Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

“Welcome! How do you do? We, the elementals, are members of the Fourth Dimension. We welcome you to our world. Come, we will show you around. As you journey up the various sub-planes of our Home, you may realize that our residents differ. Just as the residents of the deep ocean differ as the infusion of light into their world changes, so do we differ as there is more and more light and less and less darkness, or matter.
“Our lowest plane, the Lower Astral Plane, is our junkyard. This is where everyone from Earth has dumped their fear, anger, sorrow and pain. We try to work with it, but it is not ours to clear. The third dimensionals have created the Lower Astral Plane and it is they who must clean it up. We hope that you did not have too much trouble there. But if it is your first time through, you probably did. Eventually, you will create your Path through the Lower Astral Plane, and in fact, all the way up to the Fifth Dimension.
“The key to visiting our Kingdom is that you release your fear. There is much fear in your third dimensional world which holds you captive in your land of illusion and “work”. What you call illusion we call imagination or creativity, and what you call work we call service. We do not have any illusions here because we know that everything changes with our thoughts and feelings. If we think like an owl, we become an owl. If we feel beautiful, we may look like a flower and if we are feeling powerful, we may look like a unicorn.
“Yes, all of your “mythical” creatures are alive and very real here. If you wish to see one, then just think of it and it will be around the next bend, or it may suddenly appear. Our world is much like your dreams. In fact, this is where you come in your night body. A predictive or spiritual dream would be your night body’s visit to the higher planes of our world, and a nightmare would be a trip to the Lower Astral Plane. We learned early on that if we allow fear to overtake our being, we too will be pulled into that dark place. Therefore, we focus on the many joyous events about us.
“Please follow and we will show you a new flower that is about to give birth. Our flowers here may be a bit different than the flowers in your Kingdom, but some of them are the same. In fact, some of our most treasured flowers are known as weeds in your world. Watch closely now, the young bud is about to open—AH is that not the most glorious sight? Look, it is sending a drop of its essence down into your world. Perhaps you will see it when you return home.
“We do that a lot you know, send down portions of our essence to your world. In fact, if you look very closely, and with blurred vision, you may even see us elementals wavering in your atmosphere. We greatly love to be in gardens, streams and under huge trees. Allow me now to introduce you to some of my friends.”
“We are sylph. We may look like only one being to you, but we are all joined in consciousness and do not perceive ourselves as being individuals as you humans do. Our essence rules the air element of your third dimensional world and body. We fourth dimensionals continually change our forms. We waver in the wind like feathers. We serve your world by clearing your air and atmosphere. We often have to express the negative thoughts of humanity in the form of hurricanes or cyclones. We do not wish to hurt any of you. We are only following our assignment which is to assist humanity in seeing the power of thought.
“Allow me to introduce you to some of our fairies. They are also sylphs because they serve in the air. They are the ones who assisted that beautiful flower in opening.”
“ Hello human. We are faerie. Some of us live in the Land of Faerie, but many of us also live here in the lower vibrations of the Astral Plane. It is here that we learn about being “changers”. A changer is one who assists the seasons in changing. We assist the old leaves to fall from the tree in the fall and the new buds to open in the spring.
“Thank you for visiting us. Will you remember to look for our kind when you see a lovely garden? Perhaps you will recognize us. We know we will recognize you. Oh, I must return to my flowers. Sylph will continue to guide you. Bye, bye.”
“Thank you faerie. I am sure that this human appreciates you as much as we do. Oh, dear human, do you see that clear stream ahead? Let us go there and we will introduce you to the undines of the water element. See how busily they work to keep the stream moving. We sylphs often serve with the undines to create rain. In this way, our gardens and forests can flourish. The undine’s essence rules the water element in your third dimensional bodies as well. Just as thoughts are like air, emotions are like water. There is much water on your third dimensional Earth, as there is here in the Astral Plane. Therefore, there is also much emotion.
“Here the denser emotions, such as fear, anger, and sorrow, sink into the Lower Astral Plane. This allows us a boundary between the pain of darkness and the purity of light. In your world, on the other hand, the pain and purity are intermingled and often difficult to identify. The undines can assist you in differentiating your emotions if you ask for their help. They work directly with the physical body to create uncomfortable feelings for pain and darkness and glorious feelings for light and love.
“Oh look, there are some gnomes who are carrying the damp soil from the streams over to the baby flowers. We care for our infant plants and animals here much like you care for your human infants. The gnomes serve as earth elementals. See over there, by that big crystal. If you look closely, you will see a gnome peaking up from under the earth to tend it. And over to your right, there is an elf who is caring for to a small faun.
“Can you now realize how we elementals work together to create our harmonious environment? Only humans who can focus on love can visit us here. Hence, we do not have to out-picture your emotions in the form of storms and natural disasters as we do on earth. Do you feel our wonderful sunny day? You can thank the salamanders for that. They rule the fire element. Without the fire elementals, you would not receive the photons from the sun, have fire to warm your homes and cook you meals, and your bodies would not have neuron synapses. We earth, water, and air elements deeply appreciate the salamander fire elementals as they carry Spirit to our world, into our very essence.
“Now we are approaching one of the Mystery Schools. The Ascended Masters, your ascended humans, each have a Mystery School on the etheric plane so that you can more easily access them in you expanded consciousness. Some of your more evolved humans can even bi-locate to the schools and study directly with the Masters. They also have a higher octave of their schools on each of the sub-planes of our fourth dimensional world.
“Well, we have come to the boundary of our territory. St. Germain, the Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray will be your guide now.”
“Greetings. I am joyous to find you here in the inner planes. Since the Seventh Ray is the closest Ray to your physical world, it is the first one you visit as you journey on your Path to Soul. Therefore, I, the Ascended Master for the Seventh Ray, am your guide. Allow me to congratulate you on your ability to make this trek. I know that you have faced many of your personal demons to allow you this pleasure.
“We are still in the Astral Plane, or Emotional sub-plane of the fourth dimension. It is here that many of the angels serve. We Ascended Masters are very grateful for the ministrations that the angels have given to humanity. Without their assistance, we doubt that any of us would have been able to make our transcendence into the Light. It is also the selfless example of the Angelic Kingdom that has inspired us to forgo our further aspirations into the Light in order to stay in the Fourth Dimension and assist our brother and sister humans.
“I, St. Germain, work with the angels to transmute the darkness of the Third Dimension into Light. Ascended Master Nanda works with the feeling of bliss that the Angelic Choirs radiate onto the many places of worship, whether they are a personal garden or bedroom, a high mountain peak or sacred grove, or a beautiful man-made cathedral.
“Ascended Master Hilarion often calls upon the Angelic Kingdom to bestow upon humanity the feeling of TRUTH to amplify healing and scientific discovery, and Ascended Master Lord Lanto calls upon the angels to shed their Divine Illumination upon fortunate human recipients. Of course, Ascended Master Serapis Bey calls upon the angels to assist with human ascension, and Ascended Master Paul the Venetian works continuously with their love force. Also, Ascended Master El Morya works directly with the angelic leader, Archangel Michael, and his powerful Divine Complement, Lady Faith.
“But enough of my human talk, allow me to introduce you to this glowing angel who now stands before us.”
“Hello, beloved human. I am joyous that you have journeyed into the Astral Plane where I serve. We angels also have a group consciousness in that we are in constant inner communication with each other and with the Archaii of the Ray upon which we serve. However, since we serve so intimately with humans, some of your individuality has rubbed off on us, so to speak. As you know, we absorb the essence of our environment. One of our biggest challenges is to enter your world with our absorbed love and compassion and not allow the fear, anger, and psychic pain of your world to taint our gift.
“We are grateful for the appreciation that many of you humans have been showing us. We truly appreciate when our likeness has been drawn by your artists, our music is received by your musicians and composers, our words are written by your writers and poets, and our movement is grounded by your dancers and athletes. We wish you to know that with every stroke of the brush or pen, with every note of music, and with every movement, we are beside you celebrating your expression of our gifts.
“We give our offerings freely and in Unconditional Love. We realize the many hardships you endure, especially the hardship of feeling separate from the Oneness. Some of us have chosen to take a physical life, but we seldom do it twice. Our hearts are best suited for Unity and Loving service to God-Goddess-All That Is. For that reason, we serve here in the Astral Plane to assist you in clearing your emotions so that you can better receive and ground our offerings. We greatly admire the courage you all display as you live and contribute in a world so filled with separation and limitations.
“Would you allow me to touch you heart in appreciation of your great accomplishments? …

