Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

  • May 4, 2012 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: Your location via phone or Skype
  • Latest Activity: Dec 5, 2022

Wesak is always the most important festival for Initiates, Lightworkers and those on the Mastership Pathway. It is the 2nd of three festivals and probably the most powerful one for opening up new pathways and gifts.

We have been readying ourselves for eons of time for the Golden Era to fully be acted within Planet Earth and this year has been quite intense for many individuals.

What does this mean? We are fully getting ready to be in complete balance of our remembrance from the highest frequency of the 144th dimension when we all were in formlessness. We are acquiring our special gifts through many timelines that have been lost and finally retrieving them.

This is an event you do not want to miss to fully activate your remembrance and walk the Golden Pathway in balance of your Masculine and Feminine Divine. We were prepared during 11:11:11 for this event and it has been increasing for each of us. It is the time of rebirth for each of us as we celebrate Lord Buddha’s ascension including each of the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

This year Wesak occurs at 3:35 AM, GMT which is 8:35 PM Pacific US.



This ceremony will make each individual feel as if we are physically located together. Meleriessee will set the frequencies and creates the ceremony which include:

Introduction by Master Babaji, Ascension Prayers, an attunement meditation in Shamballa with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lord Melchizedek, and the Ray Chohans. This meditation will physically make a difference in your composition and set the stage for the new frequencies your Higher Self has deemed appropriate for you at this time. Channelings from each of these masters as stated above along with the Divine Father & Mother God. We will finish off the ceremony with a Huna Prayer for World Peace and a special decree for this Wesak celebration.

Mike Hayden will be providing a short surprise channeling from a special master for this event.

In addition, if you have a prayer, short poem, or special dedication you would like to share during the call, please let us know by Wednesday, May 2nd so you can be included in the presentation.

We will also provide a PDF file of the Ascension Prayers, Decree, and World Huna Prayer on Walking Terra Christa, so that you can read during the ceremony and utilize for your personal use during the official full moon of Wesak and or during the three days before or after.

This is a FREE event although Heart Donations are always appreciated which is deemed by each person’s Higher Self.

If you cannot attend in person, connect through silent meditation by sending us your NAME and LOCATION. We will call out your name during the event prior to starting.

Dial Info: 712.432.0900, Code 856350#
May 4th, 2012, 5 PM Pacific, 24:00 GMT/UTC

Skype Users May Dial in directly through the Conference Service. Directions,

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden
Vibratory Masters & Mentors for the New Earth, Terra Christa

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