Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Message from the Angels |
![]() When life throws you lemons, make lemonade! You've all heard the saying and truly we espouse this principle in the heavens because we know that every adventure you experience there upon your planet earth is an opportunity to bring more love, more light, more truth, and greater inspiration into your lives. Every challenge has its blessings. Every trial gives you greater strength. Every fearful situation is an opportunity to embrace greater faith. When you don't like where you are at in life, embrace where you are at. Say, "Ok, I'm here!" How do I treat myself with kindness. You have a tendency as human beings to try to assign blame to yourself or others when you are not happy with your present condition. Instead of worrying about what you did wrong, or what someone else did to you, it is far more productive to say, "Here I am. What can I learn? How can I grow? What is the greater truth I can embrace here and now?" You cannot move forward in your life by looking backwards. You cannot change your reality by beating yourself up for past decisions. You cannot find your God given power if you blame others for your situations. Instead dear ones, own the power that God gave you right here, and right now. Say to yourself, "I am loved beyond reason. I just forgot." "I am blessed with all that I will ever need. I just tried to manage life on my own." "I am connected to everything and everyone that exists. I simply perceive loneliness." "My soul is whole and healthy. I choose to embrace that reality." Little by little as you embrace these eternal truths, inside of your very being, your outer reality will begin to conform as well. Dear ones, you are powerful beyond measure. You can create amazing grace in your life or you can create incredible challenges. No matter where you find yourself you always have opportunities to create more love, to bring more of God's light and truth into any given situation, and to love the beautiful and amazing being that God created you to be. Choose love dear ones... no matter what. It will transform your entire existence. God bless you! We love you so very much. -- The Angels Sponsored by Ann Albers - |
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