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Codes of Sacred Union By Anrita Melchizedek

One Soul, You and I.

As I Go Within, expanding into the Loving Heart,

I find you there.

My Beloved I Am.


As Love lights Her Fire through the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom,

I breathe deep into the body, breathing in Love, breathing out Love.

 Embraced in Pink, Blue and Golden Yellow Hues,

I deepen into the Stillness of the Loving Heart,

aware of the breath,

breathing in Love, breathing out Love,

and now simply holding the breath on the inhale,

as the Loving Heart now expands as the Inner Golden Sun,

and amplifies through a thousand Golden Suns,

spinning each cell through the Great Central Sun.


We merge as One in this Re-Union of Hearts,

Yin and Yang.

Feminine and Masculine.

Forever, through Infinity, 

absorbed in the fragrance and energy of our Love,

our Purity, our Divinity,

we are One Beloved I AM,

within the Heart of Mother/Father God,

within the Heart of All Creation,

making Love as Shakti and Shiva,

as the Love of God We Are.

 I Am the Divine Love of God. The Divine Love of God I Am.

 “I Love you my Beloved I Am, I Love you, I Love you.”


As the Violet Flame expands now from within my Loving Heart,

and around the energy field in a golden pink diamond white Light,

I deepen into this tantric merging of Divine Love.

Releasing and dissolving and expanding beyond the old karmic timelines,

stories, programs and judgments,

to experience all that is Soul aligned,

as the Flames of Divinity We Are,

as the Divine Love of God We Are.


As I breathe in now, I visualize this beautiful Golden Sun within my Loving Heart.

I hold my breath as long as I can, and as I breathe out,

 I experience the expansion of the Inner Golden Sun,

 our Divinity, our Innocence, our Presence,

expanding now into the lungs, into the heart, and into every body part and organ.


I feel this expansion as sacred, sexual healing energy,

 and infusions of Photonic and Plasma Light,

moving throughout the body,

as I now visualize this beautiful Golden Sun around my body and energy field,

feeling and experiencing the Intimacy codes of our Divinity,

as the Divine Love of God We Are.


Each breath a doorway of Christ Consciousness through the Loving Heart,

as the templates of Divine Love come online, 

offering higher perspectives,

as the old dissolves and Love is All There Is.


I now experience the Pineal Gland activating.  

The cerebrospinal fluid moves up the spine and into the brain,

and places pressure upon the Pineal Gland.

As I sense this beautiful Golden Sun activating within the Pineal Gland,

I breathe in, I visualize this Golden Sun within the Pineal Gland,

I hold the breath and then breathe out.


I now see this beautiful Golden Sun expand around the crown chakra,

creating this Golden Halo of Light.

I continue this deep rhythmic breathing now,   

as the sacred sexual energy of our combined Love amplifies,

and the Stargate of the Perineum activates,

in this Cosmic Orgasm of Oneness through our sacred Yoni and Lingam,

Chakras and Loving Heart.


As Love Making Us,

the kundalini and tantric channels ignite,

the flow of sacred sexual energy moves from the genitals to the heart,

 through the spiritual centers and now into the Pineal Gland and then Crown Chakra.


Soft flowing nectar releases, as I expand through the Presence of Awareness,

 into Intimacy and Love.

Yod-Hay-Waw-Hay. I Am That I Am.

I Am the Divine Love of God. The Divine Love of God I Am.


 We merge Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit.

Masculine and Feminine,

Electric and Magnetic,  

as the cerebrospinal fluid continues to move up the spine,

activating the Pineal Gland as a gateway of Crystalline Christ Light.


Beyond the veils of illusion I travel,

Remembering WHO I AM.  

As DMT excretes from within the Pineal Gland,

the Kundalini and Tantric channels blossom,

clear channels,

succulent and ripe,

sealing our Love in this Re-Union of Hearts,

for our Universe,

 and for all Universes to witness our Divine Alchemical Marriage.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.


In this initial slow dance of ecstasy, passion, and bliss,

I experience the electric heat and tingling of Divine Love, intimacy and sacred sexuality throughout the body and energy field.

 The tongue gently moves to the top palate,

and then the mouth opens,

as the breath expands,

as the pulsing orgasms intensify and amplify,

and as the sacral chakra activates.


Breathing in Love, holding the breath,

 and then releasing all that is ready to be released.

Rocking the body gently initially now,

and then faster we go,

with our own breath, our own rhythm, our own raw power of Divine Love.


Then, all is Bliss.

The sweet nectar is tasted energetically,

as a sweetness within.

Body parts soften,

smells, sounds and colors amplify,

as the left and right hemispheres of the brain recalibrate, 

and the 11:11 Codes of Divine Love come online.


As the energy of the kundalini continues to uncoil,

it rises up the central channel from the base of the spine,

up the spinal column from chakra to chakra,

and out the crown chakra,

as we enter now through the Stargate of the Loving Heart into the Starlight Temple of Isis,

this beautiful Temple within the Galactic Center,

where we feel and sense ourselves expanding as Source Light,

as Consciousness, as pure Divinity,

breathing in Love and breathing out Love. 


