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Day 39- June 30, 2013
Beloved Melchizedek
The Platinum Cosmic Light
The Multi-Universal Ray of Divine Union
Lord Melchizedek is our Universal Logos and with authority of the Order of Melchizedek, which includes all who serve God through Divine Guidance. Every particle of life-force energy that makes up this entire universe is over lighted by his consciousness. He brings to all evolving life forms the science of alchemy and a deeper connection point to the sacred fire energies of the greater universe. Through the universal sacred fire flames of Melchizedek’s energy, you can align your entire multidimensional consciousness reality here on Earth. His golden-white grace brings forth new divine creation into its complete divine manifestation. We may call to Lord Melchizedek for freedom and to help neutralize any emotional charge that remains within our cellular memory.
Melchizedek is the priest of the Most high God to whom Abraham brought his tithes.He has been described as having neither beginning nor ending of days, and in Hebrew, his name means, "King of Right."
The Book of Hebrews says that Jesus was "made an high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec." Melchizedek heads an ancient priesthood of the sacred fire known as the Order of Melchizedek. This priesthood invokes the violet flame to bring forth the perfected balance and outcome of science and spirituality, and their symbol is the Maltese cross.The 144,000 ascended masters who form the Order of the Priests of Melchizedek will help us to make our ascension if we will call upon them and invoke the violet flame.
"...Melchizedek and the Seventh Ray priesthood, who, because of aeons of invocation of the violet flame, actually operate from the center of the violet flame itself. And the center of the flame is the white fire core of Alpha and Omega.Thus the center of the flame is the fiat of the Godhead. It is the thrust, if you will, of impetus of all the work that is accomplished, then, by that flame. The white fire core of each and every flame is the fohat. And the release of that fire for the creation and the uncreation of matter is accomplished by those who become master of the sacred fire by practice, by exercising the flame and decree, and by absolute, unselfed love.
..."Now I will get straight to the point with you. Under recommendation, under the combined authority of many Ascended Beings the first chamber of every human heart of every one embodied upon this Earth is fully open. Even more importantly under Divine Ordinance on the 28th of January cosmic pressure and orchestrated from Shamballa under the authority of your Lord Melchizedek and the Queen of Light every living I AM Being or known as human beings embodied upon this Earth at this time, has received the cosmic pressure of the God seed within their heart that has transformed that seed into a living flame. It is the transformation of your own God seeds in your hearts into living flames that brought about your great awakening and your interest in things of a spiritual nature and the fundamental awareness within your being that there must be more to life than what is offered under the present conditions of the past."...February 6,2011, Tree of Life Class
~ ~ Lord Melchizedek's Message and Method July 2012 ~ ~
Gift of the The Platinum Cosmic Light
Group Activation for Planetary Light Servers-Children of the Sun
Full Moon ~ January 19 ~ 2011
Everyone is welcome to do this activation anytime!
Meditation at this link:
For the first time in the history of Humanity, the race is soon to receive bold entrance of a mighty Solar Ray to incarnate within our lives, and, bringing with it, a new system of energy in which to assist in our multidimensional evolution.
Through an act of Divine Compassion, the highly potent Platinum Cosmic Light will sweep the Earth in unstoppable waves, emitting through the frequency harmonic of unity consciousness. Through its very intense penetrating influence, all life will eventually be cleansed, illuminated and resurrected out from the timeline of duality and suffering.
The Platinum Cosmic Light, a multi-universal ray which synthesizes all life into Divine Union, is propelling us through a stargate of knowledge and into the language of light. Through its influence, all lifetimes become merged in this eternal now. Spontaneous transformation and miracle manifestations will be created through the field of Zero Point awareness.
This highly potent and highly transformative metallic platinum frequency is sourced at the multi-universal level and is bridged to the Earth through the vast consciousness energy fields that we refer to as Melchizedek/Metatron/Mahatma.
Full Article at this link:
Gift from Grandmaster Melchizedek
Beloved of Love's Eternal Freedom and Flame to Life on Earth, I am Melchizedek, and I greet each of you and seek to enfold you this evening in that which I offer you. I seek to enfold each of you in my All Christ Flame of Eternal Power of Cosmic Purity that just compels such Cosmic Peace within yourself and everywhere that you abide, that nothing of human duality, discord or destruction can ever make contact with you again. I seek to enfold each of you in my All Christ Flame of Eternal Power of Cosmic Purity that compels such Peace in your life, that that Peace is finally peace that you personally experience in your lives, and is that peace that is found in some of the ancient scriptures, that is that peace that transcendeth everything that is of the mind.
Therefore tonight, as I offer this to you and encourage you -- each of you -- to call this forth in your lives, I wish to offer you an understanding that will truly open the way for your Divine 'I Am' Being to come through these outer selves, so that finally, all that you have sought for centuries of time, the release of human consciousness -- that that may so recede into the emptiness of nothingness, so that your wondrous 'I Am' Mind of Infinity might come through you in the years ahead.
Tonight, I join the Mighty Saint Germain and your own Beloved Akasha in offering to you that which is in alignment with what Saint Germain offers in his Dispensation and what Akasha offers through her Mystery School to each of you.