“Oh thank you, dear human! You may not realize it, but we angels find humans to be as beautiful and loving as you humans find us. We each serve the Source in our own way. Together we are striving now to raise our dear Gaia into her true fifth dimensional form. We are a good team, humans and angels. Yes, indeed we are.
“Oh dear, here we are already at the threshold of the Mental Plane. I believe it was the blending of our auras that brought us here so quickly. Before you cross over to enter into your mental body, please take a moment to see and feel your astral-emotional body. It is a lovely oscillating, dynamic body, is it not? Within your astral body is the sum total of all the emotions and feelings that you have ever experienced in all of your third and fourth dimensional incarnations. When you merge with your Astral Body, it is good to call upon an angel, such as myself, to “touch” your heart so that we may heal your darkness and amplify your light. As you carry more and more light, your third dimensional aura will glow and your inner beauty and love will radiate to all those who come into your life.
“My, it is time for you to step over into the Mental Plane, but before you leave, would you like to change form? Perhaps you would like to be a wolf or a hawk or a snake. Would you like to burrow into the ground, run as fast as a wild stallion, or fly like a bird? Possibly you would like to be twelve feet tall or as small as the elves and faeries in this world. In fact, upon this threshold is the wonderful Land of Faerie. See. It is just through that waterfall. You may travel there whenever you wish.
“But now, I see a deva who has come to greet you. Yes, it is a water deva who has come to assist you in the final clearing of your emotions so that you may step into the Mental Plane. Be prepared dear human, the next land has much less form.”
“Welcome, human. We are a deva. We too have a group consciousness. Our consciousness is in unity with all the other devas as well as all the elementals who serve with us to create form for thought. In our world, form and thought are one. When we are thinking about something it takes a form, but when it leaves our thoughts, it loses all form. That is the way of our Mental Plane.
“In our world, thought is pure potential. It is our responsibility to receive Divine Will, which is each and every thought of the Source, from the planes above us and create a matrix for it here on the Mental Plane. Then we send that matrix to the Astral Plane to be filled with emotion—energy in motion. The Divine Will is then passed into the Etheric Plane where the elementals feed the infant Idea with their etheric substance.
“At this point, the etheric body of a human who resonates to that idea will be able to carry it over into the third dimension. Your etheric body holds all the knowledge, pain and experience of all of your third dimensional lives. The Divine Ideas that will attract your etheric body are probably Ideas that you have worked on in many lives. Once the etheric body magnetizes a Divine Idea, it can more easily be passed into the consciousness of your physical body. Oh, what joy and jubilation we all feel when the seed of the One blooms upon the Physical Plane!
“Some of the humans, like you, are able to visit us here in the Mental Plane so that they may become aware of their Divine Idea. This awareness is obtained by merging with your own mental body. In your mental body is stored all the thoughts and beliefs of all of your third and fourth dimensional lives. Therefore, it is easier to absorb your personal Divine Ideas because you have believed in and thought about it for many, many incarnations. These thoughts and beliefs leave a residue within your mental body which acts like a magnet to attract concepts of that frequency and matrix.
“Take a moment now to look at your mental body. Do you see your own “thought matrix” through your translucent form? Oh, be careful. If you allow yourself to feel frustration that you are not “doing it right” you will lower your vibration and terminate our visit. Allow me to touch you and it will be easier for you…
“There, I am sure you can see your mental body now for you are glowing like a thousand candles. Take a moment and send an image of this glowing form to your earth bound brain. Then remember to remember that image when you return to your third dimensional world. This is the best way to ground your light body in your physical form.
“Allow me now to invite you to one of our devic meetings. It is there that we gather up the inspirational thoughts of humanity, match them with the Divine Ideas of the Source, and send them back to the earth plane. Perhaps you will find out more about your own Divine Ideas….

