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Day 9- May 31, 2013

Mighty Chohan of the First Ray, the Blue-White Ray

El Morya works under the authority of the Blue Ray representing God’s Will to the Earth. He gives assistance to all governments and stands by any of us desirous of doing God’s Will as the planetary servers of the Divine Plan. In previous embodiments, he was one of the three wise men making way to the Christ Child, King Arthur during the time of Camelot, Sir Thomas More, Akbar the Great, founder of the Mogul Empire of India. With great determination, he teaches us how to concentrate, to have unwavering focus, and to build our strength of character as this is in absolute divine alignment to the Divine Plan and Mission of Earth. His sacred fire of the blue flames gifts us with the Power of Command and expression of Divine Truth through all forms of our expression and media. His retreat is in Darjeeling and his electronic pattern is the chalice.

Further Reading

Short PDF Book on his life:

Quotes from King Arthur Beloved El Morya

"This is the oath of a Knight of King Arthur's Round Table and should be for all of us to take to heart. I will develop my life for the greater good. I will place character above riches, and concern for others above personal wealth, I will never boast, but cherish humility instead, I will speak the truth at all times, and forever keep my word, I will defend those who cannot defend themselves, I will honor and respect women, and refute sexism in all its guises, I will uphold justice by being fair to all, I will be faithful in love and loyal in friendship, I will abhor scandals and gossip-neither partake nor delight in them, I will be generous to the poor and to those who need help, I will forgive when asked, that my own mistakes will be forgiven, I will live my life with courtesy and honor from this day forward."

Knights and Ladies! The gift of freedom is yours by right. But the home we seek resides not in some distant land, it's in us, and in our actions on this day! If this be our destiny, then so be it. But let history remember, that as free people, we chose to make it so!

His Gifts

The Electronic Pattern of the Sword Excalibur!

The Sword of Excalibur, of which an electronic frequency pattern was given to us by King Arthur.


Call Everytime You do Daily Calls and Decree Work:

"I AM the Electronic Pattern of the Sword Excalibur, my Unfed Flames Presence, Will and Power of Command, the Voice of the I AM and the Spoken Word surging through these Mighty Decrees! With great Joy and Jubilation, we unite with the Company of Heaven as we rise into our Power and Decree for the FREEDOM of All Life! We call forth our Mighty Christ I AM and the Will of Mother Akasha’s Rose Pink Ray to be driven into us and into these calls as we Command and Demand the instantaneous activity and fulfillment of them everywhere forever! Beloved World Teacher, Lady Leto, pour Thy Ascended Master Consciousness into these Calls, compelling Perfection Manifest throughout humanity and the world! Beloved Lady Master Nada, charge us with Your Ascended Master Feeling of Inspiration to give these Calls and be the Victory of the Light in Full Cosmic Action forever! We are so Grateful!"

Another Call Variation:

"My Beloved Mighty I Am Presence,  through you I greet Arthur who was the power to restore the hermetically sealed Sword Excalibur because he had the knowledge of the electronic patterns,  he had the key – and I turn to you King Arthur,  I turn to you El Morya,  you are the same being,  and I acknowledge that at one time you anchored the Electronic Pattern of the Sword Excalibur within my Golden Christ Flame to release its’ radiance through the chest cavity and rising right into the throat center to give me the voice of command.   And I call upon you El Morya,  come with your Angels and STRENGTHEN,  INTENSIFY the Electronic Pattern of the Sword Excalibur that it may begin to do its perfect work within me now."

(Call upon me to anchor into the center of the chest cavity,  into your All Christ Golden Christ Flame,  to anchor the Electronic Pattern of my Sword Excalibur – and to strengthen that pattern and see that it rises right into my throat center, releasing the power of Excalibur,  the power of command,  through my throat center,  and my voice box,  giving me the voice of God,  and the authority behind that voice……)

Call upon your heart flame to govern your voice box and to give it a Voice of God,  whether you are speaking or singing. 

