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Day 29- June 20, 2013

 Beloved Mighty Asun




 ASUN is Emissary to The Christ and is the Golden Ray of All Christ Illumination.

Akasha and Asun are Twin Flames. Asun represents the Gold Flames of Illumination from the Great Central Sun. The Golden Ray of All Christ Illumination anchored through the Ascended Jesus Christ Emmanuel some 2,000 years ago, offering Light, illumination and enlightenment. Asun and his Divine Complement, Akasha, are of the Seraphim Order. Their mission to Earth is part of a Divine Intervention to insure the ascension of our beloved planet and all choosing Humanity. They graced the Earth some 37,000 thousand years ago while in physical embodiment and gave rise to a great civilization of light in the area known today as Delphi, Greece. Call to Asun’s Sacred Fire for educational understandings, Divine Truth and practical application of this Truth to assure a stable and safe journey through the upcoming ascension gateways. Through invocation, Akasha and Asun will come to assist you in resurrecting your human in the glorious expression of the I AM Presence.
Akasha and Asun come to us through a Dispensation (permission from Source for a cosmic intervention). Akasha comes to us upon the Rose Pink Ray of Divine Love, Will and Grace. Asun comes to us upon the Golden Ray of Illumination. In 1985 They made contact with Usa who was with them in that time of Delphi. For nine years They worked with him, teaching him and preparing him through specific spiritual practice to be Their Messenger on Earth. In 1994, through Usa, Akasha and Asun delivered Their first Transmission of Their Teachings to a group of people who gathered in British Columbia, Canada. Since then, Akasha and Asun have transmitted thousands of discourses of Their Teachings. Their gentle way, Their knowledge, Their Love and Their Blessings have touched and changed the lives of thousands of people around the world.

Asun asks us to make a choice:

I choose peace.

I choose to be at peace with myself and with my history.

I choose to be at peace with Life and with all who have ever touched my life.

I choose to be at peace with my Creator and I have crossed that Bridge of Peace and I am ready to encounter Love in all its Grace.

Asun’s Gift’s

Art of Manifestation

Tree of Life Class, May 9, 2012

Ask Asun to assist you in perfecting the art of manifesting as this is one of his countless specialties.
Make up your mind on what it is you want to manifest. Move into the realms of certainty – then go to your Presence.
BIG things first, I choose, peace. I choose happiness, I choose success, I choose abundance.
I choose to be a SOURCE of Peace, a SOURCE of happiness, a SOURCE of harmony, a SOURCE of health, a SOURCE of success, A SOURCE of Abundance. I am choosing to be once again A SOURCE. I AM A SOURCE CREATOR BEING.
i.e. one thing for every day of the week – then focus on the one thing you've chosen for Monday. On Tuesday you focus on the one thing you have chosen for Tuesday…etc.
Mighty I AM Presence, I've made this decision. There is absolute certainty in my being. If there is anything, any doubt, emotion, old core perception that says I've got to do things the hard way – my HMB, look inside my mind, my feelings and if you find any perception, belief or emotion that could stand as an obstacle to the fulfillment of what I am choosing – BLAZE the mightiest Violet Consuming Flames into my mind, into my feelings and take that nonsense out of me so that I can stand behind my decisions and be an open door for my Presence to work through me.
My BIAP, I've made a choice. This is what I am going to do. This is what I am going to by, this is where I am going. I've made the choice and I will stand behind it. My BIAP come forth into action in me, through me and as me. Be the Presence that goeth before me out into the world, all things considered, bringing forth everything that is required for the full manifestation. I thank you.
The Art of Meditation…and the Power to Manifest your Reality
Full Discourse at this link:

Ascended Master's Gifts for Enlightenment ,Resurrection & Ascension The Merkabah Vehicle

