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All feelings like all creation are expressions of love
Photo taken in Phoenix, AZ
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Never ever can you have a "wrong" feeling. There are only feelings that feel good, and feelings that feel bad. There are feelings that expand your soul, and feelings that cause you to contract. In every case, however, your feelings are attempting to guide you to love yourselves more kindly.
So no matter what you are feeling, take a breath, and first of all, accept yourself, as you are. Give yourself the gift of compassion. Today I am happy! Today I am sad. In this moment I am angry. I am tired. You cannot find the love within you unless you give yourself love and compassion first.
Then ask yourself, simply, "Joy / Anger / Sadness / etc... how are you trying to teach me to be kinder to myself?" Joy might say, "Yes, more of this please!" Sadness might say, "I need a hug dear angels, dear friend, dear spouse..." Anger might say, "I really want better treatment. I must treat myself differently / change my behaviors / set a boundary."
In no circumstance ever do we suggest you blame a feeling on another human being. Others trigger these feelings, but these feelings are inside of you. They are always, at some level – whether obvious or not – a cry for more love. So bless even those who inspire sadness or anger, for example, because they are exposing areas in your soul that need greater love. Perhaps the greater love is to reach out; perhaps to walk away, but in each case you have been forced to look at something inside of yourself that was not previously loved and now wishes to be loved.
Your feelings are messengers from the soul. Pay attention to their messages and they will dissipate into a greater light. Ignore them and they will spiral beyond their original usefulness. Everything, dear ones, ... absolutely everything, is conspiring to reveal more love.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. -- The Angels
Hi Everyone,
For years, the angels have worked with me to see that all feelings are attempting to reveal love. They've worked with me to not blame anything that arises within me on someone else, but rather to bless the person who revealed it. Being human, that's easier at times than others! When someone is extremely unkind, it is very hard.
For the past year and a half a very powerful, but hurting soul has aimed unthinkable anger and jealousy at me. I've had accidents, storms, illnesses and very unsettling and unkind experiences that belong in science fiction movies rather than real life. At first, a very deep dark anger arose. How dare anyone beat me up in this fashion? I worked hard to get rid of that, realizing that love was trying to teach me to demand kinder treatment. As soon as the anger left, I started to feel horribly victimized. Love was trying to teach me to shift my vibration, so as not to allow attacks. Next, a great sadness arose, "My God, I've allowed myself to be treated in unthinkable ways..." Love was saying, "It is time to grieve the death of the martyr within, and resurrect yourself into a greater truth." This person was trying to crucify me, but I am the one who thought I had to get on the cross. I was the one trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, instead of simply turning away from their energy.
What really started to turn things around however was when the angels told me this person had suffered horrible abuse as a child. That doesn't excuse the behavior, but it certainly did inspire my compassion. I worked very hard to support my own light. I gazed with Braco and gazed more frequently for others. I took better care of myself. I started to pray for this soul. I started to ask God to bless them, raise them up, help them know they were loved so they didn't have to aim their pain at me. I started to feel their influence less and less. My dark anger went away. My feelings of being a victim went away. For awhile I felt a lot of beautiful love and compassion for their soul... but as I started to feel stronger in my ability to ignore their attacks, a deep and abiding dislike for this individual set in.
I struggled with it. I know better than to negate my feelings, but I still don't like "not liking" anyone! The angels always say, "Love the soul, but you don't have to like the person or the behavior if it does not represent their light." They worked with me to accept my humanity. At long last I've come to the place of being able to say, I do love the light within this person's soul. I pray for it to rise up within them and illuminate their life. I pray they know they are loved. And I absolutely want nothing to do with them on any level of my being. I don't like them, or their behavior, and it has no place in my life." Metaphorically, the angels say, "Get thee Satan behind me," meaning put the darkness of another's behavior in the past and look to the light.
All feelings are trying to teach us to love ourselves more. We are asked by heaven to love the light that is a soul's deepest truth, but it is OK to not like someone or something. Learn from it, then move on. The angels say, for example, if we tasted two different flavors of ice cream, we would not feel guilty saying, "I like chocolate but not vanilla." We would just learn and move towards the flavor that gives us more joy in the future, while avoiding the one that does not.
As spiritually minded human beings, we put ourselves through a lot of pain by trying to like every human being on earth. Its OK to have our discernment about who and what resonates with us. Perhaps one of my very favorite bits of angel wisdom is this one:
Judgment says, "No right to be." Discernment says, "Not right for me."
Have a blessed week. I love you all! Ann
ps - Happy Birthday to my Dad today who is a very young 78!
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