intuitive Opening By Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler:

Hey there!

Just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know about a special energetic opening starting today and continuing through the weekend...

It's one in which intuition, connection with spirit, and experience of the multidimensional is highlighted...

Where you have an opportunity to peel back the veil of illusion from your eyes to clearly see the magic of life.

Sounds great right!? So how do you make the most of it?

That part is simple.

Slow down... Relax... Meditate...

Make the time to bring your awareness fully into the present moment.

Call back your thoughts and energy from the past, and from the known future...

So that in the present you can step into the unknown and into an experience of the Divine that is entirely new.

Spending time in nature is hugely supportive for you in this process too.

Walk in the forest, go camping, sit out under the stars, get your toes in the sand, or hands in the Earth and let your awareness be fully in the moment, and softly focused within.

Enter inward and open your heart. 

Here you can access the infinite, and open the gifts of love, intuition, and magic just waiting for you to unwrap them.

Below is a beautiful free angel message & video with Archangel Raziel that will guide you to tune into your intuition and psychic senses:

With love and gratitude,


archangel uriel

AA Raziel:

Greetings dear one. Indeed, I am Archangel Raziel and I greet you in this present time and space with many angels, with light, with divine healing frequency of love, of wisdom, of intuition, and magic in this present time.

I invite you to be calm, to breathe, and to relax. Begin to tune into your intuitive power, your ability to perceive, know, and experience with all your senses beyond the realm of the physical and into the realm of the divine, of angels, and of spirit.

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And so breathe deeply now into your lower abdomen, letting your lower abdomen fill up with the light of the divine that is all around you. Breathe in and breathe out.

As you exhale, let go of any tension, worry, or struggle, any energy which is not yours. Breathe in the divine light that is all around you and as you breathe out feel yourself relaxing deeply, entering fully into this present space and time, becoming aware, and becoming present.

Focus on your breath and as you take in another deep breath through your nose now breathe air into your lower abdomen, filling yourself up with light of the divine.

And now as you exhale, tune in to your energetic field, which is infused with the divine light all around you. Imagine your energy as a sort of hourglass shape, receiving with open arms, the light of the divine, intuitive guidance, infinite wisdom, well being, healing, and love, which flows down into your being from above. Imagine the middle of your hourglass energetic form strong, stable, and present. Your core of energy filled with light, helping you to increase your awareness, to be fully present at this time, and then flowing out and down, grounding you to the earth. Light flowing down to the core of earth where you are able to feel your oneness with the divine through earth with all that is.

As you now continue to breathe and relax, imagine and visualize yourself as a tree. A tree which is connected to you, which you are fond of.

Visualize and imagine that you are this tree, firmly rooted to the earth below, strong and solid in your core, and reaching upward with your branches into the light. Imagine reaching upwards into the sky, up towards the divine realm and the light of the divine, up into the heavens, and into intuition. The light of all that is shines down upon you now.

Imagine that through your branches, through the branches of the tree that you are one with now, you are absorbing the light of the divine, and you are channeling it down into your core, your tree trunk, your center.

As this light of the divine flows down, feel it now ground to the earth below you, flowing down through roots beneath the surface, all the way to the core where you meet an incredible light, the light at the core of the earth. Be present, aware, and one with this light.
Feel the light begin to flow up through your roots, up, up through the tree trunk, out into your branches, up through the branches and into the light of the divine above.

Once again, let the light from the divine above you flow down through the branches, through your tree trunk, and down through the roots to the core of the earth.

The light you find here at the core of the earth flows up through the layers of earth, through your roots, up through your tree trunk, up through your branches, reaching up. Flowing up above your branches, up above into the light, and into a sort of energetic electric storm, magnetic energy of the divine, your intuitive power, your psychic ability, your knowing of the magic of the universe, of all that is. Now let this energy flow down into your branches, drawing into your being, drawing into your core, into the tree trunk, into your center, flowing down through your roots, grounding to the earth and to all that is.

Breathe and relax as you prepare to journey through the elements, to awaken your psychic senses and your ability to see, hear, sense, know, and feel, and understand in the realms of spirit beyond the veil. You have the ability to perceive beyond the physical realm with your subtle senses, with your divine senses, with your psychic receptors.

At this time we call upon the element of water.

Tune into water. Experience connecting with water. In your own way, in whatever sense is strongest for you now, experience water. Diving in to the water, feeling the water flowing around you, seeing yourself connecting with water, smelling water, perceiving and understanding that you are in water, hearing the water around your being now, which soothes, cools, balances, heals, and purifies your mental, emotional, and spiritual being.

Breathe and notice how you are experiencing the water element, not judging or overanalyzing. Just being aware of the sense in which you experience the element of water now.

Thank you water.

We now call upon the element of air in the form of wind.