“Well, well, we are joyous that you joined us in our meeting. Was it not a glorious experience for you? You did so well there that you have gained the attention of one of our Elohim. We will take you now to their Temple. Just close your eyes and allow your particular Divine Ideas to grow in wisdom and illumination and you shall find yourself there…”

“WELCOME cherished human. I AM Elohim. You have performed admirably in your mental expansion. You have cleared old beliefs in limitation and separation and learned to keep your thinking positive. These accomplishments have calibrated your consciousness to the frequency of the higher planes.
“Allow my ESSENCE to enter your mind. Just close your eyes and accept my message. Only you shall hear it, and only you can manifest it in you physical world…

“Oh yes, dear human, our blending has accelerated your resonance into the Causal Plane. Enjoy your journey. I believe your own Christ Consciousness has come to greet you.”
“Beloved One, essence of my SELF, I am our Christed Consciousness. I need no form, as I AM pure consciousness. I AM the sum total of all the loving feelings, thoughts, and actions of all our lives. I AM our Rainbow Body, which changes and wavers with every thought and feeling. One day I AM golden and the next I AM violet. Often I will alternate from one color to another with each message I receive from my higher or my lower selves. Can you feel me within you? Allow me to touch your heart so that you can more easily “feel” my consciousness within you…

“Wonderful! Now take that “feeling” of our Christed Consciousness and infuse it in every one of our lower bodies as you make your return trek, through the Fourth Dimension, into your physical body. In fact, allow me to touch your Third Eye and we shall do that together now…

“Beautiful! Yes, you are still here because you are EVERYWHERE. In fact, you and I are everywhere that I AM for we are One. You are my physical encasement, my manifestation of our Divine Idea of individual, human life. And I, I AM the LOVE that brings joy to our human Heart, the consciousness that brings ILLUMINATION to our human Mind, and the CONNECTION of our human essence with our Divine SOUL.
“You are me and I AM you, and I AM ALWAYS in constant connection with our “I AM PRESENCE”. Our “I AM Presence” is at the threshold of the Fifth Dimension, in fact, it IS the threshold. Allow me to merge with you so that we may go together to that threshold…

“Thank you my beloved human; was it not glorious to be in Oneness again? We are here now, our “I AM Presence” is before us.”
“GREETINGS, my beloved physical expression,
“I AM ALL THAT I AM. I AM our SELF. I AM our Higher Human.
Take me Home with you into your physical world
and I will take you Home with me into the Fifth Dimension!!!!”
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Hi Steven
That is lovely.