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Sacred Symbols & Infinite Golden Gate Merkabah Activation
Posted by STEVEN L HUTCHINSON on December 17, 2013 at 7:50pm in General Spirituality
Sacred Symbols and their Esoteric meaning
Symbols are a universal language understood by all beings, no conscious thoughts are needed. They are used and understood at the superconscious level by all cultures and civilisations on Earth and throughout the greater Universe(s).
Here on Earth they have been used a means of recording historical events, and in many indigenous cultures have told the story of our connection to the cosmos and our original star seed origins. In all civilisations and cultures throughout the ages symbols and sacred geometry have been used in artistic depictions of sacred ceremonies and rituals which encompass the very essence of a ‘people’ or a certain way of living and being. Even when the spoken language is different from tribe to tribe, civilisation to civilisation, culture to culture, religion to religion, the energy message of a symbol is timeless and understood by all, past, present and into the future.
Certain geometrical shapes have the power to reach deep into the unconscious and effect subtle changes in the observer.
The Mother of All Mantras is the primordial sound by which the earth was created. The past, present and future are all blended in this one all-inclusive sound. When chanted, Om or Aum frees the consciousness to remember its natural state of connection to infinite source energy or Creation. By using this symbolic image, the concept of infinite love and infinite creation is conveyed beyond the limitation of words or ideas. This symbol, when used on water re-structures the molecules of the water to carry the same divine resonance. Also, when used anywhere visible to others, it rediates the message to all living beings beyond the limitations of conscious thought.
The Spiral, which is the oldest symbol known to be used in spiritual practices, reflects the universal pattern of growth and evolution. The spiral represents the goddess, the womb, fertility and life force energy. Reflected in the natural world, the Spiral is found in human physiology, plants, minerals, animals, energy patterns, weather, growth and death. The Spiral is a sacred symbol that reminds us of our evolving journey in life. When used as a personal talisman, the Spiral helps consciousness to accept the turnings and changes of life as it evolves. The acceptance of change is one of the greatest freedoms a human can experience, putting consciousness in the present moment where the power of creation is condensed. On a larger scale, using this symbol assures all beings are reminded of their inward and outward evolution, a balanced and centered state of mind. On water, it carries the power to flow and change.
~Seed of Life~
This sacred geometry is the center of the larger Flower of Life, a sacred blueprint of all Creation. The pattern is also repeated in the Kabalistic Tree of Life and appears in most all early religious traditions in the Middle East. Used in religious art, it often represents the all-seeing eyes of God. The overlapping circles represent the omniscience of Creation honoring the infinite connections of all life circles, nurturing diversity. As a spiritual practice, use the Seed of Life to hold a morphogenic field of acceptance for all beings, all cultures, all beliefs, realizing that all circles rotate through the center of creation, and thus establishing the holiness of all orientations. In a larger context, the Seed of Life resonates tolerance and infinite source energy for all beings. Placed on water, the Seed of LIfe will be a silent reminder of your place in the web of creation.
~Gayatri Yantra~
This symbol represents the illumined mind and far-sighted wisdom. Representing the words and sounds of the Gayatri Mantra, one of the most powerful Vedic affirmations, it removes the possibility of making wrong choices in life by empowering all truth. Calling upon Infinite Creation to enlighten all living beings, the symbol focalizes complex and cosmic wisdom about all earth elements, plants, trees, animals, insects, fishes and birds, making an understanding of the wholelife-creation available to all who view it. Using the Gayatri Yantra in a spiritual practice has a number of positive effects, including the ability to sharpen one's intellect and spiritual awareness. Used on water, it carries the harmonic resonance of the wisdom of all life. On a larger, universal scale, the use of the Gayatri Mantra and the sacred symbol, the Gayatri Yantra, representing those enlightened sounds, radiates vast and powerful knowledge to all beings.
This powerful and ancient image symbolizes harmony, spiritual illumination and unlimited potential. The lotus is a type of water lily which rises from the sludge of muddy waters and opens into a beautiful flower. It is often used as a mandala, or circular symbol, but any way you use the Lotus in a spiritual practice, it will provide a resonant field that reinforces the concept of resurrection. Human mistakes and challenges are the fertilizer for brilliance and awakened creation as the Lotus shows us. Borne in the murkiest of ponds, Lotus still emerges pure. Use the Lotus as a reminder that "this, too, shall pass." Be assured that all fertilizer nurtures a beautiful new life. In the greater world, Lotus is a peaceful cosmic beacon for forgiveness, gratitude and compassion to prevail where the sludge of conflict has resided. Using this symbol on water invites a balance between humility and pride.
~Yin Yang~
Taoist symbol of the interplay of forces in the universe. This represents the unity between all opposites – the masculline and the feminine; the darkess and light. Yin and Yang symbolize the primal cosmic forces. Yin is receptive, passive, cold, feminine energy. Yang is masculine, movement, force and heat. The dark and light represent knowledge and ignorance. In a spiritual practice, use the Yin Yang to help maintain a balance between opposites and instill unity personally and globally. In seeing the opposites, it is noted that each has a little of the other, which is often overlooked in life. Instead of seeing absolute, learn to see an all inclusive form of diversity. This symbol has been a universal symbol of balanced consciousness for thousands of years and brings inner radiance to all who view it. In using this symbol on water, all elements will become balanced, all molecules will pass this balance to all beings
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