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From Origin to Synthesis by the Andromedans

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 19th June 2015 – Sacred School of OmNa

It is with love, respect and truth, we the Andromedan consciousness step forth to greet you. We bring forth our star light and the vibrations of the cosmic level of the Creator to be embedded within your being. Like many star civilisations we have actively supported the creation and continued ascension of the Earth and those wishing to be present upon the Earth. We are present with you, within your heart and soul with every step of your ascension journey, our support is always yours to receive and encounter.

We honour you with our presence because you so openly honour us with your presence; we are working with your soul and all of humanity to bring forth the divine will and plan of the Creator upon the Earth.  You like us have sacred wisdom and templates to anchor into the Earth which can take an entire lifetime to achieve. You hold a divine aspect of the Creator within your being, so pure and unique; it is for you to deliver this to the Earth and all of humanity. You may not know what this energy is, the wisdom it speaks of or even how it will influence the ascension of all, this doesn’t matter as it is still bestowed upon you with the purpose of sharing. The more you discover, express and expand your soul embodying it deeper into your being the more you deliver an aspect of the Creator to the Earth and humanity. Every soul upon the Earth is wishing to find themselves, to disc over their truth and to realise their origins, this is the same for every person whether they are aware of it or not. You are searching within you for the aspect of the Creator which you have contracted to download into the Earth, however you are also searching to connect with the aspects of the Creator others are downloading as uniting with these would mean you realise yourself as a greater whole and truth of the Creator. This symbolises that every person upon the Earth is equal and holds the same purpose; you cannot achieve your purpose without the support and presence of other souls in human form as they cannot without your presence. We share our consciousness with you so you may see how precious you and all of humanity are, you are not randomly placed upon the Earth, you have all contracted to achieve the same purpose and yet you all will execute it in numerous diverse ways and forms. We to some extent are also contacted to achieve the same; to download our own truth fro m the consciousness of our civilisation into the Earth to bring forth and highlight an aspect of the Creator.

One of our intentions for coming forth to greet you is to guide you in a perspective of viewing your being, creations and reality in a new way. We wish to encourage you to contemplate and focus upon circles. We wish for you to realise that every creation formed by you holds the format of a circle, this is the same of every experience, every lifetime, project, idea or understanding. Everything within you, everything you create and experience holds the format of a circle due to the realisation that you are a source of origin for your creations. Everything begins with you and moves in a cycle of a circle, meaning it evolves while remaining aligned with your energy and returns to you to either be completed or further explored.

We wish for you to take time in meditation to contemplate everything in circle form. For example, consider your lifetime as a circle, you move from the inner planes to be born and live to then return to the inner planes. As you reach the opposite side of the circle you may feel the furthest away from the inner planes as you have ever been and yet you are always aligned as if you are constantly travelling along the same train line; even if you wanted to exit you couldn’t. Contemplate your spiritual evolution as a circle with every thought and belief you give energy to as a circle. We know that the concept of a circle is that there is no beginning or end. We ask you to imagine there is a beginning to the circle which is also the end, rather than thinking of it in this way, think of it as a point of merging, synthesis and integration, in truth being seamless. The entire circle is s eamless which means you can never move away from your truth, essence and origin.

Our idea and perspective we share with you in essentially a tool and yet it will enhance your faith of always been aligned to the Creator, being in the most appropriate place at the appropriate time, being guided and of divine perfection.  We encourage you to contemplate the tool, agree with it, disagree with it and experience yourself as well as all you create as a circle.

Everything you create will always journey to merge with you, this is the purpose of all you are and all you achieve in every present moment of your reality. New circles are being born from the synthesised energy within you while old circles are merging with your being creating fulfilment. You know that an experience or circle has not yet completed its journey if fulfilment has not yet been experienced. Fulfilment is only truly achieved when a seemingly new aspect of the Creator is merged with or remembered within your being.

We wish to encourage you to recognise your past lifetimes as circles as well. As you are creating and existing in the 5th Dimension which is also known as the Era of Love one of your purposes is to bring healing and completion to your past lifetimes which are in truth your simultaneous lifetimes. You have been allocated in your current lifetime as a powerful healer and synthesis for your entire soul, lifetimes and the other 11 aspects of your soul. Your current lifetime is immensely important as even if you continue to have many more lifetimes after this one, your current lifetime is a point of completion. This means that all circles of every lifetime you have experienced are now completing their journey, moving to you for the moment of synthesis and fulfilment. Any further lifetimes you embark upon will hold the energy of completion of the past as if your history has been digested and integrated while no longer impacting your experiences. You will also embody the energy of fulfilment meaning that fulfilment will become your belief and reality, a source from which you consistently create. In many ways your current reality gives you the opportunity to tie up loose ends or in other words to complete your circles and experience integration. Take time to contemplate your past lifetimes as circles which are impacting your currently reality to bring forth synthesis. Let yourself acknowledge that every experience in your reality holds a purpose of synthesis and integration.  Even your completion will bring forth inspired ideas of expanded understanding.

With the concept of circles you can realise your connection to everything and all aspects of the Creator, realising yourself as a point of origin with everything returning to you for integration.  Let yourself realise how expansive and eternal you are when you perceive yourself beyond your physical body and awareness, there is no end to your expansion. We invite you to call upon our energy as you explore the perspective we share with you so we may further inspire expanded consciousness and perceptions.

You may also wish to use this invocation to support your connection with our energies:

‘Andromedan beings of love and cosmic vibrations, I call forth your presence and light to surround me. Shower my entire being in your stars of light, consciousness, expansion and truth. Support me in connecting on a deeper level with your consciousness, experiencing an alignment and bond with you which empowers my ascension and divine purpose upon the Earth. Support me in experiencing greater expansion and a unity with the Creator.

