Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
8 /8 Gateway Of Light Transmission By Anrita Melchizedek
These changes upon us are additionally amplified through the partial Lunar Eclipse of August 7th, asking us to reflect upon the changes we wish to make within our own lives as we trust and surrender to the Divine, brought into Knowing, truth, Love and forgiveness through the 8/8 Lion’s Gateway, and grounded into deeper levels of manifestation, courage, discernment and Divine Will through the Solar Eclipse on August 21st. And so it is.
We start by traveling in our activated Merkabas into the Sirian Living Library within the etheric of Sirius as we align with the Center of the Galaxy. We then merge with our Christed ET Selves, we access the Cosmic Living Library Codes and Universal Akashic Records from the Golden Age timelines of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt in particular as these volunteer Souls to Mother Earth and all Life.
As these Golden Age timelines merge into this Golden Age timeline in increased waves of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Divine Love, this assists us to create and bring about huge changes within our own lives in the knowing of our starseed contracts upon this sacred earth in timelines of Self Mastery.
Anrita Melchizedek is founder of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network, an ascension network offering numerous programs in the form of eBooks, Mp3’s, as well as vibrational energy products. Anrita is a High Priestess to the Order of Melchizedek, a DNA Blueprinter, author, channel, empath, star ambassador, Light frequency encoder and workshop facilitator. She is a Pleiadian Starseed and further has the gift of speaking in Light Languages. Her self-mastery teachings, Overlighted by the Ascended Masters, Archangels, the Christed ET’s and the Order of Melchizedek, assist us to come into a deeper integration and experience of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. These teachings are presented through You Tube videos, invocations, monthly telewebinars and free downloads, and the channeled transmissions brought through by the Elders, ancient celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek.
Enjoy with Infinite Blessings of Love & Light,
Steven Hutchinson
Video: "8 /8 Gateway Of Light Transmission By Anrita Melchizedek"
Empathy's Purpose
Empathy helps you understand another so you can better understand yourself as One. It is a valuable tool in the awakening process because it takes you outside yourself by stoking the fire stronger inside you. To empathize with another is to answer your soul’s yearning to know itself, the very pull of the remembering process. It starts very strongly at first, and once recognized and used for the purposes of evolvement, it becomes more subtle as the messages become more clear. Just like all other promptings of spirit, it sometimes has to get loud to be heard!
So once you are tuned into it, it is a rich radio frequency of information. To begin with, it helps you clear your own resistances, your own pain, your own obstacles. Like radar, it identifies pain to help you clear your own.
Often we are called to help another clear theirs, and together it is done. The healer heals thyself, often beginning in this way. We can feel another’s pain, it triggers the knowing of it within us, and arises for the purposes of healing.
This becomes the process of assisting to lift the heaviness from ourselves, each other and the planet…the lifetime mission of the Lightworker. But the intensity of the feelings of empathy can be overwhelming and often become obstacles themselves in the aspirant’s path. As if carrying our own pain isn’t enough, we carry it for all of our loved ones, our community, our world and meanwhile, and the entire lineage of human kind!
That is why we are each individual souls of the collective…we can each carry a piece of the puzzle. But we do so knowing that it all fits into a larger whole. The hologram of the whole. A drop in the ocean.
Being sensitive is a great gift; it is important not to let it sink you. How ironic it is that you should be given a light so magnificent to become aware of the divinity that is you, and with the gifts given to you to open yourself to remembering it, you hide under the basket again?! You can handle this.
The key to utilizing this ability without burning yourself out with it is to first, and always, use this ability from the perspective of your true or higher self, rather than from your lower, human self. The greater you is divine and always remembers the greater plan, the small, personality, ego you is fighting for your life.
Your higher self is eternal, your lower self is temporal. One matters far more than the other, but try telling your feisty, survivalist, self-centered, pain-bearing lower self that! This is why empathy is a challenging trap for the beginner…it intensifies the personal pain before getting to another’s pain, before further illuminating the collective pain…all which is enough to make us run the other way.
And all of this is happening simultaneous to our learning to identify with our higher selves and our greater purpose, which is to bring our light to the world. We go running into the sunlight so happy to have found it and realize there are more painful obstacles in the road.
They are not obstacles if we remember that we are the light and we are there to help clear them, thereby inspiring more light. It is important not to stumble on the obstacles and be defeated. It is important not to become overwhelmed by other people’s obstacles, but to begin to see them as the beautiful opportunities for them to come to know the light themselves. It turns pain into process, and from the quagmire, beautiful flowers are born.
Another way to say this is to turn the body’s feelings of empathy into the higher perspective of compassion. Compassion understands the greater purpose of our journey of awakening, each coming to the same outcome through uniquely personal, magnificently-designed, excruciatingly real human experiences of separation so we can remember our divinity. God experiencing itself through us as we remember that we are God. In His likeness. We can do as much as Him and more. It all circles back. What a plan!