Isis now brings in a Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration Chamber of Light,

recalibrating the star fields and Light Codes of Divine Love,

as they activate within my body and energy field and hologram through Photonic Light,

to the memory and experience of Oneness,

as we birth new Stars, Galaxies and Universes,

timeless, eternal, and infinite,

spiraling ever upwards into the Light,

where Love is All There Is.

I Love You my Beloved I Am. I Love You. I Love You.


Video Link: 11:11 Gateway Transmission - Anrita Melchizedek



This Diamond White Light now ignites through the crown chakra,

down the spine and out the perineum center,

 Photonic Infusions through the Antakarana,

each subatomic particle now spins in this increased Love frequency,

as I expand as pure Love, pure bliss, pure joy,

birthing new creations of Light.


As Heaven smiles her sweet smile,

my Loving Heart continues to expand,

as I deepen into zero-point,

 and the ever-present, eternal Now moment,

drawing to me the timelines of my Highest Potential,

embracing multidimensional Selves, Higher Selves and Future Selves. 


Lady Isis now comes forward,

 and with her Rod of Light touches my third eye.

As she does so, I now experience the fire letters, sacred geometries, fractural geometries, sound and color frequencies activating through the third eye,

and bringing forth the 48 Symbols of Immortality,

the Light Codes of Crystalline Consciousness,

Christ Light and Divine Love,

as I continually align and activate, integrate, recalibrate, synchronize and actualize my reality as pure Source Light,

living in this Now moment

as my Beloved I Am Presence.  


Through the stillness of the Loving Heart,

 and the wisdom of the Higher Mind,

we soar on the Wings of Love,

as I further activate my Angel Wings,

my Divinity, my Purity, my Innocence.


 AND NOW,  we enter the Silence of the Loving Heart,

with each cell within my body vibrating to God Consciousness. 

Love is the Throne upon which we sit.

I Love You my Beloved I Am. I Love You. I Love You.

I Am the Divine Love of God. The Divine Love of God I Am.

I Am. I Am. I Am.


Video Link: 11:11 Gateway Transmission - Weaving New Light Codes Into Your DNA & Future Timeline -













Your Glorious Christ Heart - Part 2 - Circles Of Light


But it is the expression of the great rays of your heart that shall release for humanity the illusion of separation and grant them the experience of their own great heart and the truth that only Love is Real.

So this week I ask you to reach for the experience of your glorious and magnificent heart in the realms of Love, in the realms of pure light, in that highest vibration where life comes forth, where you are the beholders of God and the expression of My Love through you.


So too shall this become your every day here on Earth, that as you express your magnificent heart, this great star of living light, a magnificent matrix of interwoven gold and white, as you express this and you surrender everything into this great Christed heart that is the truth of your being, then each moment of your life on Earth shall truly be the beholders of the action of Love, the action that I Am expressing through you and before you as your life.

So rather than making decisions with your mind about your moments, about your days, about your schedule, about what it is you do, I ask for your surrender each Now Moment to the Love of your Christ Heart and become the observer of that which Love does through you when you are anchored in your Christ Heart.


As you do this, it will totally and forever change your life, because you will realize that it is the action of Love living through you that is what you are born to bring into view, to embody as the Christ that all who come before you, all who touch your life in any way at all, shall recognize what it means to live a life surrendered, surrendered to the Christ. Not as Jesus, but the Christ as your own living heart – as Love expressing as You.

As you come into the fullness of your acceptance of your great Christed heart, the power of its pulsing Love and of My light living through you, and as you, you will discover that your everyday mind simply falls away, and every moment you are watching enthralled to see what Love shall do through you right now.


As the miracles come you will easily accept them and bow to them in surrender that any vestiges of a human self is easily released in the presence of such amazing Love, such amazing and glorious living light, such a great star of power as your own Christ heart.

In this heart, this experience, you also shall truly taste on the level of your being, your essence, your true nature, what it means to be the gold and white, to be the Twin Flame consciousness, interwoven, the great flames, the great Double Helix of the expression of life itself.


You will also be surrendered to the expression of this Love, of your Twin Flame Love in the Real, allowing it, too, to express through you as the higher Will, as My Will, as the Will of your own great and living heart – rather than allowing your humanness to keep looking outside of you.

Surrender this also to the expression of what already is, and allow that expression of Twin Flame Love to live itself through you so powerfully and so perfectly that you become beholders of this Love, as well – that instead of pushing with the little mind in any way for anything at all, each moment becomes the surrender to the expression of your Real Christ heart.

As this happens, as you feel it, as you know it in every fiber of your being, your whole life becomes aligned with your true nature as the heart of All I Am, giving Love. Everything else, all the symbols of life on Earth, become secondary to the expression of this glorious truth.

So as you begin to call forth this experience by turning to Me, allowing Me to lift you up into the silence, then to the heartbeat, then into the realms of Love so pure and so refined in vibration that the patterns of light that are your own great heart are effortlessly revealed to you – this is the gift that I bring you.


While I ask you to reach for it, to accept it and to surrender each moment your little will, I also want you to know that I bring this to you in response to your commitment to becoming the living Christ, fully present here on Earth, as you are in the realms of Love.


