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My precious friends and family,

Thank you once again for all your beautiful sharings, emails, support and gracious comments.  I have as yet had no contact with my children and the legal process is moving very slowly, but I am completely in trust as to the outcome of this unfolding, and through my heart's dreaming, my children are already by my side.

I have just returned from a magical week on retreat with Sri'ama Qala Phoenix and a beautiful circle of precious beings from around the globe. The focus of this week was on the Divine Feminine, a journey into the heart through a series of stargate activations and inner soul work channeled by Qala, called The Andromedan Transmissions, and Overlighted by the Enlightened Masters and the Andromedan Mothers.

Life is so synchronistic in the gifts that we receive, such a blessing in so many ways, and this journey for me was just so perfect in this Now.  It took me deeper into the Center of Divine Love and the gateway of unconditional Love within myself. Into deeper levels of releasing and healing, loving and forgiving, both myself and others, and brought with it a deeper experience of my heart's dreaming to ground into my current reality.  It may seem contradictory in nature, but I am experiencing deep states of bliss and joy while also experiencing my heart being broken into a million little pieces, and brought back together in a new way. While my Divine Feminine Spirit so deeply needs to reunite with her earthly children, my heart has opened to all Life is such a compassionate and loving way, and I have further integrated the lower archetypal aspects of myself that has experienced reflections of lessons hard to completely understand and yet so perfectly understood.

Another important aspect to this work for me was the focus on our Heart's Temple and while I share with you the Temple of my Heart, I invite you to focus on the Temple within your Heart.  "The Temple of my Heart reflects the Divine Love and communion with the Divine Mother and Divine Father. I am seated on a throne, representing Binah, Understanding and Compassion, and seated to my right is my Beloved Twin Flame/Divine Masculine Spirit, representing Chokmah, Wisdom.  This Heart Temple, my sacred alter, is surrounded in the most exquisite master crystals and geometries of Light. Within this is every aspect of my Self, those loved and unloved, those appreciated, and those that choose the journey of unappreciation. All aspects of my Self, from every parallel reality and this Now, from all time, space and dimensions are within my Temple, further Overlighted by my Beloved I Am Presence and the many Beings of Light from On High. The inner circle holds all the enlightened aspects of my Self through all timelines, and this Love is so great and powerful that is radiates this Golden White Liquid Light and Divine Love into the hearts and minds of all my Selves needing this Love, support and appreciation.  Around this circle are my family and friends of the Light. All loving me, supporting me and assisting me to open to deeper levels of my Self; and as I see my Self, I see them and truly Love them too. The last circle, so very small, represents the Souls with whom my karmic interplay is still being played out in this School of Learning, and is receiving the deepest Love of all. And in this Temple of Divine Love, my Heart's Temple, I see my magnificence, I see my Light. I see how greatly I am appreciated, how divinely loved and deeply supported I am in this journey of truly coming Home".  

I have shared my story as it came to me during the visualization my precious friends and family and know that you are in my radiant and loving Heart as I am within yours and when we focus on the Temple of Divine Love within our Hearts, we connect to our Angelic Selves, our Ascended Selves and our Beloved I Am Presence, and further to this, we connect to one another in Divine Love. We move beyond our fears and doubts and truly experience ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. So I invite you to bring a focus to your sacred Heart Temple of Divine Love within, and to experience your heart's calling, your heart's dreaming and ground it into this reality, into this Now.

The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light through the sacred Blue-Green Flame of Highest Potentials further takes us into the heart and a deeper integration of our Divine Feminine Spirit, so our Divine Masculine Spirit and Divine Feminine Spirit can take their rightful place side by side and within our hearts. Only then do we move into Kether, the Crown, and the full experience of One Unity Consciousness.

I look forward to connecting with many of you next Saturday, at the time of the Equinox, for the Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light. Know that you are deeply loved by so many Beings of Light and your family and friends of the Light, sweet Beloveds. Blessed Be.

From my Heart to yours to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

Blessings and so much Love.

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