[Note: If you have not received El Moyra’s Gift of his Electronic Pattern of the Sword of Excalibur ~

Ask him to so charge your consciousness, mind and feeling body with the Power of his blue-white ray, his Sacred Fire Love, purity and power, his Mighty Blessings and Power of the cosmic Light, the Light of his Ascended Master Presence. Ask him to teach you and instruct you in the Path of Awakening, Resurrection and Ascension .

Ask Beloved Al Morya to anchor and project (or activate it in full power if your have not received this gift), "the Power of the Spoken Word, the Electronic Pattern of the Sword of Excalibur "in your throat center and Unfed Flames, visualize and feel it everyday and affirm:(see image above)

"I AM the Ascended Jesus Christ Resurrection and the Life of the Pattern of the Sword Excalibur within me in full power and expression through my being and world now !!!"

"This is a powerful gift and I AM so grateful and blessed to received this gift from you Beloved El Morya."


My Beloved I AM Presence , Beloved El Morya , Saint Germaine , Goddess of Light and Archangel Michael

I command and I AM Excalibur , my Unfed Flames Presence and Power of Voice and the Spoken word

Beloved I AM (3X)

By God's Own Hand (3x)

By God's Great Command (3x)

By God's Love Ray (3x)

By God's Violet Ray (3x)

By God's Blue Ray (3x)

By God's Gold Ray (3x)

Almighty I AM ,Almighty I AM ,Almighty I AM

Contemplation I AM the Will, Life ,Power and Command and all Activities of Divine Love released through my voice and spoken word.

His Gift of White Magic

(It is suggested this call is done daily)

Then I will leave one more thing…..I will offer you an amazing gift in your life.  It requires only your earnest faith,  it requires you only to know that when you get home you give me only a minute – you follow the universal law – you pour your love to your Presence,  then you place your attention upon me,  and if you don’t know my image then you place your attention upon my name,  and then talk to me as if I was right there in the room  and you can even refer to me as Arthur or El Morya,  and I want you to say the following:

"El Morya,  you came to us a King,  you came to us a King with the power of White Magic – you governed Camelot,  and you prepared the world and an incoming civilization – El Morya you have offered in Akasha’s Tree of Life Class,  you have offered to come to every one of her students who ask and to so charge each student with El Morya’s gift of White Magic."

This is what I am offering you,  and I will even let you decide what you would like this White Magic to do.   What you would like it to manifest,  what you would like it to do,  what you would like it to change in you – it doesn’t matter – Or,  you can leave it up to me and I’ll work with the intelligence of your incoming Christ Self.   Both work,  both is fine.

Variation of the Call:

"El Morya, I love you, I bless you, I acknowledge you as an Ascended Being, I am grateful you are part of our Ascended Master family. I Am a part of Akasha’s family, you have offered every student some of El Morya’s white magic"

(And just call upon me to so fill you and charge you with my white magic, and if you know what you’d like that white magic to do for you – maybe you’d like that white magic to find you a perfect job – maybe you’d like that white magic to manifest a beautiful home for you, maybe you’d like that white magic to give you a perfect body – whatever it is there is no limitation on this.)

Anchoring the Will of God in the Earth and Within Yourself

(It is suggested this call is done daily):


Make a simple daily call to Me in the Name of your own beloved I AM Presence - and be faithful in the daily giving thereof - asking Me to help you externalize right here in your daily living your own individual Divine Plan, which is the Will of God for you. Such calls, faithfully offered up, will open the doors of your world wider and wider each day to a bit o' Heaven manifesting in your world and thus increase the scope of your loving service to all. Thus will you be giving obedience to that part of the cosmic law which is so powerfully expressed in the Lord's Prayer as 'Thy Will be done on Earth.'

"Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God I AM in me and beloved Ascended Master Morya, help me and all sons and daughters of God today and always to so live and bless Life that we easily, quickly, and perfectly fulfill the Divine Plan of our life streams, which is the doing of God's Holy Will. I consciously and gratefully accept Your Assistance to this end."