Experience air with your psychic senses now. Feel the wind on your face, smell the breeze, see yourself experiencing the element of wind, know and be aware of the air that is all around you. Experience air with your psychic sense that is strongest for you now.

Be aware and observe, connecting with the air. Breathe in the air all around you, bringing rejuvenation to your being, healing from the element of air for your mind, body, and spirit. Experience the air with your senses beyond the physical, being aware if you see, sense, feel, know, hear or simply understand the presence of air with you now.

Thank you air.

We now call upon the element of fire and invite you to experience fire with whatever senses are strongest for you now, in whatever way is most natural for you at this time. See the glow and dance of the flames before you. Feel the warmth and heat, know you are in the presence of the element of fire. Smell the smoke and experience connecting with this element now.

Fire, which burns away tension, density, and negativity which no longer serve. Fire, which heats and warms and provides, which destroys that which is no longer needed. Experience this element with whatever psychic sense is strongest for you now.

Thank you fire.

We now call upon the earth element and invite you to experience a connection with earth. In whatever psychic sense is strongest for you now, feel the coolness of the earth beneath your feet. Know that you are connecting with earth, see the soil, the trees, the plants. Hear the sounds of the earth which you are a part of, experience your oneness with earth, grounding to earth, centering your being, helping you to retain your presence.

Experience earth in whatever way is most natural for you now, for you are one with earth and with all.

Thank you earth.

Breathe, relax, and know that as you allow your subtle sense, which is most natural for you to develop, to translate divine light into a manner in which you can understand, your other psychic senses are naturally strengthened. All your psychic senses will play a supportive role in helping you to experience the full wisdom and magic and oneness of the universe and of the divine light and guidance available to you beyond the veil, beyond the physical realm and interwoven into every moment, present at all times.

As you work with the elements, quieting your mind, opening your heart, and being aware, your gift, your skill, your ability to perceive in the realms of spirit will be made known unto you.

Breathe and relax and return to the visualization that you are a tree. Become one with the tree spirit now. Your branches reaching up into the heavens, reaching for divine intelligence and light and wisdom, aligning with the light, channeling the divine light down into your center, into your strong, present trunk, and grounding down through your roots into the earth, flowing light from the divine down through your branches, through your tree trunk, extending down through roots beneath the ground, down past rocks through layers of earth until you’ve reached the core where divine light is contained therein.

Let the light at the core of the earth flow up through your roots, through the trunk of your core, up into your branches, up into the light above you, up into the magnetic, electric storm of divine magic, of intuition, of psychic power.

Now let this, your psychic ability, your intuition, flow down in through your branches reaching up above. Let this energy flow down into your center, into your core, into your tree trunk. Stable, present, strong, and grounding to the earth, flowing energy down through your roots, balancing you in this present moment at this present time.

And so it is.

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Breathe, for when you focus upon your breath, you become present and aware and from within your awareness the treasures of the divine are revealed.

Your unique gifts and ability to perceive in the realms of spirit are made known. Continue to work with the elements, with your tree totem, and with the light, for all the magic of the universe, of the realms of spirit, and of the divine are available to you when you go within and when you open to experience this divine love, light, and magic that exists beyond the veil of illusion within this present time.

Beloved one, I am Archangel Raziel and you are so dearly loved. With a final surge of divine light, you are blessed, lifted, and attuned to the intuitive power and gifts which are your birthright, for the magic of the divine is meant to be known, enjoyed, and experienced in your own life.

Look for magic, look for miracles, look for blessings, and they will appear in increased frequency. You are loved and you are blessed and so it is. Goodbye for now.

~Archangel Raziel channeled by Melanie Beckler


Video: "Journey Through The Elements And Awaken Your Psychic Senses" -




Being Our Peace Prayer/Meditation ~

In order to effectively usher in the new paradigm
of peace through a group collective effort of
prayer/meditation, it is important that we create
a feeling-based prayer in which we are being our

The ancient Essene-Kabbalistic teaching (on which
Greg Braden's "Isaiah Effect" is based) has a specific
word for this technology of prayer-- l'hitpallel. It is a
unique expression, which is profoundly different than
the contemporary meaning of prayer that infers
praying to God or begging God to change God's mind
(as if God is outside of us).

L'hitpallel is a verb. It means to do something to oneself.
This way of being in prayer is embodied in the Native
American way. The Native American shamans did
not pray for rain, they prayed rain. L'hitpallel is not
about some external God hearing prayers; it is about
us being our prayers, in other words, to hear our own
prayers by being them.

This is the key technology. We create a feeling of peace,
rather than a prayer asking for peace. In l'hitpallel,
we are actively and intentionally filling our hearts and
having a feeling-based experience of what it is that we
are creating. It is feeling that what we are praying
for has already happened, and for this we stay
in a state of thankfulness.

~ Peace Every Day Initiative; Peace by being Peace

Video: "June Solstice Angel Card Reading - June 18-24" By Melanie Beckler

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