Assist me in connecting with the divine truth and aspect of the Creator within my being supporting me in downloading this into the Earth with divine timing and awareness.

With your guiding presence support me in bringing healing to my entire being, all aspects of my soul and past lifetimes. I am ready to complete my circles to experience integration, merging and synthesis where appropriate with your assistance and divine guidance. I am ready to easily and perfectly accelerate my ascension. I am grateful for the energy, light, love, consciousness and expanded perspectives you now share with me. Thank you, I am ready to further awaken within my being and receive.’

With cosmic vibrations,

The Andromedans

The Time Is Now!



Activating Your Star Codes & 12-strand DNA       

The Star Councils of Light, through Solara An-Ra

Dear Earth Tribe, we come with words of encouragement at this solstice portal. You, all human beings, are in a process of expansion. This is another way of saying that you are evolving, because evolution will always incorporate expansion – a getting bigger; your world getting bigger; your minds opening to new ideas and concepts, to new frequencies. Your chakras open as you clear wounds – and thus your energy fields expand & activate, as your star codes download.

We will speak now, dear ones, about your star codes, for there is a lack of knowledge about the codes within your energy field and greater Light Body. You are blue-printed; programmed, as such, to be multi-dimensional masters ~ you have the ability to hold higher dimensional frequencies. You have the ability to communicate telepathically as we, the star councils and people, do. You have the ability to move from physical to Light Body or energy, at will. You have abilities far beyond your present capacities or understandings, and these are coded into you genetically. The first coding comes within your DNA strands on a cellular, atomic level, and the activation of this is always part of your expansion ~ it happens internally, inside your physical body, and the reaction is experienced and activated in your aura and greater Light Body.

How do your codes get activated? Your activation is synchronised through your energetic connection with Gaia. Your multi-dimensional being is plugged simultaneously into the core crystal below and the Great Central Sun above – this is the 9 dimensional system of which you are a part. The centre of this system is the 5th dimension, which is like the heart chakra of your galaxy; it is the centre in galactic terms of all higher and lower frequency bands. You are evolving or ascending from third dimensional into fifth – into the heart centre. As you progress through the Age of Aquarius, you are already capable of holding 5th dimensional frequency. When you are in the ONE-HEART state, resonating with all others in a state of open heart, your fifth-dimensional heart chakras are being activated.

And so, the light and energy which activates you from above and below activates your 12 chakra system. As your 12 chakra system is activated, so the spin of these 12, in unison, begins to spin the filaments of your 12 strands of DNA into activation. This you can visualise as light strands coalescing within your cells – strands coming into life – being en-lightened – starting to hold light and spinning. They spin and coalesce into activation. Once a strand of DNA is activated, it is not possible for it to be deactivated.

Many of you, dear ones, are activated to levels between 3 and 6 strands of DNA. You are being made aware of the solstice energies in order to progress further in terms of DNA activation. The easiest way to do this is to focus on the 12 chakras and visualise them spinning in unison. Even more effective is to do this while physically spinning to the right. It does not matter what time of day you spin, or how many times you spin. Spinning to the right while focussing on the 12 chakras; 3 above, 7 within and 2 below, will assist in the coalescing of your DNA strands.

You are not able to expand without a true grounding connection with your mother planet. She works in synchronisation with the higher forces. Your Great Mother is aware of your physical body; of your strength - she is aware of your limitations also. Imagine a mother who is in contact with your physical well-being aware of how you function and able to assist you when your body is not functioning well. Imagine that simply holding you in her arms is enough to bring you into physical integrity. Imagine that as you open your heart to the mother and love her back, so you are guided; so you are more in tune with your physical aspect, and listening to your body and what your body wishes. And this is significant in terms of spiritual evolution and expansion. Do not focus always on the sky, on the masters and to the stars, but focus equally on below, on your Earth Mother and your connection to her, her ability to heal you.  Focus also on your Gaia Portal chakra – the chakra below your feet which spins into activation as you are aware with each step that you take on the Earth planet, of the connection between yourself and the Earth Mother.

We repeat; you are in the process of expansion! Think now about whether this is an attractive concept for you. Do you wish to expand – to become a greater, lighter, more radiant, joyful, flowing version of yourself ~ or would you rather stay small, insignificant, in the box, invisible, trapped, fearful? Do you choose fear/contraction – or do you choose love, which is expansion? The choice is yours, dear ones. If you are in resistance, you are moving towards contraction. You can overcome this resistance simply by being joyful, by being light, by choosing to do things that you love – this will move you naturally into love, into expansion, into gratitude. Do not think about this as hard work – simply choose to have more fun, simply choose to enjoy yourself – choose to bring yourself into the present moment more and more.

And finally - there is no spiritual progress or expansion available without open heart – the heart is the key. From your centre point; from your heart, open to the higher energies on all levels. Focus on your hearts now, dear ones, letting go of the technicalities that we have spoken of ~ knowing that as you come into your centre, into your heart, as you practise being more in the now, now, now moment and as you allow yourselves to have fun, to be free, like children once more ~ your healing, your evolution, your expansion & your activation will come naturally.

We are with you through this process, we appreciate your energy. We enjoy being with your energy. We feel when you allow our words to truly enter your consciousness and activate you. We are aware of your energy, your love, streaming back – for always, as you give love, so you receive – thus it is with us, thus it is with you, the earth nations. And So It Is. Namaste.

Love love love,
Solara An-Ra
Magic Weaver for Gaia

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