 Asun Comes to you as Runner in Your Life

May 4 , 2011 & June 22, 2011 Tree of Life Class

...Now, my second closing is this, ‘As you know, as an ascended being, my dispensation is a little different then Akasha’s. I am allowed to come into your octave. I can instantly manifest what appears to be a physical body and I can show up in your life as what some of us in the ascended realms call, an ascended master runner and it means I can show up in your life to give you personal assistance and if I feel a good kick in the rear end, that too. Many students have signed up and invited Asun to come in as a runner and many students have seen me. They have seen me and they have seen me in a human embodiment. They have had the experience and then they did a double turn because they realized it was me. Of course by that time I had become invisible again. But they knew and so I have responsibility. I have talked with you in a personal way tonight. That puts a responsibility onto my shoulder. So I leave you with this.
If you really desire your freedom, if you really desire to have everything in life because you’re saying, ‘yes to life’, because you are choosing life, you are desiring life and because you know you are creator beings and God created you to go forth and create. You want to get it all right now. You want to have all the understandings and the application so that at the present moment you are affecting future moments and having happen what you are knowing with certainty. If you want some help, I will come. But you have to invite me to come as a runner into your life to really get this creator manifestation thing right. We know what we mean by that phrase, right? It’s a deal? God bless you dear hearts.
...So Asun says to you, "There's a better way and sometimes the pressure's so much that we forget to do everything the divine way. So if you invite me, you got to be really genuine, be really genuine. You can't do this out of curiosity. You have to be really genuine.

"Asun you have offered to be a runner in my life and I welcome you as a runner in my life to show up at any moment. I understand that what this means is that you will always be in contact with my higher mind and my higher mind can always, does always look through my eyes, so my higher mind will always know the moments that I potentially can get myself into a bit of a mess, into some trouble and my higher mind can flash you and in an instant there you can be to help me make the right decision in the right moment."


Father Asun – Sacred Fire Breath of Jesus

  Include in your daily prayers, the Sacred Fire Breath of Jesus the Christ, it will induce Christ Consciousness - the Flame of God, into the mind and brain activity, until you can really get there on your own - this is the help that is offered.


My Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved Jesus the Christ, I am so grateful for your service, the Light that you brought to the world. I AM so grateful that you continue to be in service to all of those who are resurrecting. Beloved Master Jesus, project your Luminous Presence before me and BREATHE, BREATHE into me, Great Master, your Sacred Fire Breath of your Cosmic Christ Consciousness into my mind, into my feelings, into the very cells of my body. I thank you great Master. Again, Beloved Jesus, project your luminous presence before me and BREATHE, exhale your sacred fire breath of Cosmic Christ Consciousness into my mind, into my feelings and my body.


This will accelerate our path of being raised into our Christ Consciousness. Your body will absorb this; just as your body absorbs warm or cool currents. Your body will ABSORB the radiation; your body will absorb everything the Master is projecting to you at this time! Practice the Sacred Fire Breath; slow inhale to count of 5, hold 5 counts and slowly exhale 5 counts.
Beloved Master Jesus, project your Luminous Presence before me Great Master; I Love you, I Bless you, and I Thank you for your Service, and for the next 2-3 minutes, I ask you to breathe your Sacred Fire Breath of your Cosmic Christ Consciousness into my mind, body and feelings; I acknowledge I AM Breathing that in and I AM Absorbing this and it will be a great assistance in my Life!

Find your Inner Magic

 So, hold within yourself… I encourage you today, because magic will happen. Remember, you are not the ones who make anything that we share… because some of what we share with you seems so stupendous, and oh, my goodness, sounds too good to be real, h'mm? But you're not the doer of this. All we're asking you to do is sign up and let it happen. You know, Dear Hearts, it's over -- the difficulty, the pain. You are at the tip of a spear, the 'will of the 'I Am' ' that is now touching Victory's Flame, that is touching the target after seventy thousand years. You had to allow yourself to experience the human dream. You had to allow yourself to experience 'I am not' so that you could cross the bridge into 'I Am' and to be the guide that says, "Here, across this bridge. Come across this bridge."

