Community Consciousness
Part II
A community is in its essence a reflection that is seemingly mirroring the consciousness of others, yet in truth it is mirroring the varied facets of your own being. As you become increasingly more aware of the Presence of God within you, then you become a living demonstration of what it looks and feels like to live in Unity or Christ Consciousness where Divine Love can become the foundation of every soul within every community around the world. You are here to be a living demonstration of your Presence so the Love and Light of the Creator within you can be shared and remembered by all of life. It has taken many centuries for humankind to finally agree that separation from God and from each other is truly a myth and that Oneness with all of life is your everlasting reality.
~ Jeshua and Mother Mary
When you choose to live in your Presence, you become a truly cherished member of your community because you are a living demonstration of what it looks and feels like to be living in a constant state of love, joy, peace and gratitude. These frequencies make your heart a powerful magnet for Source that will just naturally and often magically attract into your life the people, the opportunities and the experiences that will fulfill your soul and keep you in total harmony with your Divine Crystalline Blueprint for this embodiment. Yet your most profound yearning will always be centered on being one with your God Presence and maintaining that oneness. Then all that is in support of your relationship with your beloved Presence will come to you naturally.
What if your major focus in life was to be so united with the heart of your Presence that joy was your natural state of being and you made others feel good just being around you? How would you begin and end your day? What would your relationships be like and how would you go about living your life? When you choose to be authentically grateful for everything and everyone in your life, you instantly move into a stronger alignment with the joy that is natural to your Presence. This can also assist you in overcoming any constricting emotions like sadness, frustration, guilt, desperation or fear in any form as they simply drop away when you remain focused on living in the authenticity of your Presence.
Perhaps the greatest secret to living in a state of joy is being fully present in the moment and accepting that moment exactly as it is. When you do this, you can instantly access your true Divine nature and stop worrying about the past or the future.
Living in joy is a conscious choice that can be made no matter what your personal circumstances and regardless of what is occurring in the world around you. There is always a blessing or a lesson that is hidden beneath all outer appearances and it is always your choice to uncover those blessings. You always have the option to appreciate something about yourself, about the other people in your life, and about your immediate circumstances.
What you have or don’t have does not determine your happiness regardless of all the advertising that has programmed humanity to believe otherwise. You can always choose to be a fully loving being filled with appreciation, joy and compassion even if your mind may see no reason for you to be happy. Once you are vibrating with the natural joy of your Presence, the Universe will keep bringing you more and more satisfying experiences.
This lifetime is giving you the opportunity to go beyond all programming of the ego that has been centered on trying to make you happy, to keep you from being unhappy! This game is coming to an end as any internal efforting to be happy will only create more suffering based on old beliefs and thinking patterns that are not reflecting who you truly are, which is consciousness it Self. Choose to see that you are already free from ever needing this or that in order to be happy. This will keep you in joy within yourself and within your community, as will remembering that you are already one with the Love and Light of Source, and that therein lies your inevitable potential to abide in Unity Consciousness with all souls.
To assist you in living Presence to Presence and creating Communities of Light, we in the Ascended Realms are bringing forth the Presence to Presence Course: Living in Unity Consciousness and Creating the Beloved Golden Age Community Teachers Training. We invite you to join us.
Presence to Presence: Living in Unity Consciousness
October 29, November 5 & 12
Online Worldwide via Teleconference/Webcast
Creating the Beloved Golden Age Community Teachers Certification Training November 30-December 3 Online Worldwide, and Maui, Hawaii In-Person
For more information, go to:
The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. To learn more about the Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: and click on the Menu:
*Living As Your Presence: Initiations with the Buddha, Christ & Divine Mother (now an online course)
*Golden Age Leadership Teachers Certification Training (now available online)
*Creating Your New Life (now an online course)
*Manifesting As Your Presence Teachers Certification Training (now available online)
*Merging with Your Presence (now an online course)
*Embodying Your Presence Teachers Certification Training (soon available online)
*Conscious Ascension: Living as the Presence, Bringing Heaven to Earth (now an online course)
*Conscious Ascension into the Golden Age Teachers Certification Training (now online)
*Consciously Create in Unlimitedness & Joy Parts 1 & II (now online )
*Co-Creating a New Golden Age (now an online course)
*Consciously Create a Golden Age Teachers Certification Training (now online)
*Golden Age Man & Woman (now an online course)
*Golden Age Man & Woman Teachers Certification Training (soon online)
*Golden Age Children Course for Parents & Teachers (now an online course)
*Golden Age Children Teachers Certification Training (now available online)
*Mastery I, II & III to Walk the Earth as a Living Master (now online)
The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master are offered by the Ascended Masters Mystery School, created by the Masters to assist humanity in living their mastery. The receivers of the Masters’ transmissions, facilitators of the Courses and coordinators of the school are Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose. Kamala is the author of “Heart Initiation: Preparing for Conscious Ascension” and has been receiving transmissions from the Masters for over 35 years. Sharon has been in communication with the Masters for over 30 years, past Director of The School for Self-Mastery and Center for Esoteric Studies and has written more than a dozen spiritual books.
Copyright © 2013 Diamond Light Foundation. Copy freely and share. However, we ask that you share this newsletter in its entirety, including the copyright.
Dear Steve,
Thanks for this information....