Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Isis by Lisa Hunt

Star of Isis - Sirius ripens latent Christ consciousness seeds in the heart
Three Steps taken during three weeks.
Your sincere desire and request to receive these initiations/ attunements will automatically
result in your receiving them.
First receive two preparatory initiations -
The Subtle Body Fortification which strengthens and clears, and the Anti-Glamour
initiation which dispells illusions.
1st week
Receive the Subtle Body Fortification Initiation
Find a quiet spot and verify that your heart and mind are really
willing to receive the initiation
State this to receive: "I request the Masters of the Seven Star
Systems to collectively send me the Initiation to the Subtle Body
Fortification. " It takes 1 1/2 hours to be transmitted through your
subtle body fields. You may do other things while the attunement is
in process or remain in your inner quiet space.
2nd week
Receive the Anti-Glamour Initiation
Verify and request as above using the words "Anti-Glamour
3rd week
Receive the Star of Isis Attunement
Please enter a tranquil inner space and see yourself enter a great
pyramid. On the walls of this pyramid you see the Star of Isis....the eight pointed

 Manual for download


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  • Thank you  love&blessings

  • Is it still possible to get this attunement?

  • Thank you!

  • Thankyou graciously for sharing this with all of us.  Sending you light, love and blessings.

    Namaste Lara <3

  • Thank you.



  • Thanks dear Carmen,

  • Thank you ! Blessings !

  • Thank you.



  • Thank you!

    Love & Light


  • Thank you Chris!

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