These next three years, Dear Hearts, everything is going to be revealed to you. 'I Am' is taking place in your life. The Time/Space Continuum is collapsed. There are no more lessons; there are no more harsh experiences. And it may seem, because there are yet some difficult moments, that there are those things that are taking place, but I assure you, you have nothing more to learn from the human experience. You have nothing more to grow through. All that needs to take place is to hold a desire to be returned to the Divine Being that is your natural inheritance, to hold that Divine Desire every single day. How do I do it? You don't do it! It is the Light within you that is going to do it. You are going to be the arbitrator of it. You are going to be the commander of it. You understand? Then these ideas won't seem so stupendous, Dear Hearts, won't be so difficult to accept. This is the hour of magic. And all forces of Light are gathering to make the truth that you hold within yourself the truth that you experience in your life.
Full Discourse at this Link:

 Harnessing your Inner Power


God Bless You, Dear Heart, and I am Asun and I greet you out of the Diamond Heart of our love. I come to you share with you this evening, Dear Hearts, to truly harness within yourselves the acceptance that you have a great inner power within yourselves -- it is within your hearts -- to consciously step up the energy of Light and Love. As you accept this truth… and there is truly a growing acceptance, for you know you cannot hide from Akasha what you accept and what you don't accept. We simply see the light, is all; and you know we never have any judgment about it, but it is that we can see the varying degrees of acceptance of different qualities, and all of you more and more are accepting this mighty Presence of God I Am, this Great God Presence, this significant 'something' that you have been meditating upon, that you have been communing with, week after week, month after month, year after year. We turn our attention to the Great God Presence, and although you are not able to see the energy, yet there is tremendous growth in that great Flame that is within all of you, and the degree that new meridians of Light and new forces of Light are spreading throughout your body is truly wonderful, if you could see it with your own eyesight.
Full Discourse at this Link:


Assistance in Expanding Your Golden Sun’s Presence, the Heart Realm within the Center of Your Chest Cavity

Call upon Asun and ask him to work alongside our I AM Presence and Unfed Flame that our chest cavity ………… bring about the destiny of the chest cavity to be a blazing sun's presence – the heart realm and the three unfed flames of God. No more delays in this…. Stoke the flames of God and build such a fiery sun's presence whose blessing blazes out to the world.
Decree daily: I Am held under the three great Dispensations of God: Jesus the Christ, Saint Germain and Akasha. I welcome all the Light, Love and Sacred Fire activity of these Dispensations fully active in my mental, feeling and physical body and my world (increasing x 3) every day.

