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Open Your Heart By Melanie Beckler


Within your open heart center, infinite possibility resides. All of existence, the expansiveness of creation, the higher dimensions, and the Divine are all present within heart center.


Let's tune into this profound inner sanctuary of Love, Remembrance and Connection together as one! In this 25 minute meditation we will activate and enter the inner space of the heart, empowering you to harmonize with love and with the highest divine possibilities now realigning for you.


And as you activate the inner space of your heart, the power of inner light within your heart expands out, shines forth, radiates around your entire energy body to bless and uplift your life, and everything around you. Hope to see you here live, or you can always join in for the replay too!

With love and gratitude, Melanie ✨🪽 💚 🙏 💚 🪽✨

Video Link: Open Your Heart By Melanie Beckler





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