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Upgrades in language, thought, behavior and focus, can bring you into alignment with the frequency of Oneness.
25 March 2015
Mid-Way through the Eclipse Cycle
Notes from the Ideafrontier | Choosing Our Level of Consciousness.
The Eclipse Cycle started last Friday, on March 20 with an extremely uplifting Solar Eclipse. This day also brought abundant harmonizing energies to our realm for it was also the Equinox alignment.
With these alignments, an arc was initiated that will carry us through the June Solstice and into early July.
I encourage you to consciously use your focus to set an intention for this passage way. To choose how you want to feel and what you want to experience and create with this energy streaming in and empowering such deep transformation.
Last week, I shared with you that my sense of the Eclipse Cycle potentials were to support authentic presence and expression.
"The focus," I wrote, "that I keep seeing, is on really getting out thoughts and alignment into shape, so we can get our lives working, in a BIG and totally authentic way."
Today while walking Lily my Border Collie, I said out loud to the fullness of my being, "I choose to know the bigger meaning of all I'm discovering and exploring."
Within an instant I saw a much bigger picture to my work, my life and my recent thoughts and ideas. I saw how there are ways of thinking and speaking, that mark the frequency of Oneness. Ways of self-talk and communication, language, that indicates Unity Consciousness.
I realized that IS the Ideafrontier, I've long felt connected to and knew, the importance of. I've been very choosy about words for as long as I can remember, knowing how powerful they were. But today I saw the bigger truth: that there is a way of thinking and speaking that is pure. Pure, meaning, unadulterated. In our case, more specifically, this means unadulterated by the illusions and distortions of the separation age.
For a long time now, it's been a scientifically proven fact that life is interconnected. We arise from a singular unified Oneness. Yet our world, our ways of creating and expressing, connecting and aspiring, mostly have come to be from a distorted, inaccurate understanding -- one based in the idea that what we see and notice as distinct, is not only distinct but entirely separate.
My friends, the way into living the truth of our being, the frontier for us, is upgrading our language and thus our thinking, to align with our eternal true nature. To reflect the qualities of the unified field, of the Oneness we are.
That's the leading edge of being human.
Upgrades in language, thought, behavior and focus, can bring you into alignment with the frequency of Oneness.
What I also glimpsed today is how this is connected to individual purity; our distinct uniqueness, our essence. We each have unique harmonics and thus ways of perceiving and relating that accurately and clearly express us purely.
The words we use define where we are in consciousness and they either speak of us as clear reflections of the unified field, the Oneness we are -- inherently capable -- or to one degree or another, they don't.
For a while in the Soar Fests we've been talking about bridging into the new reality. We're bridge builders, divine ones. That's what we do -- we bridge earth and the non-physical through our blended being.
I imagine us creating through this Eclipse Cycle, greater resonance with our hearts and that this connection within us, will help us tune to our true being.
To support us more fully, I want to share an Activating Transmission from Ashira, that connects us to the Pure Land; a field of love and coherence that can further support us in our aspirations for pure presence and increasing mastery in our human focus.
New Message from Ashira
This message was initially given during the Self-Trust Soar Fest. You will receive the activation upon reading this transmission if you indicate your wish to receive it. I've written a brief introduction which explains this, and you can find the message using the link below:
Introduction from Meredith
Hi everyone. Welcome.
Today we are to receive a transmission. Let me just tune in. I feel like I am to give you a little guidance before we do the transmission so let me just understand.
I’m being told that what I want to explain to you is that you will move into a state of greater knowing as a result of the transmission that will be given today. It’s a transmission of templates of perception that will give you the capacity to relate to life more directly and more clearly. As a result of this you will experience expanded capacities to know things. Your sense of innate knowledge will open up more.
We’re talking about this before it’s given because as it begins to open up within you, you may experience this new way of perceiving which gives you access to expanded knowing and you may have a tendency to doubt this. Ashira, who is the transmitter of the energy that we will be receiving today wants it to be clear that you’ll experience an expansion of awareness and an increase in clarity. Because that is a different way of perceiving, you may doubt it simply because it’s new and enlarged. Don’t interpret the self-doubt which may arise from this experience as meaning you are not accomplishing a tremendous amount in learning to trust yourself. Realize that you have actually created an expansion and that the expansion can trigger self-doubt simply because of the newness.
I hope that makes sense. I’m a little altered already. We’ll open to connect with Ashira, the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple and Archangel Michael so that we can welcome this transmission.