Wonderful and Powerful Healing Blessing From Ascended Master Asun


"Asun greets you in the Radiance of the All Christ Presence which is drawing within you regardless of any appearances, yes? And therefore Dear Heart, will you quietly begin to affirm this Great Truth that I shall share with you today so that you can accept the Great God Ray of Light that I speak this Truth to you upon so that this Great God Light can begin to integrate this Truth immediately within Your Being and World, yes? (Yes!) Indeed." (June 11, 2007)
"So quietly affirming, I DESERVE. I DESERVE to let go of ALL that is limiting my life. To continue to do things that are limiting by nature, whether those things are thinking, and feeling, or speaking in a certain way where old habits and old ways of living that are just creating more limitation is an insane thing. Therefore, I AM BORN AGAIN TODAY. For today, through the Grace of the Violet Consuming Flame, through the Grace of My Own Mighty I AM Presence in Action in me, and through me and as me, through the Grace of the Tree of Life, I AM BORN AGAIN. And I AM the Ascended Master's Law of Mercy and Forgiveness that loves to BLAZE the Violet Consuming Flames into EVERY mistake I have made in this or any other life I have ever lived. And through the Grace of the Violet Flames Blazing through me and my world, I AM RELEASED and I AM no longer subject to the mistakes of the past and therefore I understand such Grace is the Power and the Presence of the Violet Flame and I love and bless that Violet Flame.
Today I AM BORN AGAIN, I RELEASE ALL thoughts, ALL feelings, ALL words, ALL actions, ALL habits which have created a continuum of limitation in my life. I AM willing, allowing, and giving myself permission, for I DESERVE the Love, the Wisdom, the Power, the Grace of God acting in me and through me and as me. As a Child of God that is held in the Beauty, the living thinking Flame of God that I AM, I DESERVE. I DESERVE ALL that My Infinite and I AM Presence Desires for me. I ANCHOR myself within my own Inner Flame of Happiness and from that place of inner happiness I live my Life each day. Therefore, My Beloved I AM Presence, as you come forth into action, BLAZING the Violet Flames, along with the Violet Angels through My Being and World, KNOWING that I AM no longer subjected to the mistakes of this or any other life I have ever lived, COME FORTH Glorious and Mighty I AM Presence and GLORIFY Yourself through this earthly self and RELEASE Thy Great Victory, the Great Perfecting Activity, the Radiant All Christ Sunshine of Your infinite mind and heart through My Being and My World.
These days, my Beloved I AM are given to me as the most excellent opportunity to Prove Your Presence, to PROVE Your Presence in action as Thou Art the Flame of God within me and above me. I KNOW that you will never leave me for you are the very Life that beats my heart. I AM the one that re-qualifies your perfection and I seek not to do this any longer. Therefore, I Decree I AM an OPEN DOOR that no man can shut, that releases Your Great God Courage, Your Great Rays of Divine Love through My Being and OUT into my world. This day is a NEW DAY and I AM RAISED into the Highest Vibration of Love's Eternal Presence. My World, a New Plateau lovingly held in the Powers of Resurrection. The Dawning of an All Christ Sun Rise sheds its Eternal Radiance upon My Mind, My Feelings, My Body. The Dawning of an Eternal Christ Radiance sheds its Eternal Sun Shine upon My Life, the Energy of My World. My World is lovingly held in a NEW and Higher Plateau of Christ Radiance where God opens many new channels.
I AM Strengthened, I AM Courageous, and I AM the Victory of My Mighty I AM Presence in action in My Life. As I have moved through many challenges in the past, I too, through the Victory of My Mighty I AM Presence, I shall move through this appearance as well. This too, I will get through for I am not alone. I AM the Presence of the Diamond Heart. I AM the Presence of my Higher Christ Mind. I AM the Presence of the Holy Spirit. I AM the Great Revealing Presence that guides me through My Sensitivity, through My Inner Knowing, through My Intuition and I place the responsibility on the shoulders of My I AM Presence as I Love My Presence and I Love to call My Beloved I AM into Action IN Me and THROUGH Me and AS ME. I AM RISEN, and for me, I live in the Highest Truth, the Highest Truth as it is given by the Ascended Master Kathumi: "There is not anything happening anywhere, anytime, in my life except God's Perfect Activity and God's Perfect Activity is the Divine Love and light and Abundance of God Health, Abundance of God Wisdom, Abundance of God Love, Abundance of God Action and God Victory that is unfolding in My Life. And You, My Beloved I AM Presence, are the Power Source of ALL this Victory and God Manifestation that is unfolding from above me, that is unfolding from within me, and is manifesting its All Great Christ Activity in My NEW Life for My LIFE is NEW and BORN AGAIN.
The Atmosphere of My World is a Plateau of much Greater Love and Happiness out of which I AM Living My Life each day. My Mighty I AM Presence, You continue to hold me in the Greatest Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness of the Violet Consuming Flames and Beloved Violet Flame, DON'T LET GO, DON'T LET GO, DON'T LET GO OF ME!!! And BLAZE your Living Garments, the Pillar of the Violet Flame through me, my home, and the atmosphere that I walk within EVERY single day! That Precious Violet Flame that loves to Purify me and ALL the energy of My World so there are NO LONGER any obstacles to You, My Beloved I AM Presence, coming forth into action IN me, THROUGH me, and AS me. Now My Beloved I AM Presence, I just Love you and for me YOU are the only Presence in action. You are the only Power, the only Love, the only Intelligence, and because I KNOW this Great Truth, everything else is an appearance and absence of love, and because it is an appearance it is a non-power.
