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Allowing Joy To Be Part Of Our Daily Lives - Wisdom Shared From Paramahansa Yogananda


The joys life brings can often feel fleeting, yet inwardly we know there must be a joy that endures. In this talk, Self-Realization Fellowship monk Brother Kamalananda shares wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda on how our actions, decisions, and meditative efforts can all serve to expand our perception of joy, and how that joy — an intrinsic part of our souls — can enable us to actively express our boundless potential.


Watch this video to discover how to cultivate and experience a truly lasting and transformative happiness — a joy that will positively influence all aspects of your life.


This video is part of the 2024 SRF World Convocation, a free weeklong program of online classes on Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” teachings and meditation techniques, guided group meditations and kirtans (devotional chanting), virtual pilgrimage tours to the ashrams where Yogananda lived and communed with the Divine, and more.


To experience all the 2024 Convocation events, register for free:


To learn about the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons, the home-study course created by Paramahansa Yogananda to teach the science of meditation and the art of balanced spiritual living:


To read Yogananda’s spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi:


Video: Link: Allowing Joy To Be Part Of Our Daily Lives




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