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Day 31- June 22, 2013

Mighty Hilarion

Beloved Hilarion’s activity is inspired through the emerald green (Chohan of the Fifth Ray) sacred fire of truth, science, vision and prosperity. He works with souls to help them gain mastery in the third-eye chakra and green-ray qualities, including healing and the science of holding the immaculate concept. (The immaculate concept is any pure thought held by one person on behalf of another.)

He sponsors teachers of truth including religious leaders and missionaries as well as those practicing the healing arts, scientists and engineers in all fields, musicians, and those specializing in computer and space technology. He is concerned with helping atheists, agnostics, sceptics and others who, often through no fault of their own, have become disillusioned with life and religion and have no outer knowledge of the path of individual Christhood. Hilarion helps prepare souls to receive the Holy Spirit’s gift of healing. His etheric retreat is called the Temple of Truth and is located over the island of Crete in Greece. 

The apostle Paul was one of Hilarion’s incarnations. By stages Paul put on the mantle of his Lord and accomplished many works as his instrument in healings, miracles, prophecies and fiery conversions. This was the true path Jesus Christ meant his apostles to walk. Today Hilarion guides students on the path of putting on the mantle of their Higher Self to accomplish these works and more. His last incarnation was Saint Hilarion, the fourth century hermit and healer who performed countless miracles.. He is also the eternal empiricist who brings the seeker to the initiatic path spoken of by the apostle Paul: "And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free!"

Master Hilarion comes with wonderful energy and is the "embodiment" of pure, unconditional love. He is ever ready to assist us in our growth and goal of returning from whence we came. One of his primary focuses is that of Healing, and with that he reaches out to all who wish his help. Healing, to Hilarion, is all-encompassing and includes the healing of the physical body, as well as the healing of emotions, the mind and our Spirits. One source adds that Hilarion often works with the Archangel Raphael, who similarly serves on the Fifth Ray.

Mighty Hilarion’s Gifts

~Bringing Harmony to Groups who Remain in Committed Harmony and Devotion~

~Holding Immaculate Conception for Another~

~Over Lights Us in Fulfilment of Any Projects, Dreams, or Goals~

~The Mantle of the Higher Self~

~Preparing Souls to Receive the Holy Spirit’s Gift of Healing~

~Healing of Mind, Body, Emotional & Spiritual Bodies~

...where there are those who gather for Spiritual study, just as you are gathered here. If groups, whether it is two people or three people or twenty people -- wherever groups ordinarily gather together, daily or weekly or otherwise, when that group will make a commitment with each other to not to say or think or feel anything unkind and to maintain harmony with each other, then the Light Substance that We in our Octave can gather into in the Inner Realms -- in other words, the mental and feeling side -- as well as your physical body, is just remarkable. Where you have groups of individuals who make a commitment with each other to be in harmony at all times and not to say unkind thought, feeling or word about anyone within that group. Then this gives all of Us, who are always watching all of you, the opportunity to lower inside you and around you such Cosmic Light Substance of Our Octave, and to anchor within you the Heart Realm of Our Sacred Fire Love's Purifying Presence. This, in turn, causes an intensifying of the Light within you and within your group.

…Now, in speaking of this, it is that you would turn your attention to my Ascended Master Retreat in Crete and that would you meditate upon this retreat to receive a tremendous expansion of the Heart Realm of our Ascended Master Love that We have placed there....

…The need for as much harmony, and to come into groups to make commitment -- not just spiritual groups -- wherever you have children, loved ones, friends, just to make happy little agreements with each other that we will maintain harmony, that no unkind thought, feeling, word will express through our outer selves. This will allow you who know your 'I Am' Presence to do so much for you. This will allow the 'I Am' Presence of those who do not know their Presence to expand the Light within them so quickly. This will allow Us to intensify and bring that Light, this will allow Our Ascended Master Light to come into all the varying, networking pockets or groups, and then pour Our Ascended Master Light, intensifying them even greater, so that there are just tens of thousands and millions who will open to their 'I Am' Presence under Akasha's Ministry and Dispensation. And this is a very good thing.

…To hold Immaculate Conception for another is, yes, to have this highest ideal that there is only God in Action in this individual. Then, Dear Heart, do you sit quietly and see this person in your Mind's Eye. Now I have something to say about the Mind's Eye. I over light the Mind's Eye! This is one of my Authorities. Fix, at the centre of your forehead, and in the centre of your forehead -- from the inside looking out -- get a clear picture of the person that you want to help. And then acknowledge there is only God, the Mighty 'I Am' Presence, in this individual. And just as I see you meditate on a Golden Sun's Presence bursting in your chest area, if you will just see that Golden Sun's Presence in their chest area, and then while you acknowledge there is only God in Action, the Mighty 'I Am' Presence in this one, see that Golden Sun's Presence expand until it is so big that you cannot see that person in your Mind's Eye any longer. Now you are holding Immaculate Conception, that the Mighty 'I Am' Presence may come forth for that person.

…To turn to your Presence and to all of us, and just command us to fill you with Our Ascended Master Love, Our Ascended Master Light, and Our Ascended Masters' Heart Realm of Our Sacred Fire Purifying Love that is the completion, the undoing of everything human in yourself and your world. I think that covers it! The undoing of everything human in yourself and in your world, that your Divine Self may come forth into outer expression in your daily life.

As the Master of Community, I Am compelled to answer your calls and to over light each of you in your projects, your dreams, your goals, and as you stand to fulfill the Divine Desires, as your wants become overwhelming, almost, desires, and as Akasha asked your recently, don't waffle in your decisions. Don't waffle in your desires. Whatever you want, stand one million percent with that, and make it a fact, even though you have not yet necessarily seen the physical results. If you will stand and issue your authority:

"This is what I am going to do; this is what my Presence wants me to do. I trust what is in my feelings. I trust what my Presence brings to me, and I will accomplish these things by the victory of my own Mighty 'I Am' Presence in action in my life, and I command everything that is in my way, 'Stand down! You have no authority'."