This human experience is not an easy one…it is fraught with all forms of distortion and miscreations and unsightly obstacles by nature of its design…so physical, so dense, so limited. As Earth Angels with a very special assignment, it is only made easier from the perspective of compassion for ourselves and others as we light our way home together.
In deep compassion for all that you are and all that you carry with you on your journey, we are Your Loving Council of Light Within
Exercise to Transmute Psychological Buttons By Gloria Excelsias
If we want to get in control of our emotions and take command of our emotional nature one thing we have to do is learn to remain unaffected by the words, actions, criticisms etc. of the people around us. Let‘s say there is this one person in your life – your mother, your father, your boss, whoever – they just need to say one thing and your buttons are pushed; you get angry, depressed, whatever the emotional reaction may be. We all have people in our lives that push our buttons.
These so-called buttons are crystallized packages of energy in our aura that circle around us like the planets orbit the sun. So long as these crystallizations remain in our aura we will have a so-called button, and whenever someone pushes that button, we will react on automatic pilot. Let‘s say, your parent says, „Bah,“ and you go attack. Your boss says, „Bah,“ and you go depressed. It all goes so quickly, before we can even think about it, we are already on automatic pilot and lash back, get angry, get depressed etc.
So what can we do? How can we learn to respond consciously instead of to react automatically when emotions seem to travel faster than light? When we are on automatic pilot, we are clearly not in charge of our instrument, we are not in charge or our life. Obviously, we have to change that or else we will never find inner peace. So what can we do?
First, we have to understand that we are dealing with energies and forces. We live in a world of energies and forces. The whole of existence is manifested energy. Currently, we are not aware of this, however, if we want to take the next step in our evolution, we have to start to think in terms of energy.
When we talk, the moment we open our mouth, we release a force – and that‘s why our words can hurt or uplift – because we are dealing with energies and forces.
So when we are angry and we voice our anger in loud words, what we are doing is we are taking astral energy and throw it at someone. And that‘s what we feel when someone attacks us. They are throwing substantial energy at us. That‘s why words can hurt.
When we learn to control our speech, we learn to control our forces. Most of us have no control over our energies and forces. When we speak without considering the effects of our speech or when we react on automatic pilot, all that means is that we have no control over our energies and forces. So how can we gain control?
One way by which we may learn to control our energies and forces is by using our creative imagination and visualization. It is with the help of these tools that we can consciously manipulate etheric, astral and mental substance.
So via our creative imagination and visualization we can break up the crystallization in our field. And once the crystallization is gone the button will be gone because a push-button is just a crystallization in our energy field. Thus, we will no longer react on automatic pilot; we will be free.
Here is what you. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and in your imagination, see the button in your aura, in the form of a tangible crystallized energy and see how it orbits around you.
In the center of the crystallized energy button see a tiny dot of golden light appear and see how it steadily grows larger and larger, brighter and brighter, slowly transmuting the entire crystallization into light and love. (Depending on the strength of the crystallization, you may have to repeat this exercise over a few weeks or a month until the crystallization is fully transmuted.)
Next, see how your mother, your father, your boss, or whoever, is saying or doing whatever used to push the button that would usually make you get angry, depressed, etc.
See how their words – which again are forces being released via their mouth – go to your aura, however since the button is now gone and their words can no longer stimulate it, making you react on automatic pilot, see how your aura radiates in golden light and how you remain unaffected by the words they say or the things they do. In your imagination, walk up to them, smile at them, give them a hug and say, „Thank you for showing me the crystallization in my aura. I have now resolved it. Your words no longer affect me.“ Done.
You have transmuted the energy crystallization in your field, and you have given thanks to those who push your buttons, because they show you your buttons. Whenever we have a button, it is not the fault of the people who push our buttons. They are our teacher in the moment. They show us that there is some crystallization somewhere in our energy field.
They deserve our gratitude, not our attack, not our anger, not our depression. They help us to grow even if we don‘t like it in the heat of the moment. So they would never be able to push a button in us if there was not something there to push, in the first place. They can‘t push a button that‘s not there.
Again, think of a so-called push button as a crystallized energy in your aura. Energy needs to flow. The moment energy crystallizes, it becomes a block, a hindrance on the way. So it needs to be resolved. As long as the crystallization is there, it will magnetically attract stimulation. When people push our buttons, all they do is stimulate our buttons. However, once we break up the crystallization in our energy field, there is nothing left over to stimulate; the button will be gone, and often, the people who‘d push that specific button, too.
So we have to be grateful to everyone who pushes our buttons because they show us that there is a crystallization in our energy field. Without them helping us see it, we would remain blind to it. Once we see our buttons, we can resolve them via creative imagination and visualization. And in this way we slowly but surely learn to respond more and react less. We learn get on top of our emotions. We are one step further up on the Mountain of Awakening.
By Gloria Excelsias|Love and Emotions
Video: "You Have The Power To Create Miracles" -
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