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How To Manifest By Master Kuthumi & Natalie Glasson
Greetings beloved beings of love, light and wisdom, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honor to be in your presence and to embrace you in my love. My love surrounds you always. I am a gentle caring friend, supporting you along your spiritual evolution and growth upon the earth.
I wish to speak of how to manifest; how to manifest the reality you wish to experience, how to manifest health in your physical body, how to manifest situations/experiences, how to manifest people coming into your life and your reality.
It is first important to have a goal – an intention – and let that intention be deeply meaningful to you; something that excites you, something that allows access to fulfillment that brings you joy/bliss, connection with yourself and connection with the Creator.
It is also important, with this intention, to allow yourself to have an open mind. What we mean by this is, although you have a goal that you wish to manifest, it is important to allow that goal to manifest in a magical and miraculous way, and to ensure that all pathways are open to that goal.
Maybe that goal will not look exactly as you imagined, or maybe not be exactly like you imagined. You allow the universe to paint the picture. You give the idea, and you allow the universe to dictate how you get to that idea, and even what that idea may look like, or how it appears/manifests.
When you become rigid in your thought process, this can cause you to feel stuck; as if you cannot manifest your goal, as if it feels impossible.
It is important to hold your goal very lightly, to love it and to believe in it, but also that, if it doesn’t manifest, you will find fulfillment in other ways, and know that fulfillment comes from within your being.
The more that you can access and inquire within – to access your own inner fulfillment – the easier it will be for that energy of fulfillment to be projected into your reality.
You can even imagine your goal and the energy of fulfillment, synthesising within your heart space, embraced by love; like a seed that is being planted into the universe, into your being and into your reality, you hold it lightly because you do not wish to damage the seed.
It is often the mind that holds things tightly; it must be like this, it must look like this, it must manifest by this date. This is an example of holding onto your seed too tightly.
There is of course a need for belief and trust in yourself, your own abilities to manifest and your relationship with the Creator and your guides.
It is important to realise that you manifest daily. Everything that you experience in your reality, you have manifested; you have drawn it into your reality for your experience, whether you are happy with it or not.
Remember that you are always evolving/shifting/transforming, so what you need changes as well. Something you may have manifested a year or two ago, that fulfilled your need in that moment, may not be as fulfilling in these moments.
It is important to trust in yourself and your natural ability to manifest. It is not that you are learning to manifest, in any way, because you already know; you have a natural ability. What you are achieving is manifesting something that is dear to your heart.
It is important to think of your goal with hope, trust and the knowing that you are supported – emanating that fulfillment energy into your being and your reality.
You can ask yourself, “If this goal manifested in my reality, what would it feel like? How would I feel emotionally, physically? What would I be wearing? What would it taste like? What would it smell like?”
You have this energy of the goal which you can cultivate within you and that is more important than any repetition of affirmations or ideas, because when you get that energy into your cells, it naturally is attracted into your reality.
As you are emanating that energy daily, there is also a need to question yourself. “What is holding me back? What is holding me back from manifesting this goal? Why hasn’t it manifested already?”
This is where you examine where you feel stuck – your beliefs especially. You might find that you are fearful of your goal manifesting, or that you’re fearful of change. Or maybe there is one thing that you simply can’t let go of in your reality.
Encourage yourself to explore deeper and deeper what is holding you back; what is stopping you from experiencing your goal right now?
You will notice that there are numerous beliefs – all different kinds of beliefs connected to emotions, memories, maybe even past lifetimes. Recognising these clears the way and allows your manifestation to come into fruition.
It is often what is holding us back that stops the manifestation.
Now, how do you release those beliefs?
Simply recognising them helps and then every time they come up, every time you find yourself saying that belief to yourself, just gently rewriting it.
You can send love to that belief and that part of your being that’s holding onto that belief. Send love, peace and healing, and you can say, “I’m re-writing that belief now,” and then have a new belief that supports you.
That is the most major key – to acknowledge what’s holding you back – because if you can reach a space where there is nothing…you cannot conceive of any thoughts or beliefs holding you back…then you will find it is easier to manifest; it will come into your reality.
Sometimes things don’t manifest because you are not thinking about them with open perspectives. You have a fixed idea and those ideas sometimes need to shift.
The growth of manifesting something is all about shifting your perspectives; actually changing yourself to be attuned with that which you wish to manifest.
It is often your beliefs, your thoughts or wounded energies that stop you experiencing your dreams/desires.
You can call me forth to bring healing to your being – to cleanse the energies that are holding you back causing you to feel stuck – and I will do so. And of course you can add anything else that may serve you.
Please remember that you are a being of manifestation and that it is your natural ability to manifest. It is what you do daily and it’s why you came to the earth.

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