(For those of you reading this transmission via transcript, if you wish to receive this transmission, intend to connect directly with Ashira and state that as your intention. Then open to receive. You can receive this activating transmission regardless of when you read this or invite that transmission.)
Activating Transmission from Ashira
Hello beautiful souls,
It’s such a privilege to be with you in this way. I commend you and I thank you for your openness and the way in which you endeavor to upgrade your life expression. It’s very inspiring.
The life within you is one that we share, all of us. We all arise from this very same most loving, most creative energy. We are blessed this way in that we all have an incredible knowing at the core of our being of this most incredible and reliable love, this most incredible and reliable awareness.
What you call love is the emotional experience of awareness. It is awareness which in pure expression unconditionally welcomes all, appreciates all, sees all, amplifies all. We all have at the core of our being this pure, reliable most incredible awareness.
As you endeavor to change your life experience in this particular program by increasing your self-love, I want to remind you that you can draw upon this wellspring of awareness. This wellspring of infinite awareness can consistently, reliably, reconnect you to your inherent place in creation and your innate value. Feeling your place and your value while in an embodied human experience is extremely empowering.
Within all that is, there is great awareness and gratitude for your presence here and now. Your presence is informing the fullness of all that we are in ways that expand the energy of all that is. As we are aware of your presence, as your presence becomes increasingly, clearly expressed in the material, what occurs is a profound increase in order and coherence is generated.
As any of us elaborate into new realms of focus and turn ourselves toward a clear expression we contribute to the expansion of the energy of all that we are, of creation. The expansion occurs because as awareness grows through the embodied or otherwise elaborated expressions, and as these elaborated expressions are increasingly effective and clear in elaborated focus, awareness itself expands.
We know it is a mystery to human beings -- those of us who have chosen to embody in human focus – we know that it is a mystery in that mode of perception and translation that anything at all could simply continually expand without setback, without “the other shoe dropping,” as you say on earth. It is a mystery. It is hard to even fathom that there could simply be pure awareness and then, even more pure awareness yet it is so. Life is endlessly expanding through awareness which is infinite in possibilities and potential.
It is this infinite capacity to expand that is within each and every one of us and every point in which we are focused. It drives, inspires us to experience. It compels us to create. It is our inherent nature as sparks of creation to be this way. To stunt this in anyway takes you out of alignment with the deepest truth of your being. You and I were each made to create and expand in awareness.
The teachings we are sharing with you in this Soar Fest are beyond bold and incredibly powerful. If you truly dare to live by your own self defined meaning, should you learn through devotion and commitment to yourself to step beyond outer definitions and criteria of success or value, you will begin to tap into your inherent resonance and move into a connection with the Pure Land. The Pure Land is an energy field which is resplendent with joy and radiant with light. It is a field of awareness or love, vibrating with pure potential and pure expression. It is a space in which you and I and all who consciously connect to this field, dwell in immense, continuous flow and connection, experience clarity and decisive knowing, expansion and expression. It is the natural domain of your presence as consciousness.
We together, the Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, express to you today from this Pure Land transmitting to you as one and creating with you a grounded, earth based field expanding this connection to this elevated sphere of existence on your planet.
This sphere exists in many different ways and can be perceived and tapped into from many realms of focus. It is a multifaceted field of brilliant reflection and impervious clarity. It is pure directness, timeless, a place in which inspiration and manifestation occur simultaneously. When you are connected to this space you will thus feel confident and powerful. Although the domain in which you dwell is not yet one of simultaneous manifestation, the directness of this field can facilitate accelerated manifestation.
Learning to tap into the Pure Land energies which are accessed as your frequencies of self-love and unity of spirit begin to move into greater harmony and elevated frequency is the next step in your evolution in human form.
We from the Galactic Center anticipate with great joy you beginning to collaborate with us and all of creation in this new and most ascended revolutionary way.
I am Ashira, a Guardian of Light and Keeper of the Golden Dawn.
Please know you're also most welcome to join the Eclipse + Equinox Event, which is a wonderful way to consciously participate in the energies of this time and beyond.
Equinox & Eclipse Cycle Programs & Events The Opening Event, is now available as an immediate audio download. The Closing Event -- Spring Yourself into More Joy, is live with the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 4.
For details about these guided channeled experiences, visit here.
There are still some openings if you've like to book an Oracle Reading. They're discounted through April 4. More here.
Lastly, there will be a new Soar Fest in April. Registration will open soon. I hope you'll join us.
Love, Meredith
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