Each moment shall be for you the moment of acceptance where you say to Me, “Yes, God, I am the Christ,” and you feel my crowning of your life as the reclaimed crown on the Tree of Life in the center of the Garden of Eden.


Through you, we shall turn all the symbols of life on Earth into symbols of the expression of Love and only Love. Humanity then shall find the bridge world that is Heaven on Earth, through you.

So I give you thanks, dearest ones, each of you, who has said “Yes,” each of you who now makes room in your life to experience the patterns of light that are your own great Christ heart, and to also begin to hear the living song that is Love expressing in you, through you, as you, creating before you the perfection of a unified world of Love.


Thank you for your most glorious and precious hearts. Thank you for saying “Yes.” Thank you for being willing each moment to keep attuning your heart to Love.

Know that out of the silence and out of the experience of your own matrices of light that are your magnificent heart will come the experience in the realms of Love of the crowning of your life as the living Christ heart with the fullness of expression of your truth on Earth. That is, a greater expression than even your heart as created by Me.


In other words, what you give here enriches even the great Love you are, even the perfect heart of God you are at the Moment of Creation itself. Even this becomes richer and deeper, more magnificent, more inclusive because of your gift of service and the gift of heartfelt compassion that you are experiencing here on Earth.


So, know this, that this life you are living is also a gift to you in ways you can’t yet comprehend. It is growing, even your magnificent heart in the Real, and bringing to it a new-found wisdom, a depth and breadth of giving that was not present in you before your life of service.


This life that you have given Me – sharing this awakening of all the precious hearts on Earth, and the awakening of the world itself, the beloved Earth who is a being of light, who is herself a great heart. And you will feel her, her own matrices of light.


The patterns of her great heart will be revealed to you as you experience life through your expression as My living heart, from the realms of Love, from the Moment of Creation, all the way here, right where you stand, living this life on Earth.

Let each breath be your continual “Yes,” the holy shift into the higher Will of your own Christed self. Please accept this gift as well of the experience of your Real heart, and assist Me to bring this into focus here on Earth through you.


To read Part 1 Of Your Glorious Christ Heart - Click on this link:


Video Link: A Short Message For You From Archangel Muriel











Tuning in to Love By Jean Meyer
Many love,
There are many kinds of love,
and many ways to love
and many things to love,
So what do you love?
I love a sunrise filled
with hope and opportunity,
The possibility of a new day.
I love looking forward to that day's adventures, I'm thankful for that day and everyday.
I love my home, though it might not be as nice as others. It's home, I'm safe, secure and content with it.
I love my husband and family,
They have made me who I am, they love me unconditionally.
And I love them right back.
Using these examples, One can find some instance of love.
Butfinding love is not usually the hard part...
It's keeping that love.
Sharing that love
and giving that love away.
Some love was meant to be kept, some love was meant to be shared,
and some is for giving away.
Many don't understand that love will return and always multiplies.
Some reserve their love for
"the one" and refuse to share,
to be open to lesser loves.
But love in any form, transforms, it mutates and becomes a bigger, better love.
Love is everywhere on the Earth, in the sunshine,
in the rain, and especially in the rainbows,
It's a shining example of radiant love.
Tuning all feelings to love,
is a loving vibration,
it can be felt,
and a life changer.
When One purposely tunes into love, love can be seen, felt and accepted,
It will overflow and fill all areas of life. Spilling over onto all One meets and all situations.
This loving vibration enhances One's life,
One's heart and attitude.
It brings forth so much more.
It brings beauty, contentment and peace with One's self, it replaces One's doubts and is the basis of understanding.
Love is usually a first human connection, a building block to One's foundation.
And yet many fear Love.
Love is that conscious connection,
that force of protection
and a graced direction.
Find Love.
It is all around you,
it surrounds
and grounds you,
Love only lifts,
It's a priceless gift,
from One who truly loves.
Love to you ❤️
Your Source of Love
Video Link: Return To Your Essence -









✨️Powerful Decree of Master Sananda
"I am light, peace and divine love in action.
In the name of Master Sananda, I Am a living expression of Critical Consciousness.
I am the beacon that illuminates and blesses everyone around me.
I am the healing, peace and harmony manifested in every cell of my being.
May the Crystalline Light shine in my heart, expanding through every thought, word and deed.
I am the presence of Compassion, guiding me with wisdom and humility.
I am the divine power that dissolves all pain, fear and limitation, revealing the eternal Truth of Oneness.
In the name of Unconditional Love, I decree that my whole being is aligned with Divine Will.
I am unshakable peace, overflowing joy and never ending love.
May all beings awaken to the Light that dwells in their hearts.
I'm blessed, and I'm a blessing to the world.
So It Is, and So It Shall Be.
Gratitude to Sananda Master for your presence and guidance.
Recite this decree with intention, feeling the words in your heart and allowing them to resonate within your being.
This practice can help strengthen your connection with Sananda energy and Christ Consciousness, bringing peace, balance, and love into your life.
Video Link: I Am All Love - Patricia Cota-Robles

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