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We welcome the very first Ascended Master in a Feminine Embodiment to take on the role as World Teacher for 2013, our delightful Beloved Lady Leto (also called Princess Leto).

The Lady Master Leto is a teacher of youth especially focusing with children who have taken embodiment as Servers of the Divine Plan. Leto teaches us how to safely leave the body and return at will so that we can better remember our experiences in the etheric realms and the learning ashram retreats at night. She also assists with surrounding us in the Cloak of Invisibility to the discord of the outer world.  She was embodied during the Incan civilization where she brought forth many advances in science, as she understood the spiritual laws behind the manifestation. She was also an Atlantean scientist and a Chinese mystic. We may call to Leto for assistance by attuning to her flame which is purple tinged with gold shimmerance. She also focuses with the the Gold and Platinum Rays of Enlightenment.

Leto made the ascension four hundred years ago. She has golden hair. The fragrance of heather often surrounds her, caused by an experience from a former life in 11th century Scotland. Healing is also one of her services. During a plague, Leto released The Cosmic Healing Flame (directed by The Great Divine Director), and after a few days, the plague was stopped. She has been in Service to Mankind for more than 300 years. Leto was the lady who joined Guy Ballard (founder of the I AM Movement) on his journey from New York to France. In an address given to the students, some time ago, Ascended Lady Master Leto said that the records showing man's sojourn on Earth are preserved in their original language in which they were written at the Royal Teton where an Ascended Master can translate them into any modern tongue.


"Beloved Leto , Mighty I AM Presence I love you , I bless you and I thank you, feel me, flood me and charge me with Light, light, light with all the Light of your Ascended Master's Presence, all the Light from the Cave of Light in India and raise me into the highest vibration of love and light I can sustain at this time."

Her Gifts

The Ascended Master Lady Leto has said that if invoked she would assist in allowing for a conscious, awakened memory of our sojourns with the Ascended Masters while our bodies sleep or during deeper meditation.

If you call on Leto, she can assist you in remembering your activities, while you are Out Of Body (OBE or sleeping). She can also teach students to leave the body and return at will. We can also call to her for The Coat Of Invisibility.

Invocation to Lady Master Leto

Mighty I AM Presence,

Beloved Lady Leto,

We call to you, Beloved Leto,

to help us retain the memory

of our instruction in Etheric

Retreats of Light

while our bodies lay asleep at night

and to assist us to establish

the momentum that

allows our hearts to soar.

So be it and so it is! Beloved I AM!


Ascended Master, Lady Leto's Retreat

Leto serves with her twin flame, Alexander Gaylord, in the Retreat of the Master of Paris, as well as in the Cave of Light, where she helps accelerate candidates for the ascension. Leto bears a spiritual flame that is purple tinged with gold, and she wears a cape of that color. Her fragrance is heather as a token of her great love for the Holy Spirit in nature. She invites us to meditate on the color of violets, that will draw us nearer to her purple, fiery heart.

The Master of Paris has an etheric retreat over the heart of Paris, l’Ile de la Cite. La Sainte Chapelle, a church in the center of the island with beautiful stained glass windows is the outer focus for the retreat. The Master of Paris also maintains a physical focus in the city of Paris. The retreat of the Master of Paris radiates the violet flame of freedom, to help transmute the obstacles to pure love. Here, the ascended masters meet in the Council of Paris to help hold a spiritual balance for the governments of Europe.


Call to attend the Retreat of the Master of Paris

     In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of the Master of Paris in the heart of Paris, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be taught the love of freedom and to work with the Council of Paris to bring freedom to earth.

     (personal prayer)

     Beloved Master of Paris, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

Again Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information,  & calls, Lightbearers Worldwide for the pictures and information on the Retreats and finally the Rainbow Scribe for the Invocations.


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