If you will make this call for yourself and your own world, you can and will be freed from the disease of delay, the regretful procrastination of the human. Then, because all Life is one, as a few life streams begin to make the call and faithfully continue so to do, the Radiance of their Faith will expand and expand until more and more life streams will avail themselves of this tremendous Help now being offered.

Nightly Call:

"In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness to the retreat of El Morya in Darjeeling. I ask that my four lower bodies be charged and recharged with the Will of God and I ask for my life's blueprint for my fulfillment of that will. And I ask that all information necessary to the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness as it is required. I thank thee and I accept this done in the full power of the risen Christ."

Invocation to Beloved El Morya

My Beloved Mighty I AM Presence

My Beloved God/Goddess 'I Am' of my Being.

I am so grateful I have found you.

You are my Life! Focus thy Mighty Cosmic Light Love

Ray upon me,

as Life's great Freedom Ray, that will take care of

everything that may be wrong in my mind, my body

and my feelings.


Focus -- hold my home in one of your mighty

Love Rays, and qualify time and space as long as

I live in this home, keep this home in a Love Ray

of your Presence that is always a transcending,

healing, raising activity to all who live in this


God/Goddess 'I Am' of my Being I acknowledge

you as the Living Flame of Life within me.

And yet I know this is just a part of you,

the great you, my real Ascended Self,

my own Beloved God/Goddess Presence, a perfect Being.


You stand above me only seven to eight feet away,

and yet, in your own Realm of Perfection.

I acknowledge you. You are my real Self.

I am grateful I am awake.

I have found out about you and I acknowledge you.

You are to be the Life of this body.

Now I understand the great statement of Life

that the body is intended to be

the Temple of the Most High Living God.

I am so grateful, I am so grateful, I am so grateful!

Beloved El Moyra’s Retreats

The Temple of Good Will in Darjeeling. India

The ascended master El Morya is the chohan of God's Will, the blue ray. He welcomes students to his retreat over Mount Kachenjunga in Darjeeling, India, at the Temple of Good Will. This radiant white marble temple of Moorish construction has minarets and a beautiful dome lined with pale blue. On the first floor is a light blue diamond that releases a white flame as a focus of the diamond heart. On the second floor are librairies, El Morya’s study, and additional council chambers. On the third floor are found engravings of blue lotuses and forget-me-nots, the Master’s favorite flower. Here, the Brothers of the Diamond Heart compassionately work with El Morya to infuse God’s will into human endeavors and matters of state. This is also where many community and even world leaders attend in their finer bodies during sleep to be charged with a renewed sense of purpose.

In 1928, Nicholas Roerich, now ascended, alluded to this retreat in his travel notes, published in the book Shamballa. "In the foothills of the Himalayas, there are many caves. And it is said that from these caves, subterranean passages procede far below Kinchenjunga. Some have even seen the stone door which has never been opened, because the date has not yet arrived. The deep passages proceed to the Splendid Valley."


Call to attend the Temple of Good Will

In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of Beloved El Morya at Mount Kachenjunga, Darjeeling, India, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be taught the law of faith for the victory of the flame of God's Will within my heart and throat chakra, especially as it pertains to the gifts of faith in God’s will and the word of wisdom.

(personal prayer)

Beloved El Morya, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.


El Morya’s Retreat in El Capitan

The ascended master El Morya focuses the Will of God in North America through his retreat in El Capitan, a mountain in Yosemite National Park. El Morya’s principal retreat is the Temple of Good Will in Darjeeling, India.

Call to attend El Morya’s Retreat in El Capitan

In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of Beloved El Morya at El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be taught the law of faith for the victory of the flame of God’s Will within my heart and throat chakra, especially as it pertains to the gifts of faith in God’s will and the word of wisdom.

(personal prayer)

Beloved El Morya, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

Again Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information,  & calls, Lightbearers Worldwide for the pictures and information on the Retreats and finally the Rainbow Scribe for the Invocations.

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