Now My Beloved I AM Presence, out of Thy Great Love Flame within me, I send a Ray that carries My Love up to You that keeps the door open and now through You, My Beloved I AM, I reach up to the Mighty Planet Venus. Beloved Venus, Beloved Goddess of Venus, Mighty Sanat Kumara, Guardian of the Earth Race, and Beloved Tall Master from Venus, Mighty Victory, Beloved Victory, as I stand and turn and face the Light of My Own All Christ Dominion, I Love the Light, I Live in the Light, I Serve the Light, and I AM the Victory of the Light of God in Action in My Life. And therefore, I turn my Love to You, Beloved Mighty Victory, for YOU have offered Your Great Assistance to Every True Sincere earnest seeker of the Light. Therefore, My Beloved I AM Presence and Beloved Mighty Victory, I call forth and
I DEMAND My World SATURATED with the Victory of the Cosmic Light. I DEMAND ALL of the Ascended Master's Victory in and around me to Stand My Guard against ALL outer world conditions and appearances. I DEMAND the Victory of Mighty Vesta's Heart Flame from the Physical Sun of Love and Purity be made ALIVE in me and My World.
I call forth the Cosmic Christ Victory of Illumination of a Thousand Sun's come into My Intellect and into My Feeling world and STAY there EACH day! I AM the Ascended Jesus Christ's Cosmic Presence of His Victory in My Heart, and Mind, and Body in action EVERYWHERE at My Command. And I AM the Sacred Fire of Eternal Love that SURGES into EVERY appearance in My World and SILENCES those appearances. And I DEMAND EVERYTHING in My Being and World NOW BE the Victory of the Great Great Silence, the Great Great Central Sun. I DEMAND the Victory of the Sacred Fire Love from the Great Central Sun, the Ascended Master Temples of Light come in and around me and produce the perfection that My Presence wants for Me. I DEMAND and I AM the Invincible Victory of the Great Central Sun's Magnet's Love ALIVE, ALIVE, ALIVE within My Heart and EVER active.
I DEMAND My Invincible Cosmic Victory of the Violet Flaming Christ Control in My Mind, My Body, My Being and World. I DEMAND the Victory of the Goddess of Liberty's Cosmic I AM Power and Liberty drawn in, through, and around me and I AM SO GRATEFUL, I AM SO GRATEFUL, I AM SO GRATEFUL.
Now My Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved Mighty Victory, My Guardian Angel, take up these Calls, AMPLIFY them a thousand fold and SILENCE any doubt in My Being and World and I Accept the Instantaneous Activity of all that I have thus far called forth for I know that I AM a Blazing Sun of the Victory of the Unfed Flame in my Heart from the Great Central Sun. I AM the Ascended Jesus Christ Victory over all that is the human. I AM the Law of Mighty Victory's Love from Venus producing Eternal Victory in ALL that I think, do, feel, and say. I AM the Eternal Victory of the Violet Flame of the Comic Christ that is the all Christ Healing Action in every cell of my body which BURSTS into a living Golden Flame of Eternal Healing and Perfection. I AM God in Action in this physical form commanding and compelling the Healing, the VICTORY of the perfection which I have called forth and I AM determined that all my outer activities yield me only the Victory of God in Action. And My Mighty I AM Presence, I AM the Victory of God in Action and My Power is that of the Cosmic Christ and I AM the Eternal Happiness of the ALL Christ Presence in all my daily affairs. I AM the ALL Christ Mind, the ALL Knowing, Dazzling, Fathomless, Diamond Shining Mind of God EVERY moment in My Being and World. I AM Come unto the Sacred Fire Love of Victorious All Christ and it REVEALS to me ALL I Desire to know each day. I AM, I AM, I AM the Heavenly Miracle Peace Commanding Presence of the Ascended Jesus Christ Victory in My Being and World. I AM the Victory of the Supply of the Cosmic Christ Love physically manifest here as it is in the Ascended Master's Octave
Now My Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved Mighty Victory, CHARGE into My Being and World the Ascended Master's Invincible Victory which is Your Gift to the Earth and make my world the Victory and the Garden of Your Heart that I may be of greatest service as I begin the NEXT wonderful chapter of MY LIFE! I AM, I AM, I AM by All God's Love I KNOW I AM that LIFTS and LIFTS and LIFTS the Life of these Decrees that I have given up into My Higher Mental Body, My I AM Presence, and the Ascended Master's Octave. And I AM Within Me and Above Me is the Manifestation of these Decrees fulfilled God's Way in Action in My Life EVERY day and I AM GRATEFUL, I AM GRATEFUL, I AM GRATEFUL, and I AM SO BLESSED, SO BLESSED, SO BLESSED.
(Asun said, "Now sit quietly 5-7 minutes in silence KNOWING that we have been issued the Mightiest Decrees Fulfilling Life. Say to Self, "There is nothing but God, the Mighty I AM Presence, fulfilling these decrees now and I just Love to sit in the stillness and I say to myself, "Peace Be Still Now, Peace Be Still Now" and let God's will unfold now.") Asun's Golden Ray of Illumination carried this right into My Heart, He shared. So now when I issue these Decrees, Asun said My Heart is carrying an Ascended Master's frequency to help set these decrees into motion.)

