A Meditation to Create A New World
As we go through the great shift of the ages, a doorway has opened into a new Golden Age of Freedom. We are blessed beyond measure with the wondrous opportunities that are being presented to us at this auspicious time in human history. As we stand on the brink of this glorious new world, I give thanks for all the blessings that this past year has brought that have enriched my life immeasurably:
* I give thanks for each of you and your Presence in my life.
* I give thanks for all the love, joy, health and abundance that have so beautifully flowed to me.
* I give thanks for the gift of Divine grace that is always there to guide me, and each of us, every step of the way.
* And I give thanks for the blessed opportunity to serve the fulfillment of the Divine Plan on Earth of Unity, Freedom, Abundance and Oneness.
My heart overflows with gratitude for the expansion of our Masters Mystery School into almost every country around the world in the last five years. It is truly an honor and privilege to facilitate the return to the True Self in Oneness with Divine Source, and accept one’s Divine inheritance as children of God.
This is a time of remembering and choosing. Remembering that who we are is Love. All spiritual traditions tell us that God is Love and that we are made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, we too are Love. As we choose to be that Love and let Love flow through us out into the world, we give ourselves and everyone around us a great gift. We are the first to receive Love’s blessing as it flows through us. Fear can only take up residence when we forget to let Love flow through us. The remedy is as simple as allowing Love to once again restore us to wholeness. If we remember to choose Love as soon as we awaken each day, this practice can literally transform our lives into harmony and grace. And if we choose to hold the other as whole and complete, made in the image of God--even if they are not holding it for themselves--that is the greatest gift we can give another.
As we celebrate the sacred holy days during this glorious Holiday Season, lets give each other this greatest gift and choose to acknowledge the Presence of God in everyone we see.
May this next year of 2014 be a daily meditation of remembering our Divine inheritance and consciously expressing the unique Presence of God that we each are as together we co-create a world of peace, harmony, love and unity with every thought we think, every word we speak and every action we take ~ starting in our own homes and expanding it out to include everyone around us.
You are invited to join me in meditation to co-create this New World we want to live in, that many of us know we have come to create. I invite you to gather your family and friends together once a month at the time of new beginnings, the new moon, to participate in a visualization to co-create a new Golden Age—one without conflict or war, free from fear, limitation and separation where we all live together in peace, harmony and abundance. Quantum physics has proven that whatever we focus upon with our thoughts and feelings and visualize in our mind’s eye comes into manifestation.
This meditation to Create a New World is now being done by millions of people around the world since I first invited others to join me over 20 years ago. Wherever you are each month at the time of new beginnings, the New Moon, please join us. A suggested meditation follows.
I wish you a new year of ever-increasing love, grace and joy!
With love and blessings without end,
Sharon Rose
A Meditation to Create A New World
Purpose: To join together in heart, mind and spirit to create a glorious new world.
When: Each new moon in 2014: January 1, January 30, March 1, March 30, April 28, May 28, June 27, July 26, August 25, September 23, October 23, November 22, December 21
How: By yourself or with a group of family and friends, offer a prayer or meditation for the creation of a world of love, peace, and abundance.
The following is offered as a suggestion. Add your own vision of heaven on earth.
Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and breathe in the love deep at the center of your heart. Breathe love into every cell of your body.
Send love out from your heart to everyone you know and to the places in the world that need healing, until your love reaches around the world.
Hold our precious Earth in your hands and send love and gratitude to this beloved planet that is our home.
Create in your mind’s eye the paradise this planet was always intended to be.
Envision clean air and pure water, oceans, rivers, lakes and streams...lush green forests and farmlands... people living in dignity and abundance in harmony with each other and the Earth.
Hear the sounds of forgiveness as old enemies become friends...the sounds of joy and laughter as communities formerly divided by hate become whole again.
Feel the warmth of acceptance and the safety of our homes and neighborhoods as our world becomes united with brotherly and sisterly love.
Envision peace beginning in the heart of every individual and spreading heart to heart across the land, finally encircling the globe.
See clearly this new world that honors everyone as well as the Earth, and feel how it feels to live in this new world. See it clearly and feel it intensely.
Release this vision to the Divine Source with joy and gratitude and begin today to live it.
So be it! And so it is.
Adapted from Passport to Paradise copyrighted by Sharon Rose
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