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Blessed Love Be Our Way Today, Tomorrow and Forever!


Recognize that we are blessed as being part of the new global shift letting our Love shine from our Divine Heart and Illuminate our world.

It is all the movement of the divine! love, humility, compassion and empathy with all our brothers and sisters throughout the world, regardless of creeds, religion, languages - Love is our way.

Remember today, tomorrow, and always - we are the instrument of God's Presence Awakening in our loving consciousness throughout Gaia.

Wherever you are you must live in company with everything that has the nature of Divine Peace, including Divine Harmony with every person that we interact with in every now moment!

I honor you! I bless you! and I love you with all the purest love that cannot be expressed in words!

Call out to God's Great Compassionate Light to Awaken God's Full Presence of Love & Creativity in You and in healing in Gaia and all who inhabit it.

So be it! in love and in service to all humanity!

Namaste Magdalena Alejandra Moyano SOLO AMA OM Shakti OM JAI!! JAI!! JAI!! MAA!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

She is the great loving and compassionate mother and will guide our spiritual steps, her presence is light in our conscious awakening of love. Our mother will always be in our hearts, awakening to universal love. Blessed be forever! Sri Anandamayi Maa !!!





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