 Honoring Asun Daily

May 18 , 2011 Tree of Life Class


 The Higher Purpose and Divine Plan are that you receive these Electronic Pillars directly from your Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Host: Honour Asun and greet him by acknowledging the Nine Pillars of the Diamond Heart. The thing here is for you to quietly internalize these things, don't speak them, think them to yourself. This is your process of internalizing. Whisper inwardly, "I AM an authentic heart. I am the electronic frequencies that are Nine Pillars of the Diamond Heart that have been given me". These electronic frequencies are alive, they are active inside of me, waiting for me to activate them, ‘I AM an authentic heart, I AM a courageous will, I AM a discerning mind, I AM a strong spine, I AM a healthy garment, I AM a Herculean Life Force, I AM conviction of purpose, I AM essential purpose and I AM divine consciousness. I AM that I AM, I Am the Resurrection and the Life of these Nine Pillars of the Diamond Heart unfolding their electronic pattern within me now. Then do the same thing, ‘I acknowledge the Seven Great Activities of Divine Love'. That flame of divine love is inside your heart and because it's inside your heart, inwardly affirming them helps. Divine love is a presence, an intelligence, a principal, a light, an activity, a substance, & power. Now is the time to call upon your I Am Presence to charge you with these activities of divine love. If your relationship with your I Am Presence by divine decree can be strengthened you must internalize the Seven Great Activities of Divine Love, otherwise it would be meaningless to your consciousness. Your conversations with Your Presence, that is your link, that is plugging in. You are the Director and you are there to command Your I AM Presence to so charge your life and being and world. If you have fear, frustration, worry or anxiety, this cancels any calls you make to your I Am Presence.

Affirming the Nine Pillars of the Diamond Heart


"I AM I AM I AM by all God's love I know I AM, the resurrection and the life of the Active Presence of the Nine Pillars of the Diamond Heart. I AM an authentic heart, I AM a courageous will, I AM a discerning mind, I AM a strong spine, I AM a healthy garment, I AM a Herculean Life Force, I AM conviction of purpose, I AM essential harmlessness and I AM divine consciousness. Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM. "

Send loving gratitude that you have this knowledge & activity of these nine generators & the Nine Active Pillars of the Diamond Heart within your physical hearts.

