God loves you, dear ones, more than you can possibly imagine. God wants to assist you in your lives. And yet God has granted you, upon the earth, free will. The entire universe, by its nature, must respond to the loving vibrations you put out. Aspects of the universe will respond to other vibrations as well. We, the angels, only respond to love. It is in our very design. The universe is not designed to respond solely to your words or your thoughts, rather it responds to the energy beneath them. This is why you can pray with all sincerity, "God I need help. I need the bills paid. I need to be healed," and see nothing happening, because beneath your words perhaps is an energy that says, "I have lack. I have ill health." Instead dear ones do what it takes to get your energy aligned with your words and your prayers. This is why visualization often works. In visualization you align your imagination with that which gives you joy. And when you find that vibration within you, you are by your very energetic nature, calling it back unto you. When you do anything it takes to feel abundant - smelling the roses, sharing of your gifts with another, etc. - then you are by your very energetic nature, calling abundance unto you. God is not a parent who gives into your fearful pleas. God instead says, I will support your love, your joy, your growth into an awareness of who you are. I will support truth and only truth, and truth dear ones, is that you are abundant. You are well. You are pure. You are holy. You are loved. Can you find ways to feel those truths in your life, thereby creating them in ever expanding ways? We think you can! You can feel love by being loving. You can feel abundant by being generous. Any frequency you tap into in any way will bring more of that into your life. If you are only "giving to get", that is not from abundance, but rather from lack. If however you give from a loving, and abundant heart, you cannot help but attract those qualities back into your life. You are creative, brilliant, and beautiful in our eyes. We are constantly whispering to you, "This path feels better. This path feels more loving. This path feels more authentic." We try to guide you in joyful ways. Sometimes you insist on painful lessons... but in time, love will rise up within you and remind you that in the eyes of God, you ARE loved, and you are perfect as you are - even as you grow into a greater understanding of the truth of your being. And if by some chance you find yourself in fear, anger, or the darker spaces, dear ones, love yourselves. Be compassionate with yourselves. We can and do repsond to this love and amplify even the tiniest amount of love in miraculous ways.
A River of Divine Love flows through all of creation. This River has been known by many different names, among them: “Holy Spirit,” “breath of God,” “Divine Grace,” “quantum field,” “kupuri,” “prana,” “chi,” and simply “Life.” There is a power greater than any of us as individuals that guides our collective interactions if we pay attention.
The currents of grace gently tug at you in each moment of your life, nudging at your heart, suggesting thoughts, words, and deeds that will guide you to a more joyful existence if you pay them heed. God Bless You. We love you so very much. -- The Angels