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Join us To Experience 'The 5 Elements & The Genesis of Alchemy


Each of the 5 elements relate to the organs of your body - and eons ago the Taoists discovered how to combine these 5 elements to create something new - an 'elixir of immortality'.


Although Shi XingFa doesn't offer immortality, he does offer an incredible experience and a new way of being in your body. This will naturally enhance your awareness of the Oneness of all things.


As always, there will be a Stargate energy meditation to support a deeper connection to your body and your internal awareness.


In this transformative session:

  • Discover how the 5 elements relate to the organs of your body
  • Learn how ancient Taoists combined these elements to create an 'elixir of immortality'
  • Experience a new way of being in your body that enhances your awareness of the Oneness of all things
  • Participate in a Stargate energy meditation to support deeper connection to your body and internal awareness

While immortality isn't on offer, Shi XingFa does provide an incredible experience and a revolutionary approach to embodiment that will transform your practice.


With Love,

Prageet & Julieanne


Video Link: 5 Elements - The Genesis Of Alchemy




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