 Message from Asun

Asun: Ask yourself:"Am I denying myself? Have I denied Love in my life? Has the Journey been so difficult that a part of me yet denies the fulfillment of Love? Is it possible that I actually fear Love because I have too often experienced human love that has come with hurt or pain? Perhaps it is time to choose Divine Love?" "I will not fear, I will embrace, I will discover, I will lavishly allow the Love in my heart to pour to others. I will lavishly allow a smorgasbord of Love to come into my life that I can share with others."
"I am willing, and allowing, and giving myself permission to get in touch with all parts of my being that are yet in denial. I am willing, allowing and giving myself permission to stop the withholding of greater Love to all that I desire manifest in my Life."
A Divine Plan suggests you will stand and face the Light. The Divine Plan says that you will defend your Planet and that you will defend your beautiful garments you live within. The Divine Plan says that your Light will be so strengthened first, and you will be protected by the Angelic Forces. The Divine Plan says you will use your Will and that you will speak up and command the forced purification of your Planet and of all Life on Earth including the beautiful Physical Garments that were created for you. The Divine Plan suggests that you will discover the Lost Knowledge of the Sacred Fire and use the Sacred Fire to accomplish.
Asun asks us to silently remind ourselves several times a day: ‘There is nothing to hold on to. Don't hold on to anything, let everything flow, be in the flow, for life loves to be in perpetual motion." We do we get stuck? Why do we feel in a rut sometimes? Why is it sometimes difficult to release difficult emotions? Asun suggests that it is our constant holding on to these things that makes our lives more difficult. This is big, so give yourself this silent message 5 or 6 times a day: "Don't hold on to anything, there is nothing to hold on to."
Asun suggests we remind ourselves we have not come to live a conventional life or to be conventional. We have come to live an extraordinary exceptional life of excellence!


Our Beloved Lord Asun

My ‘Beloved I AM Presence' and Beloved Master Asun


Extraordinary Life I come to live

Exceptional as it can be

Light and Love I come to give

And Miracles pour through me.

A Dazzling Mind does conceive

All that my Presence can achieve

My Heart Flame now can feel

All that my Will does make real.

Master Asun lights my way

His Love Rays lighten my day

Miracles come now at my call

‘I AM' a Healing Presence to all.

My Heart Flame Presence here

Healing all I love and hold dear

Full Cosmic Power now expand

Healing Rays pour through my hand.

Discover, Develop, Empower

Blaze through me all your power

How easy can it be?

Christ Mind does govern me.

Master Asun comes my way

His Sunshine fills my day

My ‘I AM' now takes hold

All forces now control.

‘I AM' the Way, the Truth and Light

‘I AM' the Resurrection and the Life

‘I AM' the Door to Everything

I AM' the Song my Life does Sing.

Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM!


"I AM A Golden Sun's Presence" Mantra

Affirm with a Sincere Heart:


"I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ---Light, Love, Life, Will, Joy, Strength, and Power pouring down through me and out from me!"

Now affirm each Quality separately 7 times:

I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ Light pouring down through me and out from me!

I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ Love pouring down through me and out from me!

I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ Life pouring down through me and out from me!

I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ Will pouring down through me and out from me!

I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ Joy pouring down through me and out from me!

I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ Strength pouring down through me and out from me!

I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ Power pouring down through me and out from me!

Now affirm all 7 Qualities together again and affirm 7 times!

"I AM a Golden Suns Presence of such Cosmic Christ---Light, Love, Life, Will, Joy, Strength, and Power pouring down through me and out from me!"


"I AM the Light of the God I AM" Mantra

Affirm with a Sincere Heart:


I AM the Light of the God I AM,

Pouring down through me, and out from me!

I AM the Love of the God I AM,

Pouring down through me, and out from me!

I AM the Life of the God I AM,

Pouring down through me, and out from me!

I AM the Will of the God I AM,

Pouring down through me, and out from me!

I AM the Joy of the God I AM,

Pouring down through me, and out from me!

I AM the Strength of the God I AM,

Pouring down through me, and out from me!

I AM the Power of the God I AM,

Pouring down through me, and out from me!



Again Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information, calls, pictures and video.

Guided Meditation into an Ascension Accelerator inside Mount Shasta & the Gift of the Holy Spirit

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