Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Mission: Light Grid Activation
Happy Solstice dear Light Tribe!
Here on the magical island of Ibiza, I have reconnected with my role as an activator of the Light Grid of Gaia. I thought I had passed the torch along as far as this work was concerned, but it turns out I was just rebooting ~ switching off in order to be rewired into a 'Magic Weaver', a role more suited to my wisdom years than my previous 'Warrior of Light' embodiment lol!
My recent 'Opening to Channel' workshop was the reset button ~ reconnecting me with the role both we and the crystal ones have chosen to play in the healing of Gaia's Light Grid. Right now, at this Earth-Sun junction over the 21-22 December, the Star Councils have asked me to explain the role of this particular grid, and how all of us can assist our ascension process through this understanding ~ not only over the solstice, but also in the days, weeks, months and years between now and 2018 (more on that date in a later letter).
The Light Grid of Gaia (also called the Crystal Grid) is above the Earth's surface and is an interface between the Inner Earth grids and the Ascension Grid. The Ascension Grid, 60 miles or so above our blessed planet, was put in place relatively recently as an emergency measure by the Ascended Masters and Galactic Councils ~ to accelerate our ascension process and ensure our survival in our transition into Christedfrequency.
The Light Grid, on the other hand, was originally created by the priests & priestesses of Atlantis. It was similar in it's purpose - a higher dimensional grid which facilitated a rise in consciousness in the unawakened masses. It was created by travelling to sacred sites & power nodes on the planet, carrying crystals charged for this purpose. Ceremonies, meditations & activations were performed by the priests & priestesses at these sites, some of which were already being used for sacred ritual, but many which were only to become spiritual sites many years later. The result was that inter-dimensional portals were created all over the globe ~ like columns of high frequency Light that connected the higher dimensions into the core crystal of the planet ~ and all of these sites then connected with each other to make this amazing Light Grid!
When the masses were gathered to celebrate a solstice, equinox or other special alignment in one of these sites, they would have out of body and/or higher dimensional experiences. In effect, they were receivingactivations in the portal energies which caused a raise in their vibration and thus a potential raise in consciousness. This eventually resulted in the Golden Age of Atlantis, where the whole population moved into Unity Consciousness. (We now call this state Christ Consciousness because our spiritual evolution was massively affected by the re-seeding of Unity Consciousness on the planet by the being we call Christ.)
With the destruction of Atlantis and the many catastrophic downturns of our civilisation since then, the Light Grid was destroyed. Some of the portals stayed active but were disconnected from each other, while other portals were completely shut down. Many of us now embodied on the planet came here under the directive of the Order of Melchizedek, an intergalactic order which consists of both higher dimensional Light Beings and humans who are reincarnated priests and priestesses of Altantis. We have incarnated right now because we love Gaia and have a mission to reestablish her Light Grid in order to assist her tribe of humans, plants and animals! Whether you know about this order or not is immaterial ~ you will know in your heart, in this moment, if this message and mission is for you.
Many of you have already been called to visit sacred sites all over the world ~ you are re-seeding your Light codes and assisting in the reactivation of the sites in your own ways. The process below is one simple way to fulfil this aspect of our Earth missions. Using our powerful imaginations, clear intentions and with the help of our crystal friends, we can assist in the reconnection of the Light Grid NOW without physically travelling anywhere! We are all connected with each other as we practise this, now and through the future timeline. Together we dream a new future for Gaia and her tribe! And so it is.
Octahedron-Light Grid Activation
1. Obtain one or more crystals, preferably natural points. For Light Grid connection the best crystals are clear quartz. CLEAR new crystals by immersing them in a glass bowl of pure sea-salt water and leaving them outside for 24 hours. Sometimes crystals which have been used for other purposes need neutralising through burying them in the earth for 1 or more days. (Crystals communicate very clearly with a 'yes' or 'no' response - simply close your eyes, hold the crystal in your hand and ask if it needs clearing and what method is needed. For a clear, bright feeling crystal you can simply smudge the crystal with sage or lavender essential oil and/or 'blow light' through the crystal with your intention.) Then CHARGE the crystal with the specific purpose of Light Grid reconnection. This is like having a private conversation with the crystal where you ask permission for using it for this for this purpose, receive confirmation and then send the crystal all your love and thanks.
2. Either on your own or with a group, do the Octahedron Meditation/process as given below - either the recorded meditation or your own version. This may be done inside or outside, at a sacred site or in your back garden.
3. Add the following step, either at the end or at any point during the meditation: hold your crystal(s) and visualise Light beaming out from the top point of your octahedron, connecting to the sacred sites which are being reactivated all over the planet. The crystals have a natural ability to transmit energy/light and increase the power of your thoughts/visions.
This is relevant for all pivotal dates such as the solstice at hand, but the process will be effective at any time. Specific sites that you may or may not have visited may spring to mind and you can hold them in your inner vision/intention. The octahedron of love that you create etherically has a particular significance in terms of sacred geometry and Earth's spiritual evolution. All ancient pyramids are actually designed as octahedrons (i.e. with a mirror-image pyramid pointing down) - and all ancient pyramids are designed to facilitate inter-dimensional access. The adage 'As Above, So Below ~ As Below, So Above' is very relevant here. We are creating Heaven on Earth.
Octahedron Of Love Meditation
Click here to listen or download free (10 minutes)
Visualise yourself in the centre of a great double-pyramid, one reaching up high above you: the mirror image reaching down into the Earth. You are located in the centre of this double-pyramid. The 4 sides of a one pyramid stretch up to a point very high in the sky above you, and from this same square base a second pyramid stretches into the heart of your planet below you, making a perfect mirror image.
With your in-breath you are filling your heart to over-flowing with love and gratitude, and with your out-breath you are pulsing this vibration into the diamond. With every breath the light grows brighter and more powerful, and your aura expands into the octahedron to experience this blissful energy.
Love love love,
Solara An-Ra, Magic Weaver for Gaia
New Retreats & Workshops
Solara An-Ra is now running a retreat centre in Ibiza, a sacred island located off the coast of Spain. She works exclusively from here and hires the centre out to other teachers, as well as accepting guests to stay on a b&b basis. Read about Casa Solara
31 Dec 8pm - 1am: Sacred New Year Celebration ~ mantra singing, meditation, pranayama, dawning of the new year ceremony, guidance from the Star Councils,
potluck vegetarian Feast & dancing. Booking essential, numbers limited: Accommodation is available at Casa Solara over New Year, see here
Jan 30,31, Feb 1: Opening to Channel ~ with Solara An-Ra & the Councils of Light
April 3, 4, 5: Opening to Channel ~ with Solara An-Ra & the Councils of Light
April 25,26,27: Higher Dimensional Healing Skills ~ with Solara An-Ra & the Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Star CouncilsYou need to be a member of The City of Shamballa Social Network to add comments!