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Anchoring True Wisdom Within You

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week, the message from Archangel Gabriel is reminding us that when we treat ourselves with loving-kindness, we open the doors to new levels of Wisdom within life.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

   True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand and hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.


Shanta GabrielRecently I have noticed themes that have centered around the necessity to love myself through the intensity of life I am experiencing at this time.

Becoming a blended being, integrating our most divine selves with our most human, has been a great challenge. We see ourselves growing and know in our hearts how we want to relate to others and show up in the world, and yet we often fall short of our intentions. At these times, being compassionate and patient can be difficult.

What is clearly necessary is that I come into alignment with what I am asking for in my life. This is that infamous Law of Attraction that we all know about. To be in harmony with this cosmic law, I am required to consciously monitor my attitude about my life and how I am feeling about myself.

I have noticed that I like certain aspects of myself much better than others. In the past, there were parts of my personality that I was extremely judgmental about, and these judgments outweighed my attention to all the delightfully talented, beautiful and positive parts of myself. Self-criticism seemed to be the most prevalent attitude I held about how I was progressing in life. Finally I found that when I give myself the compassion and caring expression that I most need, things flow much easier. If I focus on how hard things are and how badly I am handling my life, it only seems to get worse.

That downward spiral is a difficult one to get out of, because we just keep attracting more of the same vibrational frequency that we are expressing in our field. Life is more graceful when I can remember that there is a divine wholeness within me that balances all the many aspects of my being. Those parts that are not my best can only improve when I stop focusing my wrath at them, and instead accept their presence as expressions of my humanity.

As a spiritual being enjoying an earthly life, it is paramount that I flood those special areas with Divine Light and my blessings. When I do that, the most curious thing occurs. I love those unruly parts of me like a new puppy. This outlook helps me accept all that seemed out of harmony as too much energy expressing in the wrong places, and I begin to look with more kindness at my ongoing process of blending the divine with my human self.

Even though we have been told it is wrong and selfish to focus on our own happiness, my sense of self seems to be a key in attracting more of what I want in life. When I don’t give myself loving-kindness, I am cut off from the Divine connection that is the most important thing to me.

When I remember this truth, it dramatically changes my interaction with the myriad aspects of my personality. It is obvious that when my energy frequencies are uplifted, I live in a more expansive and happy state of being, which then attracts more love from people around me and new opportunities into my life.

Loving myself through the process of becoming a blended being appears to be the most essential attitude I can bring to my life as I learn to navigate the 5D world. When I can do this as the first thing I offer to my innocent heart instead of the last resort, life becomes much more graceful, and my inner being settles into a greater sense of peace. It seems to be a very prayerful process. And for me that really is True Wisdom.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for helping me to gain strength in becoming more loving toward myself and all beings. I am grateful that you are opening my mind and heart to the Pure Wisdom that is within me at all times.

I ask to bring more patience and compassion into my being so that I can truly live in loving-kindness with myself and all of humanity. In this way I know I can better serve my Soul as well as the Earth in her evolution. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
May 29, 2016

The Gabriel Messages #17

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all
of yourself
before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

 Dear One,

When you receive pure love from your Divine Source and offer it to yourself, your life will transform. Loving yourself means that you accept yourself as a student of life. You know that you are growing every day, and deep within is the spark of enlightened consciousness that is God. Focusing on this place of Divine Light will assist it to grow. When the light of Divine love grows, it enlightens your mind and heart so you see your life from a more expanded perspective. This allows you to tap into the graceful flow of the universe and to live in more peace and harmony.
Loving yourself includes being able to see the tricks of ego and the aspects of your personality that could be improved. After you see clearly, bless these parts of yourself. This blessing energy will allow the love of God to flow through you. Your fears will drop away, and you will operate from a loving heart in every moment.
If self-criticism created perfection, you would be perfect by now. It doesn't work that way, so be kind to yourself. You are in a human body on the earth plane to gain an education. Your soul's growth is in the direction of perfection, but it's a process.    

You are like a lump of coal becoming a diamond. It does no good to hate the rough form and wish it were a diamond. What it takes is a step-by-step process, with the proper tools, applied with diligence and care.

Recognize your incredible potential to be a diamond. Allow the Angels to assist the process of sanding your rough edges. Know it takes some time, and love yourself for caring enough about your world that you want to be the best you can be.
Be as patient and caring with yourself as you would with a little child. Hold fast to the light of God within you. Ask for assistance from the Angels and trust the process. You are becoming stronger and more beautiful every day. Know you are incredibly loved and you deserve all the good life has to offer.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all
of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
May 29, 2016
I deeply resonate with the quote below by Mooji...
When we live from the understanding that there are not "really" two of us here, there is only One Life, these quotes make common sense.
So then why do we thank God if we are God? Partly because the awareness of our true Self- our Higher Self is still a concept for most of us. When the biological shift happens in our brain, as it has for those who live and flow knowledge like this (Mooji, here) then it becomes a living reality. 
Gratitude is a powerful tool in awakening to the higher Self.

"You must always keep thanking God for your life.
Always be grateful for as tough as life can seem,
its great that you're here to experience it and to transcend.
We're not here for a joyride.
You're here to transcend the very influences
that came through the mind and
to remember your Self and BE your Self.
That's how you turn earth into Heaven.
Then, you don't have to go to Heaven.
Heaven shows Itself in you.
We didn't come here by accident.
We came here by design, to be here,
to taste the life you're tasting and
to see it from the Highest Place.

Life doesn't change from outside, it changes from inside.
As you are, so life will appear for you.
It is you who can change your world, change your life.
And if you see from the Truthful Place,
it will become the most beautiful place outside,
because all that you see is interpretation.
What we are seeing is what we interpret.
What we conceive, that's what we see.

What is really there is only God." - Mooji
Why is there so much of this knowledge emerging now when we "see" so much suffering? Because like the seasons, the predominance of suffering has had it's time, had it's turn. We're now in the transformation, a phase-transition to Joy, and it really is darkest before the Dawn.
"I am That
Thou are That
All this is That
and That is all there is"
It's "really" is all about having fun....
Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light to all,


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  • Thank you so much for your reply Melvin.

    Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,


  • The Good Force be with you...wise posts, thanks for sharing & forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)

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