The gift that I offer each of you tonight is my All Christ Flame of such Eternal Power of Cosmic Purity that just compels Peace inside you and Peace wherever you abide. So let's look at what is meaningful in what you are being offered, the All Christ Flame. Eternal Power, Cosmic Purity that compels Cosmic Peace inside yourself and everywhere you abide. And if you, my Dear Hearts, will accept this, if you will reach to your own Mighty 'I Am' Presence within you and above you; if you will reach up to the Seven Mighty Elohim, the Creators of this system of worlds and the Creators of your physical body, and when you are reaching up to us, if you will remind yourselves that we are not so far distant from you as you think. And the Seven Mighty Elohim who offer the same All Christ Flame are actually one with your Light more than you realize or have reminded yourselves, because the Seven Seeds of the Elohim of Creation are planted within your brow. And as the Light in your Heart extends farther through your minds, your bodies and out into your worlds, that Light of your own Ascended Heart Flame nourishes, nurtures, those Seven Seeds that then burst. And because those are the Seven Seeds of the Seven Mighty Elohim Creator Beings, your Life is one with their Life, and their Life is one with your Life.
Make this call seven to twelve times a day -- you just stop what you are doing, and give it your one hundred percent attention with all sincerity and love, and make this call and you try to get it written down, Dear Hearts, so that you get it memorized, so that you don't change the words.
Because if you do this, and you make the call as often as you can each day, it is the call that will build the momentum that you require that gets the release of this Cosmic Energy to you. But we do not wish this Cosmic Energy to come to you one time. We wish it to come to you as a sustained momentum that is with you until your Ascension. Therefore,
"Mighty 'I Am' Presence within me and above me, Mighty Ascended Jesus Christ, Seven Mighty Elohim, Melchizedek, Mighty Helios of the physical Sun, and Great Central Sun, I command your All Christ Flame of Eternal Power of Cosmic Purity that compels Peace within me and everywhere I abide, to come forth in through and around me now, and I am, I am, I am. I am the All Christ Flame of Eternal Power of Cosmic Purity that just compels Peace within me and everywhere I abide. I love and bless that All Christ Flame of Eternal Power and such Cosmic Purity of such Cosmic Peace, that becomes Eternally mine, within me and around me and everywhere I abide".
(repeat 7 or 12 times daily)
And my Dear Hearts, when you can, if you would just write that down, and whenever you have a minute, you just take a minute -- one minute, Dear Heart -- and you can give that decree.
As your own Beloved Akasha shared with some of the students in Vancouver recently, all of you are moving into a new place, passing out of a Sacred time of evolving your 'I Am' Life in this world, and although it feels like you have heard this before, I say to you, you have not allowed yourself to register the importance of this single and simple message and instruction.
The Mightiest thing that you can do for your lives that would release such miracles, that would release the energy of God directly into your lives in which as quick as a flash that energy becomes your dreams fulfilled. The single mightiest thing that you can do for yourselves -- if done consistently, if done many times a day, not just when you're sitting down and doing your spiritual calls. You do this when you are working in the garden, you do this when you are running an errand. When you alone you speak it out, when you're out in the world you do it silently. And what is that one mightiest thing that you can do, that is the single most powerful thing? The constant, loving, adoring, acknowledgement of your own Beloved 'I Am' Presence Self within and above you, and the call to that Presence to release itself in, through and as you, and to give it all authority to release you from all human consciousness, that that Divine Self, that is your true spiritual identity, can come forth through you.
Our All Christ Flame of Eternal Power of Cosmic Purity will build a Cosmic Electronic Force Field that is such Cosmic pressure and such Cosmic concentration around your physical body, that the pressure of the sinister force and the destruction and the discord that comes from distorted human beings cannot come near you, and you begin to carry such a Cosmic Electronic Force around you. And the great blessing, my Dear Heart, is the service that it will do -- not only in freeing you and enabling you, your fellowship and your discipleship in and as Christ, but it will make you, my Dear Hearts, the greatest healing Presence and Power to all life that ever connects with you. It will naturally make you the same healing power that Christ was in his day. Eventually, as days go on. If you will use this gift, if you will demand and command this come to you, and then put it in the 'I Am' -- "I am that All Christ Flame of Eternal Power of Cosmic Purity that just abides peace within me and around me". And if you will just use that, call it in, declare it in your 'I Am' Being, and acknowledge your Presence. Do these simple things, seven to twelve times a day, that takes no more than one to two minutes -- that will be sufficient to create such blessings for your Life. The end of all problems, and a pressure of God's healing Love all around you that will be the greatest healing agent to all who look to you for their freedom.
This is my gift that I offer each of you. I hope you will accept it. Power, my dear sons and daughters of Life, is not power until you use it. And I hope you will use what has been offered to you today, that you may be raised and fulfill the prophecy of one who loves you so greatly, the Ascended Jesus Christ. God bless you for Eternity, and I am that All Christ Flame, I am Melchizedek, and I offer my humble service to you at any time you desire it. Try me. Let my All Christ Flame prove itself in your world, and you will know and feel and see the Face of God.
We sit engulfed in your great love in meditation here.
Release engrams of crystal light, now, deep within our heart.
Our sacred tithes and gifts are offered so you may impart
Your perfect peace, your radiant light unto our worlds with grace.
We feel the unguent, healing balm, that consecrates our space.
Melchizedek! Melchizedek! O fiery solar one,
May blessings flow, may love e’er grow as we merge with the Sun!
Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information and the calls, meditations, videos, Children of the Sun for info. & the meditation, Lightbearers Worldwide and info, Dr. J. D. Stone, The Hearts Centre for the Decree & The Rainbow Scribe.
Flight to freedom, beautiful guided meditation into a crystal temple of light with Melchizedek
This is an amazing guided meditation by Mother Akasha "Flight to FREEDOM " a journey to a crystal temple of Light with Lord Melchizedek where you will find your book of Life amazing journey through time and space letting go, forgiving and remembering who and why you are here ... God bless you all!
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