Anything that is good, anything that is worthwhile, I will overlight. And My authority is far-reaching in terms of bringing the Christ into every manifestation in your life that turns others towards the Light. God 'I Am' has given each of you a unique being. God 'I Am' has given each of you unique interests. And all has been tailored beautifully to the Heart Flame and Heart Purpose and Heart Love that is inside your Life stream. As Akasha has pleaded with you, do not know anything about the limitations of this world. Acknowledge you are no longer limited, for you are no longer the human. The human does not exist.

God bless you, God bless you. I will make myself available as long as you love your Presence first. I will respond to every request that you make. And if you do not know the obstacles, that you give me the authority to clear them, because you want to fulfill the Divine Plan of your life. That is sufficient authority for Hilarion. I Am!

Almighty "I AM" - Hilarion's Perpetual Mantra

**The Unending River of Violet Flame**

Lovely God Presence, I AM in me,
Hear me now I do decree:
Bring to pass each blessing for which I call
Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all.

Let the violet fire of freedom roll
Round the world to make all whole;
Saturate the earth and its people, too,
With increasing Christ-radiance shining through.

I AM this action from God above,
Sustained by the hand of heaven's love,
Transmuting the causes of discord here,
Removing the cores so that none do fear.

The full power of freedom's love
Raising all earth to heaven above.
Violet fire now blazing bright,
In living beauty in God's own light

Which right now and forever
Sets the world, myself, and all life
Eternally free in ascended master perfection.
Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!





Lovely God Presence, I AM in me,

Hear me now I do decree

Bring to pass each blessing for which I call

Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all.

Let violet fire of freedom roll

Round the world to make all whole

Saturate the Earth and its people, too

With increasing Christ radiance shining through

I AM this action from God above

Sustained by the hand of Heaven's love

Transmuting the causes of discord here

Removing the cause so that none do fear


The full power of freedom's love

Raising all Earth to Heaven above

Violet fire now blazing bright

In living beauty is God's own light

Which right now and forever

Sets the World, myself, and all life

Eternally free in Ascended Master perfection

Almighty I AM, almighty I AM, almighty I AM!


5.03: Decree to Ascended Master Hilarion

In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ,  I call to my I AM Presence to flow through the I Will Be Presence that I AM and give these decrees with full power. I call to beloved Hilarion, the other Chohans and the Maha Chohan to release flood tides of light, to consume all blocks and attachments that prevent me from becoming one with the eternal flow of the fifth ray of creative healing and ever-transcending wholeness, including…

[Make personal calls]

1. Hilarion, on emerald shore,

I’m free from all that’s gone before.

Hilarion, I let all go,

that keeps me out of sacred flow.


O Holy Spirit, flow through me,

I am the open door for thee.

O mighty rushing stream of Light,

transcendence is my sacred right.

2. Hilarion, the secret key,

is wisdom’s own reality.

Hilarion, all life is healed,

the ego’s face no more concealed.

Repeat Refrain

3. Hilarion, your love for life,

helps me surrender inner strife.

Hilarion, your loving words,

thrill my heart like song of birds.

Repeat Refrain

4. Hilarion, invoke the light,

your sacred formulas recite.

Hilarion, your secret tone,

philosopher’s most sacred stone.

Repeat Refrain

5. Hilarion, with love you greet,

me in your temple over Crete.

Hilarion, your emerald light,

my third eye sees with Christic sight.

Repeat Refrain

6. Hilarion, you give me fruit,

of truth that is so absolute.

Hilarion, all stress decrease,

as my ambitions I release.

Repeat Refrain

7. Hilarion, my chakras clear,

as I let go of subtlest fear.

Hilarion, I am sincere,

as freedom’s truth I do revere.

Repeat Refrain

8. Hilarion, you balance all,

the seven rays upon my call.

Hilarion, you keep me true,

as I remain all one with you.

Repeat Refrain


In the name of the Divine Mother, I fully accept that the power of these calls is used to set free the Ma-ter light, so it can outpicture the perfect vision of Christ for my own life, for all people and for the planet. In the name I AM THAT I AM, it is done! Amen.

Mighty Hilarion’s Retreat

The ascended master Hilarion, chohan of God’s ray of healing and truth has a retreat over the island of Crete where he serves with Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth. Hilarion was a high priest in the Temple of Truth on Atlantis and transported that flame to Greece prior to the sinking of Atlantis. The flame of truth became the spiritual lodestone for the Oracles of Delphi that originally rendered a great service to the light, before becoming corrupt in later centuriesThis retreat, known as the Temple of Truth, instructs students on all matters pertaining to cosmic truth, mathematics, music, the science of precipitation and healing. Here, the Brotherhood of Truth sponsors all would become emissaries of truth in every field. The columned temple has long marble steps like the Parthenon and many classrooms. On the central altar, the vibrant green flame of truth blazes. Hilarion invites students to come to his retreat to learn to become "fishers of men" as he learned in his embodiment as Saint Paul.

Call to attend the Temple of Truth


    In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the Temple of Truth over the island of Crete. I ask to be taught the law of truth for the victory of the flame of truth within my heart and third eye chakra, especially as it pertains to divine science, healing and precipitation.

   (personal prayer)

     Beloved Hilarion, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

Again Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information and some of the calls, Lightbearers Worldwide for the pictures and info, especially on the retreats, & The Rainbow Scribe.

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